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No. 40935
>>40917Really?! Jesus.
Beyonce tho, she's a black kween xo
and black kweens always get what they want
No. 40943
>>40935Yep, they even covered up the security cameras in the hospital and locked down an entire ward.
Like fuck she carried and gave birth to her kid. She used a fucking surrogate.
No. 40948
>>40935>>40943but shes the queen of the niggers so she cant no wrong
Being black, spreading her legs on stage while projecting the word "feminism" makes her an amazing flawless being by default.
No. 40958
>>40903>>40948I suppose you could make the argument she's overrated like anything else that's popular, but she is an amazing singer, actor and dancer and that's why she's stayed relevant for 15 fucking years which is a pretty astounding feat these days.
>>40956 >>40955 Yeah I can't think of anything ~scandalous~ she's done, really. except for a few publicity stunts here and there to capture the limelight but that's part of the job for a popstar.
No. 40984
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Why can't she cary her own baby? Kim kardashian got pregnant and everyone made fun of her because she looked like an orca, but at least she carried her own baby and went trought the different stage of a mama life.
They are both so ugly by the way and she is so so fat.
No. 40993
>>40983You're making it sound worse than it was. It was only for 20 minutes though.
“They locked us into the NICU and would say, ‘You can’t come out to the hallway for the next 20 minutes.’
She didn't shut down the hospital entirely but people just had to wait until she was out of site
No. 40997
>>40993Hospitals aren't supposed to be legally allowed to do that shit though.
What they was illegal and Beyonce and Jay Z needs to get over the fact that at the end of the day she's just another US citizen and her little brat is no more special than any of the other babies there.
No. 40998
>>40997Both were at fault. Beyoncé asked for special treatment but the hospital staff could have said no.
The staff probably didn't want to deal with drama from people wanting autographs etc either.
No. 41003
>>40999Beyonce is completely irrelevant and insignificant in the face of legitimately important people, like linguists, writers, biologists, physicists, chemists, astrologists, engineers, surgeons etc.
You think that if the world was ending and there was a VIP list for people to escape to another planet they'd put Beyonce in an escape pod to start a new life elsewhere? lol get real, the woman is a overblown entertainer and little else.
No. 41026
>>41007She's more important because she's extremely rich. That's just how the world works.
She's more likely to get her way most of the time because she has a lot of money.
No. 41037
>>41032But i dont particularly dislike her. Im allowed to think she's an ugly negro sorry if that hurts your black feelings. I mean j biebz is more famous than so u jelly bro?
No. 41038
>>41036If you were the other anon you called her a nigger, which means for you it's about race.
There are a lot uglier, less talented and bitchy celebrities than Beyoncé but Beyoncé is apart of the lowest group in america(black women) so it pisses people off to see her doing good because they think "this nigger thinks she's something special, huh? Yeah right". She's black and a woman so of course she will get a lot of hate but fortunately those people are rare. Most people like Beyoncé.
No. 41040
>>41039There are no black female celebrities on the level of Beyoncé. Beyoncé is iconic and known all over the world.
Some people may feel because she's an ugly nigger she's overrated and doesn't deserve her success but I guess that's their problem.
No. 41043
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why does she want to be white so much with the blonde wave and everything? Black people seems to hate themselves so much it's sad.
No. 41047
>>41028if a really smart, middle-class genius wanted to shut down a restaurant, they'd hopefully have the income/savings to pay the restaurant to host a 'private event'.
It's not about celebrity status or race, it's about money.
No. 41049
>>41042Hm you are the one unable to ignore the thread if you are so confident about Beyonce's perfection why do you feel the need to convert everyone to your crazy ass religion?
I don't want to worship a cow, thanks.
No. 41052
>>41049Because I feel like it. And just because she's not a mentally ill person who is trying to obtain the same body type she had when she was 10, doesn't mean she's a cow.
If she was a cow she wouldn't be famous. Most People find her attractive, get over it.
No. 41054
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Is Beyoncé even black tbh?
People like to champion her as an icon of black feminity and power but she looks like she has way more white in her than she does black.
I actually don't care about her race, but it always confused me how black people will select representatives like this who are very light-skinned, straighten their hair or sport a weave and have very traditionally white features and then be all "hoo yah black excellence!".
At what point are you white enough that you're no longer black?
(also, yes as human being she is non-important and irrelevant).
No. 41055
>>41053Pop stars are generally considered attractive by most people and I'm sorry to be blunt but most black people don't find skinny attractive.
I'm sorry that white men have an obsession with children and force you to starve but that's not beyonces fault.
No. 41059
>>41055Who the fuck care what black people find attractive?
>I'm sorry that white men have an obsession with children and force you to starve.How pathetic can you and your race be to model their image on what men love? White women love being skinny because it's elegant and you look delicate, we don't care what white or black mens love because we know we are lusted after by every race.
No. 41062
>>41059Nah, white women like being skinny because white men love little girl types. That's why they spend so much money going to poor south East Asian countries to get with little girls.
Not everyone wants their woman to look like a hungry child.
No. 41063
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>>41062Men love to fuck chick with huge thigh and ass like Bey, but most of them will end up with an elegant thin women, because it's just the way it is. Primal monkey instinct vs the true beauty, even black men love their chick skinny nowaday. (with a bit of ass)
BTW you can be skinny an womanly and hot. But Beyonce just has 40 yrs old body. No wonder she used a surrogate.
No. 41067
>>41065Kind is nothing.
Kind is not special.
You can't hand out awards to people on the merit that they're no assholes.
>she can singSo can I. I am not amazing.
>her live performances are amazingFair enough.
No. 41068
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>>41066Bey is fatty that's what I say
No. 41070
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No. 41077
>>41072I don't consider entertainers particularly special, there are hundreds upon thousands of entertainers of her calibre.
I'm more interested in art and science.
What are Beyonce's academic achievements?
No. 41082
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>Stop being a retarded edge fag>You know we are talking about why she's famous>No one cares about how many books you read>you queerStraight outta' Compton I see.
No. 41083
>>41082We are talking about why she's famous not if she's super not if she's smart.
What academic achievements do you have?
No. 41089
>>41083Completed all of college with full distinction in each module, Combined Honours (BA Hons) with distinction & Excellence Scholarship and TEFL/TESOL certification.
Language fag basically. Nothing special. I try.
Still interested in her educational history since intellect is king.
No. 41136
>>40908Agreed. Also nicki minaj looks like shit
>>40914So is kim kardashian, doesn't mean she's worth shit
No. 41140
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>>41043Well she's mixed, not even proper black. Black people are actually destroying themselves by accepting mixed people in my opinion (I'm white). We don't see them as white, but blacks see them as their own.
They see people who don't have their features (lighter skin, less coarse hair, lighter eyes) as part of their race and so must compete with them in terms of looks. That's pretty unfair and leads to african features (big noses, very dark skin, fish lips) being seen as 'ugly'.
You're all fucking yourselves over by putting BEEEYONCEEEY up as what black girls should look like. As what a beautiful black woman looks like. It's not fair on you and you're effectively creating self hatred in your own communities.
Not that I mind, I like it since I dislike blacks, but I'm just curious as to why you guys don't speak up about it more. Why all the mixed people love on your side? Don't you have any pride in being black?
No. 41163
>>41140A lot of black people don't like Beyoncé, especially men. Beyoncé is loved by everyone not just black people.
if she was a criminal or a ghetto welfare queen you'd have no problem claiming her as black but because she's amazing you want to claim she's not black.
No. 41167
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It's simply a fact that she's mixed race. It's in her DNA and obvious when you look at her skin. It's simply an objective truth. I would never call her white, but I'm just curious why blacks are so eager to call her black. She's neither, she's mixed.
No. 41168
>>41137Rhianna is a moron that stuck by a wife beater.
Beyonce faked her pregnancy.
Nicki is sound as fuck, I really like her.
No. 41169
>>41167because if youre half black society still sees you as black. they dont care if youre slavery days theyd still be sold off like any other nigger.
and beyonces mother is half black, so shes still mostly black.
we will claim beyonce as one of us just to spite you.
No. 41174
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beyonce transcends race, culture and background. everyone loves beyonce.
Because shes perfect. she is her own race and species.
No. 41179
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>>41169How are you spiting me? It's literally only hurting you to celebrate people who look like a whiter version of blacks as blacks.
I'm glad you're celebrating eurocentric features. Rock that light skin and blonde weave beyonce, I want blacks to hate themselves.
No. 41184
>>41179It's not only black people who like Beyoncé, so, it's not entirely our fault she's so famous.
But still she's amazing so I will claim her anyway. I hope she dyes her hair even blonde and gets whiter just to piss you off.
No. 41193
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>>41184It doesn't piss me off, it makes me glad. Is your reading comprehension ok? I know you're black, but come on.
I'm seriously concerned, maybe it's an attention span issue? You should try reading books more. Good luck with becoming more civilized! I'm rooting for you my friend : )
No. 41198
>>41193I just skim through you posts because they're not even worth seriously reading, so i missed some parts.
Everyone loves our blonde, light skin QUEEN. So, even if all black people stopped liking her she would still be famous because it is not only black people who love beyonce. the whole world loves beyonce.
No. 41259
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>>41257Oh yeah, forgot to mention: there is a fucking Church of Beyonce.
This is the picture her publicists tried to remove from the internet.
No. 41273
>>41271Well, she can sing.. She was raised for it. Her parents were pretty set on who and what they wanted her to become. And now she's stuck in Jay-Z's pocket, even though he's a cheater and apparently has no qualms about hitting women.
I feel bad her, tbh, in the same way that I feel bad for all famous people.
No. 41355
>>41353She has a good voice but a good voice isn't gonna cure cancer or solve a Millennium problem…
She's just an entertainer. Nothing more; nothing less. Certainly not deserving of god-like worship.
No. 41395
>>41368I didn't say that.
Where did I say that.
She is obviously an accomplished vocalist and being able to move the way she does in stage whilst maintaining her pitch and trill is to be applauded.
Link me to this fabled post where I said she had no talent.
No. 41451
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I just found this post on tumblr and I wonder if it's made by the crazy black Beyonce stan who came to her rescue everytime anyone say anything negative about her queen.
Just tought it was funny.
She has a lot of other post trashing lolcow in general, she seem really really mad.
No. 41452
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>>41451sorry for the shitty screenshots btw
No. 41461
>>41453No I didn't, that isn't me.
You assume every person that doesn't like Beyonce is the same poster? Really?
No. 41465
>>41452Ayy lmao
Why does the black community stigmatize mental illness to the point that people who clearly need help are unable to or unwilling get help for it? Sister here harbors some unhealthy and paranoid delusions. Admin-sama even banned shit talking and race-baiting in the 'cute _____ girls' threads.
If a white person ever spoke that way about another race, calling for their murder, they'd be institutionalized.. Or Hitler, who is, you know, thought of as a pretty bad dude.
No. 41566
>>41451>>41452No idea if this is a troll or not
>says racist shit to counter racismYeesh.
>>41453I made the second post. So, it's not samefagging. try again.
No. 41582
>>41461If someone replies to a question I asked, it's not insane for me to assume the person answering me is the person I was talking to in the first place.
You guys also sound super stupid saying stuff like "she's just an entertainer she's not smart!!!!!", when you know very well that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
No. 41611
>>41582Nobody said she wasn't intelligent, only that she wasn't special.
You are way too defensive about this bitch. You know she couldn't give a shit if you live or die right? Why are you wasting so much time here sucking her clit.
No. 41614
>>41584 rage so hard on white women.
Enjoy this short ride in her crazy world :)
No. 41618
What part of this are you not getting into your thick fucking skull.
No. 41648
>>41618Someone was saying that she doesn't contribute anything to society. I don't even remember what the argument was about at this point.
You're too passionate though. You're jelly is showing.
No. 41653
>>41651Ok ms smartie pants I meant "your".
I could go after your grammar mistakes/typos but I don't give a damn.
No. 41695
>>41683Everyone is aging.
Beyoncé is perfect and you're jealous.
Also, the original question was not even for you>>41272
I asked that anon why she felt Beyoncé was untalented, then you come into the conversation talking about your college major etc
Why are you so mad?
No. 41697
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>Beyoncé is perfect and you're jealousBeyonce pls leave.
No. 41700
>>41614Fascinating. I wonder why she didn't screenshot either of my posts. I agree with her on some points like how skinny ages faster and 5'4" and 120lbs is not thick. And sure, whites and asians tend to place thinness on a pedestal, but I'm not sure if that equates to white women advocating child porn. Pedo creep producers tend to choose women who are thin (i.e. Max Hardcore, actually Jewish)
Meh, it's okay to be mad. Channeling that anger into something productive is the key.
No. 41701
>>41651>>41653>>41657>>41658YOU BOTH MAD! I can tell because you're arguing about grammar on the internet, and why do that if you ain't mad?
>>41657P.S. Hope you aren't getting a degree in English, unless you wanna be an English teacher.
No. 41704
>>41701Nope, that was what I studied in college. I'm doing linguistics & translation with East Asian modules on the side, combined honours.
Absolutely nothing wrong with people who do choose to English at uni though. People should do what makes them happy.