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No. 396284
>>396218Give me omnipotence, I can then grant myself any other power. Why depend on the genie when you can do everything yourself?
I'll save my other 2 wishes in case something goes wrong.
No. 397568
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>Absolutely everyone in the word have the same gigantic amount of empathy for their fellow human beings, animals and environment; in that no other human would even imagine of hurting others, it would be that unthinkable, and also abolishing any discrimination based on any other human characteristics such and sex and color.
>To every human in the planet to have access to decent living conditions for the rest of their lives; food, housing, medical care, entertainment, so on and so forth.
>For borders to be more connected; big railroads connecting the world, it's easier to travel and make cultural exchanges, and technology will flourish since no one is busy killing and torturing people for diamonds or some shit.
IDK, in my ideal post-genie wishes world, those who did bad out of pure perversion would be so guilty after the new acquired empathy that they would either: 1- off themselves 2- throw themselves in a prison or something like that to truly be reintroduced to society 3- come clean and start devouring their lives full time to help the world in the inicial phase of my perfect world's development.
No. 397580
>>397568I really like this anon. Developing true empathy is a key to solving world problems. Humanity would, in a way, turn into a real "mature" society that strives for the best.
Sadly, our current society is leaning towards childishness - egoism, need for exploitation and fear of the "other".
No. 397591
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>>397583>To free Henryya damn straight anon
No. 398585
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>Force all men who have ever uttered a pro-life opinion to experience 9 months of pregnancy
>a dog
No. 398624
>>398605original anon here: Nah, I'm just tired of men wanting women to be forced to endure 9 months of torture knowing THEY will never have to experience it.
It's easy to be pro-life when you will never experience pregnancy.
Tbh would be better if the hypothetical pregnancies happened through consentual sex - most women who seek out abortions conceived while engaging in consentual sex.
If this discussion continues I'd suggest we take it to the man-hate thread though, didn't want to derail, sorry anons.
No. 398780
>>398768not OP
>>398643>mpregPlease take your degeneracy somewhere else