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No. 318134
>>318129tags on IG are not "communities"
>>318132this isn't a normal view, weirdos on the internet don't represent normal people.
No. 318152
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>>318148>The people, usually white men, who get over the top angry about it produce good milk though.Really depends where you're looking. A lot of men of different races hate when "their" women date or marry out of race. Blacks are usually harsher than most (unless you go to /pol/ and look around threads that are specifically posted to troll the racists)
No. 318157>>318160
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aznidentity on Reddit is milky.
No. 318159
>>318154Article in question wife killed herself because of his emotional abuse. He was apparently obsessed with white women and she felt unwanted and unloved. So fucked up.
No. 318167
>>318141>You don't see this stuff with other interracial relationships.You see this stuff all the time. Maybe not specifically tagging their pics as #XMYF, but the similar dragging of the female counterpart of the race of your bf (or vice versa).
Yanno… white/latina/even asian women who hate on black women and call them manly and ungrateful, while only dating black guys. white men who laugh at asian men's perceived femininity while being yellow fever weebs. nonwhite women who make fun of white women while chasing white guys. nonwhite guys who hate white men but put white women on a pedestal, etc etc etc…
No. 318180
>>318148I stumbled onto a forum for AMBF couples whilst looking for blasian ppl blogs and it was super creepy imo. It's like on one hand they want the asspats for being in an unusual racemix relationship, but there's this strong undercurrent of just wanting to pop out "exotic" blasian babies. Even though (imo) most blasian ppl look normal to ugly, but the population is small enough that the top 1% of the hot ones somehow now represent all of us.
It's similar to asian women who constantly talk about having cute hapa babies, wanting to "breed" or make a big deal about their baby being half white.
No. 318283>>318291>>318294
>>318209Ugh, kinda OT but isn't this the worst? You think you know a person, hey they might even be kind of cool, then they show up with their new Cambodian bride who can barely speak English. Respect instantly drops to zero.
What amazes me the most is probably the lack of any shame on part of the men who engage in this bullshit.
No. 318285
>>318269it's true
source: my parents were bmww and it was actual hell. i've never seen an actually happy or content bmww couple in my life.
No. 318294>>318295
>>318283Pretty much every white man I've met with an Asian gf has been exactly what you would expect. Nerdy, doesn't shower much, doughy physique and models his personality after "sarcastic" Youtubers.
The men who go for mail order brides are even doughier, but older and sadder.
No. 318305>>318307
>>318213This. Even people who date within their race are insufferable when they make it a point to talk about how they're the same race all the time.
It's current year, no one cares.
No. 318311
>>318300A woman I work with is white with a Chinese husband. She could be a secret weeaboo but she seems like your standard middle aged white woman. Her husband picks her up from the office every Friday and he just seems like a normal boring person too. The only actual interesting thing about them is that they're in an interracial marriage.
Same thing for a couple I knew for years til they moved to another state. The girl was a raw vegan who acted like yoga was the answer to all the world's problems but that was the only weird thing about them.
No. 318314
>>318295Can you show us an example of a grown adult woman traveling across the globe to find a poor desperate Asian teenager, with very limited understanding of English, to bring back home and make hopelessly dependent upon them?
Even if you could, cases of men doing this exact thing would outnumber that one example by the thousands.
No. 318325
>>318322Anyway. The conclusion is that people everywhere are pretty shitty and fetishization differs by region and race. Asians in Asia fetishize white women as always down for sex, which means you can get unwanted attention. Asian girls in Western countries are fetishized as more docile. White women are fetishized in America as a sort of trophy, and as part of a "get one over on whitey" equation by a lot of East and South Asian men.
A good acid test to employ if you're dating an Asian guy is to see if he's ok with non Asian men dating women of his heritage. If it rustles his jimmies then he's usually pretty toxic in my experience.
No. 318334>>318361
>>318330A couple of years back two Korean students were killed in a brawl in an Eastern Russian city because they made the mistake of opening their mouths and saying something to that effect. From what I can remember they got drunk and started talking about how all Russian women are whores and other such things. Sad things escalated to that level but people in Eastern Europe and Russia aren't PC. If you insult their ethnicity they will react angrily and often violently, especially if you say things about their women. And especially in the near abroad of Russia, i.e. the east. People there are ironically more nationalistic.
What part of Asia are you from?
No. 318361>>318366>>318506
>>318334god this is awful. i'm really sorry for any slavic people who had to go through these ignorant people's bullshit.
i'm central asian living in western asia
>>318339>>318342they think they make better husbands and fathers, i don't even know why. they think slavic men aren't as family oriented and possessive as them. they think slavic women are submissive gold diggers. i've heard a man talking about how "slavic men can't take care of their kids, they just drink and be lazy all the time and leave all the work to women, women carry everything on their shoulders and that's why they like us, we take care of their women better than them" and shit. they don't know anything about slavic countries except their stupid gross stereotypes. i wish this mindset just died off, it's just disgusting.
No. 318419
>>318390well true but what’s the difference? any girl with weeb hobbies who has an asian bf is going to be accused of being a fetishist rather than just happening to find an asian guy she’s compatible with
even most white weebs have white boyfriends. venus, mira, and the gaijin gyaru/jvloggers aside, who else is dating asian men?
No. 318450
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Racial fetishes are dumb as fuck. You get over your weeb phase and realize you don't actually find that person attractive at all.
No. 318557
>>318554Doesn't that work both ways?
I actually find the jvloggers more likable than the kvloggers. Or worse the ones with Chinese husbands. Jun seems rather westernized for a Japanese guy.
No. 319422>>319427
>>318394Sorry somewhat OT/blogging, but you’re right, they’re not less threatening. They may seem that way because of the stereotypes we have about them as shy, nerdy, weak, skinny, short. However I’ve had a lot more horrible experiences in one year in Japan. Compared to 2 decades in my home country. IMO Asian men are at least as terrible as western men, if not worse. They’re extremely conniving. They use their “non threatening aura.” It’s basically common knowledge that 95% of the guys who go to their work parties go to fuck some drunk girl at the end of the night, if they can’t bag a girl there they lurk around public locations, near stations usually, to find some girl to fuck. I’ve had guys literally grab me, put their arm around me, beg me to kiss them, and try to drag me into side streets to do god knows what. I’ve been groped, basically had every kind of sexual assault possible here. The general public here doesn’t even consider sexual harassment to be sexual harassment, they don’t see dragging wasted girls into love hotels to bang as rape.
I actually feel super safe around white guys here by I assume they’re probably here because they’re interested in Asian girls so they’re no threat to me.
No. 319427
>>319422I had similar experiences in Korea and China. You're right about how men use their non threatening aura to their advantage. Some will even use it to fish for compliments from foreign girls ("Western girls don't like us because we're too feminine right? Oh well.")
I can't find another word to describe it other than they're sneaky.