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No. 475318

Post about your journals and journal inspirations here!

Some icebreakers:
- What made you start?
- What kind of notebook do you write in?
- Where do you get your journals?
- How often do you write and do you have a preference with what you write with (favorite pens)?
- Do you decorate your journals? If so, with what and how?
- Any favorite stores/companies to get all your journals and journaling goodies from?

No. 475321

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Reposting this from the dumbass shit thread:

I started maybe about 4 years ago, because I saw one of my favorite artists constantly post her journal entries from her hobonichi. I picked up a random small spiral notebook and I would just jot down things that happened that day. I was living in Japan at the time, and to this day I regret not starting sooner because I think it really would've helped my depression at the time, and also I just want to recall things with better accuracy! It bounces between being a place to vent (I like to think that when I'm writing depressing thoughts down, that the feeling is leaving my body through me physically writing it, so it's kept in the pages and out of my body lol it's lame but it helps me!), to just a place where I record things that happened (mundane or not) because I think it's fun to read these in the long, long future! I decorate all of my pages with washi tapes and stickers (I have a pretty good collection of tapes and friends will frequently buy me stickers as gifts), I think it really makes the pages pop!

>Whan kind of notebook do you write in?

Aside from my first and third journal (I'm on my 4th one atm!), I try my best to buy from indie artists. I used to attend a lot of conventions and would buy there, but etsy has so many too. There's no real reason for it other than that sort of… special exclusivity that I like. Like, a notebook that's a bit harder for others to find and most people I'll run into won't own it, so it's very special and unique to me. Nowadays I'm thinking of buying from my local stationary store just to make my life a little easier. I'd love to write in a hobonichi, but the pages are too thin and I write too much lol.

>How often do you write?

I try my best to write daily! I went through a period where I would only write if something happened that day (an outing with friends or something very unusual) because I wanted to save pages in my current journal that's very nice but only 56 pages, but it feels like a waste. So many days unaccounted for!

>How do you write about you day coherently?

If it's a really mundane day, I'll write about what I did in the morning. I have a dog so I'll write down if she was being really naughty or really cute or something. Then I'll just sort of write out everything else that I think is worth noting/can bother to remember. If I actually did something that day, I'll only write about that. If it's a vent, I'll just write out my thoughts. Sometimes it can be a combination of all three and then that day's entry can span like 5 pages or something lol.

>Do you worry about someone reading it?

Absolutely. I write a lot of meaningless stuff, but I also write down a lot of things that others might think is concerning, or I'll write really ugly vents about friends or something that might make them upset so of course I don't want them to read it lol.

(New) Attached picture is from the artist who inspired me to start journaling! I own a few of her washi tapes and my current journal is also from her.

No. 475325

Oh man I wish I could journal regularly, I've tried all my life but just can't stick with it. I always start a new notebook too, I have like a dozen diaries with 20-30 pages of text, and the rest is blank. How do you guys form a habit out of it?

No. 475327

don't force yourself to write on the daily. I'vé been writing for 10ish years and I don't. I just write when I feel like it. Sometimes I write daily for weeks or months, sometimes I don't write for weeks or months. I don't mind the gaps at all because that in itself says something about how I felt/my life at the time.

No. 475330

>What made you start?
I wanted something besides my phone to write down thoughts and things that I needed to do. It helps me set goals or remember good/bad things that happened.

>What kind of notebook do you write in?

I use a Stalogy 365. I tried using a daily planner at first but I don’t write all the time so it was wasted. The one I use is kind of small so next time I’ll go a size bigger

>Where do you get your journals?

It was either amazon or jetpens

>How often do you write and do you have a preference with what you write with (favorite pens)?

I usually use prismacolor or stalogy fineliners and write a couple times a week

>Do you decorate your journals? If so, with what and how?

I will draw sometimes or use washi tape. Or tape drawings I made on other pieces of paper. I also have a tiny photo holder that attaches to my journal cover and I stick things like trading cards and pencil boards inside

>Any favorite stores/companies to get all your journals and journaling goodies from?

Not really, I just google around for items and pick from the store that has the best deal

No. 475339

I just started a travel journal. I have memory problems and it's really sad that I can't remember previous trips that I've been on. So I just started describing what I did each day and I'm going to paste in things like tickets, cut outs from brochures etc. It's really juvenile like "Today I went shopping. Last night we ate pizza." but whatever, maybe I'll get better at it. I'd love to get a Polaroid camera and be able to put photos in too but they're so expensive, I'll have to research options.

No. 475358

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Anyone using a moleskine? Or any other higher end notebook? Is it worth it? I've been writing in cheap notebooks for years but I kinda wanna treat myself to something nicer for once.

No. 475367

Honestly don't recommend moleskines in particular. I do have one as a school planner just now and the paper is very thin, if you write with gel pens then you will see a shadow on the other side of the page. Same with their cahier ones (had one as a sketchbook 2 years ago - literally 70gsm I think!). Maybe their standard notebooks are different but I haven't tried!

No. 475370

I while ago I came across "k-pop journals" videos (didn't know that was a thing) They're extremely cringy just for their topic but also very aesthetically pleasing lol

No. 475388

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I don't decorate my journals at all. Blank notebooks are the best

No. 475389

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No. 475395

I started journaling because I have issues
Mainly with being obsessed with a crush and not being able to stop thinking about them
I write down things to track what sorts of triggers I have, though I’ve only been doing it a week so no patterns just yet
I wrote:
What caused the thought
What did I think
How it made me feel
What I wanted to do
What I did instead
And what the result was
It’s really good if you have negative thoughts in general

I also started writing down stuff that makes me feel good and how I feel after doing them
Just to track all the good stuff in my life and see if there’s any way for me to keep it up

No. 475424

I just write rambling stuff about whatever entertainment media I've consumed lately and write down interesting dreams.
Once I finish the last page in my current diary I'm actually going to go back and fill up the rest of the pages in this Lisa Frank diary I got when I was 8 that I never filled up.

No. 475435

i had a therapist laugh at me one time because i used to write in a composition book. i want to get back into journaling but i feel so messed up from that. so stupid. i used to go through like 4-5 journals a month and it felt so good but i really couldnt afford anything nice or expensive at the time cus all my money went into therapy and medication go figure.

this thread makes me want to get back into it. i have a really pretty journal i have held onto for almost a decade that i have been wanting to write in.

No. 475439

I love my Hobonishi Techo, and use it mostly to write about what I did each day. I'm kind of more into making it look nice rather than vomiting bad feelings into it, because decorating pages and reminding myself the good things that happened in the day is relaxing to me.

Recently i've really been into Korean journal Instagrams and all of the cute indie artists that make stationery. This girl on yt makes pretty cute and colorful journal spreads.

No. 475597

What the fuck was wrong with your therapist??

When I started journaling, I bought whatever the fuck I could get from my local convenience store. I couldn't make it as pretty and nice as my current ones, but it's a journal that holds so much worth to me despite how bland and plain it looks compared to all of my current ones.

I really hope you start again anon! And don't let the fear of finishing a really pretty journal and then not being able to write anymore in it stop you from filling it up!! My favorite thing is looking at my journals when they're closed and half filled, and I can see all the pages I've written and decorated in become more adn more bulky and messy vs the clean and crisp untouched pages, and slowly the decorated chaos takes over the whole book. There's nothing more satisfying to me than seeing a journal treated well and used to its full extent. I'm sure if it was alive it'd be happy too! I love to look at new journals but my rule is that I can't buy a new one until I'm almost done with my current one (otherwise I'd have a neverending growing collection of new ones lol), but I loooooooooove journal shopping so much.

I really wanted a Hobonichi as a journal but the pages are too small and thin for me to enjoy it as one. I use it as a daily planner for work though and love it for that!

No. 475732

I have a real problem with writing down stuff I'm embarrassed about or don't really wanna think about. I guess I'm in denial about such things and don't want to have it "confirmed" on paper or wanna read it back and cringe about myself.

Is this really weird?

No. 475740

I don't think it is! I was like this for a while. I used to keep a journal only for my vents and before I used a journal for just regular everyday writing. Sometimes I still won't write down bad or embarrassing thoughts because I don't ever want to have to read back on them and remember. I don't think there's a right or wrong to it, it's ultimately up to you. Nowadays I'll occasionally force myself to write down my bad feelings irregardless of whether I'll like that I'll eventually read it in the future or not because it helps me process the emotions and thoughts but I'm selective in what I'll write (I'll leave out certain details or I just altogether won't write down the vent if I think it'll be so bad for my future self to relive/think about).

No. 475964

Idk if it's the same thing but all the people seem to like kpop but I watch bullet journalling vids and their set up s are gorgeous - always the nicest handwriting, washi tapes and so on

No. 475967

that's kind of messed up that they laughed at you. tbh who cares what you use to write in? it's what's inside that counts!

No. 475969

I just looked up Hobonishi Techo and the prices (at least in my country) have me weak, they're £75 for a notebook and cover. a couple are as much as £130. is this usual? they are gorgeous though, some lovely art on the fronts.

No. 475980

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I have 2 journals at the minute

one is for gratitude journalling which (when I started) I wrote the things I was grateful for daily. the other is for therapy related things from self help books including CBT exercises and the odd entry about how I'm doing in relation to my mental health. lots to do with positive affirmations too

both my notebooks are just simple lined notebooks both from TK Maxx. I like how I can pick up a cute notebook from there for like £5

I write a couple of times a week and at the minute my favourite pen is the sakura pigma micron fineliner in .02. I do like to use my lamy safari fountain pen too

I have quite a few cute stickers and washi tapes but I never use them cause I'm a perfectionist and don't want to waste them (as both my journals are pretty messy) I plan to use them soon in a bujo .I'm going to start a bullet journal soon and plan to buy either a dingbats dot planner or really splash out on an archer & olive one, not sure yet!

No. 475983

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I should just mention if anyone is looking to use watercolours in a notepad then, from my research, the archer and olive notepads are the very best with 160 gsm paper. in tests I've seen the paper holds up better than any other when it comes to watercolour. might be useful info for someone!

No. 476007

>What made you start?
My boyfriend journaled frequently in his youth. When he told me about his journaling escapades, I got inspired and decided to start some myself at 22. I have regrets not doing it in my youth because journals really do capture the past, and I’m all for nostalgia glasses.
>What kind of notebook do you write in?
>Where do you get your journals?
I want to get really nice journals but I’m stuck with dollar store crap. If anyone has recommendations, I’m all ears! (Goes for pens too. I usually use Bic)
>How often do you write and do you have a preference with what you write with (favorite pens)?
I write frequently, maybe every other day. It’s turned into a weight loss journal lol
>Any favorite stores/companies to get all your journals and journaling goodies from?
Someone give me ideas

No. 476022

I have journals from 13 to 17ish, they scream teenage angst throughout. I've genuinely thought about burning them.

No. 476065

Where do you usually get your stickers and washi tape? I want to see some stuff you anons consider cute/tasteful.

I used to collect stickers as a kid and although I should probably doodle more, using them sounds fun.

No. 476068

I use composition books and scratch paper, but I'm looking to get a nice journal. I'm not sure if I want a bullet, or narrow ruled lines. It'd be great if there was a combo. I like to sketch. I also want it to last, so being bound by leather or some other quality cover would be nice. I'm carrying it all year. Any recommendations that don't cost me my soul? "Good" journals are $20-50 and they still feel shoddy, plus I hate the designs. Most leather covers are those weird wraps that let the paper inside get misshapen, anything with a cute design is blurry printed and the cover is falling off in the store - poorly bound card-stock. I might make my own. I want it to be yellow and paint sunflowers on it if I make it myself.

No. 476075

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I've bought a lot of tape and stickers from etsy. I've bought a lot that I just found cute (like little planner stickers of shiba inus haha) and at the moment I'm thinking of getting these from mt by Asanoha Karekusa

I used to collect stickers too, I'd buy sheets of the really bright, gharish and sparkly kind. so much fun

No. 476080

Midori has leather covers with refillable/replaceable notebooks. They offer different types of paper for different purposes and I believe you can also put in more than one notebook into those leather covers. (so you can have a blank or bullet one for sketching and one with lines) They're a bit expensive but it's worth looking into.

No. 476081


You can also get washi tape at Hobby Lobby, that is where I usually get mine at

No. 476091

If you're a britbong, try hobbycraft and paper chase, overpriced but can get some rly cute ones, otherwise tbh amazon is good! They often have like big multi packs of cute ones. Also can try your local weeb online stores for more uwu ones but that can be pricey and shipping will cost you.

No. 476096

I journaled from about the age of 12 up to age 21ish. I stopped because I wasn't enjoying it anymore. I'm a mentally ill shut in with no friends so I didn't have much to write about. It just made me sadder and I wasn't finding any catharsis in it.
I kept a bullet journal in 2016/17 and it helped me mentally a little bit but it felt like a lot of effort for not much payoff so I stopped using that too.
I've had a few hardcover ones that I've tried to journal in but I find them kind of stiff. I have a big, soft cover one that I like to write notes, lists and doodles etc. in but I found the paper kind of thin for journaling. It's a shame because I find them aesthetically pleasing.
that was fucked up. I wish I could write at that kind of length. My favourite journals that I have are the €2 A4 notebooks I got in my school bookshop as a teenager.
I got a bunch from aliexpress. I know they're probably knock offs but I was really broke while I was still using my bujo. There's a massive selection and they're really cheap.

No. 476098

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Thanks for this anon!! Gonna look into one of these as my next journal!

I love Muji pens so much. I get the thinnest ones (I think .37) and change up what color I use for each entry.

I own a handful from Michaels and Daiso. Most of them I get from anime cons or from artists I find on twitter, the upside is they're very unique and pretty (gold foil washis are my foil heh) the downside is that they are usually crazy expensive. I'm usually selective and picky about the tapes I buy otherwise I would buy out my entire Michaels… My very first set I bought on ebay, it was a set of like 22 tapes for around $23USD for a bunch of beautiful, varied, floral tapes. I can try to dig up a listing if you're interested!

No. 476119

aah I really want to try all that cute muji stationary, but it isn't sold here :(

No. 476153

Great thread! Does taobao or aliexpress sell nice stationary?
Also, I bought my first few dotted notebooks but I can't figure out how people colour their drawings without bleeding through the acidic papers dotted papers tend to have. Halp.
Actually, people with no friends can journal a lot better because they have more time and room to be actually themselves, most normie journals seem to be just another facebook or instagram update but on paper. And it's still possible to have a fun day alone actually, but it's definitely a learning curve. But you shouldn't be forced of course, and everyone who journals takes breaks regularly.

No. 476221

Some of the nicer covers can definitely cost that much. I've had my same cover for 3 years, and with a plastic cover protector the actual cover is still perfectly clean. I got one of the cheaper covers though, so was about $40 USD plus shipping. It's definitely a bit pricey, but the paper quality is really nice. It's thin but holds up to pen ink well!

No. 476223

I bought my first journal since I was a kid yesterday!
It was from Kmart but it's cute, maybe i'll post a picture later.

How do you deal with the idea of people potentially snooping through your diary? I'm not sure what I want to write in mine, but the idea of someone coming across it and snooping really puts me off the idea of a physical journal (I might be a very paranoid person due to being stalked for years).
I was thinking about writing only positive things that happened that day, so if people snoop through there would only be random positive stuff and no real dirt. Would this be helpful if I was mostly interested in keeping a diary due to anxiety/depression/memory loss? Or should I suck it up? I was thinking maybe in the future I could get another diary for negative ranting but I feel like it'd always just end up turning into suicide notes.

No. 476238

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idk why but recently I really like Japanese stickers of food/household items. These ones by MindWave come in the cutest vending machine packaging!

Some of my fav places for stickers/washi tape/cute supplies:

No. 476305

I learnt that to not mention the book people will think it's another school assignment notebook if the rest of your stationary is cute. After a while they just don't care anymore. If you have roommates however, rip because they will take a peek, not gonna lie about that. Lock your door if they are brainlets and don't know how to unlock it with a spoon.

I think using a notebook to write suicide notes constantly isn't necessarily unhealthy though, but if you're afraid it ruins your cute notebooks just get a separate one for garbage thoughts.

No. 476344

They have different cover types so the ones that cover their larger journal size or have real leather on them are very expensive, and then there are collaborations followed by the plain color covers. Some Etsy sellers have the covers alone and that makes it a little cheaper (Hobonichi site sells them separate too but the shipping is high.)

Idk if they are made in China but it looks like knockoffs are on Etsy and eBay with the same stitching and pockets for a lot less.

No. 476400

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The roterfaden stuff looks interesting because you can carry around multiple sketchbooks and notebooks, swap them out- but the price is 70€ for these covers, oof

No. 476406

ohh!! that looks very interesting.

Does anyone know of more of these "multiple note/sketchbook in one" brands?

No. 476450

Look up “travelers notebook”

No. 476476

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ahh I hate the shape of that notebook. It's so odd, I'm not sure if I could get used to that.

No. 476605


That's a dangerous road Anon. I get all my washi and stickers from Aliexpress. They're super cute or vintage, whatever you need and stupid cheap usually about 60p for stickers and a £1 for a nice 10m washi tape.

No. 476623

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Has anyone used their bullet journal as a notebook for journaling as well? I'm considering making a month of weekly pages and then use the following pages for journal entries, although I've been writing less since doing this

No. 476649

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how do you guys get over the feeling of embarrassment after you write down your thoughts and you realize you can't even express yourself without sounding like an overly perky idiot, and for what?

No. 476745

What have I been doing with my life? I regret buying it at a store. Ok alipill me about the pens and markers now? (very important) What about snailmail supplies? Artsupplies? The dotted/grid notebooks itself? Sorry for the questions, I just want the cheapest alternative.

No. 476746

What have I been doing with my life? I regret buying it at a store. Ok alipill me about the pens and markers now? (very important) What about snailmail supplies? Artsupplies? The dotted/grid notebooks itself? Sorry for the questions, I just want the cheapest alternative.
by not caring lol

No. 476747

What have I been doing with my life? I regret buying it at a store. Ok alipill me about the pens and markers now? (very important) What about snailmail supplies? Artsupplies?

No. 476795

Is that a real cat? Is it okay?

No. 476810

It probably got stung by a bee

No. 476861

let yourself be an overly perky idiot, anon
who's judging you except you?

No. 476866


The pens are really good too, smooth writing and inexpensive and nice designs too they're usually a fine tip. The white gel pens are priceless they're really opaque. Watercolour markers have nice brush tips and the alcohol markers are cheap but don't tend to have brush tips.
Not sure about the notebooks but the memo pads are great for the price too 70p/c or so. Wooden stamps are stupid cheap for really pretty designs.
It's just really addictive because it's so cheap you end up with a dragon style hoard of stationery that's incredibly cheap but still feels special.

No. 476939

I haven't gotten a dotted notebook from aliexpress, but the ones i've seen aren't much cheaper than amazon. I know the sketchpads aren't great quality paper. Honestly, the notebook itself is the only component I'd spend a lot on. You can't really tell the quality of things from ali until you have it in your hands. Leuchtturm and Rhodia are two good quality, reasonably-ish priced brands you can get on amazon.
>It's just really addictive because it's so cheap you end up with a dragon style hoard of stationery that's incredibly cheap
>but still feels special.
I just feel overwhelmed by it, and I don't even have that much.

No. 476951

I looked it up and woah, you weren't kidding! I think I'm going on a AliExpress stationary haul soon.

Those stamps!!

No. 476966

sorry for going slightly off topic but this really makes me wanna get a penpal to send ~aesthetic~ snailmail to

No. 476993

Just a thought, what if we did a penpal thread?

No. 477009

ntaryt but I would love this!!! i have some stationary goods and i'm always so weak for snailmail and handwritten letters…!!

No. 477015

That'd be cool!! But is it safe?

No. 477023

nta but why wouldn't it be safe? just contact eachother online at first and confirm eachother's identity.

No. 477045

Ay thanks for the answer(s)! I'll try ordering on aliexpress soon, good thing I dodged that cute store today to avoid buying another overpriced stationary haul.
I think it'd be better to just go on instagram for that, though. But maybe the ones who already made friends with each other through the discord (?) could just ask if they'd be interested in snailmailing. I feel with the lurking men here and whatnot it wouldn't be safe and it'd be one big paranoiafest, but I may be wrong.

No. 477135

what is the shipping to the uk like with alliexpress? do you have to pay import tax? where do they ship from?

I'd like to make an order but I'm concerned because I have no experience with the site.

No. 477136

which stamps were you thinking of getting?

No. 477293

My first thought was considering it's highly discouraged to post selfies on here should I really exchanging addresses with anons from lolcow? Obviously I wouldn't throw my address straight into a thread here, but still. Is this a dumb train of thought? I'm just cautious there might be people with ill intent using this to doxx lolcow users.

How would you confirm each other's identity?

No. 477316

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I really wanna get some of these pretty botanical stamps!

No. 477317

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No. 477322

this is a really good idea. i have sort of the same problem anon, i'm obsessive and jealous over this unattainable guy to the point at which i've ended up hurting myself over how attractive his wife and daughters are, or whenever i know he's been speaking to people who aren't me. i know need serious help but i can't get it. maybe journalling would be a good way to start challenging these invasive thoughts. i'd die if anyone found it though.

just wanted to say thanks anon, i love these but didn't know what they were called. i've ordered one and some inserts. can't wait to start using it. i'd been using a fake moleskine type thing for all my work notes but i found increasingly i was just spending meetings writing about my fee-fees and drawing, so it'd be nice to have something more personal/personalised…

can i ask what anons generally journal about? i know it's probably a dumb question and you can journal about anything you want but it annoys me when start writing and it's always an unstructured, unreflective mess. i want it to be like an actual diary, just a chronicle of my life at this point i guess. how do you structure your thoughts? how do you write in a way that doesn't make you cringe later? what's worth writing about and what isn't?

No. 477324

I journal to get all the mess in my mind on paper. The goal is to empty my mind and through that achieve peace and structure in my mind, if that makes sense? So whatever I write on paper doesn't have to be structured or cohesive, that's not the goal.

I also don't believe there's such thing as things that are worth and are not worth writing about. But if I really had to differentiate between worth and not worth writing down: anything you might forget is worth writing down. And that's a lot, the human memory sucks.

No. 477332

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whenever I try to write I always cringe so much when I read it back that I want to tear the paper to pieces and I feel so embarrassed
How can I get over being so judgemental of myself?

No. 477338

I'm the same, my embarrassment mainly comes from the fact that I'm afraid that someone would read it.
So I downloaded a cute journal app on my phone, so that I can be as cringe as I want and will be sure that no one will ever see it. I can also get rid of it very easily.

No. 477353

ooh those are really nice

No. 477369

you just gave me an idea
and i will be downloading that now

No. 477398

Instead of buying one of those expensive travelers notebook covers, I think I'm just gonna sew one myself! I think it'd be pretty neat to make a custom one and it'd save a lot of money. It's going to be faux leather though because I don't have the tools or knowledge to work with real leather, but still. If I make it the same size as those travelers notebooks I can just buy those inserts.

No. 477477


Don't read your entries back once they're written they're out, not a problem anymore you don't have to read them, I don't reread mine I just need the opportunity to let it all go.

No. 477549

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The Midori traveler's notebook is so convenient for a planner and writing whenever, but I really hate using a surface that doesn't lay flat. Anyone know of refillable books that lay flat? The hobonichi techo is tempting but I like how traveler notebooks can have separate planner and unlined sections

Also Apica makes refillable stuff albeit in B5 size

No. 477588

There's the jibun techo that comes with an empty notebook, but I think most people will consider it an awkward size.

No. 477677

I did a similar thing. I use awesomenote to just got down my thoughts and then I can just delete them at the press of a button instead of wasting ink/paper. works well for me

No. 477678

if you do end up sewing your own please post pics! I'd love to see it

No. 477679

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I've been wanting to start a bullet journal to help me with my goals and general organisation and I'm gonna start this november. I just ordered this notebook (dot grid) from lemome. it's supposed to be real cork but a lot of the reviews were dubious about how true that is. either way it looks nice even if its just printed fabric! I'm looking forward to starting it. I ordered a couple of those muji gel pens too since people rave about them

I'm gonna watch a bunch of vids from amanda rach lee for inspiration. I like her vids cause her setups aren't too perfect and I like the way she rolls with little mistakes in her setups plus she's just nice to watch/listen to.

anyone else use a bullet journal set up?

No. 477680

>I love Muji pens so much. I get the thinnest ones (I think .37) and change up what color I use for each entry.

I couldn't find the 0.37 but I ordered one of the 0.5 and the 0.38 to see which I prefer. I just got one each in black before I commit to more colours. thanks for the recc!

No. 477828

I tried bullet journaling but I didn't like it. I'm not sure why but it just didn't work for me.

No. 477834

I do, but I also have random pages of brain dumps and long personal entries to mix it up. I find it relaxing to organize my tasks and map out my months with this set up.

No. 477840


Aww hell yeah I love me some Muji pens. I use mine to draw with rather than write but I feel like it's nice to have that range (0.38 - 0.5 - 0.7). The varying boldness in text is satisfying. I find the pens don't leak through paper and glide smooth as well. Although when they start running low they do skid a bit.

No. 477842

I think I'll probably include brain dumps and vent pages. the good thing is with the notebook I chose it has perforated pages so I can tear out anything I later regret without making a mess

No. 477843

I'm gonna doodle with the them too, interesting what you said about the varying line width - I can imagine that'd look really cool

No. 478899

Sadly i'm horribly uncreative, any pinterest boards, blogs, or images you guys use for inspiration and tips? I wish my journals could look like aliexpress samples

nta but thanks for sharing these shops!

does this thread belong in /g/ more?

No. 499476

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I went to my favorite stationary store to pick up a hobonichi refill before they went on break (closed for like 2 weeks into the new year lol), and I made the mistake of looking through their other products. I came out with 3 new rolls of washi tape (took so much self control to not buy their entire stock), and looked through their pen collection. They have a limited edition one by Sen Handmade that is exclusive to their shop, but it's a hefty $140 so maybe not… I almost came out with a $20 pilot pen though. Those extra fine lines really fuckin get me. They have a lot of kaweco pens and now I'm itching for one ugh. I use a lot of the stationary I buy and it really brings me joy to use them and make my journal and planner fun and pretty with them, but FUCK they're so expensive.

No. 499571

I can't imagine bullet journaling works for anyone, not even the original simplistic design, you gotta jot down tasks quickly and a ready to use template with dates and all is only the best, get a weekly diary, they usually give you enough space to jot down your entire daily tasks.

You can still decorate your weekly planner, I'd say go for scrapbooking or maybe decorate your personal diary? Or maybe snailmail.

No. 499585

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I really dislike my handwriting, mostly because I'm a lefty and write slower than most. Is anyone keeping a digital journal at the moment? I find that it eases my privacy fears and I get more written down faster (especially using speech-to-text), but I wish it was as cute as paper journals. I was thinking of doing mine in Microsoft Word as opposed to GOogle Drive (where it is now), but my student account is gonna run out soon, oop.

Any anons found a good balance between digital and highly personalized journals? My priorities are definitely on accessibility (through a cloud system) and efficiency.

No. 499593

make a wix site anon! it's free and virtually private if you don't share the link to anyone and it's very very easy to decorate and have fun with! you could make a blog and decorate it.

No. 499599

I wanna start journaling again, but I still live with my mom and she just doesn't give a shit about privacy. I stopped 7 years ago, back in school, when she decided to read my journal and ask me about it. I thought about using an app but I'm paranoid about data privacy. I'm thinking about writing in another language so my mom can't read.

No. 499611

I used to write in code in my diaries if it was something important (my mum/brother read my diaries so much I ended up burning them in the fireplace)
in my mums diares from the 70s she wrote in shorthand. looks pretty cool but couldn't understand it for the life of me.
i'm sure there's a simple code you can use/find online. I remember in Witch Week a kid wrote in his journal using cafeteria terms (i.e. potato for his principal, butter for his crush idk can't remember)

I wish I could remember the code I used, was so fucken simple if you knew it you could pretty much read at the same pace and not have to fuck around too much decoding.

I have roomates and want to start journaling too so I'm gonna look into it myself, will post back if I find something simple enough.

No. 499624

While I was looking for an easy code to use, I had an idea.
I'm not a kboo anymore but I still can read and write the Korean alphabet, so I'm going to use it. To be honest I thought about using hiragana or katakana first but hangul is more convenient. Thank you, anon, if it weren't for you I'd never think about this.

No. 499633

Another idea for a code is the phonetic alphabet. It's pretty easy to read and write, main problem is that some of the symbols look like the normal alphabet so it might be possible for someone to read it.

I used to use it for taking notes, just to practice.

No. 499645

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kinda wanna buy MD 1day 1page notebook because i find the layout clear and nice (monthly planner for uni shit, undated daily entries for dear-diary-tier whining and to do lists), however, i'm apprehensive about the soft covers… alternative is sticking with moleskine day to view planners but sometimes i don't have to write/plan anything for days at a time so i end up with blank pages.

any anons with soft cover planners, how do you cope, any tips/hints/tricks?

No. 499822


You could always put a cover on top for extra sturdiness. Since it's a standard size, there's a lot of options. Hobonichi covers might fit. You can also make your own hardcover to attach on top, which is pretty cheap and simple. I highly recommend Midori though. I'm not using the 1D1P this year but the paper in all of their notebooks is really nice.

No. 502188

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How do you guys store your journals? Throwing all of mine under my bed has made them get all bent and worn. I've been wanting to find something like a vintage metal box with a lock but have been trouble finding one nice enough that's also the size I want. Pic unrelated.

No. 502217

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update, got this planner after all! and besmirched the cover with some stickers kek. despite the a6 size it's rly nice and yes, I do love the layout lol. having 2 bookmarks is nice too! the paper is on the transparent side but it's smooth and doesn't catch etc, plus my pens don't bleed. the soft covers do bother me a bit so I'll look into covers, ty >>499822

No. 502277

Journaled on and off since I was a young kid but never committed to it or filled any journals until I was in high school and I read the heroin diaries by nikki sixx lol the book is formatted like his journal entries and it’s what made me interested in starting my own journal. I don’t write every day, usually only two to four times a month but they’re long entries so i’ve filled about five journals since I started.

I usually buy them at bookstores but I’ve gotten two as gifts in the past year so i won’t have to for a while. I used to do a lot of collages and drawings in them but I haven’t as much recently. I want to get back into doing that because it made my old ones look so much cooler. I don’t really cringe looking back on my old writing so I like to read my old journals and remember what kind of headspace I was in at certain points in my life.

Also I’ve found I only like writing with black ballpoint pens. They’re cheap and reliable and look better than any other coloured ink imo.

No. 502284

Does it count as "journaling" if I only use the Pixels app every day (and also write a little info about what I did on that day?)

No. 502289

I've had the same journal since I was 14. I'm 25, now. I write a yearly entry in it if I remember, or I sometimes will journal every other month or for days at a time. It's still only 15% full because I want it to last my entire life. I keep it safe in a giant hollow book so my bf can't read it (even though he wouldn't I just feel safer). It has soft leather on the cover and lots of little doodles and scraps from my life taped inside, too. I'm not having kids or anything it's not gonna be passed to anyone but it feels nice to have. I can't read some parts of it though it makes me cry I wrote about a lot of trauma. It feels nice to see how far I've come, though

No. 502296

Yes! I like to think of everyone's preferred journaling method or reasoning or whatever as different sides of the same coin (or dice? lol).

No. 502357

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Hobonichi anons how's the paper like? Is it hard to get used to? I'm thinking of getting Weeks but the pages look yellower so I might look for dot grid journal substitutes instead.

this is probably my fav thread on lc

No. 505860

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Recently bought the Kaweco AL Sport in rose gold and I'm absolutely obsessed with writing with it! I told myself just one fountain pen, but now I want another one… I'm really eyeing the same pen in the midnight black color, or maybe a TWSBI pen so I can have a pen with a converter. Someone recommended the J. Herbin 1670 anniversary ink and it looks sooo beautiful with the gold sheen…

I have trouble thinking of what to write in my journal some days, but using this pen just makes me want to write whatever. Even the most mundane shit. I don't care I just want to write!!!

No. 505875

I didn't get a hoobo but I got the some other techo version of it by another brand and some nigga stole that shit when I left it outside uni for like ONE second.

No. 505884

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i want to get back into journaling and recently bought a hardcover spiral notebook in light pink. then yesterday i found myself overthinking the color i have chosen, worrying it would get ugly over time. that led me to looking up planners/notebook covers. does anyone here know of cute planners/covers, preferably with a zipper? i did manage to find some cute ones from cocoapaper on etsy, which i probably will go for if i don't find other options

No. 505914

Does anyone know where to get this one specifically? I love the moon detail.

No. 505922

I've seen it on the Archer and Olive main site, just Google them!

No. 505942

found it! I think I'll start with a cheaper book first, get used to it before throwing down 25 bucks on it.

I'm excited to start though!

No. 505967

they're out of stock now but if you're in the UK misopaper.co.uk has an email me when back in stock option. not sure where else to get them over here though


No. 505998

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What do you guys use to write with? I've just been using a regular mechanical pencil but I hate how it feels and my fingers fatigue quick, and I feel like I have to press so hard. I like using ink better but I'm prone to mistakes and I take a lot of pleasure in making my shit look neat. Everyone seems to rave about the Palomino pencils, are they any different? They're pricy af too but if they're THAT nice to write with then I'd be fine with paying it.

No. 506031

They are nicely weighted and have soft graphite so you don't need a lot of pressure to get nice dark lines/words. Being that they are soft they are also very smooth to write with. My only thing with them is that they don't erase all that well, especially if you put down some pressure.

No. 506045

What do you do to make your journals pretty? Like with the tape/stickers etc. I'm always at a loss because I'm worried I'm doing it 'wrong' lol. Any resources? (like articles or videos? I've searched but a lot of it was really general like USE COLORS! BUBBLE LETTERS! etc)

No. 506056

I'm not artsy but my I write in different blue and black pens and that's worked out.
https://www.instagram.com/bluepapertrail/?hl=en some inspo

You can find cool ass accessories at jenpens.com too, I like the signo um [something something] pens in 0.5 or 0.3 mm but right now I use pilot juice multi colored pens for physics notes. They're also not going to write weird if I drop them.

No. 506088

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Ameru (on twitter) has always been my journal inspo. I can't draw for shit but I love looking at how she decorates her pages. My default is to use washi tape on the edges of the page, but I change up their placement for every journal entry. If I happen to finish an entry in the middle of the page, I'll use washi tape to create a border between two entries. I try not to repeat using the same tape on two consecutive pages because I want to differentiate between them at a glance, and I also switch between pen colors between each entry. Sometimes I'll leave a chunk of space at the bottom of my pages and do a little watercolor painting of plants or leaves or some shit. My friends know I'm super into journaling so they tend to buy me stickers a lot and I'll decorate my pages with them too.

No. 506089

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Another example of Ame's journal but using washi tape this time too.

Even just a strip of washi tape down the side of the page, or as a border on the top and bottom give such a nice pop to each page.

No. 506109

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Nta but I love her Journals too! Same with maruti bitamin (whenever they post theirs) I love the little illustrations they use to accompany their thoughts. I started doing the same in my journal and it helps me keep the habit of drawing often. I also tape in cute drawings/tags/receipts/notes from friends into my journal to help me remember what happened that specific day. Really spices up the journal!

No. 506373

Are there any nice journals with preprinted months and nothing else, or will I have to fully diy? I just want the 2020 months at the beginning of the journal, then the rest blank for daily pages so that if I miss a day it's nbd

No. 509633

>fully diy it
Just buy a blank paged journal and print the calendar. There are plenty of calendars online…

No. 514862

Are there pretty online journals or something? Or should I just use a google doc

No. 514969

I hate that y'all introduced me to alixepress for journaling shit. I just spent like 50 dollars on that fricken site

No. 514991

What did you get? I need to look into some journals with a lock due to paranoia

No. 515531

Dude, everything's 50 cents, how much stuff did you buy?! lmao (also, point me to some cute things thanks)

No. 522520

Which notebooks take best to marker (especially alcohol-based)?

Preferably white paper.

No. 522536

I heard Midori MD paper is really nice but I’m not sure if their notebooks are white. I bought one of their blank paper pads and it was available in white and off-white.

No. 523467

Any of you got recommendations for a simple, no frills undated weekly planner? I want to like bullet journaling so badly but I've tried multiple times and always fail because even doing simple set-ups take me forever, so I'm going back to premade planners. Unfortunately the only ones I can find that are undated are full of useless layouts and boxes for things like goals and meal planning that I don't need or have stupid "girl boss" decoration and quotes all over. All I want are simple weekly layouts (a monthly overview would be nice too, but not necessary).
The Mossery undated planners are cute but the prices are kind of steep. I would buy one but the $10 shipping has me hesitating, but I'm a lefty so the spiral binding would annoy me anyway. Any other undated planners that won't break the bank?

No. 523587

Muji has a simple undated planner, and the Midori MD notebook diary is nice too

No. 606886

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A friend of mine showed me these bottled inks and I want to buy them so bad aaa. The packaging is gorgeous!!!

I love switching between ink colors with every journal entry, it makes things so colorful and pretty lol.

No. 606906

Damn, I'd buy them just for the display because of that gorgeous packaging design.

No. 606962

They’re pretty but I heard they’re mediocre and difficult to get all the ink out of

No. 608734

does anyone use online platforms for journaling (a word processor or service like evernote/notion)? i used to use a physical journal throughout my childhood but stopped because using a computer was more convenient. i still miss handwriting stuff though

No. 609643

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- What made you start?
When I was young I thought it was elegant and seemed like an intellectual thing to do. Now I do it to release emotions, gather my thoughts, remember something funny, or jog ideas. I don't go back and read anything, it's horrible.
- What kind of notebook do you write in?
I'm partial to the Leuchtturm1917 in A5. Hardcover, 2 ribbon bookmarks, usually blank pages, comes in lots of colors. I also want to try a Bindewerk notebook so bad!
- Where do you get your journals?
I used to get them at my college's bookstore. Now I get them online.
- How often do you write and do you have a preference with what you write with (favorite pens)?
I love fountain pens. I have pens from Lamy, TWSBI, and Kaweco as well as a Pilot Vanishing Point. I have various bottles of ink from Noodlers, Diamine, and Pilot. Never tried this brand >>606886 but fuck that's cute. I love Blackwing >>505998
- Do you decorate your journals? If so, with what and how?
Most of them have a few stickers from my travels to Europe, from artists, etc. No tacky Redbubble-tier shit though.
- Any favorite stores/companies to get all your journals and journaling goodies from?
Goulet Pens, JetPens, your local art supply shop

No. 609652

Yes, I do!! How do you layout / organize your journal anon?

No. 609697

I like OneNote and just plain Notepad++ for its tab system

You can't go wrong with a dollar store notebook for physical notes imo.

No. 609707

nothing special really. i just use blank documents on notion (a nice, minimalist writing app kind of like evernote and bear) where each page is a month. at the end of the month i upload the page to a drive folder and then start again. i haven't seen any fancy online journal setups the way people do for handwritten ones, which i miss
i use onenote for uni so that i can have individual notebooks for classes and then subsections for papers, assignments, and note taking. i used to be really into muji, moleskine, and leuchtturm notebooks when i used handwritten journals

No. 609720

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I've journalled since I was 6 semi-regularly but since coming to uni I've found it so hard to pick it back up, so hopefully this gets my motivation going again!

>What made you start?

I honestly don't know, but I used to like the princess diaries and barbie diaries as a kid so I guess the idea of spilling out my thoughts and secret into a pretty notebook really appealed to me. I got a diary with a padlock on one of my birthdays and I guess it went on from there.

>What kind of notebook do you write in?

My first one was a really shitty pink one with those generic padlocks that can be opened by loads of keys. I moved on to more and more sophisticated notebooks, eventually sticking to blank moleskins (which I no longer use because they are kinda overrated).

>Where do you get your journals?

Mostly any stationery shops or bookshops. For a while, I would get them exclusively from Paperchase because they had a specific type of blank journal I really liked - but my current one is just from WHSmith (stationery shop here in the UK)

- How often do you write and do you have a preference with what you write with (favorite pens)?
I used to write every day without fail and loved it. That being said I was really lonely lmao. Now I have a more active social life and less time to think about stories, shows/music I'm enjoying etc, I've barely been writing and I even started doing buller journal style stuff to "get back into the mood" of journalling.
The pen I use depends on the paper of the notebook - for thicker pages I LOVE Pilot G2 pens, if I want thinner ink writing I use standard Muji 0.25 ink pens and my current notebook calls for a ballpoint so I like the standard BIC ballpoint pens which are really good to write with.

>Do you decorate your journals? If so, with what and how?

I used to never decorate my journals except for little doodles to describe my writing. But then at uni I did a deepdive into aesthetic bullet journalling, which was fun for a while but wasn't quite fulfilling since I started micromanaging the spread design instead on focusing on the journalling process… I've banned scrapbook-style spreads for the time being in my journal and am focusing on the writing process now!

Wow I didn't expect to write so much on this, but journalling is one of the few things I've properly stuck to since I was a kid and I'm weirdly proud of it.

No. 609722

smh ignore my typos pls

No. 609732

how i "let go" and journal, anons? i'm too much of a perfectionist. i see all these artsy journal entries and stare at them with envy. there seems to be no hesitation or fear that it'll look like shit. i can't do that, i end up erasing it (if using pencil) to hell and back, or ripping out the pages (if using ink)

No. 609739

I tried journaling before but my handwriting, while not ugly is inconsistent and all the pretty photos of good journals makes me not want to do it. I definitely can't write a whole notebook worth of content without switching between cursive, print, and slanted print.

Usually, I write into text files on my computer since there's more editing flexibility and an option to print copies.

No. 609823

i used to write diary and journal and want to start again but i cannot reread my previous entries without either cringing or wanting to bash my head in. because of this i have no motivation to do this anymore no matter how much i want to. i resigned to just starting a commonplace book

No. 611766

honestly just remember that everyone has to start somewhere. i used to be really into the "studyblr" and bullet journaling communities on tumblr where it seemed like everyone had their lives perfectly organized with all of their class notes and journaling perfectly color coded and written with perfect penmanship. once i realized that stuff like that takes years and years of figuring out what works for you and what makes you happy, my own messy handwriting and less than perfect organizational skills frustrated me a lot less. it's all a part of the process i suppose

No. 650880

I’ve started journaling in earnest again today, feels good man. I bought a set of kraft card bound lined books (ten) so I’m hoping I can fill one a month for the forseeable.

No. 817258

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I need advice. I've been really struggling with being stuck between digital and analog diary. I'm much more comfortable expressing myself when I write on paper, however it greatly unsettles me that half of my journal entries from the past are digital only. I guess I would like to keep a digital copy of whatever I scribble down. The problem is that OCR doesn't work and taking pictures isn't the same as having text pasted in a note. So am I stuck with either sacrificing my writing quality for convenience or writing everything twice (in diary and typing on keyboard) or is there some other solution that I'm not seeing? It's stressing me out like crazy.

No. 817263

If it truly stresses you out there are some notebooks that are made for numerization, I think Moleskine has some but they are buttfuck ugly

No. 817267

Oh, you mean the Smart Pen and Smart Notebook, right? They are very cool. Certainly, something to add to my list of things that I would love to buy myself someday. Not sure how much it would fix the issue, since it's a bit like taking photo of my notebook but in much higher quality. I do love the idea, though. Maybe by the time I can buy it, more companies will produce this kind of set (including the Chinese, kek).

No. 817270

There are apps that write what you say, I was really impressed when i tried one to make my class notes digital.

No. 817312

How about scanning the pages so you have digital copys? If you don't mind that it wouldn't be text documents

No. 817322

Not really an answer but I have basically the opposite problem. I wish I could write my journals on paper but I can't write fast enough to keep up with my thoughts + get sore hands.

No. 817704

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This is sort of autistic but whenever I journal I find myself sounding pretentious and try hard for some imaginary audience. Obviously nobody will read it besides me but does anyone know how to escape this and write more honestly/earnestly? I’ve heard that writing in a language that isn’t your mother tongue can help, but any other tips would be appreciated.

No. 817717

Write it directed at yourself, the only person is going to read it is you so know your audience. You already know you aren't cool so don't even try
I can keep stuff brief because I know my own references and have fun low key bullying myself but also write little love notes to my future self

No. 818287

Just let go.
>but that's easy for you to say and hard for me to do!
Okay then, but have you heard about morning pages? Mentoned it some time ago here >>>/ot/668209. You can get the ebook on libgen and just read the related chapter or google 'morning pages'. The basic idea is for you to write freehand (or type, if you must) 3 pages of text without looking back (so 500-750 words). It's super helpful when you doubt yourself!

No. 845868

I came across this 'botanical junk journal' and wanted to share it because it's so pretty. Do any of you do this type of journaling/junk journaling? I haven't tried it before but it looks fun.

No. 846061

Man, I really miss journaling
I had a journal, black hard cover that had some silly stickers on it, white thick pages. I used to write in english to practice and also cus I'm paranoid that someone would find and read that embarrassing stuff.. it was a dream journal. I would draw whatever I could remember too. Most of the drawings were so bad and wonky, shit like spaceships, aliens, monsters and robots, these were the most common themes of my dreams at the time. Also elevators.
It had lots of dreams that were very detailed and I later made a digital copy of the dreams I liked the most. Some passages were just a few lines though, the most interesting parts of the dream and bullet points so I could write the details later.. Don't recommend, you gonna forget all that shit unless you write it while it's fresh.

One day I woke up to find my journal on the floor. My cats decided it was garbage and used it as a litterbox, not even the hard cover saved it. It was open on a puddle of piss and the biggest shit you can imagine. RIP.

No. 846302

I wish i can keep a physical journal, but i keep circling back to posting on my private blog instead for some reason lol. Flipping through a physical book definitely feels more engaging but it's more convenient to just type away on my phone or computer sometimes. I think my biggest fear is losing the online one to technical mishaps (like if blogger ever shuts down for some reason), but a physical journal is also susceptible to getting lost or damaged.

No. 846531

The beautiful thing with the digital journal is that you can just back it up, multiple times if you want to. But I feel you about how it's convenient to just type on your phone or computer. I keep both a physical and a digital journal for that reason, I don't really care if I stick to one way or another for aesthetic reasons or smth.

No. 892552

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Is anyone getting a Hobonichi for 2022? Their full lineup is out now. https://www.1101.com/store/techo/en/lineup/

I'm tempted by the Inuyasha "successor" one, but the weeks format works a lot better for me and I don't like the cover for the weeks Inuyasha book lol. They also have an animal crossing one this year! I might get picrel, the "Dandelion Pappus" weeks book.

No. 892568

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Aww geez, being a poor fag I've only every had bootleg hobonichi but pic rel is really tempting me. I'm a MOTHER fan too so I'm always wistfully looking at the Hobonichi shop…

No. 892571

I settle for weeks because I don't even really use a planner enough to justify the daily page ones (but when I need one around it's super handy). What bootlegs have you used? I was debating not getting a hobo for next year but my friend and I are going to order together since we unfortunately found ones we like lol. At least the weeks isn't stupid expensive but still…

No. 892574

>I'm a MOTHER fan too so I'm always wistfully looking at the Hobonichi shop…
Same! I really want a Mr Saturn one, but the cost is a bit… IDK. Maybe I can ask for it as a X-mas gift.
I second the bootleg question!

No. 892578

Someone jacked my hobonichi at uni be careful anon

No. 892585

That sucks anon, I'm sorry. Thankfully I just bring it with me to work and work in a very small office where no one cares about it, was far too poor to afford hobonichis in my university days (though it'd probably would've been a big help in organizing my life kek).

No. 892592

Sorry for this stupid question but what does hobonichi have to do with MOTHER? I've been out of the loop with MOTHER stuff for a while

No. 892594

It was created by Shigesato Itoi and you can get MOTHER themed covers.

No. 892601

File: 1629994257451.jpeg (23.94 KB, 554x554, stamp.jpeg)

This thread reminds me that I need to get back to journaling! I've been wanting to come back for a while now but kept pushing it due to my new study routine or lack of
I've bought some cute stamps to try and motivate me, they should arrive next month, I'm guessing. It's the acrylic type and I never used it before, hopefully I'm not too dumb to do it

No. 892612

I've been trying to write more! I've had my current journal since November of last year and it's not even 1/3rd of the way full… I'm trying to force myself to record more things down, even if it's just mundane tasks or about the weather. I want my future self to be able to read all sorts of things from the past, not just special events or days where something happened.

Where did you get your stamps from? I want to get some too, but I feel like it's just opening another new rabbithole for me (already own quite a bit of washi tape)

No. 892708

File: 1630001765773.jpg (330.81 KB, 800x800, -1173911246-1812399324.jpg)

AliExpress, but I've also gotten stamps from local stores, so that isn't of much help lol there are some stores here that make custom stamps, I've ordered some when I used to sell art with friends at events and such.
I believe you could find it locally as well if for custom stuff, but here's some Ali links!


Justified it to myself as a way to spend less on stickers lol

No. 892710

I’m going to try buying the Moomin Weeks if it’s still available. It’s being sold as an exclusive on another website so it needs a shopping service to ship internationally

No. 892730

Does anyone have a Midori? How do you like it?

No. 892775

Okay this is probably really stupid but I was reading this thread and earlier in the thread anons were talking about ink in inkbottles. But.. how do you use that? Do you dip directly into the ink?

No. 892780

Are they silicone or photopolymer?

No. 892782

No. 892783

I guess it depends on the listing, but the ones I've bought personally were silicon

No. 892784

File: 1630008553301.jpeg (29.94 KB, 600x416, glass_pen.jpeg)

Other anon's video is relevant, but if you have a dip pen/glass dip pen (pic rel) then yes you would directly dip into the ink bottle.

No. 892816

How does it feel to write with a glass pen? To me it seems it would be bit awkward and hard although normal pens are hard too. Looks so much cooler than a normal pen tho!

No. 892837

File: 1630013037450.jpg (39.77 KB, 1024x683, DSC_5354_1024x1024.jpg)

I read there's a learning curve but I haven't gotten to try one yet… I've been looking for one with a cap! My favorite stationary store has one but it's like $300 lol

No. 892856

bumping, watch out

No. 892907

File: 1630014121627.jpg (72.97 KB, 563x844, 16c280548fc801e2ed3d9a065095b1…)

Bumping because of the CP, scroll carefully

No. 892938

I almost bought a Disney princess diary from hot topic, decided not to because I recently bought another journal that I havent even used yet, it was cute tho

No. 892951

I used to have a Lisa Frank diary that had kittens in sneakers and it fucking lit up and I think my brother stole it and gave it to his daughter and I still think about it and get very upset

No. 892952

File: 1630014824170.jpg (50.48 KB, 400x400, s-l400 (8).jpg)

Samefag because I forgot picrel. I got this at a dollar store btw, now it's on eBay for 80 dollars.

No. 892983

Does note taking for classes count as journaling? I take mine in journals because I’m too lazy to turn on the computer and it’s not like I’m gonna turn it on later to see em.

No. 893028

Omg adorable. I am guessing Lisa frank doesn't exist anymore?

No. 893050

Nah she still makes shit but this particular diary isn't made anymore. The same kitten in sneakers image is in a bunch of other stuff, but it's also the fact that it lights up. I love light up shit. I wish they made adult light up sneakers.

No. 893054

>I wish they made adult light up sneakers.
They do, anon. It was a huge fad around 2013-2015. You can still find it on AliExpress and the likes, though

No. 893057

Well hot diggity darn

No. 893096

I just checked how much it would be and it’s almost $70 with all the shipping and fees, so maybe not

No. 893267

File: 1630058340040.jpg (293.18 KB, 1080x1070, Screenshot_20210827-114853_Ali…)

The bootlegs are Hobonichi covers you can find on AliExpress! I have one like picrel but with an MOTHER2 design (similar to the new MOTHER3 one that's coming soon).

Thanks for the vid, nonny!! I recently got a Platinum Preppy for dipping my toes into the world of fountain pens. Pilot Kakuno is so cute too… I'm interested in using waterproof inks for drawing, so this vid has been very usefull.

No. 893318

I beg you to give me the link to the bootleg Mother cover. I searched Aliexpress before you mentioned that and couldn't find anything

No. 893326

File: 1630066964405.jpg (375.46 KB, 1080x1795, Screenshot_20210827-135747_Ali…)

Sorry anon, it's not available anymore. I got mine more than 1 year ago. There's definitely way less Hobonichi bootleg on Aliexpress than there used to be. If it's any consolation, the material is ugly and bumpy.

No. 893351

I'm still jealous. Maybe we will get bootlegs again. Do you recommend any particular notebook as a hobonichi alternatove?

No. 893393

File: 1630076117844.jpg (156.66 KB, 1080x1710, Screenshot_20210827-164816_Ali…)

Wholesale Product Snapshot Product name is General A6 journal sheets 128P dots/lined pages 10.5*15cm suit for normal journal DIY notebook

Whew, what a link. Usually I got this one in A6 with dots. It's just OK. These days I mostly use Leuchtturms197 B5 dotted notebooks. They're not too heavy. I like buying 2nd hand shitajiki/pencil boards from Mandarake to go along with my B5 notebooks but I give a lot of them away to friends when they realize how nice shitajiki are lol

No. 893642

File: 1630101346182.jpg (51.94 KB, 736x490, 8c06c673c314ddd655b7f368ea638d…)

>Be my parents
>Have a big fountain pen collection
>They are all the cartridge type
>No cartridges

Gah, I wish I could use them right now. I don't like cartridges.
Anyone here have a nice converter type of fountain pen recommendation from AliExpress? Nothing too expensive, I'm a noob so there's no need to be super fancy or anything.
I'm ordering some cartridges already though.

No. 893665

If you get a syringe, you can just wash the empty cartridges and fill them up with your own ink in the meantime.

No. 893712

stalogy 365 a6 size

No. 928242

Since starting my new job I picked up journaling in a daily planner again and I've noticed it helps me to be more … grounded? Idk. It definitely helps me to be more aware of how my upcoming days are going to be spent (I use Google Calender as well but it's just not the same). It's also fun to finally use stickers I've been hoarding for a long time now.

I also ordered a Hobonichi (Free Days) to try out next year! If anyone here wants to share their Hobonichi opinions I'd love to read it.

No. 928694

File: 1633212638131.jpeg (28.42 KB, 554x554, images (2).jpeg)

Bought myself a hobonichi on a whim (pic related) and fml that was an expensive whim. Anyway I feel like my life just isn't busy enough to really make good use of it, what sort of mundane planning/tracking do you guys do if you don't have real plans?

Though maybe it will inspire me to make more plans, that would be nice after all this time locked down.

No. 928701

You should use it to start new hobbies, set some career goals, or do self directed study! That’s a very cute journal btw

You could also use some room to keep a diary

No. 928740

Ty anon! And you hit the mark with the self study recommendation, reminded me I need to get back to studying Japanese. Maybe I can try write out some grammar or new words/characters each day.

No. 928775

The official hobonichi site has a free printout for learning vocab:

The free download page is worth a look (jpn only). Of course you can use these with any notebook,not just hobonichi…

It's nice you're learning Japanese too. my techo is in japanese so I'm thinking of translating the text for practice.

No. 930618

I use it to record what I did every day. My life is insanely boring, but it's very relaxing to sit down each night and decorate pages with stickers and stuff. I feel like it helps me appreciate little things even though my life is boring right now, like see a funny looking dog when grocery shopping or whatever. Also, cute cover choice!

No. 934164

File: 1633741656178.jpeg (29.3 KB, 600x400, 16BA785F-6998-4B47-B543-8F5872…)

What unpopular supplies do you like for note taking or journalling? I’m not a fan of the gel ink pens that everyone is obsessed with, I prefer ballpoint since it dries instantly and doesn’t dissolve or smear with water. I’ve been using Bic Atlantis pens. They have a multicolor pack.

I want some cute binders to organize all of the notes I take. I was thinking about those Kurifit binders (picrel) but with the price and ship time of the special paper refills I’m not sure if it would be practical. They’re also soft cover, which I haven’t tried before. Anyone have experience with soft binders? I really wanted cute hard binders but what is essentially a re-organizable spiral notebook does have a certain appeal

No. 934170

File: 1633742524129.jpg (11.34 KB, 300x300, PilotFrixion_lge_black_31550.j…)

I exclusively use erasable pens for any writing I do. Being able to erase mistakes so easily and neatly is a game changer, I don't care how it looks or feels (though it feels smooth enough).

No. 934172

I don’t like the screwy nature of these. All your notes disappear in the heat. If you erase something and write over it then put it in the freezer the erased part comes back.

No. 934176

I had no idea but I also can't see why I'd leave notes in either the heat or the freezer? They just stay in room temperature.

No. 934181

I take my notes with me and it’s hot af where I live. Ofc you put it in the freezer because all your ink disappeared kek

No. 934209

i'm lefthanded so i can only use pencils or ballpoint pens, anything else smears and if i tilt the paper my handwriting looks like shit. i finally invested in a nice looking pen and bought refills that i like (a lot of them say black but then turn out to be gray) and it was the best decision ever.

i can't think of anything else but i do have popular supplies opinions… mostly that moleskine and leuchtturm suck and the price does not justify that horrible, flimsy paper they use. i have two leuchtturm notebooks here, a dotted softcover one in the rising sun color and a ruled hardcover one in the bellini color. the colors are lovely, but the ruled layout looks so horribly cheap. i could get the same shoddy quality at any dollar store. i just hate how everyone hypes leuchtturm and moleskine when you get nicer journals for half the price off amazon.

No. 934210

I like erasable pens but I find that some colours vanish just fine while others just kinda stay there

No. 1004793

Anyone's got 2022 journaling goals? It's my goal to journal daily. I find it calms my mind when I journal regularly but always find it difficult to start.

No. 1005671

That's my goal as well nona! I'm also trying to give myself little progress reports at the end of the day based on my daily goals. If I did really good I'll put a little "good job" sticker in my journal for that day hehe

No. 1005675

I am going to try and journal at least 4x this year. I have been slacking so badly on my journal I even missed a couple years. Which sucks because those were hard years for me and I would have liked to look back on my thoughts. Teen me seems so far away in the beginning of my journal. I like looking back on entries that are more recent, but even the ones from like 2017 feel juvenile. I treat my journal like a check-in progress report, or I will write when I am worked up. Also I want to start a scrapbook so I bought a bunch of cute pages and I'm getting photos printed at the pharmacy. I am more visual so I think that's good to have, too

No. 1005677

I love journaling, but always failed to keep up with it since I tried bullet journaling. Just didn't work with me. So now I have a plumpaper planner for daily tasks, lists, calendar, etc. I love it so much. I use just a regular bound notebook for my journaling, and I have found that by not sticking to a regimen I enjoy it a lot more. I allow myself to draw in there even though I don't draw well. I write big long passages if I feel like it. I don't force myself to write or draw when I don't want to. I love it. It's such a great way to see my mental health/general personal progress over the months.

No. 1005906

what do you journal about. like what do you actually write in it?

No. 1005933

Has anyone completely given up on journalling? I did it for around 4-5 years starting when I was 13, I stopped because my mom was reading what I wrote in it and would get mad at me for it. Idk but I feel like I was becoming more negative when I journaled, like I would just ruminate on negative things

No. 1006299

Personally I write about things that keep my mind busy. Writing them out on paper helps me to worry less and organize/"finalize" my thoughts. I'm an anxious overthinker though.

No. 1008124

File: 1640770365622.jpg (26.34 KB, 640x553, 9o8cjvqs2nn71.jpg)

Im a poorfag taiyo matsumoto, Jfc i want the cat over kanda cover so bad but i cant justify paying the shipping costs from the official 1101 site. I hope my usual stationary store restocks it eventually. Where do other nonitas order their Hobonichi goods usually?

No. 1008157

this is so beautiful, now I crave to buy it too

No. 1008369

File: 1640797046673.jpg (129.05 KB, 548x976, mindwave corgi.jpg)

>I'm also trying to give myself little progress reports at the end of the day based on my daily goals

I do this! I write WDIDW (where did I do well) and HCIIT (how can I improve tomorrow). my planner for 2022 has a big space after each week so I'm going to just do weekly 'reports' from now on, as opposed to daily. I also like to use stickers, but am one of these people that think they're too nice to use/don't want to waste them kek I need to get over that, I've got these cute corgi ones I'm want to use in 2022 (picrel)

No. 1008380

I recommend asking your store to resupply it if you havent already!

No. 1008539

File: 1640806282386.jpg (311.76 KB, 1424x2048, louvre-4.jpg)

Matsumoto's Cats in the Louvre made me bawl like a baby,if you like this art please please read it

Thanks for the tip!! I know the a5 edition will restock in februaru on official 1101 shop but I will bother my fave webshop as well just to make sure

No. 1008565

Calling this "journaling" instead of "keeping a diary" - as if it's some magical new kind of self halp - is such utter self-flattery and goopiness. Such a flimsy excuse to buy more stationery you won't use. This isn't writing, this isn't productive, this isn't anything but buying things to feelike you have a "personal aesthetic". Sad really

If you think buying the pwettiest widdle notebook you possibly can will finally get you to keep a diary… kek

No. 1008595

File: 1640807763435.jpg (89.55 KB, 1500x807, 81fGkidpr3L._AC_SL1500_.jpg)

Are you 12? Diary/journal has always been interchangeable but using "journal" is trendiest, right now, and is the keyword to use for searching for one. Diary just makes me think of something like pic related. Which I did own because my parents love me btw, my secrets were SECURE.

No. 1008616

I am in fact autistic enough to actually utilize all the notebooks i buy, thanks very much!

No. 1008620

>Calling this "journaling" instead of "keeping a diary"
What's the difference, retard? Are you just cropdusting this board with your stupid takes in every thread, or…?

No. 1008645

i want to a-log you so bad it's gonna get me ip banned from every chan board in the western world

No. 1008815

Triggering flash backs woah wow holy cow I had that exact same girltech diary

No. 1008886

Is this you, talking to yourself, after having a meltdown over all the things you've bought that you never used? If so, no shame
Before you think I'm a journaler, I usually scroll past this thread. I'm just curious as to how something this innocuous could elicit this kind of reaction. Your post seems personal all over

No. 1009089

Based. I hate current year's culture. It's pathetic.

No. 1011631

File: 1641000327313.jpg (60.72 KB, 519x697, FE2y1_sVEAAycnp.jpg)

Does anyone feel like 'fancy' journals inhibit their ability to write? I just got a nicer journal (like 17 bucks but I usually use gifted ones and grocery store composition books)and I feel like I can't go all out insane schizo-ramble like I do when I'm writing in some cheapo throwaway shit. Like my want to make it cute and aesthetic-y is interfering with the actual expression it's intended for. Also its just hard to write in lmao

No. 1011633

My mom used to get ugly journals and go crazy writing and then go back after and make it pretty. Like highlighting different parts in different colors, adding doodles in the margins. She would leave blank pages every now and then and add collages of newspaper clippings and pictures she liked. She would stuff it with dried flowers and stuff. I liked that way more than I like the neat tidy aesthetic of bullet journals, personally.

No. 1011656

That's a good idea, I hadn't thought of going in afterwards. I think what mostly puts me off is the whole journaling social media culture around showing off your 'aesthetic' journal with zero actual substance to it. IMO journals are supposed to be soley for your own thoughts in a private space and showing them off/acting like its going to be shown off defeats the purpose. Decorating is cute tho.
Potentially even more schizo but I feel like by buying a journal with a pre-designed cute cover its 'not really mine' or something. I overthink things too much I'll probably just decopauge onto it kek

No. 1011856

anyone notice any difficulties journaling outside of their usual spot? i can write just fine when i'm at home but then i visit my mom and i never get the chance to write, and if i do, it's usually just superficial babbling. it's so weird.

No. 1011863

Does putting my random thoughts on a blog count as journaling?

No. 1012224

File: 1641066758335.jpg (122.51 KB, 1500x1500, 6minutediary.jpg)

I've been bullet journaling since 2020, and it's done an incredible amount of help for me in remembering recurring things/chores, but now they live inside my head completely rent-free and I realise that the mental load for women in a relationship is very real lel but I digress.

This coming year, I will be moving away from the bullet system and start writing day by day like I used to! I used to love journalling and write for hours and hours on end, I want to have a habit of recording a stream of consciousness and still bang some washi tape and cute winking cat stickers on top of it, the best of both worlds.

I love this place, it was so relieving to find that I'm not alone in feeling weird recording uncomfortable emotions.

I got a 6 minute diary before any of the bujo shenanigans and I think I'll be stealing some of the prompts for daily check-ins that help me inject positive self-reflection into the journal. (picrel)

No. 1012293

I think it's the nonny who always feels the need to precise that she is black in each one of her retarded offended posts. Saw her sperging on /g too

No. 1012327

Hey nonnas, how do any of you keep your journals secure from snoopers? I have nosy people in my life with bad boundaries but I can't get rid of them kek. I've seen lockboxes or safes suggested, but idk I'm looking for a small and discreet solution ideally.

No. 1012337

Maybe you could look into journals with locks? Amazon has a few: https://www.amazon.com/Journals-Locks/s?k=Journals+With+Locks

No. 1012375

I used keep my journal inside of a huge book like a dictionary or encyclopedia. My brother taught me that trick of cutting the pages so that my journal would fit snug in the book and I could pop it on the bookshelf without anyone even knowing it was there.

No. 1012380

>current year's culture
Please join him on the short bus and drive off a cliff

No. 1014568

File: 1641256469613.png (1.64 MB, 2482x1450, moid.png)

I hate seeing male journaling channels. Stop pretending you have deep thoughts and go to war.

No. 1014582

right??? like what do they have to write about? their favorite ball hair?

No. 1014595

>like what do they have to write about

they jot down their cooming records and why they hate their mom

No. 1014986

I refuse to believe men can do any kind of journaling except maybe bujo (since it's an organizer)

No. 1016171

I can assure you there are many pretentious men that have a lot to write about.

No. 1016204

I need to stream of consciousness journal because it's one of the only things that actually makes an improvement in my mental health but I can't bring myself to do it 99% of the time, it's like pulling teeth

No. 1016213

I don't know, but I don't think it matters what it is or isn't technically. If you enjoy putting your random thoughts on a blog you should do it.

I can relate to that. Writing it down makes you face things you don't really wanna think about, at least that's it for me.

No. 1023365

not sure if you're in the US but i was able to buy this on Amazon. It was like $40 but worth it for me

No. 1041077

File: 1643138157164.jpg (63.7 KB, 564x564, e72240a6cd90e0d795a628c052920f…)

Has any of you struggled with gratitude journaling?
I've decided to add this section to my bullet journal since everyone recommends it, including my therapist, but even when I'm writing things down it feels weird, I don't know, forced? I can't help but cringe re-reading them and when I feel bad they actually make me feel annoyed, not better. Is it something that requires getting used to or am I just too mentally ill to do and benefit from it?

No. 1041082

Yeah, felt like thanking Jesus for mundane positives in a day

No. 1041092

i stopped frequenting the journaling sub because it was getting stale, but even months later this scrote who only posts boring timelapse videos of himself writing navelgazy shit in a notepad every single day is still fucking at it. he pisses me off. i hate men.

No. 1041109

Not sure how long you've been doing gratitude journaling, but it sounds like you're pretty new to it. In the beginning it feels so cringeworthy and that's because it is forced to an extent; you're not used to thinking of very small things and actively acknowledging that you're grateful for them. It gets easier with time, and also I think everyone can benefit from taking a step back and being grateful for the things in life we so easily take for granted. You're not too mentally ill for it anon.

No. 1041146

Yeah, I've just started few weeks ago and wasn't very regular with it either. You explanation makes perfect sense, I'll not give up yet then, hopefully it becomes a more natural habit soon. Thank you!

No. 1041185

I have gratitude on my daily/weekly pages. Write one tiny thing per day I’m grateful
for. Can be as dumb as a warm blanket or vidya. Then, just never read it again, there’s no reason to. Having the thought in the first place is the only purpose to the practice

No. 1041304

That makes sense, writing in in separate days is a great idea too! For now I have it in one separate section so naturally I see everything I wrote before. I do it your way from now on

No. 1041394

Ive been journalling all my life, have diaries that go back to 2010 i think is my first one. I started bujo in 2020 alongside my regular journal, and its actually been really nice and helpful to me, but i do use some of the same kinda "methods" that are really popular in the community, amanda rach lee et al. for example, drawing a doodle of 30 different things that i can color in so that each day represents a mood, stuff like that. I have gotten to the point where its really boring, i dont do it every day, and it feels taxing to have to design it and incorporate stuff like that into my monthly spreads. i still want my pages to look designy and colorful and everything, just not so much effort/emphasis. does anyone else feel this way or have a suggestion that isnt just "dont do it then"?

No. 1041626

Use colorful gel pens and lots of stickers. It takes two seconds but looks really cute, yet not cookie cutter. I also get nice sticky notes and glue those on for week tasks or random reminders. I hate those mood trackers, and habit trackers that are bigger than a week though. Mood tracker can actually drag down your mood and the info is pretty useless.

No. 1041648

File: 1643170380809.jpg (298 KB, 1080x1532, Screenshot_20220125-221136_Ins…)

I agree with >>1041626 , I used to draw every page in my journal to decorate it, but it became time consuming and a bit overwhelming, so I switched to decorating with washi tape and stickers and it's become a much more fun process for me because I'm not stressed over drawing nice looking shit. You don't even have to go crazy with it, just a few stickers and matching tape in a simple layout can look very nice, picrel.

No. 1041796

File: 1643185688764.jpg (97.69 KB, 600x960, 20211026_071915.jpg)

Seconding >>1041109… gratitude journaling is so helpful. It's like a low effort version of CBT? Whenever I need to pick it up again is when I feel like doing it the least: when I'm in a negative spiral it feels pointless and stupid to focus on the positives. But I also know it's been immensely helpful in the past and it helps me reset these thought patterns.

However I dislike clogging my regular journo with gratitude entries so I bought a separate planner on sale for that purpose. Each day fits about 3 entries and it's cute, I love using it which makes it easy to turn it into a habit. Anyway I wish you good luck!!

No. 1041926

Glad to know it's not meant to just work out naturally with first few attempts, I appreciate more encouragement to continue! Do you ever go back and re-read that separate gratitude journal or find comfort just seeing it exists with so many filled entries?

No. 1042154

I'm starting a diary now to write pretty much any retarded shit I want without the need to go online for this. Hopefully it will help me avoid making accounts on social media. I will just use Twitter to follow specific artists, Instagram to stay in touch with normie acquaintances, and Linkedin in case I ever need to look for another job. Anything else will go into the journal. I have a shitty handwriting so it will look like shit but I don't give a fuck.

No. 1042193

good luck, nonny, this is the exact same reason why i started my journal! also once you start writing more, your handwriting will both improve and you will get used to it. i used to not write much because my handwriting was ugly so i also never practiced after i was out of school. but now that i'm used to my handwriting, i'm super neutral towards it and people often comment how pretty and even it looks. sometimes i still wish my handwriting was less curvy/round and more "grown up", but alas.

No. 1042328

I hardly ever re-read my entries. The important part seems to be re-wiring your brain to be more aware and focus more on the positives in your life. And knowing that I manage to fill out 3 entries a day is comforting!

No. 1042361

I write pages at a time, absolutely catastrophically dramatic schizo rants, no hyperbole there, very little formatting, then I delete those bastards

No. 1044931

I started writing, but my desk is a mess because I put my TV on it so my handwriting won't improve just yet I guess. I don't mind it actually but that does actually sound like a good way to practice my handwriting.

What do you mean by delete? You type on a computer or a smartphone instead of writing on paper?

No. 1045875

This is exactly the style I use in my journal. A few stickers there and corner doodles there but I don't kill myself trying to make the ultimate aesthetic bullet journal.
Also for when I scrapbook I use sticky tape where I can easily pick things up and rearrange if I look at it with fresh eyes later and dislike some aspect. It stresses me out less. Perfectionist tendencies suck, I get mired down. I am that girl that would sometimes redo her homework to look neater. I just decide I'm going to write and now I let it be

No. 1046586

What do you anons write in your journals? Mine is just schizo ramblings I wouldn’t dare put a sticker on

No. 1046591

I write about significant things that happened during the week leading up to the day I write. When and after I trip, I write about the thoughts and questions I got from it as well. My journals are from dollar stores and I hardly draw in mine because I'm not a good artist and I find I'm more expressive in writing than doodles. I don't put stickers in or on my journal either since all I'm doing is processing my thoughts on paper.

No. 1046592

for me it's a mix of writing down (important) things that happened and my feelings. sometimes i sit down to write about something that bothers me. i use washi tape to separate two entries if one ends in the middle of a page and the next starts right after. just to make clear that there's a cut here, so to speak. i rarely use stickers, unless it's to decorate the outside of the journal or the first page. i also decorated a double page to mark the beginning of 2022. in the beginning i would do some bullet journaling stuff too, like drawing charts or making lists and stuff like that. it doesn't make sense for me anymore though, since i often finish journals before i'm done with the chart or challenge i put in it.

No. 1046637

I just started mine so right now I'm writing about anything significant that happened to me until then. I'm basically reminiscing over a lot of different stuff. The first shit I wrote was a list of video games I've played and a list of what I've sold because I started decluttering my shelves in 2020 and it felt very cathartic. I think after that I'll probably just write about important events and about traveling because I would love to travel more.

By the way, I love taking pictures but I do it with my phone. Is there a way to make them into stickers, or do you just print them with one of these small bluetooth smart0hone printer and normal photo paper and put them in your journal just like that?

No. 1046643

I used to have a classical emo teenage diary back in middle/highschool, I stopped in college but I really want to get back into journaling. I finally started one for the Japanese words and idioms I learn each day, I also want to do one for all the things I see in exhibitions or museums, and another one for all the music I listen to, I really want to sperg about my favorite band somewhere. I'll probably keep it simple, no stickers, washi tape or anything, I can't draw and I suck at making aesthetic setups.

No. 1048589

I have many journals. One for writing and ocs, one for cooking and recipes, one for drawing when i feel it, one as a vent journal, another for scrapbooking and a bullet journal. Most are random notebooks, some are handcrafted (scrapbooking, vent, draws and ocs) but my bullet is a canson notebook with 120gr paper if i remember it well. Is pretty nice and it even holds posca pens without bleeding. i write in them when i feel it, mostly, with the exeption of the scrapbook that is an once-in-a-year thing where i do a collage with all the tiny doodles, notes, and random shit that i did that year. That scrapbooking journal is my oldest project, im doing it since 2015. The rest are from the last few years.
About stickers/decorations i even do my own ones. Now i stick to print stuff, but as a teen i even used to drawn them o or even use cuts from magazines kek. Also i did my own washi tape from a while. Is not that im a poorfag, i just liked to diy everything. I would still DIY all my decorations/journals if it wasnt for college. Nowdays i just ocasionally buy some washi and pre-made stickers, and print a bunch of stuff when i have time.

No. 1048642

Dont be a coward anon. I put stickers and doodles in all my shit, even schizo ramblings. My journals are for myself so why care about it, im not posting it on insta.

No. 1107089

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Gel and rollerball pens are so grossly overhyped online. Why waste your life on pens that smudge and have all of your notes melted because it once rained outside the window where your journal was sitting in a desk? The worst part is when people insist on gel pens but don’t even use needle tip sizes.

Ballpoint all the way, I have picrel for fun color coding. The only gel pens I use are super bright and milky or glittery gel pens.

What oft shilled products do you think are overhyped? What unrecognized journalling supplies do you love?

No. 1107096

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agree so hard. gelpens are seriously not all that. i think washitape cutters are the most ridiculous things that i always see in hauls, maybe not overhyped though.

No. 1107111

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i absolutely agree. i'm a lefty and the ink always smudges for me, so my only choice are ballpoint pens or pencils. also agree with >>1107096 isn't the selling point of washi tape that it can be ripped without any scissors? then again, one of my favorite supplies is those collapsible japanese scissors like picrel. i love how little space they take up.

as for overhyped stuff, i don't get stamps and wax seals and stuff like that. i guess it's useful for pretty letters for penpals, but i'd be annoyed if the pages in my diary became bumpy because it makes writing difficult.

No. 1107112

I have journaled for most of my life and it was either in notebooks, "typical" diaries with a lock, and even word documents. What I use now and like having is a hardcover notebook without lines where I write/draw whatever the fuck I want in it depending on how I feel. I mostly write pages and pages of analysing thoughts that bother me or my emotions. I initially wanted to take the ~aesthetic~ journal route but it is so high effort while all I want to do is dump my emotions. I just write with a pencil and idgaf about colored pens, washi tapes, stickers etc.

I know this is just how the internet shows stuff, but the way journaling is presented online is like some sort of art project that has to look presentable and pretty and well-maintained and honestly, for me, this is a big waste of time. The problem with making things pretty and consistent is that it "feels" like it has to have a continuity and if you divert from it, it's just "ugly" and you have to start over or something. When I realised that the journal is for ME and not for anyone else and stopped giving a fuck about how it would look, it became better for me. I just want a blank page to be honest with myself(ok not TOO much in case someone finds it kek)but it's good enough for me. Idc about my writing looking ugly because, well, IT IS and it's not like my emotions are "pretty" most of the time anyway.

No. 1107140

I love having both ugly and cute pages in my journals. And cute is what is cute to me, not the aesthetic standard of online.

No. 1204052

Almost every supply is stationery hauls is bloat. No one ever uses all those pens and markers before they go bad and dry out. I feel journaling and bullet journaling has become an excuse to consoooom pens and notebooks and planners. Don't get me started on that japanese sweeper of eraser shavings

No. 1204081

I love journaling and buying all the little things to decorate my journal with but I wholeheartedly agree. I've slowed down on buying things so I can work through what I have but I think I have enough fountain pen ink/stickers/washi tape to last me the next 10+ years. I don't do aesthetic journaling, I just like to switch between pen ink colors every entry and use washi tape to decorate the borders of my pages or to split up a page to make something at least a little visually interesting but I've yet to finish a single roll of washi tape. I have about ~50 rolls of tape, which I know is a huge problem too. Stickers? God I hoard stickers. I always think "it would be a waste to use it here" like good god woman just fucking stick it on there, it's better on the page than gathering dust in the drawer!!!

No. 1232456

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Just got these uni emott sign pens. The colors are really cute and they write so well!

No. 1232470

I’ve been wanting to get into journaling again, like some other users mentioned I ended up feeling pressured to “make it pretty”. My depression makes it difficult to be consistent in projects and I just end up feeling overwhelmed by how I want it to look and “have the ~aesthetic” and I end up giving up and just stopping after a few entries. It would be nice to pick it back up again, just for me, and not pressure myself to have that perfect Instagram aesthetic.

Oh these are cute!!

No. 1232481

You know social media is rotting your brain when you can’t even write to yourself in a private book out of the worry that it won’t look appealing enough to an online algorithm.

No. 1232488

Something that helped me was writing in all the colorful pens I wanted, instead of allowing that irrational voice in my head to stop me from using them except for headers kek. Another helpful one was leaving my journal open in a place I hang out frequently in the day, that way I can just pick up the pen and write whatever is on my mind for two seconds instead of waiting and then forgetting

No. 1232489

They're really cute, but I was disappointed that they don't write well in my Hobonichi, they sort of pool up in some places. They do look nice when I use a paper that's a little less smooth though!

No. 1232544

Yes, that’s why I want to fix it?

No. 1232622

Maybe just start dumping your thoughts onto the paper every morning with a regular ballpoint pen and just allow yourself to write and nothing else?

No. 1232728

I have never had good or pretty handwriting, never been that good with arts and crafts and I couldn't make a cute or ~Aesthetic header, let alone a whole page even if my life depended on it, so I just stopped looking at journaling instagram accounts and stuff. I have a boring black journal and I write on it with my boring (yet slightly horrible) handwriting with a boring black pen. I kind of enjoy looking back at my journals in retrospect since they consists only of rows after rows of black text and that's an interesting aesthetic on its own to me. Sure, I still look at my friends' journal pages they share and think how I could never come up with anything like that but my "black pen and nothing else" style is what works for me and I think that's the most important thing in journaling. I tend to have really long and bad depressive episodes so I know I could never keep up with journaling of any kind if it required more than picking up my notebook and pen.

No. 1232789

I started getting heavily into the Korean deco style of journaling over COVID and amassed a huge collection of stickers, memo sheets, and etc. I've since stopped buying (or attempted to stop) because it turned into consoom and I realized how overwhelmed and unhappy I was every time I tried to even find some stickers to put on an entry.

Not feeling like doing a theme or having the stickers for an entry lead to me searching for stickers rather than just putting down whatever and writing the damn entry.

I haven't turned writing into a full regular habit again yet (much like others here, I can fill half of a composition book in a matter of a week but I struggle when it comes to doing something 'nicer') which is pointless because I don't even use social media.

This thread was inspiring.. I'm going to try and relax and just write in whatever. I'm weak for pasting things down but I have plenty of stickers, print outs (I print sticker sheets that I like and cut them out rather than buying them at times kek) and so on. I don't need shit.

I just need to write and shut up.

This is an amazing thread. Please,, let's keep it up.

No. 1233546

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> my journal consists only of rows after rows of black text and that's an interesting aesthetic on its own to me.
Zoomers, I swear… bet you think brushing your teeth in the morning is an aesthetic too, huh?

No. 1233603

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Is there any digital app (preferrably for PC) for journaling? I know people keep buying iPads but I wonder how reliable and -worth it- it is in the long run (I feel like I am surrounded by people with them which disturbs me, its nothing but aesthetic nowadays). I am just looking for a digital journal that would let me customize or at least draw stuff on. Even if I would get an iPad I would mainly use it for my artworks or studies.

No. 1233638

Instead of an ipad, you could get a cheaper Samsung tablet with the same functions, like this.

No. 1233801

I love cute stationery and notebooks but I work best for freeform thought in just a plain composition book.

Like others have said I think it's just easier and feels less stressful than trying to feel like my thoughts are "worthy" of a nice notebook or something.

No. 1233818

This post made me laugh. So true.

Loving this thread, just got into journaling and I feel my pages are a bit plain, so I think I'll decorate them all cute since I have a bunch of leftover stickers from my consoomer days. (divorced myself from buying so many cute things I definitely don't need but I'll cherish what
I have)

No. 1233905

>I kind of enjoy looking back at my journals in retrospect since they consists only of rows after rows of black text and that's an interesting aesthetic on its own to me.
I also like how that looks. I like simplicity.

No. 1297607

reading through some older journal entries and i cannot believe i was that schizo. but then, i feel like i have nothing to write about when i'm doing well kek

No. 1297624

Literally same. When you’re stabilized and medicated and doing what you’re supposed to it’s like looking at a foreign language omg. I was speaking in freaking Wingdings.

No. 1297639

and if you asked me at the time i would have sworn i was doing perfectly well. hindsight being twentytwenty and all that. though the dates do line up with when my friends started asking me how i was doing mentally lmao

No. 1297648

Yeah you never know how crazy you are until you finally grasp hold of yourself. I feel much better in many ways but at the same time it’s hard not to be angry at how long it took me to stop being negligent of my own health and well-being. I know it’s just part of being schizoid but I do even look at it now and wonder if it really does like, redirect your brainwaves to some otherworldly frequency. Not in a special way clearly but in a very destructive way. Because when I delve into all that shit there is some stuff that is almost prophetic in nature lol. I don’t think I’m special but I do think being a schizoid can create a pathway between limerence where you just know some shit but are too crazy for it to matter or be of any use or substance.

No. 1297838

90 of my journal entries are movie and book reviews. My life is pretty empty, I guess.

No. 1297885

Based. I always write a short review and reflect on movies, shows, and books, in my phone diary. I like to wedge them into the end of my daily entry

No. 1333921

What are journaling apps that I can use? Something that I can sync to both my phone and computer, with a simple but friendly user interface. I don't mind paying for it as long as it's not subscription based. Physical writing is too much work and I'm afraid that someone in my household will come across my journal and read it (my family has no concept of respecting privacy).

No. 1334382

Evernote? It lets you have apps on devices or use the website. You can make notebooks. Search them and make pages. You can also put in pictures and audio clips and such if you wanted to.

No. 1347658

I've bought a lot of gen pens in every color during the pandemic cause I was bored but I only used blue ink. I also have a ton of highlighters drying out.

I want to start a "use it up" challenge, like project pan.

No. 1360846

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i love journaling but i hate the way my entries suck because my hand immediately cramps and i have to take a break after like every sentence. i finally decided to give fountain pens a try again and bought picrel. i love the sleek design and i think my mom had a similar one when she was a student? wish me luck, nonnas, i'm left handed and it'll probably be disastrous. i never managed to not smear my ink, even when i tilted my notepad in the weirdest angles.

No. 1361211

No one understands our lefty struggles, nonnie. Are you an under- or over-writer? I love fountain pens but I'm an under-writer so I don't smudge as much.

No. 1361316

i'm an overwriter, sadly. i've been experimenting with paper angles all day and my handwriting is absolute shit that way. it looks a bit better when i tilt it on one direction so the letters lean forward, but when i try to underwrite they look like they're falling off the lines… we'll see how this goes, i guess. i seriously wish i was right handed though, kek. i can't even use scissors properly sometimes.

No. 1361350

left handed notebooks exist, thankfully

No. 1361397

they don't help at all when your problem is hand/paper positioning. add to this that those left handed products are usually way more expensive than regular products.

No. 1361687

Get a pentel energel

No. 1370737

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I always write in 1 euro notebooks and whatever ballpoint pen is laying around, I wanna treat myself to a nice journal, pen and some ink for a change. Any recommendations for pens and ink that are good for writing? I'd prefer to get a pen that uses bottled ink over ink cartridges because having to buy fitting cartridges seems annoying?

No. 1370747

This might be a long shot but have you tried writing from the elbow rather than the hand/fingers/wrist? You move your whole arm up and down as you write as opposed to doing all the manipulation with your fingers. I had the exact same problem and even switched to fountain pens because I thought pressure was the issue but it was the way I was using my hands. I also mostly wrote sitting in my bed or on the couch, sitting at a desk works so much better and contributes to uniformity.

No. 1370748

Pen: TWSBI Eco/Eco-T
Notebook: Rhodia or Leuchturm, Moleskine is a scam

Most cheap fountain pens take cartridges/converters, but the TWSBI Eco series is piston-filled and retails for about $30 something in burger money. Plus, they're demonstrator pens, so you can see how much ink is left. I like Noodler's, but basically any good fountain pen ink that people rave about will do. Be aware that you will need to write on thicker paper if ink bleeding bothers you - something like 120g/m^2 or more.

No. 1370749

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I'm not particularly partial to any specific notebook brand (used a Clairefontaine for my last journal, currently using a Leuchtturm1917 one right now, used random ones I bought from artist alleys before this), but I do switch between Muji pens and my kaweco fountain pen. I have a lot of Jacques Herbin inks, some ink bottles (their anniversary inks) and some in cartridges (normal colors, and they fit my kaweco). I also have a kakimori rollerball which I will put my fountain pen inks into for when I feel like using a more traditional pen but want to use one of my fun colors. I'm not so well versed in inks/pens to tell a difference in quality, but I love using all my pens kek.

My only gripe is (and I found out this was an issue others have) some of my kaweco nibs just fucking suck. They feel scratchy. When they're good, they're good. Smooth as fucking butter. But when they suck? Ugh, awful. There's really no telling whether you've got a good nib or not until you write with them. Not sure if other brands have this issue. I want to buy a TWSBI and a Sailor pen, but I have a lot of pens already so it feels too indulgent to own so many kek.

No. 1370955

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Thanks for your detailed posts, very useful! I looked up the TWSBI and saw it has different nib sizes. What do you recommend? The fine or extra fine look nice to me.

No. 1370956

I have really small handwriting, so I usually get always extra fine/fine.

No. 1370967

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Also I forgot to mention! I also have some samples of sailor manyo inks, and I love them and recommend them. If you're like me and just love using lots of different colors to write with, I'd recommend only buying ink samples. Goulet Pens sells 2ml samples and you can get quite a lot out of a single sample. My other favorite store is Yoseka Stationery, and you can pick to either get 3ml or 5ml from them. Even though I have a couple of bottles of inks, I do kind of regret buying them because I literally don't think I could use them all up in my life time kek. I only get samples now.

High recommend against Ferris Wheel Press inks. I almost bought them because the bottle/packaging is nice, but I've heard very mediocre things about their inks.

No. 1375322

how does that work? like i genuinely do not understand how you are supposed to write from the elbow? should i not rest my elbow on the table or something? please explain nonna, i feel so stupid for not understanding this.

No. 1375398

Nta, I think anon is saying you write by moving your arm around rather than rotating your wrist. Try to write something while keeping your wrist totally immobile as if it were in a cast and you’ll understand.

No. 1375426

Ayrt, check this video out to get an idea of what I meant. This guy also has a playlist about fundamentals of writing from the arm.

No. 1429810

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I'm going back to journaling. In February I bought a nice looking notebook and wrote a few pages, then had no time to write more, and when I had more time to do it again I just put it aside for next time. I just started writing a new entry to vent about a lot of shit and plan things ahead for the next year. I even bought a few stickers and a washi tape months ago and yet didn't use them yet but I'll do it soon I think. How do I stay motivated to keep writing on a regular basis instead of writing super long texts once a semester? Because it's not like I'm gonna keep whining on social media all the time given how they're declining more and more, and I want to be able to go into details whenever I want.

No. 1429826

What helped me ease my way into it was either making the journal very accessible (out of sight, out of mind), or making it really easy to journal a ton at once. I had a very small journal the size of my palm that I'd stick in my pocket/bag. I also use a voice recording/transcription app when I just want to vent and dont want to write/type it all.

I've also fallen off the journaling wagon but I'm starting again (fingers crossed), and definitely hopefully will break my journaling streak less in 2023!

No. 1430001

I really want to start practicing this, my hand cramps up so fast because I'm an under-hand leftie. Has anyone tried to correct their writing from wrist to elbow, and how long did that take? Is it second nature now or do you find yourself still going back to wrist sometimes?

No. 1430060

Can you pls write about lolcow habibi

No. 1430083

kek I will my child. I've been on lc for so long now it's an important place for me.

No. 1430096

Why would you want to journal if you have to force yourself to do it?

No. 1430147

I haven't perma-corrected it, but I found it easier to stop writing with my wrist if I first thought of it as moving just my shoulder joint at first. You still use your elbow a bit w that n then after some time moving p much just ur elbow comes easy

No. 1430148

I want to do it but I forget.

No. 1431975

right now i have 2 notebooks and 1 app to journal with. 1st notebook is a planner with the month/day lines already drawn, 2nd is a regular notebook to write emotion stuff in, and the app is for quick vents/check-ins with myself. it works well when i use it, i just have to keep using it consistently… i also have a habit tracker paper that i tape to a wall and mark off the days i did x habit that i wanted to keep
i admit my system can be a lot, and i dont do them all every single day. they're just there for when they're relevant
other nonas, how do you journal? i'm curious to know!!

No. 1432041

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Love your idea of taping the tracker to a wall! I don't think your system is too much.

I don't use an app, but consistently use:
1. an a6 dated journal to write a summary of the day… I hope that it helps keep me grounded a bit.
2. an undated one to write "precious" memories and events. things that I want to recall in the future. i like printing&pasting photos in there too.
3. vent throwaways. i just use whatever crap from my notebook hoard and do not ever read these again.

Also I'm a sucker for Hobonichi (pic rel is my cover) but I'm also looking into Kinbor since I don't think I need fancy Tomoe River Paper for EVERYTHING.

No. 1432053

>What made you start?
I had a journal in childhood that lasted a few years, I came back to journaling in high school because I thought it’s a good way to preserve some memories. I also liked the idea of writing more and decorating the pages, as it’s a different thing than writing a blog.
>What kind of notebook do you write in?
Just some bigger notebooks I find in shops near me.
>Where do you get your journals?
Usually in one of the shops in my country that offers various stuff, ranging from books to stationery, games and gadgets.
>How often do you write and do you have a preference with what you write with (favorite pens)?
It depends on the period, sometimes I write very often, sometimes I make longer pauses if I don’t have time to write. I don’t usually write everyday but there were times when I could do it more frequently. I write my notes with black pen, occasionally I write some words with colorful gel pens (such as quotes, titles of books and movies, something that should stand out in a particular entry).
>Do you decorate your journals? If so, with what and how?
Yes, I use stickers and washi tapes. I also make drawings inside sometimes. My diaries are also filled with various magazines clippings. These clippings are about media I like or some events related to the entries. Sometimes I also look in various magazines or advertisements for “aesthetic” pictures. A few times I made themed collages from these.
>Any favorite stores/companies to get all your journals and journaling goodies from?
Most of my journals are from Paperblanks. As for the writing stuff, I don’t have a favorite company, it depends on what kind of pens and other goods I like.

No. 1432162

I didn't know Hobonichi so I looked it up and their prices are insane. But their stuff looks good. I already have what I need but I'll keep that brand in mind.

No. 1432171

>40 euro for a planner minimum
holy fuck what does this planner do that my 2 euro planner from the supermarket doesn't do?

No. 1438314

I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle, nonas. I want to make journalling a more constant practice but I have a lot of trouble with it after allocating time and energy to everything else. I'm someone who likes to have a nice, quiet atmosphere to write in so I'll think of things throughout the day to write about but forget them all by the end even if I take notes.

Does anyone else have this issues? What do you do to stay on track?

No. 1441018

Maybe you can focus on writing more frequently when you have periods of more free time? Don’t force yourself to write when you don’t feel like it or don’t have best atmosphere for you.

Maybe you can make shorter notes and reflect more on these activities in your longer entries. Or you can have a separate space for short notes, to not forget something, and then make a proper entry based on it in your journal when you’ll have time and energy.

Personally I’m not writing everyday but I enjoy making more meaningful entries in good atmosphere too.

Maybe you can set yourself some basic things to write on, as a small summary if you really need to write frequently. Otherwise, you can just relax and write more when you are able to do so.

No. 1447642

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I'm happy I found this thread! Had to delete + repost because I forgot to greentext the last question.

>What made you start?

I needed a place to vent my feelings and also write poetry in, so I got really into it in August. Having a shitty crush also kinda exacerbated my obsession as well. It's now my little comfort hobby that I love the most.

>What kind of notebook do you write in?

A limited edition Moleskine with a lucky cat on it. I really like how this journal has held up over the past few months, aside from cosmetic damage, so I'm probably going to stick with the Moleskine brand.

>Where do you get your journals?

I got mine for $12.99 at TJ Maxx, which is a pretty good deal.

>How often do you write and do you have a preference with what you write with (favorite pens)?

I write every single day. Poetry, lyrics that inspire me, summaries of how my day went, some deep thoughts I needed to get out… I'm also a zoology/entomology major, so I have some random insect-related stuff written down, like field notes, pinning tips, facts on certain species I come across, etc etc etc… I use just regular ballpoint pens, but my true obsession is with highlighters. I LOVE the Zebra Kirarich glitter highlighters, my only gripe is that they have to dry for a minute or two or else they smudge. Stabilo Boss highlighters are nice to grip and they don't bleed through. I recently caved in and bought 20 of the Zebra Mildliners and I love them so far. They make journaling so much colorful. I swear most of my leisure spending money goes towards pens and highlighters.

>Do you decorate your journals? If so, with what and how?

My journal is white and super dirty, so I put stickers and decals over it to personalize it and distract from the scuffs and marks. Never get a white colored journal nonas. I have this gigantic "Don't panic!" sticker on the front, which is fitting because my journal is like my personal Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Mega autistic, I know.

>Any favorite stores/companies to get all your journals and journaling goodies from?

Michaels and Staples for pens and highlighters. Hobby Lobby is amazing for tiny stickers to decorate with. I might start ordering more stuff from Amazon. This thread is a good place for me to find more stuff to eventually purchase.

No. 1447647

Nta but having a quality planner is good if you can afford it. Fucking hate the ones that rip apart as soon as you look at it

No. 1448287

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Also nta but it's no different than opting for a $1 knife vs a $100 specialty knife, or a ball point pen vs a fountain pen. You don't need the more expensive version and it won't really do anything for you, but for people there's a definite difference in quality and something people are willing to pay for.

All hobonichis have tomoe river paper iirc, which just feels soooo smooth to write on. It's especially great if you like to use fountain pens- you never have to worry about the ink feathering or bleeding to the other side! The paper is very thin, so you can see the writing through the pages, but it's never bled through for me.

Paper aside, the bulk of the cost of hobonichis comes from their covers. You can pay upwards of well over $100 for a leather cover because… well, it's leather. There are cheaper ones too. You can just buy the planner books every year and swap them out using the same cover if you'd like, but I know some people who buy a new cover every year too. They also have big collaborations. This year it was One Piece, last year they had Animal Crossing and Inuyasha, and I think there's always some Mother pieces thrown in too. It's very much for a specific market.

I write in a leuchtturm journal but I have a hobonichi weeks to keep my life in order kek. I'm just used to it, and I like the format and size, plus I love using cute things so I always look forward every year to what kind of cute covers they'll have.

No. 1456181

>You can pay upwards of well over $100 for a leather cover because… well, it's leather. There are cheaper ones too.
I just take a paper grocery bag and cover mine like a grade school textbook

No. 1460054

I know this sounds silly but do you have any tips for a beginner? I've always wanted to keep a journal but I'd always forget about it after one or two entries and get discouraged because of ugly they were. I love arts and crafts but decorating pages and writing neatly is something I struggle with. Whenever I try to take pretty notes or have fun with scrapbooking it ends up looking hideous.

No. 1460064

Don’t get discouraged if you miss a few days. The first year I tried journaling I stopped after a month and felt too dispirited to keep going, but I’ve been able to be consistent with journaling for a few years now. I think changing the type of planner/journal I was using also helped. If I was trying to draw or decorate I would make sketches and spend an afternoon filling them in.

No. 1607800

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Nonniiiies what stationery have you bought lately?? Debating on one of these

No. 1607966

Are dippens nice to write with? Or are they scratchy?

No. 1612299

I use binders and 3 hole punched printer paper kek. I use it as a planner (which I like dated paper), journal, and sketchbook. I write the date large on top of the page. I prefer dates to appear on top like that and when I purchase planners/journals like that, and I miss days, the blank ugly pages feel like they are screaming at me. I learned if I use loose leaf paper and put them in a binder, I will never have blank or ugly pages. Ive never journaled more now and I have 5 or 6 three ring binders filled with chronological journal pages, schedules, and sketches with no interruptions. So satisfying.

No. 1612305

I misplaced my cheap fountain pen and have been using a Kaweco All Star, it writes better but the cartridges hold less ink. The ink I refill my pens with is Platinum Classic Lavender Black, it’s super nice.

No. 1612619

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>What made you start?
This is really embarrassing, but diary of the wimpy kid made me start journalling and speaking more in general as a child, I started at 9. I have a diary for each year till I was 11. I dropped it because cringe but went back to writing on and off again when I was 16. I have 7 books in total from different parts of my life now.

>What kind of notebook do you write in?

I always prefer notebooks that are A6 to B5 size. When I was a kid I would use books with ring binders, when I got older I hated using them. Picrel is all the books I've used over the years. I had a complete notebook when I was 16 that I liked but wanted a campus one that I couldn't find in store at the time. Same with the graphilo notebooks I got in 2018 and 2019.

>Where do you get your journals?

My local daiso, primarily.

>How often do you write and do you have a preference with what you write with (favorite pens)?

My kid notebooks all use pencils or mechanical pencils except for the one when I was 11, that one used any random pens I could find lying around. I regret using pencils because they're a little faded right now. But from when I was a teen onwards, I ONLY use the same black pilot signo pen. Line thickness varies based on what's available in the store however.

>Do you decorate your journals? If so, with what and how?

Never, they're as plain as day, just black text handwriting on white. I've never been able to make pretty journals or notes…

>Any favorite stores/companies to get all your journals and journaling goodies from?

Daiso, because cheap Japanese notebooks are great.

No. 1612680

kaweco is great, i own a few with different nib widths and they're some of the best fountain pens i have

No. 1612735

KAWECO SPORT, not All Star oops

No. 1612787

>What made you start?
i always wanted to but i have a friend who journals regularly and she sort of inspired me
>What kind of notebook do you write in?
usually A5, i like high quality notebooks because they usually last me a few months each
>Where do you get your journals?
online usually or from waterstones
>How often do you write and do you have a preference with what you write with (favorite pens)?
for the past few months i've been writing every day, but there have been times where i'll only write once a week or just a few times a month. i don't think it matters too much, pressure to write every day turns a lot of people off of journaling i think.
>Do you decorate your journals? If so, with what and how?
i will sometimes stick photos in at the front or back but otherwise no
>Any favorite stores/companies to get all your journals and journaling goodies from?
paperblanks! their journals are so cute and high quality. they're expensive admittedly but i spend months with each one so i think it's worth it. i don't spend much money otherwise and i only buy them one at a time when i've almost finished my current one

No. 1621157

Currently on volume 11 of my diary, which I started 16 months ago.

No. 1621165

volumes as in notebooks? You will up almost an entire notebook in a month? how?

No. 1621171

I use composition notebooks, sometimes wide-ruled, so they fill up pretty fast. I probably only write 2.5 pages a day on average, but I do write daily. It all adds up. My life isn't even interesting.

No. 1621230

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Fuck!! I lost one of my fave FPs recently (Pilot Prera) but luckily the yen is weak now so I just ordered a new one.

Fountain pens can be such a consoomerist rabbit easily (as evidenced from the fp subreddit) but I'm glad I purchased my grail pen early on so I don't feel the need to buy more lol

Any nonnies here have have/want s specific grail pen?

No. 1621253

Do any other anons make in-character journals when they're doing a long term RP? I did one for my 2 year DnD campaign years ago, now I want to start for the new ESO character I'm playing. I'll write down my loot, new plants and recipes I discover, calculate my fictional finances etc. with little illustrations, it's very fun!

No. 1621262

I have that with inks instead.

No. 1621264

By the way how do you order from Japan? I would be interested in getting some Sailor inks.

No. 1621317

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I use Wise to create a digital CC which I use to order from Amazon Japan!

Any Sailor inks you like in particular? I only have Studio 970 but it's one of my favorites!

No. 1622791

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Thanks! I've had a good dozen or so Sailor samples, but I definitely lean towards the paler and pastel colours. The #1 I really want is Manyo Ha-ha.

That said I can't figure out how to use amazon japan for the life of me. But I realized I have to pay customs when ordering from outside the EU so it probably won't be cheaper down the line anyway I think.

No. 1626056

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That ink is absolutely stunning!!!

Amazon JP calculates customs beforehand and you pay them up front. Most items are cheaper ordering directly from there even accounting for shipping and customs… But it's always great if you want to support a more local biz instead of Amazon.

However!! I will most certainly be ordering picrel Midori Planner there at the end of the month. The illustrations on the inside are so cute. There's many other designs too, including a really adorable dog themed one.

No. 1626095

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Oh, I love that ink! It's so pretty but I dislike wide nibs so the range of colors barely shows in my writing. With my medium nibs and good paper it still looks very pale and barely legible. I still want to get nekoyanagi one day though

No. 1626698

>What made you start?
I've been trying to get into scrapbooking and fell into journaling from there. I really wanted a place to make my feelings tangible, so my rants wouldn't just remain trapped in my head. End of last year, I was rearranging a bookshelf and found a little journal I bought years ago. This thread really helped me out too! I've been journaling regularly since the beginning of this year, and in the time it took me to fill one small A5 journal(3 months), I had quit my previous soul-sucking job I was at for 2+ years and started a new one! I'm going a little bit slower with my second one(Clairefontaine), but I'm doing a lot more to get my life moving forward.
>Where do you get your journals?
Just the local bookstore. I love writing in the A5 size, though.
>How often do you write and do you have a preference with what you write with (favorite pens)?
I was writing every other day, but now I've slowed down, my frequency changes, though, just depends on how much I want to rant. One rule I keep myself to is filling a full two-page spread for each entry, and if I go over, I have to write through the next full page spread. I use it to keep some consistency in my journal. Also, I just use whatever black ballpoint pen I have at the moment.
>Do you decorate your journals? If so, with what and how?
Not really, I'm still just focusing on getting my feelings down without stressing over design. I have the supplies and want to get into, but I haven't yet. One bit I do to encourage me to draw more is to draw one rabbit per page (two rabbits per entry) because it's year of the rabbit. I plan to do the same in 2024 but with dragons.
>Any favorite stores/companies to get all your journals and journaling goodies from?
I listened to you nonnas here and bought all my washi tape from aliexpress.

I typed this out and then realized I misread your post. I don't RP as a character, but I give my journals silly names and refer to them when I'm writing like they're my unwilling therapist.

No. 1627470

Is that a planner you put in a travelers notebook?

No. 1628240

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This is the peak pen for me (in black color)
Uni-ball is just SO SMOOTH and thick and visible, and doesn't break through the papers I use for uni or journaling

I tried pentel energel, but it's kind of grayish and the pen I have penetrates the page more with its tip and leaves traces on the back of the page.

Pilot G-tec C4 gets a honorable mention, the only issue is that the ink distribution isn't even.

No. 1628309

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The mini planner fits in the Passport sized Midori Traveler's Notebook (I just tested it myself with my TN dupe).

But you don't really need to do that since the planner comes with its own cover and loop (picrel).

Jetstream supremacy!! When I'm in Japan I always buy a ton to gift to friends and family kek

No. 1628428

Oh it's so cute! Do you like your (faux) travelers notebook? I've been eying the passport one but the prices of the refills is putting me off buying one.

No. 1628979

Hmmm, my dupe is really old and it's just recently that I started using it again, but I just use it to carry around my passport+the mini planner+a tiny sketchbook. So far I really like it!

No. 1629351

no but me and my friends often rp in journals or sketchbooks, like irl tegakie. None of us are good but it's fun kek

No. 1630581

Can anyone give me ideas/lifehacks for pencil boards? I considered making one, but the edges would be sharp from cutting because I only own scissors and scalpels.

No. 1630722

My friends and I used to do that! It was so much fun and it helped us hone our creative writing skills.

No. 1726970

>- What made you start?
stress relief, particularly relief from stress manifesting itself as physical pain symptoms. to keep memories and not forget things so easily, creativity outlet
>- What kind of notebook do you write in?
i just found an old leather bound journal i got from my old job, and used it
>- Where do you get your journals?
this is my conundrum, ive been researching a lot lately–the japanese journals (midori, hobonichi) and its gotten me also interested in using a planner + having a journal, but i''m not sure what's right for me. i like the idea of a basic hobonichi a6. or possible the midori codex for my journal next year
>- How often do you write and do you have a preference with what you write with (favorite pens)?
since i start a month ago, almost every night
>- Do you decorate your journals? If so, with what and how?
i doodle and add pictures, some stickers
>- Any favorite stores/companies to get all your journals and journaling goodies from?
i just bought a ton of stuff from daiso the other day. love daiso!!!!

No. 1727763

>What made you start?
I have done some form of journalling semi-regularly as a child but i decided to make it an everyday habit it a few years ago. Honestly it just seemed like a lot of fun lol, and a good way to organise my thoughts and schedule.
>What kind of notebook do you write in?
Right now I have a blank page notebook i got gifted that i use for my thoughts/feelings/writing about my day or any events. And i also use a moleskine planner that i use to well, plan and track habits and some other stuff if i need
>Where do you get your journals?
no preference really, i like trying out diff stuff
>How often do you write and do you have a preference with what you write with (favorite pens)?
Everyday, the last few months i have been using Sharpie Sgel 0.7 but i'm sure that'll change soon enough
>Do you decorate your journals? If so, with what and how?
I rarely decorate the outsides. But the insides I like using stickers, any stuff i've collected while out (like bus tickets, food packaging etc). Sometimes my own drawings and doodles

No. 1730055

I used to keep an analog journal that I would decorate with washi tape, stickers, etc. But nowadays I keep a digital journal, since it's easier to write in and edit. I picked up html to make a cute decorated website to upload the entries onto. I guess its more like a blog in that aspect but it scratches my itch for decorating and the website is relatively private. Are any other nonas keeping personalized digital journals?

No. 1785354

Does anyone write about the books they read? What kind of things do you write about the books you’ve read? I’d like to get more into it but im stuck deciding if I want to write reviews or a more essay style of analyses.
Nonnas what do you write about when you’re jouranling about a book you’ve read? Is it personal takes, reviews? Analyses and essays? Is it just highlights or things you enjoyed/didn’t enjoy?

No. 1785505

tbh all I do is write down passages or quotes I like since I'm too lazy to do more than that

No. 1786835

I read a lot so I keep it simple: date completed, title, publication year, author(s), rating, and my impressions after completing the book. These can be as short as one word but are usually 2-3 sentences, although I occasionally have so many thoughts that it goes on for several pages. Sometimes I also include quotes or even whole excerpts, especially if it's a library book. I primarily read print books, so I make a note if it was an ebook or audio book as well, and also if I am rereading the book.

No. 1819752

Can someone who has fountain pens check if my assumption is correct: if I get a 'wet' pen and/or wet ink and a medium or broader nib, I won't have problems with scratching? Or do I absolutely need the high quality fountain pen paper for that? I just want to write on thick general purpose sketch book paper for most part, but I absolutely don't want it to scratch and write roughly like my super cheap fountain pen. It needs to write smoothly. Is that achieveable?

No. 1820711

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It's very achievable and I've never had issues with scratchiness on regular papers. Specifically, even low end Japanese FP have fantastic quality control. I've heard awful stories on expensive FP's being scratchy out of the box. Personally I recc Platinum's Preppy or Meteor (China exclusive model on AliExpress) with a medium or broader nib, but even with an Preppy EF nib, with the right ink, it won't be scratchy on average paper at all. The nibs and parts on most low end Platinum models are interchangeable which is also fun!

Being scratchy is an issues of quality control, whereas the wetness is an aspect of the ink. I've had to mix inks that write too wet with drier ones…sorry for the fp sperg

No. 1820716

it depends what kinda book i'm reading. if its nonfiction i usually write down passages and facts that i wanna keep and remember. if its a 'literary' book i do try to analyse it using a theory but nothing super high effort, just for fun

No. 1820850

>sorry for the fp sperg
Kek not at all anon, it's much appreciated. I'll try the platinum preppy since it's so cheap. Do you have a recommendation for a reasonable priced wet ink too?

No. 1823382

File: 1703194936982.jpg (116.39 KB, 1000x1200, Faber-castell-ink-turquoise-89…)

Thank you for letting me indulge in FP fagging, nona!!

My ink collection is small but I'm partial to this ink from Faber Castel which only runs about $9: https://www.penaddict.com/blog/2018/8/1/graf-von-faber-castell-turquoise-ink-cartridge-review , the color isn't my fave but the ink writes like a dream. My worst behaving inks are Diamine's 1864 Blue Black (too wet) and also their Celadon Cat (too dry). Also I avoid Noodler's inks because they are very aggressive and the owner hates the jews.

Please mind that Japanese pen nibs run much finer than Western pens (a JPN Medium = Western Fine nib). Also if you want to use inks out of the bottle, you'll either need an syringe needle or a converter. Platinum has propriety converters that fit on most of their models (I use mine interchangeably on a Preppy, Meteor or Plaisir). AND ALSO another low-end pen I love is Pilot Kakuno, and if you'd like to try a midrange one in the feature I also adore Pilot Prera, I think that might be favourite pen out of my whole collection. Bizarely, Pilot has absolutely terrible converters.

No. 1837488

Reviving this thread to complain: I bought a plain notebook instead of a dot grid one for this year's bujo, and I have never had a worse time trying to make fucking layouts. It's almost enough to make me want to go buy a dot grid one and turn the plain one into a sketchbook, but I don't want to spend even more money and I've already done a ton of work setting this one up. It had to be the year I decided to try doing the stupid artsy-fartsy layouts and spreads, too. I truly am the architect of my own misfortune.

No. 1837564

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I bought two journals for 2024, ones a normal 1-year and the other is a 3-year.
Decided I'll use the 1-year for inner thoughts/emotions/vent etc. and the 3-year for daily log of activities.
I really want to improve my memory this year, which I think has been affected horribly by instagram reels/tiktok. So I want to keep this habit going as best I can. I really like the 3-year ones layout. Binding is really nice too.

No. 1838253

Use a page in the back of the notebook to jot down the measurements for your favorite layouts - margins, box width, space between columns, etc. I prefer blank paper and make my own planner from scratch each year. Having a reference page for my preferred layout makes things easier. You can also use scrap cardboard or plastic (like from old school report covers) to make templates so that you don't have to measure at all.

No. 1849785

what is this planner called? looks like a really nice layout. and how has your daily logging been going?

No. 1849823

>What made you start?
I realized I kinda have fuzzy memories of how I felt during some trying times of my life, and I wanted a better way of recording how I felt. So I started with just some random journal from the grocery store lol.

>What kind of notebook do you write in?

I used to use MD graph ones. But I didn't like how cream / off white it is.

Right now I really like Kokuyo's paper the best, so I just get their campus series notebooks and shove it in a knockoff hobonochi cover until it's full. I've been trying out random notebooks in that size to try and find even cheaper ones that still feel nice to write in.

>Where do you get your journals?

Jetpens or Goulet

>How often do you write and do you have a preference with what you write with (favorite pens)?

I try to do it every day, but if there's nothing to write. then there's nothing to write. and I'm not gonna force it.

I really like fountain pens, but I think they're like… my worst consooom hole, along with fountain pen ink. So now I have a rule where I can only buy a pen if one breaks / or gets lost. And I can only buy a new bottle of ink if I empty one. So since these rules like… two years ago, I haven't bought anything, lol. Not even journals…

I do, shamefully, own some super expensive pens and I'll just say there isn't much difference between the writing experience. I have one soft gold nibbed pen that's super comfortable to use, but you can buy used ones just the same for twenty bucks on ebay. Preppy two dollar pens are the best bang for buck pens out there.

I also have glass dip pens, gotten cheaply from ebay. With superfine sandpaper, they can be made insanely smooth. Glide across the page. So great.

>Do you decorate your journals? If so, with what and how?

No, I like them plain and understated.

>Any favorite stores/companies to get all your journals and journaling goodies from?

Ebay is my favorite place to find gold nibbed pens.

No. 1851654

Does anyone know of any planners that have thicker paper? I use markers in my Moleskine planner but the bleed is just awful, the paper is so thin and it makes marker look splotchy.

No. 1856989

I think if you’re going to use markers you’d have to buy papers for them, especially if it’s alcohol markers since they bleed a lot. Midori had a colorable planner a few years ago but sadly I think they discontinued it. Maybe try Midori md or bienfang paper and make it into a planner

No. 1857638

Paperblanks. They have 85-120 gsm and beautiful covers, I never found anything more convenient for journaling

No. 1861376

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Some male journo wrote this slog of an article about how JK Rowling is a bad person. cause get this, the characters in her crime novel series are depicted as gross, ugly sex-pest, which the author claims promotes further anti-LGBT rhetoric

>JK Rowling, Britain’s gloriously nasty novelist

>Her electric Robert Galbraith novels portray a Britain populated by paedophiles, domestic abusers, rapists and terrorists

>It isn’t long into The Silkworm – JK Rowling’s 2014 crime novel published under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith – before the subject of Jacobean revenge tragedies arises. A witness tells Rowling’s detective, Cormoran Strike, about a murder suspect who also happens to be a well-known fiction author. The gore of those 17th-century plays – with their “their sadism and their lust for vengeance… rape and cannibalism, poisoned skeletons dressed up as women” – was his “obsession”.

>You could say the same about Rowling herself. Now that the dust has settled on the best-selling Harry Potter series – which themselves feature child abuse, murder and torture, all before they’ve graduated to the Young Adult section of the library – Rowling has transitioned from national treasure to liberal pariah, alienating her largely left-wing millennial fanbase with gender-critical politics. In tandem, the nastiness of her fiction – previously largely sublimated – has bubbled up to the surface like lava. Her most recent books, which grace window displays in Waterstones, might just make her Britain’s nastiest novelist.
>As Galbraith – who was described, on the original dust jackets, as ex-Royal Military Police – Rowling has been unleashed. Her talent for intricate world-building, so evident in Harry Potter, has merged with a tendency towards sickening violence and penetrating satire. On the dark streets of Rowling’s London, criminals and perverts lurk on every corner, disguising themselves as innocent or vulnerable. Her victims are doused in acid, asphyxiated, thrown from balconies, and – the final indignity – preyed upon by voyeuristic tabloid journalists. What’s worse is that they deserve it.

>Rowling’s career as a purveyor of vicious social derision began on the first page of the first Harry Potter book. Harry’s uncle, Mr Dursley, is described as “a big, beefy man with hardly any neck”, while Mrs Dursley has “nearly twice the usual amount of neck”. Both are snooty and mean: more concerned with the upkeep of their lawn than the well-being of their nephew. Harry was instantly recognisable as a protagonist in the mould of Great Expectations’ Pip or Jane Eyre: orphans, beset by those who ought to provide succour. But for adult readers, the Dursleys were clearly a piercing satire of Daily Mail-reading middle-class mediocrity, of suburban small-mindedness. The couple and their equally grotesque son Dudley (who also has “not much neck… on his thick, fat head”), are status-obsessed, grasping bigots, thank you very much.

>Sixteen years later, a mysterious crime novel by an unknown writer called Robert Galbraith appeared on the shelves of selected bookshops. The Cuckoo’s Calling was already a modest success when Rowling was unmasked as its author, following a leak to the Sunday Times. There was little astonishment that she had progressed from children’s fiction to mystery novels: the first four Potter novels are, essentially, whodunnits. What was more surprising was their unremitting grimness. Her detectives – the one-legged veteran, Cormoran Strike, and his younger female partner, Robin Ellacott – are submerged in the drug- and sex-fuelled world of the vapid super-rich. The target of Rowling’s satire had moved, alongside her social position, from middle England to Mayfair.
>Galbraith’s Britain – the series begins in 2010 and has so far made its way to the Brexit vote – is a world in which murder might be considered one of the more civilised activities. “[S]omething more,” wrote Thomas De Quincey, in his essay “On Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts”, “goes to the composition of a fine murder than two blockheads to kill and be killed.” Rowling’s murderers might be unpleasant, stupid or cruel, but they are often overshadowed by the true degenerates of her novels. This is a landscape populated by paedophiles and domestic abusers, rapists and far-right terrorists: none of whom, I might add, actually commit the murders. The act of killing, in comparison, is almost incidentally reprehensible, merely slipped into the deck of depravity like a stray Joker.

>As Rowling became more successful as a children’s author, the Potter books became longer and more idiosyncratic, as though her editors feared any intervention might disrupt the flow of cash into their bank accounts. And while The Cuckoo’s Calling was a relatively modest 464 pages, and The Silkworm 454, her crime series’ three most recent instalments – Troubled Blood, The Ink Black Heart and The Running Grave – all clock in at almost, or just over, 1,000 pages. With seven books published in the series in the past decade, she is still lagging behind Agatha Christie’s famous rate of a book per year, but word for word she’s probably raced ahead of the Queen of Crime with the sheer size of her output.

>In fact, the Strike novels are electric – shocking and exciting in a way good crime fiction should be – precisely because Rowling eschews the clinical puzzle style of Christie or Conan Doyle. She prefers something labyrinthine, where the mystery is the thread that holds a multi-linear saga together. The professional and romantic partnership between Robin and Strike (one of the most exhaustingly slow-burning romances committed to literature) is the only relief from this tangled web of bad people doing bad things to other bad people. Robert Galbraith’s world is dizzyingly immersive. The novels – which read like the obsessive, compulsive fan fiction of the Wattpad generation – are an alternative universe, where your most base, most judgemental thoughts are rendered in black and white.
>Rowling’s darkest literary impulses run wild in the last two epics of the Strike series. The Ink Black Heart is a formally experimental work set among internet trolls and composed, in large part, of transcribed conversations between the moderators of a video game popular with self-described “edgelords”, online provocateurs who revel in bigotry and malice. Vast swathes of the novel (almost every other chapter) are written as dialogue-only conversations between anonymised accounts. The users exist within the real-world narrative too, but the plot only slowly unveils their true identities, a series of micro-mysteries within the novel’s broader structure. It is the genre fiction parallel to the embedded emails and chatspeak that has typified the output of literary authors, such as Sally Rooney, Ben Lerner, Elif Batuman and Jarett Kobek.

>As Galbraith, Rowling takes aim at all sections of the political spectrum. Much of The Ink Black Heart is centred around a performatively woke blog called “the Pen of Justice”, which has publicly accused the novel’s murder victim of racism and transphobia. Naturally, the anonymous author of this blog turns out to be a paedophile. “That’s how you like them, right?” asks Strike, confronting the man he’s just unmasked as both a social justice warrior and a rapist of underage girls. “Easier to manipulate if they’ve got fuck all self-esteem and no family to drag you into court.”

>The malice of Rowling’s novels springs not just from its ugly villains, but the narrative cruelty directed at so many of her less abhorrent, if still sinister, characters. Almost as little sympathy is spared for Kea Niven, a young woman who blogs about her chronic illnesses. “There was a shadow of a dare in her behaviour,” Strike thinks to himself when they meet, as the plausibility of her physical symptoms is consistently undermined. This is not the first time that Rowling has picked at the persistent accusation that millennials confect oppressions and traumas. The series’ third novel, Career of Evil, features a young, female character, Kelsey, who desperately wants to be an amputee. As she writes to Strike:
>“I will only be truly me and truly complete when my leg is gone. Nobody gets that it isn’t and never will be part of me. My need to be an amputee is very hard for my family to accept, they think it is all in my mind.”


No. 1861378

>The Running Grave, the seventh and most recent in the series, is more linear, less radical, but shot through with extra acidic bile. The novel, set within a cult based on the North Norfolk coast, is teeming with child murder, sexual abuse and paedophilia. The word “sodomise”, in its many tenses, is used 12 times; on eight occasions “c**t” is deployed against a character. But most graphic of all are the grubby clues unearthed over the course of the investigation: the mystery hangs on the existence of a set of eight Polaroids.
>The first shows a “dark, naked, chubby girl”. The second shows a female character “being penetrated from behind”. In another Polaroid, an intellectually disabled character is photographed “being sodomised” (“Robin,” Rowling writes, “could almost see the grimace of pain on the moon face of the teenager”). Another shows “a dark girl being penetrated” by an older man, with “a deep graze on her left knee”. I could go on; Rowling does not spare the reader’s sensitivities. Her specificity is relentless.
>But Rowling’s most grotesque caricature is not a child murderer, but a social climber. Bijou (“‘Her name’s Bijou?’ said Robin incredulously”) is a high-flying lawyer who sets her sights on the celebrity detective at a party. She is depicted as obsessionally interested in procreating with her married senior (“She took a used condom out of the bin,” Robin is informed, “while she was having an affair with that married QC, and inserted it inside herself”) and generally conducts herself like a parody of men’s rights activists’ fears about women. Perhaps the most scorn, however, is reserved for her breasts. “She’d looked better than she felt,” Strikes’ inner monologue observes after their one-night stand. “Her impressive breasts, as he’d discovered in the bedroom, were fake.”

>In her children’s fiction and her crime books, Rowling’s writing tends towards exaggerated moral binaries: in sharp contrast to the Bijous and the Culpeppers of the novels, Strike’s detective partner, Robin Ellacott combines the qualities Rowling uses to typify her goodies: an unshowy intelligence, selfless bravery, a regional accent/absence of inherited wealth, and an unprepossessing, yet arresting, beauty. In literary archetypes, she comes dangerously close to the pervasive trope of female infallibility. So, when Robin becomes the conduit for cruelty, it is even more striking. “He was,” Rowling writes, as Robin visits a prisoner at HMP Bedford in The Running Grave, “without exception, the most pathetic example of humanity Robin had ever laid eyes on.” She goes on: “Robin had the macabre thought that she was looking at a man whose proper setting was a coffin, an impression reinforced by the gust of rotten breath that reached her as he sat down.” It’s the sort of description Rowling usually reserves for the alt-right and tawdry tabloid hacks.

>Rowling’s propensity for spite is exhilarating, particularly as being celebrated for sheer nastiness is a privilege so often reserved for male authors: the violence of Cormac McCarthy, the vulgarity of Martin Amis, the perversity of Michel Houellebecq. Though more generic, the Galbraith novels are no less morally transgressive, dispensing with the search for justice and fairness that characterises so much detective fiction.
>Early in The Running Grave, Strike and Robin provide surveillance on two odd, unsettling brothers (one of whom has special needs) who are stalking a young actress. “Did I tell you one of them’s been done for stalking and the other one for flashing?” Strike tells his partner. “A good reminder to all of us that oddballs aren’t necessarily harmless.” It’s a message that Rowling emphasises at the novel’s denouement. In the epilogue, the client who hired Strike and Robin asks how the cult managed to get away with myriad abuses for so long: “‘Live and let live,’ isn’t it?” Strike replies. The moral of this thousand-page novel is one that runs counter to most of the modern inclusivity agenda: if people are weird, they might well be dangerous. At the very least, we should be suspicious of anyone strange or unusual. It seems Mr and Mrs Dursley, who “just didn’t hold with such nonsense”, were right all along.

>The Strike novels understandably take a far more cynical, bitter world-view than Rowling’s children’s fiction. As her work has shifted, a generation of Potter enthusiasts have been increasingly disillusioned by Rowling’s evolution from saint-like Labour Party-supporting children’s author to polemical political activist, seemingly obsessive about the tabloid media, Scottish nationalism and, most provocatively for her millennial readers, gender-critical feminism. It is a disillusionment that Rowling shares, but for all her books’ world-weary criticism of a political world polarised by social media, they show little self-awareness. In her novels, Rowling skewers the far right – meanwhile, she has liked a post from a far-right account on Twitter. She condemns vicious keyboard warriors and hysterical reactionaries in her books but engages in similar behaviour herself online. In another world, JK Rowling could be a character in a book by Robert Galbraith: brittle, insecure, cruel.

>When she assumed the Galbraith pseudonym a decade ago, Rowling was putting on a mask. The mask of anonymity, the mask of detachment, the mask of adulthood. But on another level, she was taking off a mask – and showing herself in full, nasty glory for the first time.

2/2(wrong thread)

No. 1861591

arr we changing anything up for 2024 anons? new journals? journaling practices? etc?

in 2024 im taking a break from bullet journaling and using a daily planner instead where i write down just the main points of the day and mark what events happened via doodle or sticker. bullet journaling was fun, but it got to be a hassle later on even when i made it more and more bare bones, and i only kept adding more washi tape to my collection to the point where ill use them all up in MAYBE a decade
also im using excel sheets for my habit trackers so i can just check off a cell and let formulas track my stats instead of doing so manually. changing the cell colors, font colors, fonts, and font sizes honestly make them so fresh and fun to me lol

No. 1861645

After never being able to keep a journal properly, I decided on the hobonichi weeks. So far I love it. It's small so it's not as daunting to fill up. I like how there are blank pages for each weeks, and more blank pages in the back. And I'm keeping track of small weekly stuff, my job search, health notes, keeping small little paper or thin mementos, whatever I feel like.
I got some washi tape, highlighters, pens, stickers, and small scrapbooking supplies for it too.
I like to draw and paint but haven't been keeping up with it as much anymore because of depression and stuff, so I can draw in it if I feel like it or draw on a separate piece of paper and paste it in.

No. 1861674

anon this thread is about journaling for personal reasons, not journalism lol

No. 1861688

I switched from using a Hobonichi Weeks for the last couple years to the Cousin/A5 size. My wrists are kinda shot so I wanted to write bigger, and I also try to make a drawing each day. The only thing I don’t like is that I really don’t need 3 types of calendar sections along with the daily pages. I covered up the dates in one area to just use it for notes and tracking bills/groceries etc.

No. 1861691

Washi tape is ugly. What’s everyone else’s overrated product?

No. 1861701

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Planner sticker packs, I don’t really get why anyone would pay $$$ on a journal/planner with good paper and then immediately coat all of the pages in stickers.

No. 1861919

shit, I meant to post this in the Journalist cringe thread.

No. 1861969

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It is definitely weird when people cover the pages like this, stickers for every month/every day/activities. I like more minimal, like a few stickers in the corner or at the top of bottom of the page like picrel

No. 1862271

I've been journaling since childhood, stopped due to an incident where my pages got leaked to the classroom by some asshole. That made me paranoid of paper, I still keep a physical one but it's superficial thoughts. And on the side have digital notes where I allow myself to be unhinged

No. 1862292

I don't use packs like this, but for me using stickers makes it more engaging and fun so I'm excited to use it every week. Maybe not practical, but it helps me actually use my planner and stay more organized.

No. 1863196

Yeah, I have a few rolls of washi and outline the pages with them. I know someone who bought a mini photo printer but it seems like those are a mixed bag.

No. 1863345

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any EU nonnas that could help me out? i wanna try out some cuter sticker sheets (something like in the picture, or colorful letters and numbers sorta stuff) but i'm clueless as to where i could find them. fuck ali, their quality is okay but i feel iffy about art theft

for a bit of an added challenge i don't live in central EU and don't really like to use amazon for most of this stuff. i would love to buy from smaller EU artists if you could recommend some

No. 1863357

does anyone have any journalling templates or prompts that they like to use?

No. 1863363

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I miss Sandylion stickers…I can’t even find good photos of them online

No. 1863507

>i don't live in central EU
i dont really get what you mean by this lol but
misopaper deliver to all eu countries, plus norway and switzerland. they have loads of sticker sheets
if you're in russia a really nice brand is NO KIDS stickers, their designs are gorgeous

No. 1863517

you brought back a memory I forgot I had. I don't recognize this particular brand but those stickers with those really chunky glitters were everything.

No. 1863543

I buy mine from Sokollab, they're a kpop shop that is based in the UK (ship to EU), but they also sell lots of Korean stickers. A lot of stuff is listed as sold out online, but if you search via availability you can find everything they have.

No. 1864353

i meant northern europe. thank you, i'll check them out

thank you, i'll check them out

No. 1870453

I forgot where I put my journal and found it recently after finally doing some deep cleaning in my closet and drawers. I've never written in it several days in a row, the last entry is from one year ago but I'll start writing again just to vent and list some stuff. A lot happened in 2023, mostly good things for once, so I have a lot of things to write about, especially about hobbies and about the latest trips abroad I've done and the next ones I want to plan. Actually, does it even count as journaling if I write something like once a month or once a year?

No. 1870470

the word 'journal' means 'daily' but I don't think anyone is coming to arrest you

No. 1870480

I know it means daily, that's why I ask, and I might as well not throw away a good notebook with plenty of empty pages but I'm sure there are people out there who only write in theirs when they have a specific thing to say, right? I can't see myself just writing one line of "nothing happened today" or "went to work today it sucked ass" and nothing else like 150 times in a row.

No. 1870643

I fell the same which is why I abandon journals sometimes, or fear of someone finding it. However looking back I would love to read a mundane entry of something I did 10 or 15 years ago in a new light.

No. 1870802

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I found the idea of a healing journal interesting. It'd be less about having to write about my daily mundane activities, and could be used to train myself into positive thinking. There's stickers I could use and prompts from online mental health blogs.

No. 1870806

i have a daily planner/calendar that i jot down non-everyday events in. it helps keep me motivated to stay active and engaged in my daily life, especially after the pandemic melted my sense of time. or remember to do aweekly chore bc its been a while since i wrote it. i dont write anything huge for the most part - went grocery shopping, cooked [name of dish], listened to [new album] and dis/liked it, called [friend] about [subject], did laundry, [weather] was nice, etc
i also write down occasional points/ways of improvement like 'oh this chore took way longer than expected, next time do xyz differently'.

No. 1870860

I feel like a stupid hippy about this but I turned my daily journal into a positivity journal and it's kind of changed my life. Instead of writing what I did, I put down the best thing that happened that day. And yeah sometimes that can get repetitive but "cuddled with cat" for a week straight is less depressing than a month of "went to work." I still record how the day felt overall but I've stopped trying to remember what exactly happened on "complete and utter shit" days, I just know that I saw a hummingbird or whatever and that sticks with me. It's full of cringe inside jokes with myself and some things probably seem like schizo ramblings but it makes it fun to reread. It's all in the same book but the tonal shift between the daily journal and positivity journal is so stark, it probably seems like I suddenly started talking by meds kek

No. 1870936

I have the same problem, but I just carried on and wrote things down when I needed to vent or had an interesting day. I'm just coming to the end of my journal now and I've had it since 2015. It's interesting to read back how my life used to be but goddamn was I cringey at 15.

No. 1870964

What would a healing journal look like? This sounds interesting to me, I could use it
Do you just analyze your current feelings in it?

No. 1870966

Are those weed nugget plushies

No. 1870969

You said you were cringey when you were 15 but maybe in a few years you're read these entries again and just feel nostalgic and happy about it without finding them cringe worthy. I wish I tried keeping a journal back then but I had no privacy whatsoever and my parents were crazy as fuck so I just ended up learning English and complaining online instead.

No. 1872292

Nta but I kept several journals as I was going through intensive trauma therapy and it was very helpful. I have a tendency to be obsessive so I didn't have a set system for it. I wrote on my computer in text files, on a public anon blog (that I deleted once I felt healed enough to move on from it), and in various notebooks.
A lot of the time I would vent, sometimes I tried out random prompts I found online, and wrote down my thoughts about therapy. I did do a lot of analyzing my feelings in it once I learned how to recognize how I was feeling too. On my anon blog I often wrote in a more structured, longform format about aspects of trauma recovery and the specific issues I was dealing with in a broader context. I know that there are a lot of YT videos on this topic and even some journals that come pre-filled with prompts to get you started, but for me, my goal was becoming more autonomous so I just did a giant combination of whatever looked interesting for myself. Hope that helps nonnie!

No. 1887227

How do fountain pens compare to gel pens on shitty notebook paper? I'm not willing to invest in quality paper tbh but I'm also fed up with the tiny cartridges of my favorite gel pen. I use a 0.7mm gel pen.

No. 1888040

using fountain pen on shitty cheap paper is gonna be a terrible experience

No. 1889105

It took a long ass time but I finally bought a pen. I got an extra fine and a medium preppy (wanted a broad one but couldn't find it for sale) to get a feeling for the different nib with and a bottle of ink. I hope it'll make my journaling more pleasant!

No. 1890237

I've been pretty happy with using a cheapo fountain pen on crappy paper. I bought the Ferris Wheel Press Carousel Pen after a recommendation from a friend and ended up getting a second one in a different nib size for myself as well as a fine nib for a different friend as a gift. Both me and the friend I gifted the pen to really enjoy the pens, and both of us use standard office printing paper or just random cheap notebooks without any complaints. I feel like the ink lasts longer for me than gel pens did and I can always refill if needed too. Will say the refilling process is a bit cumbersome, and sometimes messy.

No. 1892895

samefag, okay I love my stupid cheap fountain pen kek the medium one is great. I love how smoothly it glides across the paper, I should've done this so much sooner. Not loving the ultra fine one but I expected I wouldn't so that's okay.

No. 1894398

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I sort of got into journaling recently, my journal looks like picrel (my handwriting isn't as fancy though). I tried using some washi tape to give some color to the pages, but I don't like breaking my lines. I end up using very little at some small spots, but I still end up with huge blocks of non stop rambling. I'm trying to use it for venting and self reflection, I sneak in very silly and unimportant thoughts as well, so it doesn't seem so intimidating and serious. I've been looking for a more comfortable pen though, nothing fancy. My fineliner pens have been ok to write, but the way I hold my pen to write is really dumb and it gets uncomfortable after some time.

No. 1896813

Ferris Wheel is notorious for having overpriced, barely legible ink and mediocre pens and accesories but I'm glad you're enjoying your pen!

No. 1896846

>barely legible
I feel like anyone foolish enough to buy super light ink only has themselves to blame. I bought a bottle of steeped umber and it’s perfectly fine, but I have no plans to get anything else from them with all their drama.

No. 1898887

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I found this in my bf's journal.

No. 1905012

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Nonette this is the cutest thing

I'm really glad my friend linked me this thread. Did any UK nonnas feel sad when Paperchase went bust? I actually stole a bunch of stuff during their closing down sale (stickers, notebooks, washi tape), it was only gonna go to their shareholders anyway y'know? That place felt like my second home. After that even Clintons shut down their online store. And then after that I coincidentally found this site on a random listography:

Has anyone purchased from it before? It looks nice and high quality, but regarding their claims for fountain pen usage, I wondered how different the paper quality was compared to something like Clairefontaine, which I believe is what the Oxford Campus Refill Pads (90gsm) use. The shop seems to have a lot of interest in Japanese style paper (I have yet to properly understand what that is though).

So far my go-tos for the last several years have been g-tec-c4 pens and any A5 notebook that has 90-100gsm pages because that feels like the only type of paper that my pen nibs won't claw through when I'm ranting really hard Loooool.

I also prefer a narrowly ruled page because I can fit more on there, and if the pages aren't numbered, I'll write my own numbers so I can refer back to them like "I was backreading and my opinions on page 14 haven't changed, but on page 16 I think something completely different now, ever since my friend told me about blahblahblah." I like using my old diary entries as prompts.

I used to buy all my notebooks from Paperchase, and even some branded notebooks from Ryman (Moleskine, Leuchtturm1917) but I didn't think they were all that so I have them blank currently after starting one page, but this means I have a hoard. How many notebooks have you started but not finished lol? I have about 20.

No. 1905055

i haven't bought a fountain pen from choosingkeeping before but I've bought many other stationery and it's all been very good quality. also their physical store is London is sooo lovely, I recommend visiting if you're ever in the area
by Japanese paper do you mean tomoe river paper? i think it is really worth the money, esp if you use fountain pens

No. 1905094

Uhhh is that why it has a tumblr file name?

No. 1905106


No. 1905341

>but I still end up with huge blocks of non stop rambling.
I do aswell and it's great. I swear I dream less and sleep better when I journal regularly.

No. 1905379

Do you all think fountain pens are worth it to get into? Are they worth the hype? I always just use normal ballpoint pens in my Hobonichi, but I've heard fountain pens don't bleed through and have better ergonomics. I've been thinking about getting a Pilot Kakuno to start cheap.

No. 1905412

File: 1709150593178.jpg (97.3 KB, 811x811, 1*cTi0s_-Om53UXpWI_LOBRg.jpg)

I'm also curious about this—is there really that big of a difference? I can't say I get feeling like I need to write with a fancy fountain pen in a journal where I'm the only one who'll see it. I guess a perk is that you can keep it forever and just buy new pots of ink but I feel like it'd be hard to buy one without testing it first which might lead to wasted money. For now I'm happy with the gel pens from Muji kek, no bleed through and they write really smoothly.

No. 1905424

I'm a fountain pen noob, I bought a Platinum Plaisir as it felt like a decent enough starter pen, sturdy enough to use daily yet not too fancy where I'd be too scared to use it. There's definitely a bit of a learning curve, Idk it feels a bit slippery to write with since you don't need to use a lot of pressure, and you have to keep it at a certain angle. But I'm enjoying it so far. I'm scared of ending up in the ink rabbit/consoom hole since there's an endless amount of gorgeous inks, so I'm trying to just keep it basic for now once I'm still getting used to using one.
I love the cap type Muji 0.38 gel pens A LOT (the knock type is trash) though I've seen a lot of hate for them lately. I personally prefer them to both Zebra Sarasa and Uni-ball one, just a great reliable every day workhorse pen.

No. 1905425

I know this is probably not your pic OP, but I really like these types of aesthetic notes. Everything is neat and organized without it looking like it takes forever, aka aesthetic note-taking curated solely for social media

No. 1905438

AYRT and nope this isn't my pic unfortunately. I much prefer these types of notes too. It's tidy and pleasing to look at—I wish I could train myself to write like this but I can only keep it up for a paragraph before my hand starts to hurt kek.

>zebra sarasa
Oh gosh I love these pens too, I make my work buy them since I write a lot during the day and steal the whole box when they show up kek

No. 1905445

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A fountain pen writes so much nicer than whatever random free ballpoint you've got laying around. Personally I don't think there's a massive difference between a gel pen and a fountain pen, but real fountain pen junkies will probably disagree with me lol. I love pentel energels but use them up quickly so being able to refill from a bottle is convenient.

No. 1905450

Metal pens make me so angry I hate touching metal pens

No. 1905465

these are mostly plastic but I know what you mean

No. 1906171

I'm considering getting one because I've gotten tired of ball-point pens running out / breaking apart constantly. I've been using cheap free ones though. I'll have to make sure to pick wisely though, to not end up with an unergonomic pen or one that breaks easily, but I couldn't give less of a shit about the aesthetics or branding, that's just retarded.

No. 1906879

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Am I the only one who uses these fineliners? Not necessarily this brand, but the pen type. I think some of them can recharge the ink in them, they are usually cheap. I've never tried a fountain pen, but the prices don't seem to justify it for me.

Absolutely, have I known about it, I would have started sooner. Something about doing it on a paper and not on a screen is cathartic as well.

No. 1906951

I have two cheapish fountain pens (kaweco sport and pilot prera) and I like using them in my Hobonichi. I think it’s worth trying if you’d rather have a less wasteful/refillable pen, they made me realize they I actually write quite a bit with how often I refill them

No. 1907389

I like how fineliners write but I haven't used them in years because I always end up pushing the tip in

No. 1907407

I've tried using these but i prefer using a fountain pen with a very thin nib. Some brands like kaweco and pilot do interchangeable nibs so you don't have to buy a whole new pen every time. you won't get 0.3 mm but an EF nib is already very thin
if you want affordable fountain pens pilot's plumix series is rly cheap. kaweco's sport models are pretty neat, especially if you like compact pens. diplomat is also good. lamy is reliable but they use own-brand cartridges rather than standard ones unfortunately.
(note that im in europe so maybe us prices are different idk)

No. 1912988

I only have a few pages left in my journal and I'm trying to finish it before my big trip next week because I know I'll want to write while I'm away… but I don't want to bring both my old and new journal, and there aren't enough pages for me to bring just my old journal (it's a 2 week trip). To use up all the pages I've been forcing myself to write at least 2 pages per day. I think it's a good writing exercise. I started journaling all because I truly wanted to record all the boring and mundane shit in my life, because I think it'd be really fun to read in the future. But most of my entries are short and just sort of gloss over my day. Since I have to write 2 pages a day, I've just been writing super unnecessarily in depth entries about my day, focusing on dumb small details and just going on nonsense ramblings about stuff. I write down all of my thoughts, which sometimes means I go off on weird tangents. I actually think it's really fun and I think my future self will really appreciate these entries kek. I should write more in the future, but I know without the looming threat, I'll probably revert back to my shorter entries. I've also been decorating my pages really nice because it takes up more space (= less space to fill up).

No. 1913010

The only reasons I got into fountain pens is for range of ink selection/properties + line variation in a portable form factor. In particular, I like shading inks/color shifting inks and a spot of shimmer with my flex nibs. But technically you can get all of that with a dip pen if you're okay with the nib not being smooth and you don't need it on the go.

No. 1914346

Does anyone have any journal prompt recommendations? I've been doing a simple 5 minute journal that has questions, but it's just 1 sentence answers and I was thinking of trying to add some longer writing to my routine. Books with prompts or anything would be appreciated. Ideally prompts about reflection or healing but I'm interested in whatever people recommend

No. 1914353

theres a specific type of prompts supposed to nudge you into deep reflection and self-improvement called Shadow Work Journaling. I havent done it consistently but I've met people who say it really helped at a time in their lives

No. 1914361

I bought some 0.5mm Muji pens on a friend's recommendation. They're smooth enough when doodling, but when writing out letters, the ink gets stuck. Does anyone know of any smoother pens for writing?

No. 1914377

this sounds really cozy nona, and does sound like a fun writing exercise. i hope you enjoy the trip and enjoy opening up a fresh new journal.
how do you typically decorate your journals? i like to doodle between entries and in pages i accidentally skipped. i should put random stickers but i never do

No. 1914381

that sounds interesting, I'll have to give it a look. there seem to be a few journals and books on libgen

No. 1915597

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if you're storing them tip-up, try sideways or tip-down. if you're using them in really cold weather, that could be it, too. I've never had that problem with muji pens but I have with the sarasa clip, and I've heard muji uses their ink carts sometimes… you could try the Uni-ball Signo UM-151 too, it's pretty similar but ime the ink flows more easily and dries faster

No. 1915604

I'm your polar opposite. I fill my pages with ramblings everyday and I definitely don't plan on reading them again later. I also don't like decorating too much, but I've been using some small amounts of washi tape in some places. Have fun on your trip.

No. 1916117

i bought some 0.5mm energel pens because of this post, and i've really been enjoying using them. i was using the sharpie sgel before but i feel like the energel is even smoother to write with, and dries a lot quicker. so thank you for the recc nona

No. 1920444

I've been using my fountain pen on cheap paper (regular copy paper, free notepads, cheap notebooks etc.) and it's totally fine for me. It looks about the same as a regular pen on both sides.

No. 1920493

Does anyone else feel that journaling can sometimes cause their mental health to spiral due to fixation, or am I just a schizo? I keep two journals, one is for my journey as a mother that I hope one day my kids will read, and the other is just… chaos, kek. Cheap notebook, cheap pens and mostly stream of consciousness venting. I've never really had a system, I just ramble. But I've noticed on my bad days that it's getting a little manifesto-y in there and I'm wondering if I need to take a break from my rambling journal on bad days. I know people say it's good for you to get those thoughts out somehow, but I'm really starting to wonder about that.

No. 1920511

Maybe you should do some more focused journaling on the stuff you get manifesto-y about? Maybe it’s not helping because you need to get to the root of it and resolve the feeling? Does it feel bad to just dump it all out or is it getting you fired up? I like to do stream of consciousness too and as I go kind of note the more interesting stuff, the interesting stuff goes into another notebook and the rambling nonsense gets set on fire as kind of a symbolic purging of mind.

No. 1920589

I think it might be better to avoid journaling if you tend to overanalyze (especially if you're into psychoanalysis and stuff) or overdramatize, and distract yourself with a long walk, cleaning, a hobby or anything else that you like. You can come back to certain thoughts or situations later, with a clearer head. If you go too deep into certain stuff but you also tend to be kind of disconnected from your emotions it might only sidetrack you and waste your time.

No. 1920812

A lot of my manifesto rants tend to revolve around the homophobia and misogyny I experience, it's something I've tried and failed to resolve in therapy. At this point in my life (I'm 33) I don't think it's worth doing any more digging. Not in a defeatist kinda way, but I just think that I need to move on with my life and accept that society is what it is. If I'm journaling about something else like my physical and mental health, my marriage, family and just general day-to-day stress then it does help me to get it out of my system. I just end up sounding like Dworkin on meth if I experience any bigotry that day and I fixate on whatever set me off.

Yeah, I'm terrible for overanalysing. Maybe it's my autism, but I'm like a dog with a bone sometimes, I just will not drop it. Today I just did my motherhood journal as the whole point of that is capturing the most beautiful moments in my life, so I feel very positive after doing that. I think I'm gonna try meditating longer in place of my rambling journal for a week or so and see if I feel any different. If I do return to it then maybe I need to establish a list of topics to avoid, I know that's kinda antithetical to journaling, but it's for my own sanity. Thanks to both of you for your input, nonas!

No. 1923949

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how do you nonnies write in blank books? I tried once and it looked atrocious, my paragraphs and sentences kept slanting.

And also, does anyone have notebook recommendations? Preferably:
>8mm spaced rule
>not much text/quirks on each page
>cream/warm paper
>A5 size
>decent amount of pages
>little to no pen bleed
>no ring notebooks (glue binded is fine)
I've been looking around but any option I find never hits all of these. They always don't have enough pages or have terrible pen bleed. Picrel is what I've looked at so far and I'm nitpicky

No. 1923969

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how do you nonnies write in blank books?
I've kept diaries for about 10 years now and I've only bought unlined/blank books twice. I liked the idea of them because I used them more freely than just for words; I would clip art I found interesting and paste it into them, or draw in them, or write in strange ways, etc.. I think they're good if you want a diary that isn't so dependent on words alone. I found the freedom a bit too exhilarating though and didn't buy another one after I had filled the second.
>Notebook recommendations
I usually use moleskines for my diaries, but on special occasions I'll treat myself to nicer notebooks from Paperblanks https://www.paperblanks.com/en/catalog/all-journals/ like picrel. On the website for these, you can choose a bunch of different covers and customize the notebook to your liking. The paper is quite nice too and doesn't bleed much, but I don't use a particularly runny pen.

No. 1923981

if you wander while journaling, maybe try limiting yourself to like 5 bullet points a day or a few entries a week.

No. 1968087

Do any of you have Noodler's Dragon's Napalm? What's the color like irl? All pics and descriptions I've seen are inconsistent.

No. 1981199

I came across this video and I think this ink is gorgeous. However this ink isn't available (and it appears more beige in a lot of swatches anyway). Can anyone think of an ink that's greenish like this? Doesn't have to have special properties.

No. 1996653

I got some metallic watercolors that sort of look like that. I know it's not what you want but it's an idea if you can write wirh a brush I guess

No. 1996665

Midori MD paper is amazing to write on, just get over that line and get one. Moleskines especially have trash paper.

No. 2012462

Nonas, do you still have your old diaries? Do you like to reread it? What do you feel/think when you're reading them?
I had a dream not that long ago that I've found some very old notebooks and read them, and then I regretted throwing everything away years ago. But today I suddenly found something from years 2010-2011. Holy shit. In the past, I would usually be surprised when rereading old stuff because it'd turn out I had already had a certain epiphany, and I always expected my younger self to be dumber but I was strangely reasonable. These notes I've found I made when I was older, the last year of high school. And I didn't have that feeling this time haha. I've just seen my issues in all their ugliness, and complete lack of self-awareness. Just pure emotions without any analysis, and then instant detachment from everything. It was truly bizarre and strangely relevant. It's so interesting to see the much younger version of yourself that already has those traits/issues that are so familiar to you but she's still so clueless and not able to control herself. I definitely won't delete or throw away anything from now on, and damn it sucks I threw away older shit. I'd love to read it now.

No. 2014014

I have old diaries from 12 onwards (I'm in my late twenties now). I occasionally look at them just to remember how far I've come, I was in a really, really bad mental health state throughout most of my teens and early 20s.

No. 2014490

I never really kept a journal regularly until the whole "art journaling" era on tumblr started inspiring me in 2018, but I enjoy going back and reading those old pages quite a bit! I think that journaling also encouraged me to get out of the house just so I'd have something to write about that day. I'm not someone who generally writes my feelings or anything "private" because I've always been worried about some nosy person snooping through my stuff just based on the amount of times I had seen the "You went through my diary!?!?!" trope in media when I was young. The only journal I really had before 2018 is one I started when I was 10 and I basically just used it to write movie reviews and accounts of amusing events that transpired at school, but even still, there are elements of my current personality captured in those old writings.

No. 2038571

Same, it's comforting to see that despite being in a really bad situation I was still an interesting person with compassion, which motivates me to be a better person now. But on the other hand, it's painful to read something your child/teen self wrote in moments of pain yknow?

No. 2039060

Sailor Studio 370, Rohrer and Klingner Alt-Goldgrun, Robert Oster Venom, Pennonia Karpatzoid. I'm sure there are others but those are the brands I've used myself and have liked.

No. 2040681

File: 1717838276589.webp (69.69 KB, 640x789, mux1x11vh7u71.webp)

Look how stunning these muted colors are.

No. 2061247

These are very pretty, are they watercolors?

No. 2061355

I'm sorry I should've specified, they're all fountain pen inks

No. 2061511

Wow what a blast from the past. My mom was an elementary school teacher. I remember her buying these to put on student’s homework/tests and seeing racks of these stickers when I would go with her to an educational supply store

No. 2061537

Schmincke Super Granulating Watercolours come in sets and are in similar shades to those inks, but as you can tell by the name, they won't give you the same finish. Highly recommend them if you can splash out on paints, they're absolutely gorgeous.

No. 2083574

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Fountain, felt tip, and rollerball pens are all way worse than pencils. The idea of all the pretty inks is very enticing, but when you write with them you can almost never see the subtleties they advertise, and the ink type in all 3 of these pen types merges too much with the paper so it just looks flat and wrong. Fountain pens are almost all hideous and tacky looking, only a few of them look non-retarded and respectable instead of a like an obese tampon, and usually those are outrageously expensive. Fountain and rollerball pens also suck because of ink smudging, needing faggy paper, and after all that they have the nerve not to be water or fade resistant. Felt tip pens just feel sad to write with, like crayola markers. I don’t know one kid who liked markers, especially when crayons were right there.

Pencils are criminally underrated. They feel great to write with, come in different hardnesses, and generally won’t fade in your lifetime. Ballpoints are also cool, and if people would get their shit together and stop selling out to roller ball and overpriced gel pens maybe we could get them to make more colors. Gel pens are ok if they are the fun colored ones, but they suck as a daily writing tool.

No. 2085611

Hard disagree, I don't like the texture of pencils at all nor the look of it.

No. 2085624

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Pencils are sexy as hell

No. 2085644

Kek what's your opinion on fineliners? I don't mind pencils, but I hate sharpening them.

No. 2085651

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I just found some of these at a thrift store, they are really nice to write with
Fine liners are felt tip, I covered them in my rant. They are just kinda sad but not as much as fountain pens

No. 2091408

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Lately, I've been printing out internet jokes and funny screencaps and putting them in my journal (like picrel, but it isn't mine). It sounds a bit pathetic, but in a way, the funny things I see on the internet are a part of my life, and it's sometimes nice to go back and see what dumb thing happened online that made me laugh that day.

No. 2093534

That's a cute idea. I would do this if I had a printer. When I stumble into old internet gifs it brings me back in time, so I don't think it's pathetic at all.

No. 2093536

How do you find the motivation to write in it?
I started one a few months ago and ive just not known what to put in it. I'm pregnant so alot of it is just baby stuff. I've been meaning to write in it over the last few weeks but I sit down and nothing comes to mind? Maybe I'm just boring

No. 2093541

I love this and I do the same. I literally have an animal crossing screen cap just like that too kek, it's a cute one though

No. 2093716

The big thing is to just write. It doesn't have to be anything perfect or profound. It can even be just a sentence or too. There are some days I only write something like "Didnt do much today. I went to work and that was it." There are writing prompts online to choose from if that is more your style. You also don't even have to do it every day.

No. 2093819

Try morning pages, looks it up.

No. 2107453

I love this. It feels like you’re making a physical version of tumblr, but it’s more curated so you avoid actual tumblr nonsense

No. 2113977

Best piece of advice I've ever gotten for getting into the habit/hobby of journaling is to buy a cheap, small pocket-sized notebook from a dollar store or something, and use it as a log book. Take it with you EVERYWHERE that you can, and throughout the day, write the events that happened. Example being, you woke up at 8 A.M., and then made some eggs. Later, you read a book. So on and so forth.

I did this for about a month and very quickly felt that just having a tiny log book wasn't enough for me to write all the details I wanted to add about my day, all the random thoughts I had, ideas for things I wanted to do, etc. So, eventually, I got large variety of different notebooks, some portable and some dedicatedly set on my desk, and now I'm writing pretty much all the time. I personally followed the rule that you can only write about one day at a time on one page (so no writing the time of appointments on days later in the week or things of that nature, so that it's truly a log book and not a planner), but you don't have to. You can do whatever you want with it. The world is your oyster.

If you're someone who wants to write but often feels like you lack the motivation to develop it into a full hobby or habit, or feel like you never know what you want to write about, give yourself a sample-sized serving of the hobby and see what about that sample-size you wish was different. I think this line of thinking goes for any other kind of hobby as well. Give yourself a sample size for a few weeks, and then think, do I want to do this more? What about this do I wish I had more of? What do I wish I didn't have to do, or don't want to do? Is there something about this I actively want to invest in, whether that be money, time, or effort? Etc.

It never has to be perfect. It just has to be yours, and hopefully, also fun to do.

No. 2132250

Journaling just to write about my daily life isn't for me, I bought a notebook like 2 years ago, wrote a lot in just a few days and never touched it again. So I think I'll use the notebook to write about specific topics. I love traveling so I decided to mostly write about that from now on, and I'll start printing photos of my trips in small sizes to stick them on the notebook pages. I looked up how to print photos online and it's way cheaper than I thought so I'll place a small order now to see how the photos look. If they look good I'll place a way bigger order next. It seems like a better idea than buying one of these instax fujifilm cameras or buying one of their small printers that work with bluetooth because the films compatible with these devices aren't cheap. And it applies to similar products from other brands but I've only seen people using the fujifilm cameras irl. I considered getting one at some point but now I don't see any reason why anymore. Would sticking photos with washi tape be enough or should I just use glue and call it a day?

No. 2132935

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I have the fujifilm printer, and printing photos out online is both cheaper and better image quality than the fujifilm printer. I still enjoy having the printer because the instant photo style frame is a cute touch and it's fun to print out pics and give them to my friends, but printing out online and picking them up at the local photo counter is much better. I usually use taperunner to secure the photos I print out, but I use washi tape if I want to be able to open them up like a flap.

No. 2133883

I feel like I can't work out how to make my "journalling voice" sound more authentic? I feel like I write in it in a way that feels like I am trying too hard to make it sound decent. like I haven't worked out how to be authentic in it lmao. anyone else?

No. 2133957

I think starting writing more neutral "report" style inputs helps. For example 'went to the museum with Anne, wasn't great because of the lines but we had fun. Saw the stars for the first time out here, I was right about there being no light pollution! Mushroom soup for dinner, bed at 11:15, feeling okay.'
Helps it feel honest, and eventually you'll get into the swing of things and add more and more details and get in the habit of writing something daily.

No. 2133965

I recently bough a bullet journal with the intention of tracking certain habits, make daily to do lists, journal, and make notes for my personal projects. Also note down the books I plan to read and the movies I plan to watch. How should I start? I thought I would make a monthly spread for tracking the habits and from then on splitting each page into 2, a to do section and a journalling section, but not sure, feels overwhelming to plan it out. I have looked at templates but didn't find any that I liked

No. 2138893

It's planner season, what are you going to order for 2025?
Personally going for the Take a Note A6, especially after Sterling Ink nuked her two volumes options and poor colors. Still going to buy one of her booklet and a notebook for actual daily journaling.

No. 2138911

i got a cheap sketchbook to practice drawing last year but it sat there collecting dust until i got into a fight. i desperately needed something to vent into and yeah, since then it has some of the worst confessions known to human kind, not even my therapist knows about some of the stuff. i can't wait to burn it when it's finished

No. 2139015

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I wish Paperchase UK was still open I used to love their planners! (Luckily I stocked up on their 352 page ruled notebooks when they closed so I'll use those to journal.) I especially liked their planners because they had Saturday and Sunday to whole page each and not shoved into one page. For now I will be using a Dot Grid notebook like a bullet journal with Mildliners and UniPin fineliners in brown and grey, but looking at the Take a Note book it looks so cute… I kinda wanna buy that instead…. Also I looked at the Sterling Ink site since I'd never heard of it and ugh all the stickers look so beautiful. (https://sterling-ink.com/collections/stickers)
Btw Nonna what are these "two volumes" you speak of? Like a set of two notebooks in one or something?

Kekkk I've done that before and filled up the entire thing within 2 months.

No. 2139451

I sort of do that too, I've been worried someone will find it, I need to find a safe way to burn that soon kek.

No. 2185065

I got out of the journaling habit this summer, mostly because my life got busy and I kept getting intimidated by the sheer amount of stuff to potentially journal about. I'm starting back up this fall by writing while I use my light therapy thing. I’m supposed to get a little light exposure each morning, so that should help me redevelop the habit of journaling

No. 2186951

That sounds like a good plan that will encourage you with both habits. I've also unfortunately fallen out of the habit, but I want to get back into it. I think my problem is I picked too small of a journal to use and I'm someone who likes to save postcards and brochures in my journal, but they don't fit so I just stopped using it. I'm gonna try to start again with a better-for-me sized one and finish out the year.

No. 2191301

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I love this woman's planner and I want to make mine similar but omg, why is Filofax $100+???

No. 2191340

This is just a notebook with tab dividers. If you buy looseleaf paper and dividers you can make the exact same thing.

No. 2211142

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I love journaling, but sometimes I worry people will find my journals. I don't want anyone reading them ever. Sometimes I think about burning them, but I wouldn't know how to safely do that kek. Do you keep yours hidden? What do you do with the old Journals?

No. 2211148

I literally keep mine in a hollow book and only write in it when I am home alone. I have another hollow book that also has a secret compartment which is where I keep my password book kek

No. 2211167

If English isn't your main language, write in it. If not, write in another foreign language you know. Also keeping your journal in your wardrobe might help and what >>2211148 said is a neat idea.

No. 2211177

False bottom in a draw for active ones. Old ones I keep packed in storage containers with other stuff to make them seem more innocuous.
The main thing to keep in mind is who’s going to read it? My dad and his gf read mine as a teen. So as an adult I hide them out of that teenage paranoia, no one’s interested in reading them nowadays and anyone that would be is too blind to decipher my hand writing.

No. 2215693

Atrocious handwriting, lots of stickers, washi, stamps, inks, watercolors, anything to make it look super busy basically. The illegible handwriting does go a long way, I've had family members try to read my diary with my permission and they gave up after a couple of sentences. If it makes you feel better, write in invisible ink, cover parts of your writing with paper that's slotted and glued in in a way that makes it basically invisible unless you know what you're looking for.

No. 2259926

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What are your favorite pens for writing nonnies? I have a really cute planner but the columns are pretty narrow and I am used to writing in thicker pens. I want to find a good pen that would help me write small and neatly and wouldn't smudge. Pic rel is the planner I have

No. 2259995

If you want waterproof ink that dries pretty quickly, you could maybe try a Micron. They come in lots of different point tip sizes, so you can choose whichever size line looks best to you. You could also try Uni-ball Signo gel pens if you want something pretty simple that comes in lots of colors.

No. 2260158

Same anon. I started volume 21 yesterday.

I bought some colored felt tipped pens from Office Depot that I like.

No. 2260866

for writing small, i've had good luck with just generic asian stationery store pens, many of them seem to be super fine tip, but while they write pretty well at first, it does seem like the ink runs out pretty quickly. I'd also second what >>2259995 said about Micron pens, though I maybe press too hard on them and the tips get a bit bent. In general, I tend to be a fan of thicker pens, so I just buy larger size notebooks to accommodate that most of the time.

No. 2261377

Recently got a cheap fountain pen, preppy or something and I love it so much! All I want to do is write nonstop with
Do any nonnas have fountain pen or ink recommendations? That’s my main concern, is finding a black enough archival ink to replace my ballpoint which I love so much (it’s just not as smooth).

No. 2261409

The most popular recommendations for black waterproof/pigmented fountain pen ink are Platinum Carbon Black (if you have a Preppy, you could get cartridges for this if you don't want to use a converter or syringe refill), Sailor Kiwaguro, and De Atramentis Document Black. I've only used Kiwaguro, and although I liked it, it's more temperamental than I'd like and it dries a little gray. I'm pretty sure Platinum also makes an even blacker black than Carbon black, but iirc it's a little pricey. Also, you may know this already, but just in case: waterproof fountain pen inks are a little higher maintenance and can gunk up your pen (a pain to clean) if you don't write with them for a few months. Good luck nona. I hope you enjoy your fountain pen journey.

No. 2261868

I didn’t know that about waterproof ink, thank you. This is something I’ve wanted to do since I was a kid so I figured I’d get a pen and a decent black ink to start, I don’t really know much of anything about them yet. Thank you for your recommendations, I’ve noticed so pen shops do little sample bottles so I may end up just trying them all.
And, if you see this, or any other nonnas want to chime in: Have you ever tried a vacuum fill pen? if you have are they easy to clean or just same as any other?

No. 2268558

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Any nonas here excited about using their new planners and stationary next year? I'm super hype to finally switch out my current work planner for one with a different layout that's more compact. I'm also on my 2nd year of my 5 year journal and it's honestly been a blast to re-read last year's entries.

That aside, lately I've been seeing a lot of planners decorated in this exact same way on the Hobonichi subreddit (picrel). It's not that I dislike it, but they do honestly all look the same…

No. 2274098

I have so many blank notebooks laying around half empty I can’t justify to myself buying a new planner. So I’ve outsourced my greedy wants to family and have asked for a dozen different planners, I’m hoping with such a wide net I’ll get at least 1 for Christmas.
Ah, a five year planner? That’s such a dream, I bet it’s coming along beautifully. I’m thinking of repurposing an Erin Condren blank planner into a 3yr memory keeper (instead of a weekly morning/moon/night affair), it’s way too big for me to use it as an everyday carry but I do need to use it for something.

Often trends yield those kind of samey results, but that’s how trends work I suppose. Im not a big fan of just slapping stuff on the covers, maybe on the inside but on the covers I’d worry about the stickers getting nasty and falling off (even with a clear cover).
I’m waiting for soft quilted covers to start trending because they’re so cute and I want to see more plush covers that showcase sewing; I’m enjoying all the embroidered hobo cover options, though I won’t be getting one.

No. 2274121

Every single zoomer hobonichi looks like that kek. I’m tired of it tbh I understand why it’s popular because all you have to do is buy stickers and slap them on. Low effort and requires 0 creativity

No. 2277371

i have tried several layouts, brands, techniques, nothign seems to work. there are great layouts and covers but i know my scribbles will be allover, i will not find phonenumbers and appointments, and if i do not expect my planer to help me be functional, than yes i can say it will be a nice trinket.

how do you make use of the 5 year journal exactly?

No. 2277374

My mom gifted me a new planner even though I still have my blank planner basically empty, I've been so busy with work that I don't have the time to actually write in my planner even though I really wanted to do so, when I was just doing my internships it helped me keep track of what I was doing/did/supposed to do.
Hopefully I can remember stuff to fill my current planner, I have so many little papers, notes and pictures to paste in it, I don't want to lose them.

No. 2277386

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I asked for the a6 hobonochi this year for christmas. I had some no-name planner this year that I liked for a while but ran out of notes in too fast. I'm excited but also worried I'm gonna end up not using it fully… it'll be my first one ever. I'm also letting my family members pick everything (besides the size/planner layout) so I'm worried they'll pick an cover I end up disliking. They generally have good taste but…
NTA but vac fills are cool, but I do find them more annoying to clean. It's not too bad overall though. The easiest for me is a converter + syringe since I can use the built in pump to flush. But if you're just using black ink all the time anyway, I think a vac fill is a great choice. I swap ink colors constantly so I prefer just syringe filling everything. If you really do have a lot of trouble cleaning, you can just pick up an ear cleaning bulb and/or mini ultrasonic jewelry cleaner.
Part of my issue is probably that my vac filler is a twsbi that was gifted to me, and I'm always worried about breaking it somehow, it's probably not entirely rational but I've heard of so many people getting broken sections on them…

That's my other worry with the hobonochi if anyone has experience, I heard some of the newest planners are not fp-friendly? If I can't use my beloved pens I'll cry. I love fude nibs too which really lay down a lot of ink.

No. 2277504

I used to really enjoy writing in my journal but I have so much to say all the time that I'd rather just type in a big notepad document that I irregularly save and stash away. Sometime I let them get really long before I move on. Most of the time I'll delete them. Some of them I'll keep just for the hell of it.

No. 2277542

>I heard some of the newest planners are not fp-friendly
Yeah, they switched to a different paper that has been a lot less consistent. Caused a lot of scandal. However, the planner most affected seems to have been the 5 year. I think the A6s have been generally fine. It's just undermined trust in the brand, which used to be famous for how well it took fountain pen ink despite such thin pages.

No. 2277684

Thank you nonna, I’m going to have to look up syringe filling and a converter for my preppy if that’s the best method of trying out new colors.
You have a Twsbi vacuum? I’ve heard they’re cheap for a vacuum pen, is it delicate or are you worried about the mechanism not working right? That’s the one I was considering getting for my mid upgrade, it seems perfect but the price makes me a bit concerned about its long term functionality (though I hear good things about Twsbi as a brand).

No. 2278192

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Nta but if you're talking about filling your preppy (pic rel), I just use a regular ol' eye dropper to put ink directly in the barrel - no converter. Works for me, and I haven't had any problems with leaking or anything.

No. 2281508

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Here's a 5 yr journal usage sample from the Baumkuchen website. I like the idea of picking a particular date to log one's outfit, maybe I'll do so for Christmas in the upcoming years…

Your mileage may vary but last year I had a big breakthrough so looking back on those entries has been really fun for me. For example I had some issues to work through where I wrote things like "I hope I can be more truthful in the near future". And because my circumstance improved I stopped lying pathogically) it's really fun to re-read those words. You can really get a sense of your personal growth with those brief journal entries, year by year.

No. 2281514

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Here's a sample from a paper test master post from the Hobonichi sub. I think your a6 size planner should be OK since it seems like its mostly the 5 year journals and the Cousin that have the faulty paper stock.

No. 2281586

Like last year, I've got the Hon A5 and I couldn't see any difference how the paper handled the pens I used last year. I'm using mostly Uniball One pens, Tombow Dual brush pens and a Preppy with Platinum carbon ink (if you care for waterproof ink, you should get that one). I think you will be fine using your pens and don't have to worry too much and if there are any issues, I would change the ink you use.

No. 2285655

Bad post to read after getting paid today

No. 2285667

I bought the 2025 day free cousin and it seems okay where I tested my pens and ink. The 2024 planner was weirder for me because some pages had a waxy texture the pen wouldn't write on, which I've seen some other people post about.

No. 2290254

I got twines and paper week book hybrid

No. 2290263

What’s the difference between day free and regular cousin?

No. 2290307

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The cousin has a yearly overview and dated monthly, weekly, and daily sections. The day free has a yearly overview, monthly pages, and then undated blank pages. I don't remember how many pages the day free has but it's way less than the cousin

No. 2290322

Aw man I want that but instead of blank they are weeks

No. 2298340

I’ve done bullet journals and regular daily reflections before, but I never kept the same ‘structured’ notebook for more than a year. This year, I might try one of those longer timescales, like a three year planner. I’m kinda worried it’ll be too intimidating to keep up with, however

No. 2298387

You can try drawing the weeks style lines in the day free, but Muji and Aura Estelle make large planners with that layout. Kinbor might too iirc


I decided not to use the Cousin again because it's quite heavy compared to the Day Free and I didn't need so many types of pages to fill in. I've used the Day Free before and it worked for me.

No. 2313108

I bought a Hobonichi Weeks for 2025 and I'm shocked at how small it is. I'm genuinely impressed by how elaborate some of the Weeks spreads I've seen now that I know how tiny it is! Also, pretty much as soon as I got it I realized I'm not the kind of person to have the patience (and fine motor skills) to make such elaborate spreads although I like looking at them a lot. I actually started junk journaling in it which is much more suited to my temperament lmao.

No. 2318344

I caved and got a Hobonichi cousin A5 and now I’m trying to work out what I’m going to do with all that space. Any recommendations nonnettes?

No. 2318447

I used it this year and had a hard time with filling the bullet and weekly pages, so I covered the dates and used those more for scheduling out my college assignments and writing notes for books I was reading. I was able to fill the monthly calendar and daily pages but since I had those other unused pages I bought the Day Free for 2025 instead. There are a lot of comments on reddit or blogs that have ways to use all the page styles at least

No. 2319347

Counted how many physical journals I've completed and it's 15. Nice.

No. 2319598

No. 2320511

After using a weeks this year (which I used for a food diary/recording my physical symptoms and mood/periods and ovulation) I bought the standard Hobonichi in the A6 size for next year. It's smaller than yours so you'll have even more space but I am going to be using it for a gratitude journal (which I'd been recording separate from my weeks last year), potentially a food diary (unless I decide to grab another weeks in April, as my weeks for this year was April '24 - April '25), record. I'm really into learning new words so at the bottom of each page I'm gonna record the 'word of the day' from merriam-webster. If you want to see loads of examples of how other people use theirs, Hobonichi's official site has tons of examples https://www.1101.com/store/techo/en/collection/#/ you can search by Hobonichi type too.

No. 2321751

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Like the daily pages? I mainly use them for daily journaling. I'll talk about what I did that day, what I'm currently worried/thinking about, or even random things like seeing a cool bird while out on a walk. If I don't have anything to write about, I'll use them to journal about media I'm currently into. For instance, I replayed Skyrim this year so I kept a log of my progress and my character. I wrote about how she would react during certain questlines or her relationship to specific characters, autistic shit like that kek. I also like writing reviews for books, movies, shows, manga, and music, as well as writing down recipes I like. And if I don't feel like doing any of that, I'll either make random lists (to-do lists, music I'm currently listening to, books I want to read, shit I want to buy, food I want to try, etc) or do color swatches. I have a lot markers so it's fun to come up with color combos to use in my Hobonichi. If I'm not in the mood, I'm fine with just skipping a daily page and leaving it empty. I used to feel like I had to fill every page because the cousin is pricey, but now I'm not as pressed. I like decorating my cousin with stickers and ephemera, so leaving some pages empty is fine because it reduces chunking. It's also interesting looking back and seeing which dates correlated to empty pages. For instance, April was a really stressful month for me, so a lot of it is empty. If you want some inspo, you can watch Hobonich cousin flip throughs on Youtube. (Just remember that your cousin doesn't need to look anywhere near as pretty or neat as an influencer's cousin.)

No. 2322093

As much as i tried to get into the "pretty and orderly" style of scrapbooking/journaling it just doesn't click for me.
My journals are mostly (cute) ruled notebooks where i just sperg on forever about anything that i need to get out of my head. There's barely paragraphs in there since i always start where i left off last.
I suppose it helps keep me sane.
Sorry about the blogpost

No. 2323892

I have a japanese planner with the yearly log vertical, it's very small with no grids. I like to draw and it's a "happy" planner for gratitude and good memories only, so I don't want to track anything in it, what else could I use the year log for?

No. 2323917

I promised myself I'd be journaling today and I haven't even opened my notebook. I'll try to do it this evening but I know I'll have so many things to write it will take hours.

No. 2324002

I fell behind on my Hobonichi this year around October after being super consistent before that. Next year is the one, I'm really gonna keep up with it every day.

No. 2324469

Thank you for replying. I’ve been looking at social media and YouTube tags, I think at this point I’ve watched/seen everything. I’m currently a little obsessed. I normally get the weeks but the sales got me.
I’m going to do a combo of health tracking, gratitude and dream journaling in the weekly section and use the dailies for ephemera and general journaling, that’s where I’m at right now. My main goal is just to fill it up, so maybe I’m overthinking things… though it is fun to think and talk about.
Thanks nonnies, good luck with your journaling this year if you take up the pen again and I hope you all get/got your dream planners/journals this year!

No. 2324845

If I'm visualising it as you described you could use it for an overall 'mood log' where you will be able see the entire year's moods all at one glance. You could draw little faces (beaming, smiling, neutral, a bit down, crying) and color code them too. I did something similar once and it ended up looking quite pretty with all the colours representing my overal mood for each day.

I've tried not to look at other people's journals too much as I get a kind of.. envy? because there's always look so nice but it's always nice to find inspiration. I'd never considered dream journaling for myself but my dreams are always really mundane and boring lol. Cute idea though! Do you try and interpret the dream too?

No. 2324903

I ignored my notebook for like more than a year and today I wrote more or less 15 pages in just a few hours. The only reason why I'll stop writing for a few days is because I want to print pictures to glue them on some pages. I started using this notebook since the beginning of 2022, reading the first entries makes me feel weird, almost nothing changed in my life except for a few horrible things.

No. 2324938

Sadly my dreams are not very poetic kek, they’re just an amalgamation of my thoughts and entertainment I’ve been consuming. They’d make good prompts though.
I find it hard to be envious because I’m of the conceited opinion my pages are comparable if not better than what others put out but that’s because it’s my preference. If you haven’t already try falling in love with your process rather than the finished product. I also like to think of my notebooks as “horcrux like”(no murder needed) because I pour my soul into them and it’s hard to be down on an attempt to better understand myself when I think of it like that.

No. 2325536

Thanks, have fun and good luck to you too! Starting a new planner/journal is always so exciting. I ordered my cousin late this year but it should be arriving tomorrow and I'm looking forward to getting started in it

No. 2327595

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Anyone here have Pennonia inks? I wanna get the one on the left and one of the other two but I can't decide which. They also have shimmer powders you can mix with your own inks which sounds awesome, has anyone here tried that? Can't find much about it online

No. 2327617

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i got this cute spyxfamily hobonichi while in japan. this year i absolutely will stick with journaling, i'm manifesting it.

No. 2328755

Is there a good a6 size book just for drawing with dip/fountain pens? I used a stalogy in the past and the size of its grids is not my favorite. Hobonichi is good but their planners have the quotes taking up space whereas I'd rather try to use the entire page

No. 2328771

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Cute! I managed to get myself the A5 Inuyasha one in goo condition. Excited to use it for my sketchbook. Praying that we are all consistent!

No. 2331097

I also hit the speedbump of wanting to print pictures before and it ends up making me play catch up. Something I've found that helps is for me to stick a sticky note where I want the picture to be, saying what the picture would be of too. That way, I'm saving space for the picture when I do get around to printing it out, but I'm also able to move on to other days. Part of this is because I print pictures for multiple days at a time and don't want to waste a fullsize piece of paper only printing out 2 tiny images or whatever.

Midori has a blank A6 and their paper works great for fountain pen writing, but I can't speak on how it would be for drawing (since I'd assume that would take more ink?)

that cover is so cute! I have a bit of a softspot for inuyasha bc I used to sneak downstairs to watch it late at night as a weaboo teen. If only hobonichi covers were a bit larger, I'm someone who enjoys larger journals because I like to stick emphemera like postcards, maps, and brochures from places I visit (and I'm a perfectionist who doesn't like to cut them up to make them fit)

No. 2331820

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What are your journal plans for 2025? Are you using it as a planner at all? Are you using any habit trackers? I'm considering incorporating some elements I see people use in Media Journals (like books/movies) into mine, but I'm also doing habit trackers for daily tidying up and language study. I'm always interested in learning about what other people are doing with theirs. Do you have more than one this year?(ai outside of containment)

No. 2332038

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gave in to my inner consoomer and got the slytherin pen from the lamy harry potter collab. bought some green ink for it too. i like lamy pens and the prices are great, my only complaint is that the nib only came in M. would've preferred F or EF

No. 2332115

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The upside of a bigger nib is that you can use an ink with shimmer

No. 2332236

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ayrt don't these only come in bottles? this is a cartridge pen. I guess i could try to see of o can get a converter but thise shimmer inks are hard to find in my country unfortunately.
i din't use these pens far anything aesthetic anyway, i try to have good penmanship but my notebooks are just humbles of quotes and notes and rough drafts for writing projects.
as nature intended, the slytherin pen will be put to use going writing harry potter fanfiction.
also psa for any nonas who come to paris, the "mélodies graphiques" store has some of the nicest notebooks i've ever seen.

No. 2332243

I tried to get into journaling since last year (mostly cause of this thread) but I feel like such a robot when I try to make entries. Best I can do is "I did this, this happened, I am looking forward to this". Entries are sparse as well, maybe 1-3 a month cause I never have much going on. Nothing seems important enough to document. I don't decorate it either, just plain writing. Hope I can get a bit more creative this year.

No. 2332435

Yeah, you'd have to order a bottle, but if you're in europe there are plenty of options. And there's no need to get a pricey converter, just flush out an empty cartridge and fill it with other ink using a pipette. I used to do that with my pilot ones until they started breaking down from all the squeezing I'd do to get water out after a wash kek. Good luck with your writing

No. 2333678

If it’s something you want to keep doing and that’s all you’re comfortable doing right now, just keep doing that? Nothing wrong with occasionally writing down a reminder or a memory, you could end up with years in a single book. That would be really cool.
Mine started out as very sparse planning and logging and it’s evolved from there. My favorite is still just black pen on paper, I’ve gotten a bit more daring and started doodling (badly) just for the fun of it now too. It’s an evolving art form.

No. 2333907

you two are giving me hope that my rant/sperg notebooks might become more "journaly" at some point, thank you nonnas

No. 2334403

In case you didn't know: You can order a Lamy F or EF pen nib for like 8 euro and replace the one that came with the pen

No. 2334444

nayrt but kek my diary can actually be perfectly summed up as a sperg/rant notebook with stickers in the corners

No. 2334455

>What made you start?
mental illness
>What kind of notebook do you write in?
whatever I find at the drug store or book store as long as it has lines
>Where do you get your journals?
Where it's cheap, or gifts from others
>How often do you write and do you have a preference with what you write with (favorite pens)?
I used to write every day, now it's only "as needed" or if I feel like I ought to. Usually it's to hype myself up when I'm worried about something, or give myself a pep talk, or try and plan ahead, or circumvent painful feelings.
>Do you decorate your journals? If so, with what and how?
I used to put stickers and my name on it, now I just leave it blank and put my name on the inside.
>Any favorite stores/companies to get all your journals and journaling goodies from?

No. 2341845

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I've started logging movies in my journal and honestly it's making me want to watch more movies so I have more to log. Maybe I should try doing it with books too.

No. 2342199

How do you keep your hands from hurting while writing? I think it's getting better because I just haven't written in a while as I'm out of school. Will it just go away after long enough or do I just not know to to hold a pen? Also sometimes I hold my book at an angle in my lap. Ah, idk
Are fountain pens really more ergonomic?

What pencil sharpener do you use?

No. 2345306

How do nonnies feel about digital planners? I’ve been using jibun techo, but bought a digital one, like a pdf off etsy for pretty cheap this year. I miss the actual smell and feel of paper and using my cute fountain pen inks and dip pens, but being able to erase stuff much easier has been great. Every semester I try to get the syllabus info in my planner and then all of it’s wrong within a week so I never feel like I can be prepared. But now I can just erase stuff when that happens, and there’s clickable links for the days. I use kikuyo campus for journals, so I can still enjoy my pretty inks while I journal, I guess. It was also $5 versus $45 for a new insert for jibun techo.

I got mica powders to try mixing with inks and used that with glass dip pens so I wouldn’t have to worry about clogging a nib. It’s fun! I’ve never heard of this brand before, though.

Imo yes fountain pens are more ergonomic, you could try a cheap one like the preppy. It’s an excellent pen, and very smooth to write with. I use mine practically everywhere, not just for journaling but at work with a bulletproof ink.

No. 2345367

do you nonnas use lined journals or empty ones? I've always used lined up to this point but there are some empty notebooks ive seen that are really cute, idk if my handwriting will be more sloppy or whatever though, i dont really put any decorations i just write about my day

No. 2345404

I like lined or dotted the most, but I have a lined writing board to use in the empty ones so I have something to track how straight my lines are lol. I don’t trust my handwriting to stay straight.

No. 2364283

I ended up getting the one on the left and the one in the middle but they're both virtually indistinguishable grayish blues. Sad. I wonder if I got a bad bottle or something because there's just nothing lilac about the left one no matter on what kind of paper I use it or how I swatch it.

No. 2366207

That's a shame. They're such pretty colors in your picrel. Can you return it and see if it might just be a bad bottle?

No. 2377354

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How did the first month of 2025 journaling go for all of you? If you use prompts, were there any you really loved last month or are looking forward to this month?

No. 2377503

Messy! I always promise myself to be more structured (especially before a new year) so it makes going back through old entries easier, but January was messy IRL too so it reflects in my journal and that's fine.

I need to get new stickers this month, since I've nearly finished my stash. Super excited for it!

I also made a new page called "good food" where I note down, well, good food I ate. I'm always so sad when good meals are over and this way I can keep them forever in a way. And when I have no idea what to eat I can look through that page, too.

What about you?

No. 2378192

Near the end, I got a bit bogged down with work and ended up missing some days. I'm working on back-filling them right now. My journal is more like a log so I can remember what I did each day when I look through them in the future versus focusing on how I'm feeling about stuff, so I don't mind missing a day here or there and then adding it in later, but it's easier for me to not get overwhelmed if I keep up with it as the days come. Already, I'm happy looking back on my memories from this month, I had been adding in pictures of my cats and movies I watched (thanks to the moovie room, I watched so many great movies this month)! I think keeping a journal like this encourages me to actually go out and do stuff so I'll have fun things to document in it too, instead of sitting at home and doomscrolling. Your "Good Food" page sounds cute!

No. 2386080

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I bought a hobonichi deco rush tape because I thought the little skateboarding penguins were so cute and I could decorate my journal with them. This thing was like $8 so it was kinda pricey, but I always hear people rave about how great hobonichi is, and I liked the sk8penguins so I decided to splurge. It is HORRIBLE. Within 5 minutes of opening it up I managed to break it. The penguins weren't transferring onto my paper at all, so I tried pressing harder and they still weren't transferring, so I pressed even harder and the whole thing broke! I then thought I'd try just rubbing the images onto my journal pages but that wasn't working either. Ended up peeling the sticker that comes on the center of it off so I could have at least one skateboard penguin in my journal and threw the rest of it away. Won't be buying this again.

No. 2386098

Noooo I’ve always wanted one of these! Thanks for the warning nona I’m sorry your money was wasted

No. 2386541

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I got really into my favourite videogame(s) in January, so I started writing out meta/best-in-slot notes and future event notes in between normal journal entries and to-do lists… and filled 154 pages! I also bought mildliners so I can flick to my pages more easily since I wrote so much.

Every week was different in January and I became really restless as a result, so consistency regarding prompts went down the drain lol. I ended up just writing on instinct, blurting my daily thoughts out and then becoming quite ritualistic with game notes after every entry. I didn't even use any of my stickers! I kept thinking "I don't have the space or time right now. I NEED to just write write write." sometimes I'd have a nap afterwards lol. What an intense month does to a diarist.

No. 2386566

you sure you didn't buy it on temu? this is a japanese brand so you need to buy from a reliable source.

No. 2386681

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I got it from JetPens, and not directly from Hobonichi itself, so maybe that's the problem, but searching online shows some people have experienced similar after buying direct.

No. 2386851

nonnies, i really want to get back into using my diary but my ocd is ruining the joy in it. i have probably 5 journals either unused or half used and id like to refrain from buying another one but i also want to start “fresh” so its difficult. i also want to do it daily or every other day, and i have so much i’d like to write about that i’m not sure what to prioritize. my feelings? my day events? a word of the day? photos? tangible items? things i ate?

No. 2386881

I had a somewhat similar predicament, the only way I was able to mitigate the perfectionism was to have a "junk journal" where I shit out my thoughts first and then decorate, making a strict rule not to add stickers/deco until Ive written at least one paragraph, and then start adding labels and receipts from the day to coordinate the next body of text. I guess you can sacrifice one of your older journals to be the junk one and use it for practice before you start getting the hang of the flow you want your journal entries to look.

I've taking to web journaling these days because I have so many miscellaneous thoughts that fill out multiple pages, it was starting to do a number on my hand to keep writing incoherent rambles kek
the only physical journal I have at the present is a travelling log that I carry on vacations.

No. 2386917

i think i may start a web journal, this seems like a better idea! maybe a locked website so i can log everything. then i can use the old physical journals i have for strictly blabbing about feelings. thank you nonnie

No. 2386958

Why do japanaboos have such a hard time accepting that sometimes things from Japan aren't good…
It's easier if you just decide that this will be a "trash journal," like something that will just be spur of the moment junk thoughts. I find that getting over that OCD perfectionist mindset is best accomplished through preemptively deciding that what you're doing isn't meant to be taken "seriously." Once you get used to writing down things in the journal in that no-pressure mindset, you'll quickly get ready to start writing in a "real" journal. I always have 2 journals, one for my thoughts and feelings and one for actually recounting my day and experiences. Since I use them in tandem, it's easier for me to start writing without getting stuck in that "is what I'm doing right" stage.

No. 2392066

Now that I decided to use my journal to relate important past events and trips instead of just writing random everyday things I went from writing one or two entries a year to writing in almost half of my notebook in just a few weeks. I add pictures I print here and there, I use washi tapes instead of glue but only use the same three rolls to avoid buying too much useless garbage, and now I'm thinking about using stickers I've bought "just in case" for like a decade in stores and anime cons in my journal. I don't know if I want to put them on the cover too. I kept these stickers in case I wanted to use them on my phone or laptop but I won't keep them forever because of planned obsolescence, and I can't put them on my suitcase because it's already half broken as well. If I start now I risk buying more stickers for the sake of it instead of just using the ones I own though, I need to control myself.

Since I'm filling my notebook faster than I thought I'm considering buying another one from the same brand. I hate that the ones with the most pages from Leuchtturm1917 are only available with hard covers, if that weren't the case I would have bought one like that from the start.

No. 2392221

I'm sure you were using it on the wrong side kek

No. 2392307

I had it the same way as what the product photo shows in >>2386080. I think it might just be a shitty product.

No. 2405503

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How do you nonnas overcome the consumerist aspects of journaling, especially in communities? I love looking online for prompts, layout inspirations, doodling ideas, so on and so forth, but everywhere I turn there's some new must-have cover brand, or someone's huge $200 haul, a video showing off some massive collection, etc. I like journaling because I enjoy putting my entire self into a notebook nobody will ever see but me - yet I still feel as if I have to make it look nice, use the newest and coolest things, have some perfect aesthetic to it all… it's kinda ironic to me how one of the most personal hobbies a person could have is also the one that's the most susceptible to outside influences and advertising. Kind of unnerving, too, if you think about it - after all, how can you expect to get in touch with yourself and your innermost thoughts if you don't have this new cute limited edition holographic glitter space-themed washi stickers? Anyways, after a year of deliberating on whether I should buy a roterfaden, I decided to buy an A5 fauxdori. I've wanted something like this for ages, and I went with a far cheaper option than the 'real' version, yet I still feel like I fell for the big scam of it all. There's always something new to desire, and after you finally buy something, you remember how simple it's all supposed to be! Pic unrelated, it's just my favorite disposable pen. 10/10.

No. 2405636

I feel the same nonna. Personally I try and make being thrifty part of the experience. How aesthetic I can make something without spending any money on it being a point of pride for me, etc

No. 2405692

Price tags are enough to prevent me from buying too many things I might not even use. I've been using a B6+ Leuchtturm1917 and will buy another one once I run out of pages, I will use stickers I bought long ago during anime cons, I have just three wash tape rolls but it already feels like too much, and I use a Muji pen. I don't feel like I need anything else. Whenever I see the prices of some of the brands listed in this thread I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack sometimes, like hobonichi. I never buy stationary products online so maybe that helps as well.

No. 2405730

Honestly I agree. I used to be enchanted with the hauls when I was little, but now I find it honestly cringey. I can't help but wonder where they keep all of this. I would much rather spend a bit more on a high quality journal and a fountain pen and ink, Jinhao pens are lovely and affordable. Little drawings and writing everything in a purple ink that will last me a long time is a part of the charm imo

No. 2405852

I try not to engage as much or ignore those kind of posts. I do have two pens - one fountain and one dip for using ink, but I'm only using what I already own. Ink lasts a crazy long time and is generally cheap at art stores so why hoard $25 bottles. I also don't buy layout stickers because it seems like such a money sink when you could just draw your own layouts or make a stamp.

Hobonichi used to be much cheaper but their prices have nearly doubled, especially in the international market vs how much they cost in Japan.

No. 2405882

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This held me back from journalling for a while. Or at least, it was partially this. I didn't want to do it "wrong." I only started actually getting into journalling last year, and I found watching videos from older men, and older women with smaller accounts was better for me. They had "messier" journals, made their own pocket journals, had no haul videos. They were simple and to the point, which was more my style. I still watch some more "aesthetic" ones, Megan Rhiannon is someone I like to watch, I love her bog autism, but in general I stay away from those types of videos. I also make my own layouts. I like the hobonichi weeks, so every week I turn my plain journal into a sortof Weeks set up. I currently use a journal I got as a gift, but I'm really enjoying it so I'll probably get another from the same company (Chronicle Books), and they're only 15-20 dollars. Also I find thrifting for things is a good option. I've seen moleskine journals at thrift stores before, never tried them but I've seen them talked about a lot. Ultimately I'm not really a part of any communities, so I don't care about the hottest new thing, and my journalling is still very minimal so I don't put a lot of time into caring too much about pens. I have a stock of stickers though, so at the end of every week I add a couple if there's space. Honestly, I do prefer the look of just the ink and paper, but stickers are fun to use kek. I have told myself though, that when it's a really good formed habit, I might buy something more expensive. I don't know that it'd be a journal though, maybe a leather ring binder, a cover, a pencil case. Something that's reuseable like that.
I guess it just comes down to personal tastes though, since I'm not really interested in my journals being too aesthetic. Definitely keep your eye out at thrift stores though, most aren't going to be familiar with random office supply prices so you'll probably land good deals.

No. 2406185

as a result of having too hard a time deciding on one look or calendar format or layout, my journal is 100% DIY, I made my own dot grid pattern and printed and cut all the pages, print images to use as stickers, I go 1 week at a time and when the month is full I bind them into a little notebook. the only things i've bought were pens, a paper guillotine to cut pages easily, and different kinds of paper for special effects like half-transparent overlays or glossy stickers. I do A6 so 1 sheet of A4 printer paper quartered so I never have to measure anything and wherever I am even if I don't have my journal with me I can just grab a regular sized sheet and fold it twice and add it to my pages later.

No. 2406195

I don't like clutter in my living space so that makes it easy

No. 2410304

File: 1740106359122.jpg (187.18 KB, 1667x1500, 1000001163.jpg)

I've tried keeping journals a few times before, but I always crap out because I am boring as hell kek. This year I've been making an effort to write things down just to have a timeline to look back on, mundane or not. I think, in the past, I was more concerned with making the journal pretty and readable for an imaginary audience, so if I messed up a word or my doodle was ugly I'd just quit. So far this year, I've been jotting down things I did or places I went or ideas for a story I am working out. Just whatever. Something. Not even every day, but at least every other day. I'm thinking of buying a mini photo printer so I can add snapshots to pages.

No. 2416828

File: 1740433361748.webp (139.09 KB, 1024x1024, NSS_Ultimate_Pen_Smudge_Test_W…)

Late and it seems like you figured it out by the way you chose to settle on the "cheap" pen already, but I still wanna give my thoughts:
1. Don't consume media related to journaling. No pinterest, tumblr, even reddit. You have seen and researched enough if you are at this point, so now quit looking at what other people do, there will never be "that one invention that will for sure change it all now". Journaling influencers are still influencers aka walking advertisements and make their money by presenting perfect journals, it's all fake.
2. Have one small box for all things related journaling and no more than that. There goes your pens, markers, stickers. And always keep in mind that these things will become part of your story with use & time. I'm still using the pack of cheap pens I got a year ago from some store. Are they the very best you can get? Probably not, but they are my journaling pens and they've written thoughts I had last summer, feelings I had last winter, food I ate last week. Who cares if they have a 0,001% higher bleed rate or whatever the fuck these "BuJo" influencers look out for in a fucking pen. It's a pen, it works.

Build a memory with the objects you use, they tell a story by themselves if you give them a chance and don't toss them every month for the next thing. Also, nothing better than finally finishing a product and being able to buy another. Make buying that new thing an event. Stickers finished? Use the next weekend to get a nice coffee & bagel in the city, check out the next paper store and just see what speaks to you. No research beforehand. Let life guide you.

Picrel is pure autism, who the fuck cares about the difference between the 5 sec and 10 sec smudge. Even the "quick smudge" loser Gelly Roll is readable enough.

No. 2416838

samefag but just realized you talked about journals not pens (had no idea what the fuck roterfaden and fauxdori even meant) but you can still apply that logic. Brand notebook or dollar store notebook doesn't even matter, it's time and memory that will build love for an object. I have cheap ass notebooks from my teenage years that I cherish, thin ass paper and ugly design but they did their job and I trusted them with my deepest thoughts.

No. 2418930

late as well but i see you nonnas and wholeheartedly agree with
also, and this pretty much only applies to my style of journaling, i don't get the point of spreads and calendars and gratitude pages and stuff like that.
why would i spend an entire afternoon doing all of that when i could be writing

No. 2422413

So no one decorates their journal or uses stickers in here?
Not even a little highlighter?
Nona’s you are boring
Also I’m joining the club I started after a difficult time. It’s so great to see what my mind is like in a day and some of what I did. I keep it simple but cute I have a cute lay out. Hmm it hasn’t been a week but I love it I think I should have started earlier. It’s helping a lot with my mental health. That’s it for now.

No. 2422421

insulting the other anons ITT isn't a very good way to introduce yourself

No. 2422429

This is a great post and is getting me excited about journaling again, thanks nona.

No. 2422452

Calling you boring is not an insult stop baiting.
I don’t have to be welcomed by you specifically.
There was so much more I wrote about but your brain wanted to bait so bad. If your journal looks boring just own it. Don’t be so simple nona. It’s not like journaling is, your invention kek.

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