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File: 1440575949152.jpg (163.01 KB, 1200x827, Winx-club-serie-tv-01-g.jpg)

No. 31666

opinions on this show?

No. 31673

I watched it a bit as when I was around 9-11, but I found it pretty silly. Like, all that "fanservice" useless princes stuff, the fact that the winx outnumbered the villain witches… Didn't reall make sense, I watched it for laughs with my little bro.

W.i.t.c.h was far better in my opinion.

No. 31675

So the Trix are more powerful than the Winx if it takes 6+ of them to take down 3.

No. 31703

File: 1440581964759.jpg (70.17 KB, 321x452, WITCHposter.jpg)

<- superior

No. 31704

Agreed but I could see why Winx is more popular. the animation style and simplistic story is easier to hook a dumb audience than W.I.T.C.H. with the far superior art and story.

I don't think Iginio Straffi based Winx on celebs like he said b/c it's so obvious how similar they look to W.I.T.C.H characters.

No. 31706

That makes sense, but it still feels like the good gals are owerpowering the villains.

This really deserves a reboot

No. 31708

File: 1440583964449.jpg (141.52 KB, 900x650, Harmonix-Wallpaper-the-winx-cl…)

Winx Club was decent, I thought it got a lot better as the time went on and actually had good storylines and animation after the 2 first seasons, at least for a kids' show. The character designs gradually got cuter by each season and during the 6th one they were pretty nice.

Fuck off, those ugly ass bitches ain't nearly as pretty and flashy as the fairies.

No. 31709

I don't know why but a few months ago I watched all the episodes. I got hooked on it. The animation is somewhat poor and the show is overall slightly cringey.

Dat shit was da bomb

No. 31831

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i like totally spies.

No. 31848

Fetish fuel: the show. Same studio did Martin Mystery and it was the same.

No. 31874

My mom wouldn't let me watch Winx or W.I.T.C.H. because "it's demonic". Still got nostalgia over them, though.

No. 31892

whaaaat? I thought such parents only existed in tabloid articles…

and w.i.t.c.h. was great, cornelia & will were my favourites

No. 31970

WITCH was better tbh

the comic was better than tv show

No. 32030

My stepmother tried to get my dad to forbid me from playing Magic: The Gathering on the basis that the "Lord of the Pit" card looked evil.
I didn't get to watch horror movies for a long time because of her too.

No. 32186

i had forgotten about w.i.t.c.h. it was so good.

No. 32217

The Winx music in the Rai and original versions are amazing

No. 32276


Holy shit I felt like that name rang a bell. I totally forgot Martin Mystery.

No. 32333

We used to play "we're totally spies!!" in the schoolyard

I loved Martin Mystery too

Hahaha americans. Did you still manage to play it?

No. 32334

Omg this was my shit. I would watch it every morning while getting ready for school. It was kinda mediocre when it first came out but I agree that the story and animation got a lot better later on.

Yeah when I was younger and I saw witch come out I thought "pfft this is an ugly lame rip off of Winx!" (and it was probably the opposite, kek.) Winx had a much better appeal to children due to the flashy cutesy art style.

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