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No. 38986
Someone on 8chan had a similar view on transexuality and compared it to this: woman feeling like she is actually physically disabled mentally or something like that, and should be allowed to have surgery to make her actually disabled.
I don't have much views on the subject, I usually think the people are just confused.
No. 38994
>>38986My unpopular opinion is that this is probably a very similar condition but should be treated with the same amount of respect. I think this woman should have the right to amputate or paralyze her legs, just as transgendered people should have the right to remove and replace their genitals. Just because someone has a mental condition doesn't mean they shouldn't be treated properly. If it makes them happier, why not be ok with it?
Sure, some portion of them are just confused or following trends, but this woman has had this obsession all her life. Let her mind match up with her body. There may never be a way to treat these issues in the brain itself, so go with the next best option, as long as their life isn't threatened in the process.
No. 39005
>>38994Yeah, I agree with this.
A person here (possibly more, idk) made the argument that we get ana girls therapy, don't let them starve themselves, so why do the same thing with trans? The thing is, trans people don't hurt anyone by being trans and if they want to change their body surgically, isn't not going to kill them. It's a mental disorder, for sure, but extensive plastic surgery doesn't hurt anyone (if they go about it safely, obviously). Allowing ana to starve herself rather than forcing her to go through therapy or change her diet does hurt and eventually kill her, though.
Allowing someone to become disabled like in
>>38986 technically hurts the woman who wants her legs amputated, but not in a way that would cause her to die. It would just make her life harder. But that's her choice, much like trans people.
There's not one easy treatment for all mental disorders. You kinda have to take them case by case. It's not as if trans people don't have to undergo extensive therapy before transitioning (though I know some people fake it, but such is life) anyway.
No. 39006
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My unpopular opinion is that I think anyone who wants to kill themselves should be allowed to. They
No. 39022
>>38994Yeah why not lets just respect everybodys wishes regardless of how fucked up and wrong they are because why not
No, science/medicine whatever wasnt invented to satisfy but to HEAL people, ok ?
This whole "my body, my choice" shit is getting out of control.
These people are SICK. If someone wants to kill themselves you are also going to stop them instead of being like "their choice reszzpect dem !!1!!11"
Just because something makes you happier doesnt mean its the RIGHT thing to do.
No. 39025
>>39023Because they'll never truly be the gender they want to be, yeah, but the difference is allowing someone to do what they want to with their life and THEN make the decision to kill themselves vs allowing someone to do something like starve themselves and accidentally kill themselves, as most anas don't want to die, they just want to be thin, for instance, or feedees don't want health problems and death, they just want to be huge.
I think you should be free to do whatever you want with your life, even end it yourself, but I think allowing someone to continue down a path that will inevitably kill them when they might not want to die is wrong. It's a fine line of course.
>>39022How do you go about "healing" someone who feels they were born in the wrong body? You can't. There's no logical way to do it. You can only talk to someone like that so much and offer so many drugs. Eventually they may become numb to the fact that they're in the wrong body but they won't be "healed." Some things are not so black and white.
>>39024Yeah, I agree. I think most of the cows people think are ugly are pretty cute.
No. 39309
>>39022>These people are SICK. If someone wants to kill themselves you are also going to stop them instead of being like "their choice reszzpect dem !!1!!11"Why are you putting words in my mouth? Usually, I think people who want to kill themselves should be permitted to, as long as they've had a long time to seriously think about it (at least 2-3 years) and talk about it.
People should be free to do what they want with themselves.
>No, science/medicine whatever wasnt invented to satisfy but to HEAL people, ok ? What happens when it's impossible to heal them? If someone is gay, you can't make them straight with science or medicine. If someone is trans, you can't make them cis with science or medicine.
If those things
were possible, my view might change.
The next best option to "correcting" their brain is letting them do what makes them content.
No. 39384
>>39022>How do you go about "healing" someone who feels they were born in the wrong body? You can't. There's no logical way to do it. You can only talk to someone like that so much and offer so many drugs. Eventually they may become numb to the fact that they're in the wrong body but they won't be "healed." Eh , ever heard of ""therapy"" ? We also send aneroxic persons to teraphy and their desire to be a size 0 isn't simply becoming "numb"but they dissapear slowly until these people are HEALED.
Also transexual people arent born in the wrong body, theres nothing wrong with their body - their brain is simply telling them that. Thats why it is a MENTAL disorder.
Also let's do an analogy : If I would tell you that I was born in the wrong race would you really think that my race is the problem ? Let's say I always felt like an asian person , and then I'd go to the doctor and get monolids and an asian-like nose and I'd change my name to "Wang Lee" .
I mean why not ? "Transracial" could become a thing right ?
Do you see how stupid this whole transgender/sexual thing is ? It's nonsense.
No. 39385
>>39309>what happens when it's impossible to heal them? If someone is gay, you can't make them straight with science or medicine. If someone is trans, you can't make them cis with science or medicine.>If those things were possible, my view might change.We will never be able to find out how to properly heal transsexual people if we keep encouraging them to undergo hormone treatment and transitions - because they are so brave and totally normal !
The onply Persons theraphy doesnt work with are socio and psychopaths, transsexual aren't socio nor psychopaths, but sick and confused people who are told they are fine.
No. 39388
>>39241Maybe they should have thought about that and made sure they put ring on their finger first, before multiplying.
No. 39412
>>39384Yeah, I've heard of therapy. Have you ever been to therapy? It doesn't do shit for some people. You can't talk it out. My remark about becoming numb refers to drugs, not therapy. Drugs eventually don't work anymore.
Most anorexic girls do no recover, so I'm not sure who told you that. They don't heal. They relapse or switch to binge eating. Their therapy only exists really to keep them alive. But that was my point – "therapy" for this kind of BDD should really only interfere enough to keep someone alive if they are unintentionally killing themselves or if dying is a side effect of their actions. Otherwise it's probably better to allow people to change their body to their ideal, whether that involves changing genders or just liposuction and new boobs.
The reason transracial isn't a thing is because it's unaccepted and considered offensive (see the case with Rachel Dolezal), but I definitely believe that if it were more accepted, people would come forth with it. Actually, people DID come forth with it after the Dolezal incident. Again, I don't have a problem with getting surgery to look like your ideal self, but of course THIS particular transition would be considered offensive to many so people speak out about it and it will probably never become acceptable. You can see people like Caitlyn Jenner getting flack because she did not live the experience of a woman, so she really has no idea what it's like to grow up as a woman. I personally consider her a woman now, but others would not for this reasons. This is the type of dialogue that would come up over and over with transracial individuals: "you have no idea what it's like to grow up black, so you're not really black." I don't think transracial will ever be accepted for this reason.
>transexual people arent born in the wrong body, theres nothing wrong with their body- their brain is simply telling them that.
You're right, that's literally the definition of a mental disorder, and I never once claimed it wasn't. I feel like it's all an extension of BDD.
I also don't think it's nonsense, and I think it's pretty ignorant to refer to it as nonsense. These are all mental disorders, but the way to treat it isn't just pretending it's not a real problem and forcing medication and therapy, because that won't do anything. I feel that you didn't really read my comment.
I do think that trans people are being celebrated too much, but I think it's just because people are doing it to feel better about themselves and still don't completely understand it.
No. 39414
>being this immature there's this thing called divorce, and this other thing called your partner dying, and this other thing called your partner being a piece of shit that needs to die alone.
>inb4 well maybe you should have never fucked a guy or girl who was an assholeEveryone is nice until they get what they want.
No. 39439
>>39412>most anorexic girls do no recover, so I'm not sure who told you that. They don't heal. They relapse or switch to binge eating. Their therapy only exists really to keep them aliveOk,that's cute - and totally false.
With treatment, about sixty percent (60%) of people with eating disorders recover
BUT only 1 in 10 women with eating disorders RECEIVE treatment. Only 35% of people that receive treatment for eating disorders get treatment at a specialized facility for eating disorders.
> therwise it's probably better to allow people to change their body to their ideal, whether that involves changing genders or just liposuction and new boobs.Plastic surgery and transitions arent the same thing, people who undergo plastic surgery want to look better while transpeople just want to look like the opposite sex. No transexual person would undergo a transition just because it looks better. If woman had Horns coming out of their forehead transexual persons would also want to have them.
Also the suicide rate of people who undergo plastic surgery isn't higher than people who dont.
> ou can see people like Caitlyn Jenner getting flack because she did not live the experience of a woman, so she really has no idea what it's like to grow up as a woman. I personally consider her a woman now, but others would not for this reasons. This is the type of dialogue that would come up over and over with transracial individuals: "you have no idea what it's like to grow up black, so you're not really black." I don't think transracial will ever be accepted for this reason.You missed my point. My analogy shows that being "transracial" is the exact same nonsense as being "transsexual".
It's a delusion. When anyone else wants to mutilate their body beyond repair because they've convinced themselves it's how they're "Really meant to be" we diagnose them with a mental illness. Everyone always says it's a problem with the body not matching up with the brain, but it's not. It's a problem with the brain thinking something is wrong with the body. Why treat the body, especially when the treatment is nowhere near ready to be done to people; it's a fucking travesty of a medical procedure, when you should treat their brain?
you are born with a certain set of biological parts. you can be male, female, or intersex. if you choose to convert genders, all you are doing is confirming gender stereotypes and mutilating your body in the process.
There's no way to cure or stop most mental illnesses, genetic disorders or disabilities (Yet) treatment is about giving the person a way to manage their illness, not enable their delusions and allow themselves to fuck up their bodies irreparably.
Sad thing is tons and tons of research on sex differences, race and so on can't even be published, regardless of how true they are, because people throw massive shitfits about it.
>But the way to treat it isn't just pretending it's not a real problem and forcing medication and therapy How is forcing someone to take medication and see a therapyst not the aknowledge of someone's mental disorder ??!
Also with nonsense I mean the acceptence or celebration of transexuality, not transexuality itself. Sorry if it sounded like that.
>I do think that trans people are being celebrated too much, but I think it's just because people are doing it to feel better about themselvesAnd that would be fine if they would celebrate their VICTORY over their transexuality instead of Transexuality itself like aneroxic people tend to do.
See I'm not saying that Transexuality isn't a big deal or that it isn't hard for people who have to cope with it - These people have a hard time but telling them that being transexual is fine isn't helping in any way because persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population.These findings suggest that sex reassignment, although slightly alleviating gender dysphoria,isnt suffice as treatment for transsexualism,
No. 39443
>>39440I'm not sure I even believe that because even "anti-white" shit seems disingenuous, latently pro-white and only reinforces "white power/supremacy", like "deep down we know were never going to be anything other than number one, so lets just yuck it up and poke fun at ourselves". Like kids who "hate" their families but would be nowhere if anything happened to them, and they know it.
I think that they are just uthinking and excessively compassionate. It's really more of a "road to hell, good intentions etc." kind of thing.
No. 39444
>>39443No. They are actively trying to make white people a minority in Europe, North America and Oceania.
I do agree it's partly motivated by subconscious feelings of superiority though. Their morality is in part based around being as nice as possible to the worst possible specimens of humanity in order to advertise/signal their status as "moral" to everyone else.
No. 39459
>>39456Rest assured that statistically black and brown men are far more likely to:
- Rape.
- Aggravated rape.
- Murder.
- Assault.
- Aggravated assault.
Black men are also statistically more likely to be serial killers than white men.
No. 39499
>>39470>>39465How come the worst serial killers in American history are white?
Albert Fish, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, etc weren't black. If you can show me the African-American equivalents of those people, I'll fuck off
No. 39503
>>39499there have been horrific black serial killers, but the news likes to sensationalize the white ones and examine ~what went wrong~.
from here
>jake birdconfessed to 44 murders in 1947. he was hung to death.
>Anthony Stowellarrested for rape, police found 11 dead bodies in his backyard. he killed other black women.
>Andre CrawfordStabbed, strangled, or bludgeoned 11 drug addicts and prostitutes.
>lorenzo gilyardmurdered atleast 13 women in the 70s, was arrested for it later in life
>Wayne Williamssuspected of killing 27 or more young boys between the ages of 7 and 14
No. 39629
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>>39499Because it's called 'gang violence'.
I don't even know if black people can go this crazy.
No. 39644
>>39629Black guys be like: I'm going to rob this bitch for 2 dollars and kill her after so I can buy crack
White guy's be like: I'm going to watch her carefully for 1 year and study her likes and dislikes, then I will kidnap her and chain her up in my basement, torture her until her body gives out
No. 39645
>>39437God, this. I've seen vegans defending the muslims' rights to Halal slaughtering (slitting the animal's throat and letting it bleed dry while it's alive), atheists praising Islamic faith, feminists supporting veils and ignoring FGM, pacifists defending the Charlie Hebdo shootings etc. I don't know if it's the fear of being attacked themselves or some sick form of Stockholm syndrome, but these people are walking contradictions.
My country has been getting a lot of Iraqi immigrants lately that claim they're escaping the war. Like 1000 refugees a day. And what do they do? Complain about the shitty weather and how everything's too deserted, expensive and not enough bars or restaurants. I'm being dead serious.
No. 39655

>>39646Who knows? If you're killing women and prostitutes, it's pretty reasonable to assume they raped them while they were still alive. If they're mentally ill enough to be killing druggies, little boys and hookers, why not have one last go at it post-mortum?
About cannibalism, that shit still happens in Africa. To dispel demons or gain divine protection. Picture somewhat related
No. 39656
>>39655There's usually uh, evidence when someone fucks a dead body when said body gets examined, anon.
And I said African-American, not African m8.
No. 39660
>>39657Was that a question or a statement? Alas, no worries, freshly saved, muh lads.
>>39656How do you know whether the evidence was left before or after? Most of those cases are pretty old and DNA shit has come a long way in the past 30, 20 years.
No. 39714
>>38974Came here to say this.
Also 99% of Male transgender people are fucking crazy, narcissistic sociopaths with erotic identity disorders out of the ass, they should be forced into therapy for life
:^) Too bad saying this IRL would probably get me killed by these crazy motherfuckers
No. 39732
>>39731Easier for white people to get away with having a gun on their person at inappropriate times, like entering a school. Especially the "mild mannered, polite, nothing ever seemed wrong with them" white boys that always seem to be shooting up schools.
I mean, there may be some biological component to it, but I think that's most of it.