File: 1561483456440.jpg (992.32 KB, 2160x2880, 1561304473453.jpg)

No. 426208
File: 1561483611520.png (63.17 KB, 400x400, makeshifttent.png)

dumping some survival infographics
No. 426209
File: 1561483652754.jpg (345.09 KB, 1151x1579, fire.jpg)

No. 426212
File: 1561483684406.jpg (47.3 KB, 720x540, planter.jpg)

No. 426213
File: 1561483778155.jpg (1.63 MB, 797x3901, compost.jpg)

No. 426214
File: 1561483824403.jpg (60.23 KB, 546x720, plantingcalendar.jpg)

No. 426216
File: 1561483855362.jpg (345.12 KB, 564x4445, make-drinkable.jpg)

No. 426218
File: 1561484084290.jpg (80.8 KB, 700x670, Animal tracks.jpg)

No. 426220
File: 1561484198090.jpg (268.99 KB, 1024x782, morsecode.jpg)

No. 426221
File: 1561484267597.jpg (726.6 KB, 2176x1408, map-reading.jpg)

No. 426413
File: 1561513967682.png (827.23 KB, 1032x1690, sky-reading.png)

No. 426436
>>426434i'm honestly interested in trying the compost one but idk how to do it in my tiny city apartment lol
also the campfire one was really interesting.
No. 426440
File: 1561520425896.jpg (492.15 KB, 859x859, 33 Uses for a Shemagh.jpg)

>>426434start with the small stuff like this
No. 426481
File: 1561532070637.png (779.45 KB, 792x1188, swissmintsurvival.png)

>>426434start with the small stuff like this
No. 426482
File: 1561532103318.jpg (774.25 KB, 787x964, knots.jpg)

>>426434start with learning small stuff like tying knots
No. 426515
File: 1561543041805.jpg (495.43 KB, 600x851, Tent Types.jpg)

No. 432869
File: 1562838981477.jpg (620.93 KB, 1080x3225, regrow.jpg)

No. 432902
File: 1562849034377.jpg (121 KB, 960x774, mosquitoplants.jpg)

No. 521899
>>521897Most killer viruses come from wild life,
The woods are not safe.