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No. 47439
There has been some requests to make a thread about him. So here it is.
John Leigh is the director and founder of the convention Anime Matsuri has been a problem for the past couple of years in the Lolita and the Cosplay communities. Some things that he has done:
>Sexually harassed several lolitas and other women in the cosplay community>Made sexual jokes at inappropriate times>"Losing" items of convention vendors>Mistreatment of international guests>General disorganized running of Anime Matsuri>Unpaid bills from their past business Planet Zero Arcade>Other money problems>Creating drama and problems in the Houston lolita communityLinks for more detailed info: of his inappropriate behavior: are also alot of good screencaps and anecdotes of the shit that John has pulled if you're willing to dig through cgl archives'll post some stuff I found
No. 47443
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Pic related shows John was sued by Baker Nissan North Inc for debt but Baker Nissan dismissed it
No. 47445
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>>47444Not sure what Japanfiles is since their website doesn't seem to exist
No. 47446
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>>47445Just so you know, Denice in John's wife, she also caused some problems in the Houston Lolita comm. She thinks her husband can do no wrong
No. 47449
>>47446I wish people would put more emphasis on the money and the stealing than the "sexual harassment". TBH all these sexual harassment claims sound just all like little girls screaming "he said the sex word to me and I felt threatened".
I met John a few times and yes, he's very forward, but he's also very easy to put in place just by saying "stop, I don't like those jokes".
No. 47491
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>>47450And the shop they're gonna stock with all of the stolen shit will be open soon.
No. 47514
>>47450somebody should get a list of the missing items and compare it to what 'shop wonderland' has in stock when it opens up.
then pass the damning evidence around on rufflechat. i want to see this pair's reputation totally ruined and their shop fail and close in a year.
No. 47758
>>47540It's called "Shop in Wonderland|". Vague info about it is up on Deneice's fb.
No website (YET) but me and gf gonna check it out once it's open…anything worth mentioning i'll post. B)
No. 47983
>>47936I think you are proving
>>47779 's point replying like this.
No. 48460
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honestly we give Misako so much shit for ignoring the AM drama but what about cosplayers like Reika? she's constantly attending cons outside of Japan including AM and AM Hawaii.
No. 48468
>>48466I wish they would realize their original noses looked better.
In fact a lot of Asian beauty trends are retarded, like the weird plastic surgery that gives them an upsidedown-triangle head. Do they not realize they look retarded? I wish they knew they looked better before they fucked up their faces with make up, photoshop or whatever
No. 48478
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Apparently this was AM hawaii??