No. 42935
>>4372Old thread has been dying a painful death for a while. I'll start with a dump.
>Vic's Message at Supanova Brisbane 2012 No. 43007
File: 1444797194871.png (847.98 KB, 1274x848, RIP Farmhand Beep Boop.png)

I know this is a cringe thread and all, but have some rage for good measure.
No. 43015
>>43012A penciling of Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop, done by the original artist, was covered up by some intern's sketch who didn't give a shit and just wanted to doodle on the wall.
IF you haven't seen Cowboy Bebop, please for the love of god go watch it.
No. 43020
File: 1444802122470.png (10.02 KB, 271x286, 1432007653153.png)

>>43017>That's not very rage-worthy at allAre you shitting me?
No. 43026
File: 1444803433464.jpg (125.68 KB, 500x500, 1 out of 10.jpg)

>>43021>weebLiterally the only anime I've seen outside of Akira.
Even on its base level, this was an unarguably shitty thing to do. This is covering a sketch that quite obviously had some level of importance with a 2 minute doodle that even the low end of deviant art would scoff at.
No. 43028
>>43027I'm with you mate! Art should not get any respect, if I don't think it's worth it!
I fucking hate art deco, i'm gonna go tear down and paint on some tamara de lempicka painting because who care? It's ugly and she is not god, eheheeh.
I'm so smart.
No. 43033
File: 1444805862338.jpg (852.71 KB, 1526x5174, Jeremy McFedora.jpg)

>>43024>>43030What a clear, eloquent way to put your argument across.
Anyway, to get this thread back on track, I present the Epic of Jeremy, Demigod of Second-hand Embarrassment and fedoras.
No. 43034
File: 1444806748343.png (356.45 KB, 1071x600, 1435932778288-2.png)

No. 43035
>>43033>What a clear, eloquent way to put your argument across.Thanks. I learned from you.
I said everything I had to say already and your response was pure butthurt and nothing else.
No. 43038
File: 1444807296577.jpg (21.62 KB, 318x307, 1414873194831.jpg)

>>43035>Thanks. I learned from you.>>43037>You've already lost so idcThis is fucking gold, please never stop posting
No. 43041
File: 1444808459533.png (169.74 KB, 556x378, 1436325602556-3.png)

>>43039>>43040>Laughing at idiots is now butthurt>Only one person could ever disagree with meWell, I suppose you're providing content to the thread, albeit unintentionally.
No. 43044
>>43041So you're not denying the samefag accusation, hm?
>Laughing lol sure you are. You are literally crying here because someone doesn't care about a wall doodle as much as you.
>b-but its cowboy bebop and its drawn by teh original designer!!!eleven! HOW DARE YOU NOT GIVE A SHIT FUCK YOU No. 43047
File: 1444811794790.jpg (431.15 KB, 1280x854, 1436322685708-3.jpg)

>>43044I'd have thought the maymay arrows would've given it away, but no, as far as I can tell at least one other anon is laughing at you as well.
>lol sure you are. You are literally crying here because someone doesn't care about a wall doodle as much as you.It's rage inducing that somebody would give no thought to the significance of the art they were doodling over, particularly with something so fucking lauded and praised, but your sperging out is just funny.
No. 43048
>>43047>no I-I'm not the one upset you are!Okay sweetie.
I ask again, what's actually, truly significant about it? You dodged the question the first time so I don't expect a straight answer this time either
No. 43054
File: 1444829234225.jpg (494.99 KB, 558x744, ma'lady.jpg)

Some OC
I'm in kansas, so the atheists here can be a little hardcore sometimes.
This guy profile was the oddest combination of self hate and distain for the world I have ever seen. This guy is going to fucking kill someone someday.
No. 43088
File: 1444851978549.jpg (918.63 KB, 900x2283, 2efb640de788cd05.jpg)

No. 43144
i don't get.. what's wrong with it?
No. 43195
File: 1444973914058.gif (666.58 KB, 171x255, 1421736267318.gif)

No. 43202
File: 1444981942414.gif (987.75 KB, 294x224, ein-outofhere.gif)

>>43007My autism is real. Oh fucking hell no
No. 43267
File: 1445038797889.png (152.57 KB, 503x363, Capture.PNG)

No. 43268
>>43048>truly significant about it?I'm going to humor you and pretend that you're just underage. Cowboy Bebop is #24 on IMDB's top 250 TV shows of all time, and it founds much of its success in America directly through Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. It's pretty much universally revered as a masterpiece by anyone who's seen it.
One would think that an original penciling of Spike done by fucking Watanabe himself at the station that made his show hugely famous in America would at the very least have enough renown in the building itself to not be drawn over by some asshat that got their hands on a pen.
No. 43270
File: 1445039597253.png (578.33 KB, 963x611, Capture2.PNG)

No. 43302
Judging from the style the intern's some lackluster tumblrite which gives me another reason to fucking hate them to the depths of hell
No. 43566
>>43007I hope that bitch loose their internship.
No. 43582
File: 1445344479448.jpg (75.51 KB, 640x1136, 6a22ec1372350bb64757502d070d84…)

>>43089I'm just imagining what this would be like without the try-hard scene kid angst shit playing over the top at 1:15.
>"Are you okay?" > "WAT?" No. 44704
File: 1446251002113.jpg (Spoiler Image,228.88 KB, 1082x1500, HczID2g.jpg)

this ms paint g string
No. 69133
File: 1455236455858.jpg (67 KB, 610x838, 12669581_1045235068850969_7613…)

No. 69196
File: 1455252781650.gif (3.16 KB, 70x20, tumblr_mcg6po7Mif1qid2nw.gif)

>>69133Jesus fucking Christ anon, don't do that to me. I don't need my two favourite series ruined by shitty SJW's.
No. 69202
File: 1455254753743.jpeg (124.55 KB, 540x810, img_5528.jpeg)

>>69156Think I'm going to vomit
No. 72016
File: 1455828660112.jpg (89.35 KB, 1024x819, fzcm0z.jpg)

Back in the day we used to make fun of these kinds of pics all day in our ~secret Livejournal communities~
No. 72017
File: 1455828716664.jpg (61.62 KB, 819x1024, 20seq88.jpg)

No. 72183
>>72180Why does she want to be a jail bait.
does she realize her boyfriend (I assume he is a 60 year old ginger with needles in his rectum) can get in jail
Does she realize this might scar her mentally since she is just 15/probably in a phase
I hope she is faking it
That premature whore is pretty tho
No. 79077
>>43047>It's rage inducing that somebody would give no thought to the significance of the art they were doodling overWhat significance? No, stop giving sarcastic remarks and take a second and seriously think about this. It's literally little more than a plain ass shoulders up portrait done on a wall by a semi well-known character designer/animator. It's not a greek statue, the person who drew it isn't a king, holy shit. It's a fairly simple doodle commemorating a commerial product. It most likely took less effort to draw than a single frame in the show itself. I'm actually kind of angry
you guys are angered by this.
No. 79080
>>43343You realize most of the time the studios throw away key frames when production is over right? It's funny how you value them so much when they themselves don't even give a shit.
>>43268Jesus christ, I know what the fuck cowboy bebop is. I don't believe it's as good as people claim it is, but that's another story.
The show is universally praised itself, yes. That doesn't make every single thing to come out of it sacred, especially when it's as low effort and spontaneous as this.
No. 82301
>>81383not even 30 seconds in and I had to bail
The nervous laugh after everything she says just gets me
No. 82531
File: 1458562932069.png (182.5 KB, 1860x674, Screen Shot 2016-03-21 at 11.2…)

>>82520I thought that was a guy at first.
obligatory cringe comments
No. 82536
File: 1458565077456.jpg (52.6 KB, 540x472, 6LaYBwr.jpg)

>>82520Why would anyone film themselves buying prepackaged meals at Walgreens
No. 82794
File: 1458632366220.jpeg (190.69 KB, 801x2158, beta.jpeg)

Gonna need an Asian girl to confirm that this is the exact sort of gentleman who understands their special culture and needs.
No. 82822
>>82794Asian girl reporting. This sort of supreme gentleman is exactly what we want. >/sarcasm
Ugh sad thing is I've actually met guys like this and they're so fucking creepy.
No. 84539
>>84536>damage controlHe's legitimately not trolling. He got nudes off of one girl from 4chan a year or so ago.
Black people are just so theatrical to most white people that it appears they are "trolling".
No. 96340
>>96332>>96337I normally side a bit with the melanie/ageplay haters but tbh this video made enough sense to not be cringey. The baby thing works as a good metaphor for the story of someone thinking they are smarter and in control of you, even if it's a little weird in the first minute.
The only cringe in this video are some of the knife shots, it's fine.
No. 96439
>>79123Nah, she's actually an lolcow. All she does is parrot ideas of the alt right/pol for views and attention. Very big difference from other girls who actually believe it/practice it.
She is in fact trying to be "one of guizz"
No. 96440
>>96439Fucking this.
This trend of attention whores who pander to pol/mra shit on youtube lately is truly a cancer. "look at me guys im not like those feminist hoes look how le witty and smert look at me and how perfect i am xdd"
The "im not like other gurlzzz" of this decade to me.
No. 96472
File: 1465291160045.png (291.82 KB, 330x329, xEUprPlM.png)

>>96468That fucking dog cracks me up
No. 96509
>>96447For fucks sakes, you utter moronic whiteknight.
Let me break it out down for you, even more. Being a woman, with alt right views. It's easier to fucking tell when another girl is just trying to be a "one of guizz"
How can you tell these things?
>Doesn't go out of her way to find new stories, new content, new ways to explain things>picks things like buzzfeed, easy things to make fun of>No actual intellectual reasoning/evidence just in general to back her shit up. As much as sargon of akkad is a cuck, at least he researches and tries to present a well rounded idea/argument>Jokes, that's all her shit practically is>The usual attention whoring, more focused on her face than on what she's supposed to be talking about. Excuse me, but if I'm gonna be making a youtube channel making fun of feminist, political ideas etc I want those to be the focus, not looking cute in front of the camera.
Is that explained enough, you simple, limp-wristed faggot?
No. 96513
>>96503she's 13? wtf, she looks 30.
>>96472lmao that little rat is so ugly how can she call it cute
No. 96644
File: 1465417521023.png (503.72 KB, 662x778, 9a4e9c85035ae0eb87faaea710c916…)

Saw this in the ship hate tag.
No. 96663
>>96468I'm pretty sure I watched some video where she scammed some girl during a swap.
Also her mum is a total stage mother.
No. 98247
>>98240jfc what the fuck
why are so many ASMR people so creepy, the only ones I like are WhispersRed and ASMRrequests because they act very normal and don't look like a serial rapist is whispering into your ears
No. 98253
>>98248Not everyone experiences ASMR actually, so that may be why. They're supposed to be relaxing, and different people have different '
triggers', some of which really are weird and sexual. I personally like hair brushing and soft talking and it really helps with my insomnia. Don't like videos where they're all up in your face though, different strokes I guess.
A lot of people who outright hate ASMR have misophonia too.
No. 102486
File: 1468292968520.png (62.43 KB, 936x656, neatt.png)

Found this gem on PoF
No. 107786
File: 1471579797150.jpeg (86.64 KB, 480x553, image.jpeg)

A friend of mine who went full SJW like a week ago just shared this. This is supposed to be a "mommy cosplayer"'s cosplay positivity message. Not sure if the photo or text is more cringe.
No. 107960
File: 1471645089564.png (1.13 MB, 872x617, Tumblr.PNG)

From Kiwi Farms: Same girl before and after getting into Tumblr
No. 111139
>>111117>goes into meeting to tell everyone they feel unsafe>spends the entire meeting yelling and being aggressiveIf they just went in and said "hey, we'd like a club with certain guidelines" then I bet they would have gotten what they wanted. I don't think anybody would have disagreed with the idea if they had framed it better. There are debate and dicussion clubs that follow specific rules and nobody complains about those because it's always been clear that the rules are for the purpose of facilitating meaningful conversations.
Anyway, I find it ridiculous that these people think they'd suit a safe space. They can't stop yelling, interrupting and insulting people. It's all well and good when they're united by opinion but what happens if two people from the same minority disagree? How safe is the space then?
No. 111226
File: 1475020421597.jpg (10.13 KB, 164x189, get the guns.jpg)

>>111172screw you losing a shiny is maddening if you've been searching for hours only for it
just fuck I mean I know its a game but anyone putting effort into anything only to fail after being so close will cause them to rage and get upset
I'll never get this fucking double standard to this
he didn't even rage too bad
No. 111288
File: 1475079463106.png (32.49 KB, 500x612, adulting is hard.png)

No. 111673
>>111117What really pisses me off is these gender queer snowflakes act like they have it as hard as real trans people. No one knows you go by they/them just by looking at you.
>>111639What the fuck? Does this girl hear how retarded she sounds?
No. 112061
>>111117Shit like this makes me realize that I'm more conservative about most issues than I thought. This is so idiotic jesus christ.
>muh I'm more victim than you shut the fuck up
No. 112063
>>111639God, when she fell on top of that Asian guy when she put her hand around his throat and we almost saw her ham and eggs, I wanted to puke.
What an entitled hamplanet.
No. 112070
>>111639Wtf I thought she was going to ask them for a kiss. She just attacks them.
Some of them look so awkward and it makes me wonder if they have a girlfriend/wife or even if they're gay. This is just so wildly inappropriate. Ugh.
No. 112083
>>112058She's not even an expat, I doubt she even has an ESL job over there.
God willing one day she'll look back on this shit and feel ashamed.
No. 112457
File: 1476399585889.jpeg (15.43 KB, 300x346, im dying squirtle.jpeg)

>>112360>MY LIFE IS JUST LIKE DIS IPHONEJesus christ
No. 113035
File: 1476929209684.png (300.5 KB, 511x582, 1468962638102-0.png)

No. 113104
>>113041I don't think so.
JohnOfE is actually preddy handsome.
No. 115376
It's why I want to move to Singapore or somewhere in East Asia.
>inb4 weebI know it's not an animu fantasy land. It's a socially conservative place that frowns on disorder. And that's the type of society I want to live in.
No. 115537
File: 1478095442549.png (55.15 KB, 360x640, 0vdF7PVl.png)

No. 118194
File: 1479591265151.png (47.63 KB, 187x137, Screen Shot 2016-11-20 at 8.32…)

>>118187they actually bought their children to this "protest"?
"look CJ, this what happens when da white man keep momma down"
No. 118793
File: 1480043793842.png (26.22 KB, 454x220, pepe triggered.png)

No. 119549
File: 1480468269153.jpg (749.83 KB, 3264x2448, C4AexJ6.jpg)

>>119530>we men like to mark our territory — and depositing his goo into your body is one of the primary ways your husband marks youMarking your territory? Like a dog pissing on a fire hydrant? Sexy.
> If you reject his semen, you’re rejecting him as your mate and as the potential father of your children. Even though it’s your mouth, refusing to swallow is basically the same as insisting that your husband wear a condom when you have intercourse.….That's not how biology works.
> drink it like a water fountain, swallowing and drawing more into your mouth at the same timeI literally threw up in my mouth reading this.
I have zero problems with swallowing, but the way this article is worded makes it seem so repugnant.
No. 119846
>>119620So jealous of your sexlife.
Is you being on top him being submissive too?
No. 172822 says her nyannerz loli voice is her "real voice." Also check out her comment.
"hay, gonna disable comments for now cos too many UR VOICE FAEK!!1 comments. I never actually expected this video to get so popular tbh. and I used the ukelele song when i didn't know any better so sorry about that!
but yeah, it's my voice. i have a high voice. and a good range. take it or leave it. :P"
No. 172831
>>172822It's unbelievable how many people believe her loli voice is her real voice. She cracks so many times trying to keep it up, and if you ever heard her irl talking to people who aren't online fans it's just your average voice
'but gotta keep it up for neckbeards!'
No. 185505
File: 1491115943912.png (424.4 KB, 1311x703, icrievrytiem.png)

I was looking around for flats in my area and stumbled upon this little gem my favourite is:
>"I will be bringing some adult colouring books"
Is this cringe worthy of a Resurrection pham?
No. 186075
File: 1491661908700.jpeg (49.05 KB, 750x373, image.jpeg)

(literal) autism headcanons for real life people
No. 186901
File: 1492196712208.png (126.34 KB, 633x836, IMG_2757.PNG)

NOPE to this awful tattoo. and yes apparently it is real
No. 187107
>>107960tbh my panties are wet for her
love girls with buzzed hair
No. 187284
>>187121aaaah yes i absolutely agree with this
women who dress like an absolute prostitute """"for themselves"""""" ok sweety
No. 196750
File: 1498720062767.png (85.51 KB, 497x927, japan's one child policy.png)

I love delusional weebs.
This guy has no life skills and is constantly complaining about money problems, but now he wants to move to Japan to start a new life.
No. 196909
>>193946I wouldn't call it acting per se, but it's obviously dialogue she's thought about a lot. Which is probably why her story seems so methodical and forward, she's thought about the memory every single day.
The only cringey part was how–and I find many YTers guilty of it–she was all like "Oh I'm normally such a private person." No miss, you are not. Private people don't have vlogs about their lives talking about emotions with thousands of viewers. Let's just be honest.
It would be more accurate to say "I know for many this would be a private, sensitive subject but I wanted to share how I am feeling."
No. 197125
>>197075White people who move to Japan and China tend to be pathetic. Not just the men.
The only worthwhile white immigrants in Asia are those in HK and Singapore who tend to be working in upper-middle class professional jobs (big four accountancy firms, lawyers, engineers etc).
The worst of all of them are long-stay white weeb girls in Japan. Has /pt/ taught you nothing?
No. 197132
>>197128lmao weeb girls…
The hookers thing is just common in East Asia as a whole to begin with, so I don't blame them for that. Singapore has rub and tug joints in upscale malls for example. Prostitution in many East Asian countries for married men is
simply a matter of course, particularly South Korea where the sex-industry is gigantic.
Now. The worst breed are the white female weebs because they 1) give white girls a bad name abroad (they play into movie stereotypes they have over there of white girls being slutty and easy, and the newer breed of weeb will do the whole 'we all love asian guys!' thing of professing to speak for everyone in their group), 2) they're often literal whores for little more than a visa, as you can plainly see on /pt/, 3) they never have real jobs beyond bullshit like 'English Teacher' or some other dead-end job. And 4) they're always the most exaggerated asiaphiles you'll meet, fucking magibon, penus angelic and applemilk tier weirdos. Completely incapable of interacting in a normal way with local people beyond meme-tier entertainment, and completely dismissive of the wider expat crowd because of speshul snowflake status.
At least the expat crowd I mentioned are actually doing meaningful and productive labor of some kind. That's why they actually get good salaries in the first place.
>Usually rude as fuck to the localsYou know, we always used to say in HK "you can tell a westerner who has only been here for a week because he always reflexively says 'sorry' when a Chinese guy bumps into him while playing generic mobile game #3091834 on his phone."
In other words, long-stay expats are rude for a reason. HK and Singapore are, beyond service staff pleasantries, exceptionally rude places.
I will say this though: The most miserable people are those who have been married to locals for a long period and the culture differences have become completely apparent between both of them, this goes for both males and the odd female married to an asian local. Never met a more unhappy group.
No. 197133
>>197128Also, one last thing: I sincerely doubt someone working a meme-tier job in the Far East with a meme-degree actually interacted that much with bankers, magic-circle lawyers and engineers to begin with.
In all likelihood you just got second and third-hand tier knowledge of them through bitter asian dudes (Singaporeans emigrate all over the world yet still whine about FTs in a country that only became majority-Chinese thanks to the Brits anyway).
There's certainly a minority that behave in an abrasive way, but most are just normal people and their hours are usually much too long to do much partying and drinking in the first place (unless they're pilots, and pilots are pilots wherever you go). And they're certainly no more rude than the average Chinese is, actually in terms of your general pleases and thank yous they're usually a lot nicer. One thing I've noticed being out there is that Chinese will treat anyone they believe to be below them in terms of rank/salary/status like absolute shit.
No. 197169
>>197156>I work in "finance" Kek. Sure you do. What part of finance and what role? Front office, mid office, back office? If it's trading what sort? Where's your company mainly exposed?
Weebs unironically pretending they have real jobs. Smh family.
No. 197171
>>197157Nigga no one in their right mind would say white weeb prostitutes were better people in any way than men who hold down real, demanding jobs. Get real.
Just face reality. You're the lowest of the low. Your entire life is based around a meme race fetish held exclusively by weirdos online.
No. 197785
File: 1499617461805.jpg (51.34 KB, 540x405, tumblr_o24j7rVVzT1tu9g5eo1_540…)

No. 198094
>>197994I haven't cringed in years and I thought that maybe I had become desensitised but wow nope that was so physically painful to watch that I had to skip some parts.
Thanks anon.
No. 198116
File: 1499888836192.jpg (118.05 KB, 1024x675, 1499309343989.jpg)

No. 198117
File: 1499888858910.jpg (245.96 KB, 1280x720, 1499332281027.jpg)

No. 198216
File: 1499955087571.gif (891.96 KB, 500x250, Your-Friend-Cant-Wait-Get-Marr…)

>>197994>>198127>>198128>over here is my belly button lint collectionjesus tapdancing christ
No. 198328
>>198108what the fuck
And here's something for me to contribute to the thread: No. 198368
File: 1500044630576.png (51.75 KB, 275x268, 1497642013495.png)

>>198128I had a clue, but refused to believe it and naively thought "Nah, a guy can't be this disgusting on tv". Oooh well.
No. 199776
>>199775It didn't post for some reason
gonna try again
No. 199783
File: 1501000199627.jpg (124.73 KB, 900x675, cosplay_kisame_itachi_1_by_nak…)

No. 200623
File: 1501557623343.gif (1.38 MB, 200x150, laughing.gif)

>>199866Oh my god anon thank you for posting this
No. 200677
>>200674A classic.
I'm kind of jelly of how happy they are though. They're having loads of fun just with shitty foam.
No. 200756
>>200685This is hilarious but also sad, the mother is reacting completely out of hand, she says 'you're not allowed to play with yourself' so I'm guessing its a religious household.
IDK I just think its a really bad idea to teach pre-teens that exploring their sexuality is wrong.
But it was also a good laugh thanks anon
No. 201149
File: 1502085548686.png (940.56 KB, 537x1398, ddlg cringe.png)

No. 201182
>>201174you CAN have funny females though–look at Kaitlin Olson, Margaret Cho, etc.
the mainstream ones, like amy schumer, ruin the appeal of female comedian with their copious vagina jokes. (i have a vagina, i really don't need an hour comedy special about one)
No. 201247
>>201149girl what… this is disturbing. this age gap thing is unhealthy and needs to stop.
shes cute too just why
No. 202938
>>202854"nobody finds them cringey"
um that's where you're wrong kiddo
No. 208952
File: 1507939424515.png (554.28 KB, 896x738, honest.png)

>when redditors think they're "good looking" and "fashionable"
No. 209989
File: 1509062991513.png (40.19 KB, 484x467, nigga what.PNG)

No. 210045
>>210040>>209999Are you the same person that wrote
>>202854 ? lol fag
No. 210061
>>209989>eating meat is in my cultureEating meat is in every culture. What the fuck does that even mean?
Dahmer wasn't a psychopath and Red didn't even call them Chinese, they were just making an example. Is the person in blue socially retarded or what?
>.PNGWhich one is you? I sincerely hope you're the person in red.
No. 210063
>>210053s-sorry cousin
>>210061I'm neither of them, just saw it on a Facebook page where they promoted their post. The red person is what I thought was cringe.
No. 210066
File: 1509159037537.png (239.82 KB, 445x608, 19821623181.png)

No. 210073
File: 1509162516510.png (397.92 KB, 606x366, Nair.PNG)

>>210071That reminds me of this meme.
No. 210140
File: 1509233180917.jpg (252.04 KB, 1013x1440, 0fgqb8elqd8z.jpg)

No. 210171
She's just a dumb bitch who used a product before reading the fucking notice.
But she cry like if she was a patient who had undergone chemotherapy for cancer.
And stupid YT commenters are like "Wow! You're stunning and brave!"
No. 210192
>>210163It's just I get excited when I see there's an update and it's just some robot who thinks releasing a lobster is "cringe".
Cringe compilations on yt used to be amazing and now the people who make them are more cringe than the actual content. I don't think many really know what cringe is anymore.
No. 210256
File: 1509343555439.png (4.96 MB, 1074x5453, EQ62Q.png)

>>210250 you wanted more. i totally forgot about these people…
No. 210293
>>210256I wonder what happened to him. He hasn't uploaded on YouTube in 4 years.
>>210272Apparently it's real, I was surprised.
No. 211134
File: 1510248523139.jpg (350.9 KB, 1360x2048, tumblr looks for a job.jpg)

No. 211224

>>211223They're just retards who think teaching proper english is racism because it erodes ebonics or whatever. Therefore they're trying to make "debate slams" or whatever a thing. Say what you will but Blacks have some of the greatest cringe around with the retarded shit they will believe. Nothing beats the Nation of Islam and the whole Yakub nonsense.
>Moses tried to civilize them, but eventually gave up and blew up 300 of the most troublesome of them with dynamite.[6] However, they had learned to use "tricknology" to usurp power and enslave the black population, bringing the first slaves to America. According to The Autobiography of Malcolm X, all the races other than the black race were by-products of Yakub's (spelled Yacub in the biography) work, as the "red, yellow and brown" races were created during the "bleaching" process;[3] however, the "black race" included Asian peoples, considered to be shared ancestors of the Moors. "Whites" were defined as Europeans. Elijah Muhammad also asserted that some of the new white race "tried to graft themselves back into the black nation, but they had nothing to go by." As a result, they became gorillas. "A few were lucky enough to make a start, and got as far as what you call the gorilla. In fact, all of the monkey family are from this 2,000 year history of the white race in Europe."[2] No. 243829
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>>101681Is that Report of the Week's sister?
No. 244239
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No. 244240
>>244239"my wifes boyfriend"
wh-what is this…this cannot be real…who is this poor person
No. 316993
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No. 317478
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