>However, there are a good number of very slutty asian chicks. These are overwhelmingly made up of girls who are 30+ and have no long term boyfriend or husband. They're a lot of fun, often cute, have careers but are absolutely crazy and "do not date" material.My father visited China for a while on business a few years back, and he told me a lot about it.
One thing he noted was that there was a bit of a cultural conflict between, for lack of a better term, "traditional vs progressive" attitudes to marriage and dating.
Since it's still pretty male oriented and patriarchal, males tend not to like marrying girls of their same or a superior station, so a rich guy will likely marry a middle class girl, a middle class man a working class girl, etc. It also applies to education, too, as many men, even if they get past the class barrier, will be less enthusiastic about girls who are smarter than them.
Basically this traditional outlook, coupled with increased advantages in education and professionalism for women, has created a whole caste of educated women pretty much condemned to spinsterhood because Chinese men don't really like the idea of marrying professional, smart girls. I wonder if this is like what you're talking about.