File: 1548869702620.png (145.87 KB, 600x600, doll.png)

No. 364470
File: 1548878672012.png (295.01 KB, 600x600, 20190103210413.png)

No. 364477
File: 1548879451489.png (226.61 KB, 600x600, 8687_mpgoPip8.png)

>>364461oh wow, this one is really cute!
No. 364483
File: 1548880618593.png (284.25 KB, 600x600, 30472_rwOpJ5mv.png)

>>364469I call this one "Party Kei" kek
No. 364567
File: 1548892097431.png (30.81 KB, 600x600, download20190103174757.png)

>>364564Reminds me of Litchi Light Club
No. 364595
File: 1548896307813.png (196.41 KB, 600x600, 2521_nUYaKmkl.png)

>>364587I think this one is my new favorite
No. 364621
File: 1548900314903.png (471.04 KB, 600x600, 26700_JB1St0rd.png) one's neat, I love the 80s influence
No. 364628
File: 1548901190985.png (203.86 KB, 600x600, honeydew.png)>>364621Thought this was a gender-bent Yusuke at first kek
No. 364656
File: 1548904376702.png (535.35 KB, 600x600, FD950D8E-0BAE-4191-9FB9-40D5FC…)

>>364621this one’s so cute!
No. 364714
File: 1548916861640.png (187.26 KB, 600x600, 458C7DF8-F56B-4242-A610-FCCABE…)

No. 364727
File: 1548920010677.png (290.16 KB, 600x600, 0190104083329.png)

>>364621Tried to make a cute guy.
No. 364832
File: 1548944816060.png (205 KB, 600x600, E456604D-7A89-41E8-909A-2D26BA…)

>>364481Oh man, this is taking me back to all those shoujo’s I read in middle school
No. 364848
File: 1548946908289.png (398.73 KB, 600x600, download20190104150122.png)

>>364841I tried to make my bf lol
No. 364851
File: 1548947441298.png (341.85 KB, 600x600, 5jnHFKy.png)

>>364838 Does it happen to anyone else that the loading percentage stops at 99%?
No. 364852
File: 1548947600937.png (360.76 KB, 600x600, 20190104161316.png)

>>364841Tried to make my bf too, but ended up with what looks like a pretentious male model lmao.
No. 364853
File: 1548947667270.png (368.46 KB, 600x600, 14025_avKbdmCX.png)

>>364848Cute! I did mine too
I dig the male ones where you have options for long hair and beards bc I love creating him in these lmao
No. 364857
File: 1548948604281.png (333.84 KB, 600x600, E66E2E9E-BF05-4BE7-A0E7-EF29D2…)

>>364841Guess this is the boyfriend maker now, lmao
No. 364866
File: 1548949637177.png (219.97 KB, 600x600, devil girl.png)

>>364792i made the dark magical girl who seduces and kills the lead's first love interest
No. 364869
File: 1548949770473.png (173.54 KB, 600x600, 14025_DYmW4t1X.png)

>>364841Tried to make it bf but there's no super curly hair so he just looks middle eastern instead of afro Latino lmao
No. 364879
File: 1548950752087.png (232.93 KB, 600x600, rimi.png) my nana oc from when i was 15 bc why not
No. 364889
File: 1548952121971.png (382.88 KB, 600x600, download20190104172817.png)

This one gives me strong The Promised Neverland vibes and I love it No. 364907
File: 1548954851170.png (427.32 KB, 600x600, IviuD0g.png)

>>364873This website is too addicting.
No. 364908
File: 1548954866677.png (326.3 KB, 600x600, download20190104171316.png)

neko boy/ kuma boy maker>>364879aww, that's a cute idea.
No. 364910
File: 1548955513803.png (155.96 KB, 600x600, big time fetish.png)

>>364870i saw that one and i just went … niceeee, same with some of the bara ones on there
No. 364912
File: 1548955670897.png (178.85 KB, 600x600, waifu2.png)

>>364461my dumbass forgot the image
No. 364919
File: 1548958321657.png (508.16 KB, 600x600, 3713_eu9DDplt.png)

>>364889[catholicism intensifies]
No. 364942
File: 1548964005349.png (476.5 KB, 600x600, 26700_YqV8WUE0.png)

>>364621A pity that you can't change hair colour.
Does anybody know any similar to this?
No. 365033
File: 1548971856172.png (160.37 KB, 600x600, download20190104225626.png)

>>365014Made two OCs from a story I'll never finish
No. 365055
File: 1548974661121.png (162.39 KB, 600x600, 19CAF15E-29C7-4E32-B7D7-8E7305…)

i tried to make hendery bc i got bored and remembered he loves cats and pink lmao
>>364882aww thank you anon!
she was a teen model for a gyaru magazine. a bit naïve and vain in some ways, but sweet-natured. and i shipped her with shin; their polar opposite ways of thinking counterbalanced each other in a harmonious way and they helped each other grow as people. No. 365103
File: 1548982354698.png (652.66 KB, 600x600, 0DF1DE25-5E2B-4F08-8888-387CAC…)

>>365099another animal qt
No. 365118
File: 1548983444338.png (201.23 KB, 600x600, E411C971-68A9-40B5-B132-FD44EB…) hope the maker of this one adds more options in the future. Really cute so far.
No. 365151
File: 1548989596394.png (168.42 KB, 600x600, gdi.png)

>>365014made me and my gf. thanks anon :)
No. 365211
File: 1549004889265.png (391.88 KB, 600x600, 14025_rvhfFhMu.png)

>>364848>>364841Me too but there is no blonde hair so now he looks like Ichigo.
His smile should be even more smug
No. 365215
File: 1549006403182.png (175.91 KB, 600x600, phamercy.png)

I made Pharah and Mercy
No. 365289
File: 1549029010126.png (81.14 KB, 600x600, 8996FD14-EEE9-4510-920B-B3C6A1…)

>>365230byronic little animu trap
No. 365303
File: 1549030780209.png (278.89 KB, 600x600, lalien.png)

>>365286perfect thanks I made my husbando
No. 365307
File: 1549032225195.png (217.84 KB, 600x600, 13338_DpcKTvlD.png)

>>365286I made pseudo ghetsis
No. 365325
File: 1549034001311.png (334.51 KB, 600x600, D2265025-7601-4142-9BC0-EFF52C…)

>>365163this game was so stressful to play
No. 365388
File: 1549044741769.png (197.7 KB, 394x395, Screen Shot 2019-02-02 at 3.11…)

>>364841made my bf too. made me realise i fuckin miss him. ldr sucks ass :(
No. 365464
File: 1549057043872.png (415.67 KB, 600x600, 14025_2Yk95BZF.png)

>>364841I'm fond of this one, it actually resembles my bf a lot. Except for the weirdly thick neck lmao.
No. 365682
File: 1549074034936.png (376.41 KB, 600x600, 14025_VwQSjbtt.png)

>>364841 Official boyfriend maker
No. 365765
File: 1549089642873.png (83.19 KB, 600x600, 36957_rUaM2t1b.png) a dumb backstory for this one
the girl is a demon who ran away from home because omg mom, dad, it's not a phase, i don't eat human anymore! her decision comes from a place of "compassion" ie "they don't even stand a chance, the poor things, isn't that cruel?" now she's on her own and trying her best to make "people food" that doesn't have actual people in it. she's clueless but refuses to ask for help so she just throws shit in a pot and hopes for the best. the bottles are from all the alcohol she needs to get her through her soup-making attempts. No. 365909
File: 1549118734128.png (288.23 KB, 600x600, 14071_IzDOi9Ez.png)

>>365897oh, i know a few people from japan who listen to mumble rappers like lil peep and joji. one of my personal lolcows is a japanese woman who's obsessed with joji.
No. 365957
File: 1549124944173.png (177.46 KB, 540x688, dressupbunny.png)

No. 365975
File: 1549128028142.png (198.86 KB, 600x600, 108A9471-9CC8-4544-A51B-7CF037…)

this is my soundcloud rapper wannabe oc
No. 365994
File: 1549131510689.jpg (417.91 KB, 1064x1093, 2019-02-02 10.17.56.jpg)

>>365958not to derail the dressup thread of all things but holy shit, is she schizo?
(derail) No. 366021
File: 1549137483688.png (273.82 KB, 600x600, download20190206194913.png)

>>365978this one is cute. I love the description: "lets make a cute little monster!"
No. 366025
File: 1549138247425.png (208.09 KB, 600x600, download20190206200948.png) bf and demon gf go to a love hotel.
No. 366036
File: 1549139630410.png (180.86 KB, 600x600, download20190206203341.png)

>>365894a tired looking, submissive prettyboy who'll wear cat ears to amuse me.
No. 366045
File: 1549140831038.png (328.78 KB, 600x600, 35196_NHAPMq2o.png) of limited, but I was able to make Nishiki
No. 366074
File: 1549142776000.png (209.76 KB, 600x600, 217EEC39-6E73-40D8-863A-A0C75A…)

>>366039really loving this one
No. 366181
File: 1549150988186.png (84.13 KB, 240x259, oh no.PNG)

Dear lord.
I can't even make Danny Devito. It's a drawing of a woman getting spanked.
No. 366199
File: 1549152740500.png (108.2 KB, 600x600, 17250_jxZnPbkV.png)

>>365278have a ponytail boy
No. 366213
File: 1549154147470.png (327.88 KB, 600x600, 0E9C45B2-1850-4045-A7A8-1BAA8A…)

>>366083seaweed head twink
No. 366243
File: 1549161034205.png (21.65 KB, 600x600, download20190206183037.png) your own nyan neko sugar girls oc
No. 366246
File: 1549161412527.png (27.12 KB, 600x600, 38346_HBUOAXtC.png)

>>366243this is beautiful, thank you
No. 366259
File: 1549163542031.png (387.58 KB, 600x600, hehe.png)

>>364841hopping on the bf train
No. 366292
File: 1549167534917.png (402.52 KB, 600x600, 34800_DHqIbqCF.png)

>>366083I got this on random and I really liked it!
No. 366467
File: 1549206324914.png (83.76 KB, 600x600, 32_3DUGG1DP.png)

>>366431How cute
He bring some flower
No. 366534
File: 1549215388243.png (178.63 KB, 600x600, download20190200113329.png)

>>365894Tall, pale, muscular guy with messy shoulder length hair
No. 366543
File: 1549216945453.png (198.46 KB, 600x600, 14194_IaTa4OEP.png)

>>366418This one made me so nostalgic about my childhood, makes me wish there were girly hair options in it too.
No. 366549
File: 1549217891278.png (136.16 KB, 600x600, download20190200101731.png) me of old Chinese paintings
No. 366550
File: 1549218216100.png (268.62 KB, 600x600, download20190200121943.png)

>>365894Hot, tall muscular dom with long ass hair and in a b u s i n e s s s u i t (srsly this shit is life changing when you spot this rarity irl)
Hard to paint with anime pretty boys but you get the gist. Hair/skin color doesnt matter to me
No. 366553
File: 1549218607763.png (302.49 KB, 600x600, download20190200122621.png) yourself swimming in this meaningless vacuum
No. 366579
File: 1549220886605.png (154.82 KB, 600x600, 37956_CWPjBH1K.png)

>>366553Me, allowing myself to be sucked further into mental illness
No. 366583
File: 1549221283101.png (231.25 KB, 600x600, 37956_AorKl7sH.png)

>>366553me going to uni on monday, friendless and alone as per usual
No. 366585
File: 1549221502724.png (156.47 KB, 600x600, 38346_ZNeYtrI5.png)

>>366243made my dream gf sluurp
No. 366594
File: 1549222829740.png (71.63 KB, 600x600, download20190200160410.png)

>>365894'm making almost exclusively my type with these things lmao.
Skinny/brown/sweaty/nervous basically. May or not wear glasses.
Also 5'3".
No. 366610
File: 1549226647121.png (704.27 KB, 600x600, 2538_1Ql8PF7v.png)

>>365894most likely a vampire and probably hasn't washed his hair in a good few weeks (maybe centuries?) but also appreciates a good book and some type O blood
No. 366626
File: 1549228701458.png (268.34 KB, 600x600, 28853_uy29xh8O.png)

tried to make myself on this metalhead dude maker (only downside is the shoulders that really look like a dude's, other than that it's fun) No. 366628
File: 1549229447199.png (264.61 KB, 600x600, download20190200213009.png)

>>366626me or dream bf?? who knows
No. 366630
File: 1549229701638.png (253.38 KB, 600x600, 28853_9prvJIkz.png)

>>366626lol I made euronymous in his crop top
No. 366632
File: 1549230005402.png (156.2 KB, 600x600, 28853_OXKaRx6M.png)

>>366628damn what a cutie
>>366630ily anon, this made me chuckle !
No. 366634
File: 1549230404625.png (276.98 KB, 600x600, 28853_Tww432YK.png)

>>366626>>366632 also tried to make young Varg but it didn't turn out as expected lol
No. 366638
>>366634Vargs hair was light brown tho not blond (even if his goofy ass tries to say it was)
No. 366641
File: 1549231279214.png (350.92 KB, 600x600, 36529_78mX19Hg.png)

>>365894He should look simultaneously like a good boy and a bad boy. And have hair like Fudo Akira (or alternatively long hair)
>>366634It does look like him, it certainly has his smugness although I would say his hair is more brown
No. 366643
File: 1549231613949.png (275.68 KB, 600x600, 28853_buOwr8UC.png)

>>366634remade him with brown hair ! looked at several pics and yeah you're all right, he was actually brown haired, not just "dark blonde/very light brown" like in my memories !
No. 366646
File: 1549231732634.png (263.22 KB, 600x600, 28853_cLU0u8NU.png)

Tfw no metal bf
No. 366648
File: 1549231953381.png (61.87 KB, 600x600, 3455_XDyKdJIR.png)

>>366645Hoho, great thanks! Maybe one day I'll be sharing my doll maker here too. (not anyday soon though …)
I really love this maker. I wish I could dress like an elegant lady too… No. 366715
File: 1549242107017.png (Spoiler Image,205.13 KB, 600x600, download20190201010048.png)

>>366652i feel like i have to spoiler this because I'm a square and embarrassed of my fujodom.
No. 366727
File: 1549242818413.png (298.54 KB, 600x600, 28291_tAIuwsyN.png)

>>365014Love the backgrounds in this one
No. 366771
File: 1549255054079.png (317.83 KB, 600x600, 9152_apSyOMjK.png) like the sketchy look of this one
No. 366781
File: 1549257739660.png (224.02 KB, 600x600, 9152_vk4JwTrC.png)

>>366771I wish I were this cute irl
No. 366884
File: 1549275387762.png (97.27 KB, 600x600, 3042_MekC411q.png)

>>365230Why is picrew so fun to use. No seriously, I have a lot of fun using picrew.
No. 366907
File: 1549278900851.png (178.94 KB, 600x600, download20190201111026.png)

>>366878I tried to keep this vegetarian. Curry rice on the right, veggies (I think?) on the bottom left, eggs and edamame for protein, and some apple slices.
I'm hungry now.
No. 366909
File: 1549279455298.png (133.2 KB, 600x600, 33053_JNMtLQAe.png)

No. 366914
File: 1549280991621.png (150.54 KB, 600x600, 33053_QOOZ0oC1.png)

I always only got toast or money.
No. 366919
File: 1549282715121.png (154.01 KB, 600x600, 22.png)

>>366918>>365757i'm supposed to be writing an essay
No. 366922
File: 1549283491106.png (316.66 KB, 600x600, 3A2B4AFC-82FB-4A97-A892-8B45F9…)

>>366866Made my shitty oc
No. 367002
File: 1549297915989.png (270.23 KB, 600x600, download20190201103133.png)

>>366963I'll be the blue to your pink
No. 367022
File: 1549300097799.png (303.12 KB, 600x600, download20190201170607.png)

>>366963Good grief, anons. I'm in Heaven for sure. Nothing is really like a delicately flavored cup of tea.
I am glad to be among tea-friends.
No. 367025
File: 1549300449354.png (267.37 KB, 600x600, 11451_vw9sEaPW[1].png)

>>366963I wonder if anyone can guess what this is supposed to be.
>>367022It's simple things like this that make me smile. Thanks, anon!
No. 367072
File: 1549304890346.png (402.4 KB, 600x600, 16488_tNT0vmvF.png)

>>366940Tried to make Alucard
No. 367084
File: 1549305415525.png (174.49 KB, 600x600, 11451_WAVK2rwT.png)

>>366963I intended to do green tea first, but the little brown kitty compelled me to go for hot cocoa instead
No. 367171
File: 1549314997352.png (189.78 KB, 600x600, nyanneko.png)

lol did someone here make this one? No. 367180
File: 1549317041946.png (194.22 KB, 600x600, happy holidays, greetings from…)

>>367171hope you have a very anime easter
No. 367226
File: 1549323689202.png (247.05 KB, 600x600, test.png)

>>364841i love seeing everyone's partners! i made my bf too lol
No. 367245
File: 1549324695526.png (75.98 KB, 600x600, 18386_rYi6VhIO.png)

>>367227This one is super cute. I made some sort of yokai chef girl.
No. 367299
File: 1549333576532.png (111.8 KB, 600x600, 18386_FTo6cQBN.png)

>>367193Your couple is so cute
No. 367312
File: 1549335754654.png (137.54 KB, 600x600, download20190201220156.png)

i think he's handsome
No. 367337
File: 1549338375823.png (148.51 KB, 600x600, 18771_GRQTzrOn.png)

>>367323the hot history teacher
No. 367412
File: 1549345233013.png (298.37 KB, 600x600, 18771_N1nRs7M5.png)

>>367323this one and the bento and tea have been my favorite so far.
this is best thread ladies
No. 367729
File: 1549385090396.png (289.8 KB, 390x393, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at 1.44…)

>>367344made my husbando again… sad life
No. 367796
File: 1549393501920.png (178.65 KB, 600x600, download20190202110414.png) this one it's so pretty and creepy
No. 367828
File: 1549398755596.png (355.5 KB, 497x657, f0065dc6-f10d-4a87-ac8f-0e9da0…)

>>367825I'll be waiting bby
No. 367874
File: 1549403317574.png (183.18 KB, 600x600, 19146_WtzeKbHc.png)

>>367867oooh anon, altho it's a sad loss, your have repented and your sin is forgiven, thank youu!
No. 367879
File: 1549403604003.png (342.53 KB, 600x600, 14025_VlaMM8Ho.png)

>>364841Did my husband. Husband is cuter though.
No. 367881
File: 1549403752323.png (180.47 KB, 600x600, download20190202155545.png)

>>367857greasy. this background says a lot
No. 367884
File: 1549403918487.png (217.06 KB, 600x600, 15627_rSiV8okV.png)

>>367867wanted to make a good christian boy but this looks like draco malfoy punk edit lel (i'm into it)
No. 367891
File: 1549404672441.png (322.12 KB, 600x600, 37956_lHxcBy3P.png)

>>366553it has been updated recently I think? there's more stuff added
anyways! me being lead to the kitchen by the delicious smell of lasagne
No. 367892
File: 1549404801148.png (328.7 KB, 600x600, download20190202161308.png)

>>367885vomit on her sweater already
No. 367893
File: 1549404892431.png (198.33 KB, 600x600, 25624_jbeVmd5v.png) portrait of me, a strong independent woman, currently on my period
No. 367894
File: 1549404914542.png (274.77 KB, 600x600, download20190202161454.png)

me waking up as i enter the void again and again
No. 367899
File: 1549405254262.png (320.59 KB, 600x600, 4120_EBqAFts5.png)

>>367867me as a nice mediaval european lad who is vegan, but mother dearest does not respect that and has forced me to eat mackrel again.
No. 367942
File: 1549410365330.png (186.62 KB, 600x600, download20190202234633.png)

>>367857he's beauty, he's grace
No. 367947
File: 1549410804796.png (298.24 KB, 600x600, download20190202235129.png)

a human with toxoplasmosis feeding his feline master.
No. 367948
File: 1549410894962.png (262.74 KB, 600x600, download20190202155342.png)'s that girl in high school you think is a bitch but you don't know her and you wish you did.
No. 367955
File: 1549411473596.png (427.32 KB, 600x600, 28927_WrSGa9ro.png)

>>367931this one's for u bby
>>367927a kool altboi finally seeing the dpd delivery van pull in in his street, he has spent the entire day waiting for this moment stood at this rainy window. he has skipped uni for the day, hasn't eaten, his mom has shouted at him on 3 seperate occasions. "Finally…." he thinks, "my cool discounted Men's Women's Platform Flatform Patent Vegan Leather Punk Platform Fake Leather Rock Boots Shoes Winter 2019 Stock are here!! And people said Wish is a scam, tch!"
No. 367966
File: 1549411964933.png (68.44 KB, 600x600, 25610_fZfEWy1R.png)

i love this thread so much anons. best thread No. 367974
File: 1549412863715.png (170.24 KB, 600x600, download20190202162449.png) a totally cute pooch, this one's mine. His name is wenf and He only eats the lace of of pretty girl's dresses.
No. 367975
File: 1549413042586.png (404.85 KB, 600x600, 28927_cZfagb5q.png)

>>367927I had to do Seto Kaiba looking out the window
No. 367989
File: 1549415227540.png (65.82 KB, 600x600, 40467_FmkvumNS.png)

>>367985um ok, so this is my new OC, her name is cowchu, she is electric cow pokemon and she's very hot and all the chads want to rail her, even sonichu wants to cheat on amychu with her. DO NOT STEAL!
No. 367993
File: 1549415733512.png (65.86 KB, 600x600, download20190202191432.png)

>>367985Aww haha I love this!
No. 368001
File: 1549416400741.png (457.75 KB, 600x600, 16488_8QX2tR8V.png) sure if this has been posted but it's a cute bf maker: medieval uniform edition
No. 368013
File: 1549418341924.png (88.11 KB, 600x600, download20190203015830.png) is supposed to be a barista maker, but I think I just ended up making Harry Styles.
No. 368170
File: 1549446338350.png (173.98 KB, 600x600, 25624_8dwzjri8.png)

>>367893I'm tired of the media painting monster girls as fanservicey bimbos! That is such a harmful stereotype, do they even know what kind of impact it has on young impressionable monster girls?? THIS is what a normal, beautiful monster lady looks like! #allmonstergirlsarebeautiful #monstergirlsriseup
No. 368219
File: 1549454377950.png (173.9 KB, 600x600, 19083_UBwPuLNO.png)

>>368184closest I could make to Anthy, disgraceful it doesn't have purple hair smh
No. 368271
File: 1549462821417.png (155.11 KB, 600x600, 23 my type.png)

>>368043honestly the male avatar makers on this site is amazing, i have over 200 pics already saved and picrew have taken over my life.
anyway here's my dumbass bitch boy who's a vampire and thinks it's fun to string girls along because he likes the attention, but never commits to anything because he's afraid of commitment and responsibility so he'll probs end up alone in the future becomming a very handsome but boring and gross dude.
No. 368454
File: 1549490873797.png (185.87 KB, 600x600, 40869_EjdqCKgT.png) thing my toaster waffles see before their short, miserable life ends
No. 368456
File: 1549491227314.png (173.13 KB, 600x600, 16489_89H6DJp0.png) me a few minutes ago looking at the kitty pics my mom sent me
No. 368459
File: 1549491683872.png (210.49 KB, 600x600, 27125_Tp5OnDUo.png) soon as I saw those butterfly ears I knew I had to try make luka from magnet but tbh I struggled
:-/ No. 368463
File: 1549492131522.png (248.09 KB, 600x600, 27125_yxdI6Djb.png)

>>368459big tiddy blood sucking goth moth nurse gf (my tastes are specific ok)
No. 368470
File: 1549492556700.png (258.9 KB, 600x600, 11253_I93gOMUC.png) clan, here we stand
>>368467hell yeah! vocaloid's are still alive baby!
No. 368486
File: 1549493806122.png (197.98 KB, 600x600, 16489_afzLEHcE.png)

>>368456this is weeb-chan (I've no idea what she is saying but it looks aesthetic)
>>368477mm nice
No. 368500
File: 1549494103006.png (201.04 KB, 600x600, 16489_bnZZxdle.png)

>>368456all my personalities colliding
No. 368505
File: 1549494525602.png (52.81 KB, 600x600, 40458_SCppcvyY.png)

>>368477When you tell your emo boyfriend his hair looks especially spikey today
No. 368518
File: 1549495472351.png (153.03 KB, 600x600, sachi nanjou.png)

>>368514anyone read oyasumi punpun?
No. 368524
File: 1549495752011.png (229.95 KB, 600x600, download20190203232757.png)

what cow did I make, farmers?
>>368456 No. 368536
File: 1549496809793.png (138.23 KB, 600x600, 28765_AK8JBjWT.png)

No. 368570
File: 1549501136797.png (120.96 KB, 600x600, download20190204015615.png)

>>365894Genki megane boys who are kind of silly are the best!
No. 368632
File: 1549514248087.png (271.64 KB, 600x600, download20190203232740.png)

No. 368772
File: 1549541986583.png (436.16 KB, 600x600, 15154_R1xC0d8V.png)

>>368761tfw other angels get swag instruments but you're stuck with the bazoone as per usual, smh
(i think this game is one of my favs, its so pretty!)
No. 368899
File: 1549558949260.png (402.17 KB, 600x600, 36849_JNQMBiDZ.png)

>>368594this one was super cute and fun
No. 369012
File: 1549569903306.png (85.84 KB, 600x600, 40898_sE953vl0.png)

>>369008Cute! Mines molting while on a mission hes gotta go fast
No. 369144
File: 1549584214307.png (109.13 KB, 600x600, 28765_Je3I6Uw2.png)

>>368514i accidentally made audrey hepburn
No. 369157
File: 1549585822564.png (83.43 KB, 600x600, download20190205001929.png)[super rich kids plays ominously in the distance]
No. 369298
File: 1549606563056.png (74.35 KB, 600x600, 22411_D8CkgTsK.png) cute kitty maker
made my bf as a cat
No. 369377
File: 1549627427989.png (95.53 KB, 600x600, 17350_xs4LZrk9.png)

>>369170and nobody gets hurt
No. 369422
File: 1549632153534.png (212.93 KB, 600x600, 35830_QXsPyum7.png)

>>369397his name is grayscale
No. 369461
File: 1549634177982.png (383.05 KB, 600x600, 391DD0B1-4978-4C7A-915E-5E5C76…)

>>369230it ended up kind of resembling miku but it wasn’t intentional
No. 369476
File: 1549636420226.png (223.8 KB, 600x600, FD4AB82C-A483-4300-A866-32D048…)

>>369475couldn’t decide between background or no background
No. 369489
File: 1549637333281.png (157.42 KB, 600x600, 41170_szjsKwLs.png)

>>369202I really like this
No. 369495
File: 1549637658168.png (91.37 KB, 600x600, 17350_77dmGVDF.png)

>>369170Have a valentine's day, everyone
No. 369510
File: 1549639815745.png (46.75 KB, 600x600, 18913_eHGIm7eN.png)

>>369487me err'day at uni
No. 369536
File: 1549645873796.png (157.5 KB, 600x600, download20190205170959.png)

>>365286deadbeat elf husbando
No. 369544
File: 1549646220917.png (93.52 KB, 600x600, 17350_KQ9QbQ6K.png)

>>369170I made my grandma
No. 369631
File: 1549659352840.jpg (39.03 KB, 600x600, lUwNaV1.jpg)

>>369628I made this 6 hours ago. Are you me
No. 369893
File: 1549679438426.png (174.19 KB, 600x600, 41170_VvWmaCRa.png)

this one was posted already but i swear new things are added every hour lol No. 369904
File: 1549680250552.png (82.92 KB, 600x600, download20190205213919.png) i make the same black-haired, edgy boi in every game
No. 369912
File: 1549681096281.png (164.43 KB, 600x600, 41170_PXcgJuDG.png)

>>369893This was a random
No. 369941
File: 1549685868015.png (287.46 KB, 600x600, download20190205231736.png)

>>369257i've created someone's beautiful mom
No. 369970
File: 1549688996069.png (50.54 KB, 600x600, 42097_O153cnr7.png)

her name is talulah and she's nervous about her first day at richard gere's finishing school for rodents No. 370156
File: 1549724629913.png (98 KB, 600x600, download20190206155508.png) allows you to make Scout from TF2
No. 370185
File: 1549727733504.png (620.84 KB, 600x600, 66157F2B-7285-49B2-B746-81A4AA…)

>>364889Loved the default so I added only a few tweaks
No. 370199
File: 1549729174041.png (140.14 KB, 600x600, 6239_GutGg0C7.png)

>>369985heartless vkei yanki bitch
No. 370208
File: 1549729887505.png (1.12 MB, 650x600, ps.png)

>>370176Tried to recreate my favorite girls
No. 370308
File: 1549738783261.png (197.55 KB, 600x600, 37879_oIRYO3Oo.png)

>>370213Finally I can make an accurate version of myself
No. 370341
>>369970>her name is talulah and she's nervous about her first dayawww
>at richard gere's finishing school for rodentsNOOOOOOOO
No. 370358
File: 1549741727905.png (188.32 KB, 600x600, download20190206194833.png)

>>370213my fat ass staring adoringly at my cat.
No. 370466
File: 1549747829064.png (250.55 KB, 600x600, 19152_jzxyCSxQ.png) making my boyfriend. I still haven't found any makers with curly hair options besides the one with Post Malone's tattoos lol so it's just him when he was an emo kid.
No. 370473
File: 1549748686952.png (90.72 KB, 600x600, still hungry.png)

>>370122Anon-chan, I'm on a diet uguu…
I wolfed it down too fast to have a pic of me eating it No. 370511
File: 1549752460077.png (189.87 KB, 600x600, 37976_aoYz1HFu.png)

>>370441This is my new aesthetic - weird dingy priest who loves chocolate
>>370419a disgusting weeb maker, I love it
No. 370531
File: 1549755258772.png (11.97 KB, 600x600, 42767_HaMM6kW1.png)

>>370530lmao, mine's farting
No. 370591
File: 1549763314289.png (213.05 KB, 600x600, download20190206204651.png)

>>367261tried to make my OC.
No. 370594
File: 1549763771628.png (107.88 KB, 600x600, download20190206205607.png)

jesus christ its like looking in a mirror
No. 370601
File: 1549764311682.png (1.13 MB, 891x593, 4894864684684.png)

Cute new archer dress up on Rinmaru.
No. 370622
File: 1549766321138.png (110.6 KB, 600x600, 13338_vYWYT66R.png)

>>367261Tried recreating my crush o\\\o
No. 370745
File: 1549793183078.png (29.05 KB, 600x600, 25 ITS AUTOMATIC.png)

>>370518this pixel one is my fav. it's so pretty and the options are perfect! i don't even mind the lack of recolors, because it's just fun to do
No. 370798
File: 1549805458769.png (167.32 KB, 600x600, 37879_q7UUuszc.png)

>>370213this is basically a portrait of me at four years old
No. 370825
File: 1549811681270.png (112.27 KB, 600x600, 16182_AekuSYzE.png)

No. 370859
File: 1549815016836.png (146.52 KB, 600x600, 13541_yxOhqRkJ.png)

>>370156i can't believe the universe still hasn't given me a dark-haired, grimy, bloodied-up bf like wtf
No. 370863
File: 1549815925758.png (88.25 KB, 600x600, 38697_QUqipdql.png)

>>370861part cat, part bat
No. 370889
File: 1549819005668.png (229.87 KB, 600x600, 2521_nbtDKAOR.png)

No. 371327
File: 1549853898398.png (154.14 KB, 600x600, download20190200205729.png)

>>368043It's hip to be square.
No. 371400
File: 1549860320781.png (136.46 KB, 600x600, download20190201044214.png)

>>3672612007 teenage me's ideal type.
No. 371414
File: 1549863420475.png (118.61 KB, 600x600, 6239_NpVaflhL.png)

>>369985yeah, maybe i do want to date the dark haired chick from tatu, so what?
yes i know tatu was fake etc, her hotness was real however No. 371424
File: 1549866540912.png (239.15 KB, 600x600, 2521_o79LxFHD.png)

>>370879inspired by my recent quest to find nice pruning scissors, it's my new oc, her name is Wilted Spinach and she's a "living" reminder you shouldn't run with oversized scissors in hand
No. 371428
File: 1549867016998.png (25.02 KB, 600x600, 29413_8Nff43QX.png)

>>370518tfw ur cat gf keeps excitedly catching bugs and bringing them to you and, like, you apprecitate the gesture and don't want to hurt her feelings n stuff but you don't want any more bugs in your flat either!
No. 371431
File: 1549867671547.png (489.78 KB, 600x600, 30237_tibitKg2.png) if this one has been posted already
No. 371434
File: 1549867776894.png (179.05 KB, 600x600, 50DA2FE8-F53E-4465-9326-17FA64…)

>>367857Shuwu’s vision.
No. 371458
File: 1549872385792.png (195.92 KB, 600x600, 21763_iW3sF2Oa.png)

>>367857kawaii soft boi uwu
No. 371476
File: 1549875510845.png (262.9 KB, 600x600, 6476_9rixtzrq.png) think this one is still in progress (empty accessories section) but the eyes are rly cute
No. 371493
File: 1549877015161.png (270.44 KB, 600x600, 38987_9ygfKY56.png)

>>370748rational me, left, trying to reason with chronic procrastinator me, right, about doing this stupid report instead of playing dressup games jfc
No. 371499
File: 1549877601744.png (228.79 KB, 600x600, 11678_jmYvJzxD.png)

>>367125lain re-imagined as a hypebeast
No. 371530
File: 1549882438218.png (275.67 KB, 600x600, 25624_hgDtkjCo.png)

>>367893This one is really awesome.
I feel like I made a Dark Souls character. A mutated knight.
No. 371539
File: 1549883724381.png (281.65 KB, 600x600, 29841_RoZYRCdw.png)

>>371525my board-tan interpretation
No. 371543
File: 1549884876780.png (343.6 KB, 600x600, 29841_wXmaBuCg.png)

>>371525This one is so huge, I feel lost
No. 371566
File: 1549891614492.png (166.72 KB, 600x600, 5D08C662-9CB8-4E42-83C1-46A09F…)

>>367261When both you and your husbando start graying out from economic situation in your country.
No. 371583
File: 1549895606111.png (263.31 KB, 600x600, 4 ma'am???.png)

>>371525goat maid in the city
No. 371623
File: 1549899309477.png (56.31 KB, 600x600, 18913_JTKYPs88.png)

>>369487wtc a cute guitarist gf
No. 371626
File: 1549900101477.png (291.13 KB, 600x600, 29841_De6mIFby.png)

>>371525just a sister with a nicotine problem
No. 371659
File: 1549903852958.png (90.84 KB, 600x600, 40423_tlUS9raD.png)

>>371630me, a professional slavic protector of cats and pigeons
No. 371693
File: 1549908291629.png (83.48 KB, 600x600, download20190201180331.png)

>>371630samurai-kun on his day off, partying with his kitties.
No. 371962
File: 1549935249535.png (171.68 KB, 600x600, 9368_Pv4MGdxY.png)

>>371939the options for this one kinda sucked
No. 372154
File: 1549962528173.png (353.85 KB, 600x600, 36529_lHgC6AO5.png)

>>366641tried making what I imagine yuichi to look like after re-reading forbidden colors
No. 372591
File: 1550014208029.png (313.51 KB, 600x600, 12057_Aj6nfl81.png)

>>364556tfw no manic pixie dream bf
No. 372593
File: 1550014281701.png (205.57 KB, 600x600, 32688_iziCLK1s.png)

>>364870Added ears to this one.
No. 372615
File: 1550017728488.png (279 KB, 600x600, 284F634E-D89F-4B58-8592-79B84E…)

>>364556I just want a qt who gets all flustered real easily.
No. 372660
File: 1550021837839.png (35.28 KB, 600x600, 40458_tcbj9z4g.png)

>>368477the face of a broken young man being seduced
No. 372663
File: 1550021961171.png (94.47 KB, 600x600, download20190202180536.png)

>>372660and here's my shitty edit
No. 372676
File: 1550024128439.png (205.19 KB, 600x600, 21208_fV3hDpm0.png)

>>372596hell yea an obnoxious waifu generator/shad's workfow has finally been uncovered!
>>372674good question, i only saw them as knees after reading your post and now i'm unsure
No. 372795
File: 1550048574731.png (7.45 KB, 600x600, 29413_bkf4PAWA.png)

>>370518It has so many possibilities
No. 372800
File: 1550049124885.png (70.91 KB, 600x600, 41153_yyE6WqHI.png)

>>371994I tried to make Junpei when I saw the hat but it didn't really work out…
No. 372811
File: 1550051232831.png (50.25 KB, 600x600, 41153_I0neZaqZ.png)

>>371994Was gonna try and recreate one of my fictional crushes, ended up trying to make my ideal hasubando. Somehow he ended up looking like if Nobunaga were a beatnik(?).
>>372800Not bad anon, the maker is kinda limited but you did good. Kinda wish it would let you change the color of the clothes.
No. 373265
File: 1550106547448.png (191.5 KB, 600x600, download20190203170815.png)

>>372754"Silly boy, you don't own me!"
No. 373290
File: 1550109303740.png (83.87 KB, 600x600, 41153_Oa5T66PA.png)

Smash me,, with ur 5 o clock shadow….senpai
No. 373300
File: 1550109914722.png (177.08 KB, 600x600, 41854_jhBF4AM6.png)

>>369683>>373265Cute girl but that quote…cringe. Makes you sound like a guy larping
No. 373311
File: 1550110402863.png (158.47 KB, 600x600, 43267_TCzKRcGV.png)

>>372754>still not a vampire who makes steaming mugs of blood in the morningwhy
No. 373321
File: 1550111488602.png (158.7 KB, 600x600, download20190203213126.png)

>>373316my new athletic, caring husbando
No. 373325
File: 1550111744979.png (186.14 KB, 600x600, C55F68BB-9C4B-456F-A308-006499…)

>>373316non-threatening husbando
No. 373740
File: 1550183052162.png (292.99 KB, 1439x598, Screen Shot 2019-02-14 at 2.21…)

>>371994I couldn't pick just one…
No. 374020
File: 1550226824165.png (160.87 KB, 600x600, 43267_EfSqnrQP.png)

>>373668Ohh so cute anon!
I created kind of my current look
No. 374268
File: 1550268795486.png (252.93 KB, 600x600, 4658_rdjvcrab.png)

>>374207This one is too cool
No. 374285
File: 1550270188294.png (151.34 KB, 600x600, download20190205143614.png)

>>371990this one has tons of options
No. 374979
File: 1550376549596.png (237.78 KB, 600x600, download20190200035742.png) made a hatoful boyrfriend OC ~
Her name is Satsuki and she's a second year who just transferred from Okayama. She's a massive fujo and her favourite food is pineapple.
No. 375009
File: 1550379978004.png (187.21 KB, 600x600, download20190206230616.png)

>>374972>elven stud simulatoryum
No. 375012
File: 1550380378028.png (92.28 KB, 600x600, download20190200051217.png) idea what the Japanese in this one says.
No. 375020
File: 1550381706583.png (113.21 KB, 600x600, 13737_dhYuo2jV.png)

>>375004bribed salary-man.
No. 375213
File: 1550423680137.png (143.37 KB, 600x600, 13737_S0g5tgZ5.png)

>>375004is this patrick bateman?
No. 375256
File: 1550426200117.png (108.03 KB, 600x600, 13737_huE39qGA.png)

>>375004Me, wealthy and making a reluctant man my prostitute. He's severely in debt and needs the extra money
No. 375260
File: 1550426699641.png (446.37 KB, 600x600, 5C132773-8C9F-4582-A2E6-CF2D52…)

>>375100me standing over the mob boss I have captured and intend to murder
No. 375281
File: 1550428875699.png (458.91 KB, 600x600, 45893_9FKfnlbU.png)

>>375100I never expected my anime hubby to have an entire dressup game about him oof
No. 375414
File: 1550445328340.png (547.51 KB, 600x600, 21290_Adgu9vPy.png)

>>375311this is so madoka-esque, I love it!
No. 375421
File: 1550445972629.png (128.14 KB, 600x600, 42622_dgPZkmkc.png)

>>375260>>375256love the way you think, anon!
>>374979saw this really fat wood pigeon today, hope he found some nice worms!
No. 375507
File: 1550459001532.png (325.12 KB, 600x600, 42399_lrVPyDcT.png)

kek i didn't realize this maker was already posted. anyway, i made norman.
No. 375606
File: 1550476316664.png (61.3 KB, 600x600, 46744_YS5Vk6M3.png)

>>375598Straight from the spiral twist into the riddle box
No. 375612
>>375598n this is ur brain trying to process on whippets
sniff up… honk :O)
No. 375633
File: 1550482027443.png (84.3 KB, 600x600, 46744_I3MswiDI.png)

>>375598felt cute, might delete later
No. 376383
File: 1550598498007.png (224.41 KB, 600x600, miyabi3.png)

>>375753one of the versions of the same character
No. 376572
File: 1550623799385.png (178.5 KB, 600x600, 45206_8DeyA5bV.png)

>>376569Made my beautiful angel boy.
No. 376577
File: 1550624623432.png (49.91 KB, 600x600, 45206_IIdGoCpX.png)

>>376569the love of my life
No. 376578
File: 1550624687182.png (80.97 KB, 600x600, download20190202170327.png) of the options here are questionable, but I'm happy I can finally make the punk riot grrrl of my dreams.
No. 376583
File: 1550625993403.png (114.64 KB, 600x600, download20190203012517.png)

>>376578>full on swastika buttonnever change, japan.
No. 376609
File: 1550628230938.png (134.6 KB, 600x600, download20190202210338.png)

>>375658this one's cute, hope they add more options
No. 376628
File: 1550629753455.jpeg (93.75 KB, 993x213, 9BBAD0DD-9697-44A1-8B9B-B49FFD…)

>>376589NTA but it’s a fucking swastika. Your holy land Nippon isn’t so dim to not know what this symbol, especially considering they were on the Germans side in WWII. What, anarchist symbol is just that but suddenly the swastika on a ‘bad girl’ is supposed to be something else?
No. 376667
File: 1550635754566.png (192.67 KB, 600x600, 41170_J8oTSz82.png)

No. 376671
File: 1550636093237.png (100.48 KB, 600x600, 37515_pi6zsPKj.png)

I love the ones that aren't quite dress up.
No. 376679
File: 1550637255598.png (41.38 KB, 600x600, 41046_q5yXUO51.png) sure if this one's been posted!
No. 376693
File: 1550639333363.jpg (280.56 KB, 1536x1054, N01506_10.jpg)

>>376671Great job, Anon. This looks rly cute.
No. 376694
File: 1550639635923.png (138.86 KB, 600x600, 35494_i0CeY4K8.png)

a cute kitty maker with a lot of options! No. 376713
File: 1550644036486.png (53.9 KB, 600x600, download20190203012643.png)

>>376679she's a mechanic who works on space ships in the year 2150
No. 376719
File: 1550644716584.jpg (467.63 KB, 2560x1243, 20190220_063801.jpg)

>>376694made both of our babbies, pardon the shitty line collage kek
No. 376748
File: 1550650607063.png (187.55 KB, 600x600, 35756_FDf0BHMv.png)

>>376642Reminds me of animal crossing
No. 376885
File: 1550682435531.png (700.37 KB, 600x600, 21290_Y6hrlq5Q.png)

>>375311Based it on touhou: imperishable night
No. 377148
File: 1550718728129.png (51.4 KB, 600x600, 41046_SLqwZgvu.png)

>>376679me watching a wurld starr fite
No. 377186
File: 1550723027900.png (134.67 KB, 600x600, 35494_tX1TCd3H.png)

>>376694This is the cutest!
No. 377295
File: 1550749233028.png (136.52 KB, 600x600, download20190204123839.png)

>>376578finally something a bit different
No. 377411
File: 1550773530414.png (330.02 KB, 600x600, download20190204192349.png)

>>377353>>377396your boys look like they bully my boy
No. 377435
File: 1550777734413.png (288.8 KB, 600x600, 42680_GNVyAiFr.png)

Not into dorito chins but damn, that would be a cute dude.
No. 377547
File: 1550794767696.png (264.72 KB, 600x600, download20190204191741.png)

>>377539>>377546had to make another
No. 377562
File: 1550797960621.png (280.8 KB, 600x600, 32223_Yaw8hjOh.png)

>>377539The face already looked like my ex he is
No. 377565
File: 1550798686809.png (259.7 KB, 600x600, 32223_4tR13CBK.png)

>>377539patiently waiting for grungy vampire bf
No. 377582
File: 1550801093023.png (65.29 KB, 600x600, 43543_xQQF0WLa.png)

>>372091i never knew what love was until i saw you
No. 377618
File: 1550806672472.png (373.93 KB, 600x600, rescuethehostage.png)

>>377353you have 2 hours to rescue the hostage!
No. 377624
File: 1550806946820.png (432.95 KB, 600x600, 5135_jxogHipE.png)

>>377622Whoops forgot the image sorry
No. 377630
File: 1550807304450.png (109.28 KB, 600x600, 41925_S7MnCRFi.png)

>>369671this one was cute
No. 377638
File: 1550808129389.png (411.57 KB, 600x600, 5135_7608egVA.png)

>>377624>>377622there used to be hand cuffs in this one, pic related. I wonder if that was too lewd for picrew.
No. 377640
File: 1550808264557.png (571.27 KB, 600x600, download20190204200327.png) your generic j-rpg goddess. Gotta say though I love her like a child.
No. 377641
File: 1550808283418.png (431.71 KB, 600x600, 5135_RQzjUlBa.png)

>>377622>>377624qt satanic capricorn bf
No. 377681
File: 1550815405258.png (352.51 KB, 600x600, download20190204215502.png)

>>377643I love this one, what an attractive artstyle
No. 377686
File: 1550818056541.png (317.75 KB, 600x600, 19573_BwWfPDuk.png)

>>377676Made my actual husbando.
No. 377829
File: 1550847683358.png (241.41 KB, 600x600, D57980C3-E5E2-40A3-98CF-09B00B…)

i love this one so much and i’m so salty i can’t find it again
No. 377832
File: 1550848942775.png (324.14 KB, 600x600, 19573_VjiQnNhE.png)

>>377676>no blood splatter optionis this what sadness feels like
No. 377878
File: 1550858996711.png (208.49 KB, 600x600, download20190204192858.png) one's cool and whacky, though the layers are out of order in some parts
No. 377972
File: 1550880822565.png (48.34 KB, 600x600, 976190AB-9CEE-40D1-827F-87F18B…)

>>376679scary accurate, down to my shitty overgrown pixie cut
No. 377983
File: 1550883003843.png (86.92 KB, 600x600, F6A1EE91-4093-44C0-A3B5-6B7880…)

>>376679Me but more importantly what I think I look like
No. 378033
File: 1550890617681.png (289.4 KB, 600x600, 47334_l2quBiXD.png)

>>377556Gentle giant office bara husbando
No. 378048
File: 1550891890313.png (334.25 KB, 600x600, 47334_CexVzLMg.png)

>>377556Tried to make Archie from ORAS, couldn't decide on thick or thin brows…
No. 378149
File: 1550909012362.png (260.94 KB, 600x600, download20190206074930.png)

There's been a bunch of updates to this one. No. 378735
File: 1551029690478.png (253.96 KB, 600x600, FB5ACFFA-EDDB-484A-AEC1-55EB9E…)

>>378663Made a boy who looks like he could be from detective manga.
No. 378917
File: 1551062932084.png (185.56 KB, 1172x600, kiskas.png)

>>377990thank you anon for my new wallpaper
No. 378960
File: 1551066691384.png (570.87 KB, 600x600, download20190201004857.png)

>>378662Lovesick office lady ends up in jail
No. 379014
File: 1551077428603.png (165.52 KB, 600x600, 49198_QgQdSG0K.png)

>>379002these gainz so big!
No. 379141
File: 1551104814818.png (95.53 KB, 600x600, wtf.png)

>>369893This is some Junji Ito shit
No. 379147
File: 1551105570528.png (1.1 MB, 1168x666, the fall.png)

>>371525this be a good one
No. 379562
File: 1551174671003.png (199.77 KB, 600x600, 4568_5tyceruf.png)

>>37768370s anime style hair
No. 379691
File: 1551204675927.png (237.95 KB, 600x600, fruitpunch.png)

>>369893same character as
>>379606 ; slightly diff color palette
No. 379764
File: 1551209767840.png (480.27 KB, 600x600, 48923_QzJux3eu.png) keeps making these nasty ass fetish makers kek
No. 380053
File: 1551230701379.png (Spoiler Image,184.35 KB, 600x600, 6D8CEBC7-B611-4F69-8CA2-788D7C…)

>>379661you can make it kind of cute but ew lol