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File (hide): 1445423590032.webm (3.81 MB, 427x320, 1445394248121.webm) [play once] [loop]

No. 43690

ITT: Post weird/cool shit, art, etc.
I'll start. This guy's stuff is horrifying and great

No. 43691

File (hide): 1445423922561.jpg (73.3 KB, 640x480, 19105.jpg)

No. 43692

File (hide): 1445424606301.png (212.39 KB, 500x281, tumblr_nw0q1rnXkz1ti1btgo1_500…)

No. 43693>>43703>>43717

File (hide): 1445424698961.jpeg (103.43 KB, 800x500, f62107b5-f0f7-4dec-8fce-616c9f…)

Something I made in Google Deep Dream

No. 43694

File (hide): 1445425049671.jpg (Spoiler Image,109.05 KB, 900x600, 1430890895282.jpg)

trigger warning for ED I guess

No. 43695

File (hide): 1445425327078.jpg (149.08 KB, 650x650, aXm6480xjU.jpg)

Generate inspiring messages. Nothing sinister or questionable at all.

No. 43696

File (hide): 1445425677293.png (196.69 KB, 304x600, anonymous-monoko@Apr_7_04.04.3…)

Automatically create net art. Type in whatever queries you want, and pick the amount of images you want used, the size, whether you want it to be a jpg/png/gif, and hit enter. The site will use images from Google Images to generate a composite image.

No. 43697>>43714

Kraina Grzybow. Bizarre Polish web series.

No. 43698

File (hide): 1445426081844.gif (849.31 KB, 600x436, 1404122742414.gif)

No. 43699

File (hide): 1445426286134.jpg (29.7 KB, 620x388, floatingcity_00_00_3476915b.jp…)

No. 43703>>43705>>43717

File (hide): 1445432462906.jpg (146.92 KB, 858x632, 34567654.jpg)

i made some too

No. 43705

File (hide): 1445433323681.jpeg (82.6 KB, 500x513, 4ef04f63-f274-4ea5-9f45-ef748b…)

That's pretty cool, anon. 10/10 would hang up on wall

No. 43708

File (hide): 1445440565954.gif (1.33 MB, 451x284, ezgif.com-optimize.gif)

its supposed to look 3d…
didnt really work though
i think its too small

No. 43713

File (hide): 1445446294818.gif (1.03 MB, 500x374, 87654356.gif)

content aware scale.


several people on yt make these and it's hilarious.

No. 43714

File (hide): 1445447171439.jpg (167.71 KB, 800x450, Brambilla_Civilisation_web_03_…)

there's this artist who creates "video tableaus" and it's stunning:


(that's the most HD i could find)

ah i remember that. creepy af.

No. 43717

omg I love these images and I didn't know a generator existed for them, thank you so much anons

No. 43723

No. 43751>>43752

File (hide): 1445490546190.png (738.71 KB, 1156x958, snaill.png)

Does anyone else have Viridi on steam? ;u; I so badly want succulents in rl but I'm afraid I'll fuck up and kill them

No. 43752

haha ive had a pot of succulents in my garden for about 5 years now, good luck killing them id like to know how you did it

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