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No. 40585

I just made a youtube account. What are some good channels to follow? Post videos in this thread.

No. 40597

well what are your interests?

No. 40723

Ok, here's some I love

-Whatever peenus angeliques channel is

No. 40736

>I just made a youtube account.
Don't use Youtube's shitty subscription system. Get an RSS reader like commafeed or inoreader and import the feeds from there.

No. 40764


No. 41134

I find anewhopeee/Katie Wayne to be interesting and fun to watch. I particularly like the videos where she acts out the different characters in her stories. It doesn't seem like she's uploaded any videos in quite some time, though.

I like JonTron as well. If you're into video games, I personally enjoy Yahtzee's the humor in the 'Zero Punctuation' reviews on the Escapist channel, although I can see it not being everyone's cup of tea.

No. 41135

threadbanger. everyone can use some sewing knowledge, and the DIY videos are a bonus.

No. 41726

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nowthisisliving aka cutest les yt

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