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No. 40418

>Rewatching Heroes with my man to refamiliarize myself with storyline so we can watch new Heroes.
>Get two texts and a voicemail.
>Messages are from my man's crazy ex telling us that tonight was the blood moon and we need to let the kids see it.
>30 seconds later, my man gets similar texts and voicemail.
>30 seconds later she calls our house phone and leaves another message.
>Ignore her, we all already looked and took pictures.
>Five minutes pass, get another two texts and voicemail. More ranting about the blood moon and how important it was for the kids to see it.
>She calls the house phone again immediately after leaving another voicemail.
>Texts and leaves voicemail on my mans phone.
>Multiple crazy texts and voicemails about having the kids go outside and see the blood moon.
>Kids get scared because their crazy mother keeps on calling.
>Cycle repeats for about 30 minutes.
>Finally get some peace.
>Nightmares of her knocking at our door talking about the moon.

Maybe she's a werewolf?

Anyone else experience something odd from the blood moon?

No. 40469

Had some spooky dreams throughout the night, kept waking up and falling right back into the same dream.

Will elaborate when I get home.

No. 40481

I had this horrible recurring nightmare last night, I kept waking up out of it and falling right back into it.

The sky was filled with grey withered arms, each one reaching down and grasping around at houses, trees, and people. It was always one point of view, looking up and away towards the horizon, but every time I woke up and fell asleep again, there were more arms in the sky.

Throughout this repeated dream, one phrase kept coming to mind, "The Gods Reach". Its wierd, but It didnt feel like it meant "the gods reach (down to earth)", but more like "the reach of the gods".

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