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No. 39242

How do you feel about this? Is this site in danger of censorship?

> Urgent action needed to combat online violence against women and girls, says new UN report

>Millions affected globally, but most countries still failing to effectively address growing problem

>Date : 24 September 2015

>New York, 24 September 2015 – A new report released today by the United Nations Broadband Commission reveals that almost three quarters of women online have been exposed to some form of cyber violence, and urges governments and industry to work harder and more effectively together to better protect the growing number of women and girls who are victims of online threats and harassment.

> The report presents a set of Key Recommendations, proposing a global framework based around three ‘S’s – Sensitization, Safeguards and Sanctions.

> Sensitization – Preventing cyber VAWG through training, learning, campaigning and community development to promote changes in in social attitudes and behavior.

> Safeguards – Implementing oversight and maintaining a responsible Internet infrastructure through technical solutions and more informed customer care practices
> Sanctions – Develop and uphold laws, regulations and governance mechanisms to deter perpetrators from committing these acts.


No. 39306

>Is this site in danger of censorship?

No. 39353

oh hai admin. how do you feel about it tho?

No. 39355

>Cyber violence is just as damaging to women as physical violence, according to a new U.N. report

Thanks for killing the internet, women.

No. 39365

Bitches who act like shit online and get what they deserve are the loudest ones about this bullshit. wahhh why should I bear the consequences for my actions why should I be open to criticism if I keep my persona public???

No. 39370

>cyber violence is just as bad as physical violence

Have any of these people actually felt physical violence?


turn off your computer

Done. Usually, if half of these cows would take responsibility for their actions (like the grown ups most if them are),and leave the internet or at least stay on the down low instead of making a big fuse and causing more drama there would be no "cyberviolence" for them. If it reaches out into the real world and you actually get hurt from assault then that's something for the physical police to handle.

No. 39372

Sorry, meant to reply to >>39355

Oh and to add on to what I said, I consider a few exceptions, but since nothing can be truly deleted off of the internet, I'm a bit iffy.

No. 39378

>U.N. Says Cyber Violence Is Equivalent to Physical Violence Against Women

What a time to be alive.

No. 39424

Some of the sources listed for this report are websites talking about how Pokemon and first-person shooter games are Satanic murder simulators and how video games train people to be killers. One of the cited sources is just a link to somebody's C: drive.

This is a good and personal example of how quickly ideological positions on issues can swap between different political viewpoints. Jack Thompson was only 10 years ago.

No. 39473

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always relevant

No. 40470

For such "strong independent womyn", Zoe and Snarkeesian sure seem to need a lot of help to deal with their critics.

No. 40766

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remember when feminism was about proving yourself equal to men rather than lowering the bar for everyone so you never have to take criticism?

No. 40906

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No. Remember, any of the Big Five in the UN (China, France, Russia, UK, US) can shoot down ANY proposal. Besides, when's the last time a country has listened to an OPTIONAL action of the UN?

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