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No. 390988

Nobody answered me but,
redpill me on aminoapps. Is it worth using?

No. 391006

It seems like most of the people who use it are 14 years old, I don't think it's worth using.

No. 391046

the userbase is really young, if you're young yourself it could be fun but I can't imagine someone older finding it fun

No. 391546

The user base is young but what its good for is that you can use that as an advantage to gain fans/followers. For example, for your artwork, your makeup, youtube videos and such. Whatever you do. Because adults don't give a fuck about following people anymore because instagram has everyone deluded into thinking they're an influencer. Younger people like someone they can look up to or learn from. I like to just post my art there for exposure sometimes.
Using it for fun would be useless, though. Depends how old you are.

No. 391755

what communities would you join?

No. 391823

It’s what the 12-year-olds use for their gachaverse fanart screw deviantart that shit wack

No. 393708

>considering using AminoApps
>app that has been shilled by a lot of YouTubers in the past

I had my first hand experiences with it and my advice to you is:

Don't. Use. It.
It's boring as fuck and updates are pretty slow. However some amino communities have info that's not available on Google. Just some communities…

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