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No. 478364
>>478353It was covered already in a thread, although I can't remember which. Anons didn't want to talk about it much because it was so upsetting and there was not much anyone could say about it that was new.
I would normally say your OP is shit because it doesn't have any links or documentation but in this case the less that I see about it the better
No. 478370
>>478367Wait they do it to babies too?
This was discussed in some furry thread about the zoophiles or something
No. 479871
>>479816Didn't catch that short-lived thread until now so thanks for the awareness but what the fuck.
It's such a shame that there is just no real way to fix it.
Like.. I don't know besides some kind of vigilante online watch list that have these people doxxed for awareness with their location so people can look the fuck out for themselves and their children? And be publicly shamed as they should be. These people stay in their hugbox corners of the internet and delude themselves into thinking this is normal.
No. 480889
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>>480598>2. they're from countries such as india where monkeys are a genuine nuisance and will steal food, items, make a mess, even attack people without fear, so they feel no sympathy for these animalsThis isn't likely. See pic related.
No. 481098
>>481027Well of course, but there’s more going on here like
>>481036 said. It’s both disturbing and weird at the same time. It’s like people who are hyper focused on strange shit like certain colors or sounds and it causes them to have an existential crisis.
No. 481119
>>480934I've never liked monkeys. When I was younger, I always thought it was weird when I saw other kids with "cute" cartoony monkey shirts or stuffed animals. The stories of people keeping them as pets is weird as hell to me.
But there's a difference between not liking something and writing torture porn/watching whatever the fuck these videos are. Why is it mostly baby monkeys? In
>>480889 they compare it to hating bratty kids. Pretty sure you can hate bratty kids without wanting to torture them. These people are fucked and I hope authorities are watching.
No. 482385
>>482383What is it about this comment
>>482043 that warrants the "sick bastard", anon?
No. 482402
>>482400samefag. I went to the original thread and apparently these people are hurtcore pedophiles.
Disregard what i said.
These people are sick.
No. 482440
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Monkeys are not the easiest on the eyes, I will say that. I find much more physical beauty in a feline, bird, even a snake than most kinds of monkey. However their behaviour, pragmatism, problem solving abilities and the sheer vastness of each individual character and the way you can look into their eyes and almost see a distant reflection of yourself is fascinating and beautiful; and the love and dedication they have towards their babies and loved ones is admirable.
To be honest they are much higher life forms than the degenerates discussed here. Sorry for the extensive monkey sperging, I got the feels from this topic big time.
No. 482742
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>>478353Probably most of you here have heard of Harry Harlow ? He's gotta be the most famous monkey torturer in history, heres a quote from his Wikipedia page;
“The only thing I care about is whether a monkey will turn out a property I can publish. I don't have any love for them. Never have. I don't really like animals. I despise cats. I hate dogs. How could you like monkeys?”
If you’re interested and don’t mind being traumatised then I suggest looking him up, he did disgusting psychological experiments on monkeys. I’ve seen these sickos praise him and mention his research before.
No. 482751
And this… is some of the darkest shit I’ve ever read in my life. They say that this kind of stuff is STILL going on. I feel so much pain and fear for them, they’re deliberately making them mentally unstable via isolation and then further traumatising them for research they don’t even need to do.
I know it’s kind of unrelated, but i feel like this is a big portion of the content they share with each other, a lot of it would just be removed on sight if posted to YouTube because it’s terrifying for most people to watch.
No. 482791
>>482783>There's a huge thread dedicated to hating dogs No one spergs about killing or torturing them though.
>why do you care about baby monkeys? Because it seems especially heinous to throw beings with the equivalent sentience of toddlers into "pits of despair" to psychologically fuck with them, specifically the part where they admit these monkeys can never be ammended.
Ethical experiments are a part of life, however stuff like that is too far.
This Harry guy wasn't very smart. He flunked out of an English degree if that tells you anything.
>>482788>Plus the information from his research is still used to this day and taught as relevant in university The articles say otherwise.
No. 482813
>>482791The articles say otherwise
The article doesn’t say that Harlow’s experiments were actually useful at the time, in the sense that they helped prove that maternal love and attachment is more important to an infant’s development than fulfilling its basic needs like feeding. While the general scientific consensus in the 50s (and pretty much for the whole first half of the century) was that showing affection was actually detrimental for the baby, believe it or not. The article does say that this kind of experiments are being continued to this day, which I do agree shouldn’t be happening, because the mother-child bond is already pretty well understood.
Harlow was a cruel asshole, but you sort of have to give him credit for being one of the first that tried to scientifically explore the idea of love. His later, most unhinged experiments (the pit of despair one) were focused on depression and probably stemmed from Harlow losing his mind from his own depression caused by the death of his wife and electroshock therapy.
Not really relevant to lump him in with youtube monkey haters, is what I’m trying to say, as he wasn’t motivated by hatred of monkeys but the fact that their brains are close to humans.
>inb4 being called a monkey hater myself No. 482991
>>482839You can do something about it and it's quite simple. Stop supporting companies that are responsible for doing evil.
Don't approve of animal testing?
Buy products that aren't tested on animals
Don't approve of factory farming?
Stop eating in fast food chains and buying cheap meat at the supermarket
If people made a few simple changes industries founded on cruelty to animals would be less profitable and less likely to exist.