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No. 38229

How do you feel about the fact that this site will be full of refugees from 4chan after it will be ruined by the ruiner of 2ch?

No. 38236>>38240

It won't be. The vast majority of people on 4chan are not interested in the content here. The /cgl/ posters who are already post here.

No. 38239>>38255>>38290>>38353>>39207

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The fuck is a 2chan?

Also everyone nowadays is on fullchan, get with the program OP

No. 38240>>38287>>38353

It's weird, I don't go on 4chan much at all anymore (just once in a blue moon to ask /sci/ why my apartment is dusty or whatever) and I've noticed full out newfaggotry

Like people LITERALLY complaining about captcha and holding tumblr opinions, and being shocked at racism gore etc (yes I know it's gone full circle and back in the day there wasnt captcha)

No. 38255

Please note OP that there is a difference between 2chan and 2ch. We are talking about 2ch which is 2channel.

You're so new it hurts

No. 38287

Yeah. I jumped ship before it could get any worse.

No. 38290>>38293


>the fuck is a 2chan?

Wow get out.

No. 38293>>38300

Make me desu.

No. 38300

U lookin for a foight m8?

No. 38325>>38347

Dude, 99.99% of the people on those websites don't even know this place exists

No. 38347

I will personally make sure they will

No. 38349>>38354

>ruiner of 2ch
I thought he created it to begin with, and also doesn't give a fuck about peoples' feelings. Like that one time some chick made a video about being cyberbullied and wanting 2ch to be taken down, he just ignored her. He used to get taken to court over the content on 2ch, but then ignored one court meeting and didn't get in trouble so he just didn't go to any more ever again.
Sounds like just the right attitude needed to run 4chan, if you ask me.

No. 38353

because 4chan is full of retarded redditors now. all the oldfags left in 2007.

>the fuck is 2ch?
>get with the program
you should take your own advice

No. 38354>>38358>>38918

That kike literally got paid by politicians to remove negative posts about them and steer conversation in a favorable direction. He also hates privacy, so much for 'anonymous'.


How do you not know this?

No. 38358>>38393

>implying moot didn't do similar shit in the past

No. 38393

He didn't. moot is really the best admin you can wish for. Went 300.000 dollars in debt for his site and never complained about it

No. 38805>>38815>>38831>>38904

4chan male refugee here. I think I could get used to this place.

No. 38815

>male here XD

no one cares

No. 38831>>38897

post balls and ass

No. 38897

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pls no. pls. no.

No. 38904

fuck off.

No. 38905>>38916

Wait, what?? No, this place is great because it's full of women from the older 4chan board. I don't want 4chan (current 4chan) people coming in.

No. 38916

We don't need your fuckin approval nudes or gtfo

No. 38918

4chan has been ruined for a long ass time.
After JIDF, it wont be long until posters get accused of being paid political fags all the time.

No. 39063>>39114>>39206

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No. 39114>>39206

i hope he actually bans loli/shota because the drama will be delicious

i know it's technically not allowed outside of /b/ but it's never enforced

No. 39206

Holy shit yes please
I don't like Hiroyuki but /a/ "board culture" is fucking insufferable

No. 39207

The average 8gag poster, ladies and gentlemen.

No. 39243

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welp, say goodbye to anon on 4chin
>A message from @CodeMonkeyZ, 2ch lead developer: "How Hiroyuki Nishimura will sell 4chan data"


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