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No. 4067

Anyone else like bad reality tv shows? (Real Housewives, Love & Hip Hop, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, etc., etc.)

No. 4074

I love shitty french reality tv. Les anges de téléréalité and tellement vrai

No. 4075

Big brother is my guilty pleasure. Haven't watched it in a while though. Id love to see the lolcows as guests in the house.

No. 4092

File: 1428862410691.jpg (25.48 KB, 615x409, deon-hulse-appearing-on-the-je…)

The Jeremy Kyle Show is a goldmine

No. 4093


I know it's more of a talk show but I guess I thought I'd bring it up because it's kinda intriguing in the same way most of the cows posted on here are.

sorry for samefagging

No. 4125

Dr Phil is trashy good fun. Cheaters too!

No. 4191

Those shows are like the normie version of /cow/ and /pt/.

No. 4361

Big fat gypsy weddings, and the American version, along with the spin offs of that.
And the mother of all keeping up with the kardashians, and their spin offs.

No. 13733

What I love about Love & Hip Hop is literally nobody on that show except for Young Joc is recognizable. It's a bunch of X-strippers and there hasbin ex-rap star husbands attempting to relive their 5 minutes of fame. I've never heard of any of there "accomplishments" I didn't even see Mimi's sextape. Maybe if I get a 24 inch lace wig and a fake ass I can be famous for no reason too.

Side note: I saw little scrappy at walmart buying socks at like 12 AM

No. 13735

No. 13748

I fuckinhate that show love,lust, or run. GOD who the hell does that Sweeny todd wannabe bitch think she is? Most of the time her outfits are fucking horrible.

No. 13755

For real, I thought I was the only one. I also hated What Not To Wear.

My guilty pleasure is Total Divas ! I also watch BB religiously but I don't consider it as shitty.

No. 13756

My nigga. Are you french as well???
It's so full of dumb bimbos and dudebros it makes you feel better about yourself, they all look so stupid and they are, and when they fight it's hilarious. Can"t fucking stand how Nabilla got so popular for that bullshit tho,she wins like 100 000 bucks a months what the hell, world really is touching the bottom

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