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No. 44975

SJWs are trying to take this over and labelling every character as either trans or gay but can we have an Undertale General anyway.

No. 44976

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>"I work a ton"

>"a skeleTON"

No. 44984

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I really enjoy the game.Havent finished it though.
Also like most of the fanart.

But i'm not surprised it reminds me a lot of homestuck, and well just look at that train wreck of a fandom on tumblr.

No. 44985

God I love Undertale, but the fandom is fucking terrible. When not maneuvering around SJWs on Tumblr, I can't post on a /vg/ general without having to scroll through people requesting porn or posting their shitty Rule 34 fanfics/art, or look at art without having to ignore a fuckton of nasty furry porn.
I just want to discuss the game in a thread without reading "I WANT TO FUCK GOAT MOM" hundreds of times.

No. 44988

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No. 44989

The game is fucking amazing and I adore Sans but yeez the fandom is a train wreck

No. 44990

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>Mettaton is trans and autistic and gay


No. 45056

I loved this game so much but tumblr godammit…that and the nasty people having to get fap material over it.
Papyrus is mai husbando tho. He truly is a cinnamon roll.
Hope it doesnt become homestuck.2
Also never read homestuck but what similarities does Undertale share with HS? Besides the godawful fandom part and the "x IS A NEUTROIS FEMME TRANS BI SKELETTONKIN POC IF U DISAGREE U R OPPRESSING". Fucking sjw i wish they would all die already. They are nothing but an annoyance.

No. 45057

Thank you. Metaton is a goddamit robot these guys are the real autists there jfc. I have a little brother that's autistic and i am totally fine he's a cool little fella but tumblr go litterally fucking retarded over autism. I had a friend going down the full "I am trans and super autistic this triggers me Hermione is autistic and black u meen ableist " route…jfc. She used to be a cool person and now it's a pain to even hear her

No. 45130

>Undyne is a tall lesbian
Only canon one so far

No. 45146

>everybody is trans but Sans
I don't understand. What does Papyrus's desire to catch a human have anything to do with his sexuality?

Oh, I almost took tumblr seriously for a second.

No. 45195

This game is so good!! Why are tumblrinas even touching it? Why?? fuck them all.

No. 45196

I love this fucking game so much, I'm waiting to finish it though so I can finish it with my BF. It's so cute and funny.

No. 45197

and I'm just going to ignore all of the tumblr SJW people. I'm not going to let them ruin the fun of this game for me.

No. 45210

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shit, I've been waiting for this thread to pop up. I'm obsessed with this game, it's so charming.

No. 45211

This game is so different. I agree it's very charming. It's also fun and sad. Love the style. it def reminded me of Earthbond at first. Games like this and Lisa are both so good, so why did the sjws latch onto Undertale??? Why?

It's popular among gamers and LPers of course, but why can't those idiots stick to bullshit like Homestuck and Steven Universe.

No. 45214

I started playing Undertale the other night and I have not laughed so hard at a game in… well, ever.

This game prove above all that you don't need multiplayer capabilities or online function or flashy graphics or achievements to be good.
The game is only something like 105MB in size and I can confidently rate it 10/10.

Last night going through Snowedin Town when you come across that snow poff and a dog pops out and barks I was like "awwwww", and then it stood up to reveal an enormous suit of armour and an axe, or when you're on the date with Papyrus and he tells you to look at his bone collection under the sink to reveal the same dog that keeps eating his bones, and Sans pops out from upstairs with his trumpet…
I made noises that were something between a squawk and a scream.

Every time I think I can predict the pattern of the game or what's going to happen next it completely surprises me, over and over and over, the ride never ends.

Truly gaming isn't dead yet.
God bless you Tobyfox.

Truly gaming

No. 45225


The only reason I can think of is because "le ebin spoopy skeltins XDDDDDD"

No. 45251

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I was really suprised when I reached the "true lab" bc the game suddenly got super serious and kinda spooky. I really wasn't prepared for that. Like, the whole game is just kinda cute and funny and then SUDDENLY THERE'S SILENT HILL SHIT HAPPENING like what the fuck, is this still the same game

No. 45252

I'm also kinda curious about that whole Gaster thing.
Toby Fox is a fucking genius, I tell you

No. 45256

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No. 45303

probably cause the main character is "nonbinary" or whatever shit they tacked onto them

No. 45312

Yea, I hope there's a sequel in the works. I'd like to know more..

No. 45313

That and mettaton. They're attracted to mettaton like magnets.

No. 45921

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I just finished Undertale True Pacifist Route.


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