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File (hide): 1441253718289.jpg (31.16 KB, 400x265, image.jpg)

No. 33560

I am an admin from 8chan. I think your all faggots and lolcows. There was no milk here.

My facebook page:

A young lady contacted Us. Showing us how the Kiwi is attacking her and her Mother. A Miss Venus Palermo age 20. Who dances on youtube for fun and has a viewing rate of over 3 million.

When are these jackasses going to stop their shit? When are people going to take a stand against this forum and better yet Josh C. Moon and sue his ass.

Here is the thread on the Kiwi about this young lady.

It's time this trash stops for Good!

No. 33561>>33562>>33563

What tf is this lol

Is this Miss Natalie Dom?

No. 33562>>33564

Your getting doxxed poster. My Inform Ants know what to say about bullies.

From Clara,
User: Anonymous
Description: Member of Anonymous known for a series of well-publicized publicity stunts and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on government, religious, and corporate websites.

No. 33563>>33564>>33567

Do you work for Sears?

No. 33564>>33568

File (hide): 1441255784514.jpg (96.93 KB, 556x556, 1421519414341.jpg)

Haha omg is this even real

No. 33565>>33571

what the fuck is going on here

No. 33566

They make fun of me too! Please put a stop to this!

No. 33567>>33569

Where did you get this information? I am not okay with being publicly doxxed. I am a respectable user of the Lolcow.farm. I do not engage in harassment of the Palmero family. I am not guilty of this crime under the Law. My hands are clean.

No. 33568>>33570

From Venus,
Post No. 173827: Is secretly Kiwi User Paintingatree
Description: Lesibian woman who pretends to be a cyberbully while not being one. Author of the Sonichu comics.

No. 33569

My infrom Ants know a lot about you guys.

No. 33570>>33573

Too far. I haven't logged in since two years ago. Stop this now!

No. 33571>>33572

File (hide): 1441256583461.jpg (56.42 KB, 550x374, AR-310169496.jpg&q=80&MaxW=550…)

I used to work for the Colebrookdale Railroad, but then they back stabed me with that filthy no good troll site Kiwi Firms ran by the ISIS.

No. 33572>>33575

How did they backstab you? Do you have evidence to support your claim? You may have a lawsuit here, if they indeed used that site to damage your employment.

I'll let you in on a little secret: We want the Kiwi taken down too. They are our enemies. They send troll brigades to cyber bully our members.

No. 33573

From Venus
Kiwi Username: wristwatchswisswatch
Description: Known as Jin, marries a pony from a cartoon series called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic while cyberbullying and jacking off to nude pictures of Twilight.

No. 33574>>33577

I suffer from a debilitating form of Morgellons and the Kiwi Farms and their cyber bullying attacks have caused my state to deteriorate due to overwhelming stress. I am a Lolcow Farmer, but we are not like them. We are a different breed.

No. 33575>>33576

File (hide): 1441256990309.jpg (71.29 KB, 491x599, 491px-ShanerVsKengle7.jpg)

Hi Kengle. You still with that gay lover Waterman?

No. 33576>>33579

This is CWC's best friend. How dare you try to take away an autistic man's best friend.

No. 33577

Venus would like a word with you. She is one of our inform Ants

No. 33578>>33581

File (hide): 1441257744039.gif (963.78 KB, 500x281, 1428972459497.gif)

Wow, you really got me! i"m scared for my life. Please spare me, master anon doxxing haxxor trolls! I'm just a poor girl who is just jealous of penus angelic being whored out by her own mother and getting married at 19 to a stranger who stalked her!

Wait a second, isn't Glaive some mod on foxdickfarms? What is even happening here?

No. 33579

From Venus Palermo,
Real Kiwi User Name: Techpriest
Description: Famous let's player who goes by the name PEWDIEPIE. Eats doritos and goes to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza

No. 33580>>33584


No. 33581

File (hide): 1441258063138.jpg (1.48 MB, 3072x2048, thomas-the-train.jpg)

Thomas would like a word with you. I play with my Thomas trains 24-7

No. 33582>>33583>>33585

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No. 33583

Exodus 17:1-6

Then all the congregation of the sons of Israel journeyed by stages from the wilderness of Sin, according to the command of the LORD, and camped at Rephidim, and there was no water for the people to drink. Therefore the people quarreled with Moses and said, "Give us water that we may drink " And Moses said to them, "Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you test the LORD?" But the people thirsted there for water; and they grumbled against Moses and said, "Why, now, have you brought us up from Egypt, to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst?" read more.So Moses cried out to the LORD, saying, "What shall I do to this people? A little more and they will stone me." Then the LORD said to Moses, "Pass before the people and take with you some of the elders of Israel; and take in your hand your staff with which you struck the Nile, and go. "Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock at Horeb; and you shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it, that the people may drink." And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel.

No. 33584

Numbers 20:2-11

There was no water for the congregation, and they assembled themselves against Moses and Aaron. The people thus contended with Moses and spoke, saying, "If only we had perished when our brothers perished before the LORD! "Why then have you brought the LORD'S assembly into this wilderness, for us and our beasts to die here?

No. 33585>>33590

From Venus,
Real Name: Scott Cawthon
394 Summit Avenue
Pittsford, NY 14534
Description: Creator of the shitty FNAF horror games. Gets nightmares from taking trips to Chuck E. Cheeses.

No. 33586

What is this thread. So confused.

No. 33587>>33588>>33589

pls help us admin-dono, why is this happening

No. 33588

I didn't know her real name was Penis.

No. 33589

From Penis
Real Name: Cockhat Moon
Description: Spends his time sticking cocks into the vagina.

No. 33590>>33591

Born: July 26, 1971 (age 44), Houston, Texas, United States
Nationality: American
Residence: Salado, Texas, United States
Alma mater: The Art Institute of Houston

No. 33591>>33592

File (hide): 1441259719425.jpg (121.19 KB, 375x500, thecheese.jpg)

I bet Chuck E. Cheeses still gives you nightmares. My Inform Ants know. They work for the FBI.

No. 33592>>33593

Seriously wtf is this thread.

No. 33593>>33595

My infrom Ants know that you are Gaston. Did you finish ordering some Taco Bell.

No. 33594>>33596

Like 8chan gives a fuck about Penus Angelic. Nice try Margret.

No. 33595>>33597

File (hide): 1441260290352.gif (284.5 KB, 494x306, heybb.gif)

y-you got me
How did you know?

No. 33596

File (hide): 1441260324385.jpg (141.11 KB, 960x619, 0336.Photo 1.jpg)

You can't talk to me like that. I am world's most famous Railfan.

No. 33597

File (hide): 1441260612517.jpg (56.88 KB, 560x420, 913defbf-9bd9-45dd-8319-209cd9…)

Gotta get up, I've gotta get going
I'm gonna see a friend of mine
He's round and he's fuzzy
I love him because he's just…

Pooh Bear, Winnie the Pooh Bear
Lookin' for fun, chasin' some honeybees
Pooh Bear, I know he's out there
Rumbly-tumbly, climbin' a honey tree

Fun never ends for us, we're so adventurous
Least every now and again
And when we're alone and there's nobody home
It's nice to be able to count on a friend like…

Pooh Bear, Winnie the Pooh Bear
Wherever you go, oh won't you take me please?
Pooh Bear, I gotta be there
It's me and it's you
My silly old Winnie the Pooh

No. 33598

File (hide): 1441260896422.jpg (253.23 KB, 1600x1200, image.jpg)

I am Infrom Ant; whai you seek me?

No. 33599

File (hide): 1441261127705.jpg (1.69 MB, 2304x3072, My Turnip.jpg)

Glaive, glenn beck, ben glieb. it is all coming together now. this is off da railz

i still have nightmares about HIM chasing me with a wet turnip and rudabaga

No. 33600>>33601

File (hide): 1441261673588.jpg (69.88 KB, 596x457, tinffoilcat.jpg)

>I am an admin from 8chan

the fucks this crazy shit. OP you need help.

No. 33601>>33604

File (hide): 1441262368451.png (35.65 KB, 197x138, 13232424242425.png)

Real Life Name: Karl Radek
7775 High Street
Villa Rica, GA 30180
Description: Jewish Communist who killed over 5 million people in a single game of Counter-Strike.

No. 33602

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I got some new material for my next stand up comedy live performance.

What is the difference between speeding 20MPH over the speed limit and speeding 80MPH over the speed limit?
60MPH, but only if the speed limit stays the same

What do you call a girl with no legs?

What do you call six million Jews being murdered?
The Holocaust

Why wasn't Uncle Jack invited to the kids' parties this Saturday?
Due to the fact Uncle Jack's mother has passed away last week and her funeral happens to be on this Saturday, it would be inappropriate to invite him and his kids to the party.

No. 33603

I am a good comedian.

No. 33604

Can i get a cool description, glenn glaive glieb?

No. 33605

This thread reminds me of Margaret/Venus Palermo's weird and unfunny sense of humor.

No. 33606

why is this shit in pt

No. 33607>>33608

I don't get this thread at all.

No. 33608

I think it's a joke, their name is "Glaive".

No. 33609>>33610

Note for confused lolcow posters: This is either Leonard F. Shaner, an autist obsessed with railroads who has a bunch of paranoid conspiracies about the Kiwi Farms (another lolcow forum), or someone pretending to be him.


No. 33610

Now that I've actually read the thread it's obviously an unfunny ween pretendign to be him. Sage.

No. 33660

File (hide): 1441325987666.gif (1.1 MB, 296x200, GlaiveIsHere.gif)

Actual Glaive here, I have no idea why Shaner decided to pick me to promote his Kiwi hateboner. Let alone even find lolcow.farm.

Actually for those two reasons alone it's likely someone pretending to be Shaner. Which is potentially funnier.

Anyway apologies for the mess.

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