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File: 1445300746383.jpg (74.58 KB, 500x375, 535px-10.jpg)

No. 43557

Anyone else noticed this?

No. 43558

anti-white also*

No. 43559


No. 43565

This started around 2011, right?

No. 43571

File: 1445312731276.png (12.81 KB, 312x295, 079Slowpoke_Dream.png)

>Anyone else noticed this?

what no way

No. 43572

>is turning
>anyone noticed this

Where have you been for the past 2-3 years?

No. 43617

started right after offensive blogging became unpopular and all of the sudden those same people that offensively blogged developed triggers and shit

No. 43619

File: 1445374529254.jpg (85.67 KB, 499x374, tumblr_mx6htymx4g1rfwfq9o1_500…)

Do sjw still even look like that, or are they on the gender neutral non binary bullshit look.

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