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No. 3994

What can we do to stop lolcow from turning into PULL?

No. 3995>>4009>>4019>>4027


shit on tumblrinas or PULLerinas a la old 4chan style so they see they are not welcome here.

No. 4009>>4010

Basically this.
Don't be afraid to be an asshole, it can only weed out the weak.

No. 4010>>4015


i agree with this, but at the same time it can quickly turn into an edge contest and that shit is even more annoying IMO

No. 4013>>4014

That Meganmarie thread and the butthurt PULL/tumblr users crying about their sad floppy titties was the worst thing I've seen here. People going vastly OT to talk about themselves is becoming more common and that needs to fucking stop. Also the stupid thread bumping with spammy shit like "xD LMAO ~" or "omg me too hahaha XD" needs to stop as well, it's all over the Berry thread.

I think that contributing relevant content to threads needs to be enforced more by mods. Lolcow isn't your diary and don't bump a thread just to say you xDed at a comment if you have nothing else to add.

No. 4014>>4019>>4025>>4027

iono I think it's pretty entertaining. They're basically milking themselves in those threads.

No. 4015

With PULL and tumblrinas, I don't think it will turn into an edge contest because they will just cry about their hurt feelings and hopefully get the fuck out.

No. 4019

This. I already see lolcow turning in to PULL with posts about how it's "mean D: " to talk about a certain cow.
>iono I think it's pretty entertaining.

If that's your idea of entertainment then go over to PULL to be entertained. It's not wanted here.

No. 4021>>4031

The fact that everyone posts anonymous fixes this problem. No-one can attentionwhore and everyone is free to put them in place with no consequences

No. 4025

Maybe it's why those tits are sagging so low. They're too full of milk!!! Farm 'em, ladies!

No. 4027

It's annoying as fuck to read and derails topics. At least they could take it to /b/ or something.

I'd like this, but I feel like it'd only weed out the PULL. The tumblrites would just keep shitting up threads with DEBATE ME WAHH YOU'RE WRONG and make things go vastly OT. People need to just stop responding to them at that point but way too many just keep going on and on. They're just as bad.

No. 4031>>4080

Yes, the lack of ego-boosting is why I like this site better. I like how people are not unnecessarily edgy like Totemokawaii and her bragging about being "the forum asshole" and how she "earned that title" like it's some great accomplishment.

No. 4080>>4090

I like the anonymity and I feel like a site like this NEEDS to be anonymous. People are more comfortable saying how they really feel, you can duck away for a bit if you say something dumb and nobody will really remember, and I don't have to look at a bunch of tryhard selfies of a bunch of girls who think they're "so kawaii" but have no problem talking shit

No. 4090

Some people on PULL did mention this but were told "If you don't like it, get out. Don't come here to change us."

No. 96605>>96606


No. 96606

WHY did you bump this ancient thread?

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