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No. 46424

I'm talking about people you find attractive/dating ect.

Apparently > http://thisisantiasianracism.tumblr.com/ seems to think so lol

ur "fetishizing"

No. 46425>>46427

People really need to differentiate between normal preferences, and delusional shit like thinking every single Asian person on the planet is automatically hot because [insert stereotypes here]. I think the concept has some legitimacy, namely in terms of those who just get off on stereotypes, but people take it way too far.

No. 46426

I feel like I can be attracted to certain people in different races but as an overall find one less attractive than the other if that makes sense?

It's not being racist either, I'm not attacking them, I can be good friends with them but not find them of a certain race attractive.

Btw it's Asians but like Indians/Pakistani/Turkish ect < those type. Some can be attractive but overall, I just find them not so appealing.

No. 46427>>46428

Same. It depends on your reasons for having a preference. And honestly, there might be something wrong about your preference if it's turning into a fetish and the kind of people you prefer are repulsed by you.

No. 46428>>46431


I don't think it's a bad thing tbh, people just have different tastes. So what.

No. 46429>>46435

Nahh. To each their own.

No. 46431

>the kind of people you prefer are repulsed by you

I don't know about other races but I've seen Asian girls being visibly put off by guys with so called "yellow fever". Not Tumblrinas who hate on all men but normal Asians who probably have their reasons for their dislike.

No. 46435

This. Why do people even care?

No. 46436>>46448


No. 46445>>46447

If you're being a weeaboo/koreaboo and calling your asian boyfriend your "senpai" or your "oppa" then yes, thats annoying.

But that blog implies that someone liking just kpop/anime/whatever and finding asian men attractive automatically makes someone fetishizing.

but then they would still turn around and judge a white person who has only dated other white people. what is the end game here?

No. 46447>>46468

The only legitimate argument I've seen is that if you attribute certain characteristics, both physical and behavioral to an entire group of people, and base the way you treat them based on these stereotypes, than you are being prejudice. If you decide you only want to date these groups of people because you expect them to look or behave the way you thought they would, then you are fetishizing them.

For example some of the stupidest but most common things I've seen guys say online:
>I want to date an Asian woman because she is submissive and petite.
>I want to date a Latina because she has a spicy personality and is curvy.
>I want to date a white woman because she knows how to treat a man.

When they only pursue these races and don't accept or find their partner acting not acting the way they "should" for their race, they don't care about the individual. They just want what that race has to offer, and in terms of that it's fucked up.

At the end of the day, idrc though. To each their own, especially in terms of what a person is attracted to. Granted there are millions of people in each racial group that don't like the stereotype, but if you're more into one group than another, especially one familiar/exotic to you, it shouldn't be a problem.

No. 46448

But anon! Everyone knows if you only prefer whites it's racist!

No. 46468>>46469

Asians tend to have patriarchal cultures where women r submissive tho?

No. 46469

Asians is too broad a term.

Weak males and loser guys exist everywhere. For example, there are regional stereotypes in China and Hong Kong about dominant wives/girlfriends who call the shots.

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