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No. 439847

Let's play fuck, marry, kill, farmers…

Start with : Amandasperg-chan, necessary4speed, mystery.jpg

No. 439858

kill necessaryspeed4, fuck mystery, marry amandachan. easy.

No. 439863

How about onion, titanic sinclair and armored skeptic?


No. 439867

kill onion and armoured with the same stone.

No. 439869

Not sure about the other two but i know for sure I'll marry Skeptic because it won't ever happen kek

No. 439870

Imo hatefuck titanic, I don't know armored sceptic but marry him briefly for the money if he has any and kill onion

No. 439875

marry preg because he has a fetish for staying as away as he can from his partners, fuck titanic, kill onion

No. 439908

File: 1564183524204.jpg (31.89 KB, 425x318, 919o9Qn2c L._SX425_.jpg)

Kota, pixy, ashley cmon girls

No. 439952

Fuck Kota, marry Pixy, kill Ashley

No. 440001

Aw yes.

This one is so messed up…
Kill myself, it's the only way out of this one.

Fuck Kota, marry ashley and encourage her ED so she dies, kill Pixy.

I'm not playing this right. I'm mostly killing people.

No. 440006

elon grimes azealia

No. 440008

marry/divorce elon for $$$, fuck grimes for kinky artho sex, kill azalea bc she'd probably just come back from the dead to shitpost about it for clout

No. 440026

ashley is immune to death, she cannot be killed

No. 440028

Hideo Kojima, Hirohiko Araki, Masahiro Sakurai

No. 440033

haha totally fucking spot on, good call anon
marry Araki, cos when you're married you can ignore that you're not that bothered about your spouse's artwork. fuck Kojima cos he's kind of hot. kill Masahiro cos whatever

No. 440058

They are all ungodly ugly and strange.. kill myself

No. 440063

Here's one
Dasha, Mina, Edwin

No. 440089

fuck hirohiko cause he aged well, marry kojima cause he's a cute 5'8 savant, kill masahiro to avenge the FGC

No. 440098

kill kojima because his smug aura mocks me, fuck araki because he's the most fuckable of the three, and marry sakurai because kirby would be my son in law and we have the same taste in anime twinks

No. 440099

fuck this one is so hard for me

No. 440102

Fuck Kojima. He makes good, pretentious shit.
Marry Sakurai because I just want to take care of him. He deserves to be pampered after all his hard work. I also want my kids to age in reverse.
Kill Araki because I'm the only non-Jojo fan in existence.

No. 440105

Fuck Pixy because it would be an adventure and a fun story to tell, but I don't think I could handle her long term. Marry Kota because she seems to be the most stable of the three. Put Ashley out of her misery.
Kill Elon. Marry Grimes. Hopefully she and Elon were married themselves first so we get his money. Fuck Azealia. Again, I couldn't handle her long term but it would be an interesting experience.

No. 440191

Fuck Kojima, kill Sakurai, marry Araki so that I can maybe convince him to redraw Stone Ocean with female Annasui

No. 440278

>Kill Elon. Marry Grimes. Hopefully she and Elon were married themselves first so we get his money. Fuck Azealia. Again, I couldn't handle her long term but it would be an interesting experience.

Absolutely same.

FMK : Lillee Jean, that steph girl who pretends to be 12 and wants a Mommy, Oscar

No. 440287

Vkei edition: Hyde, Klaha, Acchan

No. 440296

FatVegFemme, Shoe0nhead, Holly

No. 440297

Kill FVF, fuck Holly so she can whiteknight me on the Internet while I forget she even exists, marry Shoe because skeptic never will

No. 440301

Marry Kojima, fuck Sakurai, kill Araki

No. 440306

Artist version!

HC BRown, Spechie, Baylee

No. 440308

Marry Sakurai because wholesome, fuck Kojima because it sounds like a good story to tell since I'm an mgs fangirl, kill Araki for killing every single one of my favourite jojo characters.

Fuck Grimes, marry Elon (I am killing him for the money eventually tho), kill Azealia.

Fuck Ashley (yes, really), marry Kota, kill Pixy.

Kill all of them? Maybe fuck onion just for the story to tell afterwards and if he looked like his 2008 self.

No. 440310

shayna, momokun, luna slater

No. 440328

crazy moms
margo, laur truman, cathy ostrenga

special gender feels
boys: contra, jonathan yaniv, blaire.
girls: feebz, lainey, fahr

No. 440334

Kill JV (obviously), marry Blaire because he's the most reasonable out of the three, fuck Contra because he looked fairly cute as a man.

No. 440337

kill oscar so he doesn't kill me first, and because he seems like the worst person out of the three. a shame because i'm trash and do find him kind of attractive.
fuck sephi. don't want to kill her because she's mostly harmless. don't want to marry her because she'd be high maintenance and can't hold a conversation.
marry lille jean so she can get away from her mother. be the manaki to her venus. inevitably get divorced.

No. 440338

i bet contra forgets to do his valley girl impression when he's taking it up the butt.

No. 440360

This one is impossible. Kill all three of them.

No. 440365

marry contra cuz they're rich, annihilate JV off the face of this earth, fuck blaire because that's all that's left.

No. 440368

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