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No. 312756

For some reason, I know a lot of people who've lied about having serious mental illnesses and I'm wondering if I'm just unlucky or if this is more common than I realized?

The ones I've seen this done the most commonly with are eating disorders. Girls will lie and say they're diagnosed as anorexic (usually an easy one to catch them in if you actually know about anorexia) but the more we hang out, they'll change it to bulimic because they can't actually starve themselves like they pretend to. I've also known a lot of edgelord guys who lie about having sociopathy or psychopathy.

The anorexia thing really gets me because I knew an anorexic girl who wrecked her body for life and almost died from it. Also, it's always fat chicks who tell me they're anorexic, which is a dead giveaway because to be diagnosed as anorexic you HAVE to be underweight. Even if you are genuinely starving yourself (which they're not) if you're not actually underweight, you're not anorexic.

No. 312793

Depression and anxiety are always overused and commonly lied about. I especially hate when people just say "anxiety" which is the biggest giveaway that they're lying like…what kind of anxiety? Social anxiety? Generalized? Agoraphobia? OCD? What????

No. 312807

>Even if you are genuinely starving yourself … if you're not actually underweight, you're not anorexic.

Unless you have atypical anorexia nervosa, a subcategory of OSFED, like many of us do.

No. 312809

I hate it the most when people lie about and especially about depression in my country,its like having depression is a hip and trendy thing to do.Being ~sad~ isnt depression and pp tend to ride on that horse without any previous knowledge and give pp with real depression a bad rep,they want to "catch" it like a flu and showcase it to everyone like a badge of honor…guess having a stable and healthy mental health is too normie for them….

No. 312815

I definitely agree that people lie all the time about having anxiety, but to be fair it is usually easier to just say "anxiety" depending on what kind you have. I have agoraphobia and if I say "agoraphobia" people tend to ask a lot of questions or need me to elaborate, so I just say "anxiety".

No. 312816

You still need a have gone through significant weight loss to qualify for that, though.

No. 312832

I had friend that used to lie about anxiety, sometimes specifically about social anxiety "I'm so nervous around people, I never leave home, I'm a sad girl" and proceed and ask if anyone knew a party next to her location. Girl would go out every single day, always make new friends, and then cry about depression and anxiety on internet.
She started lying about anorexia but didn't last.

No. 312895

reminds me of Trannybot so much kek

No. 312902

Probably an asshole opinion, but if people aren't talking about it from a medical standpoint, I generally just chalk up every internet mental health admission to "feelz." People who actually have and suffer from these conditions don't scream it to the high heavens. Because being actually mentally ill is embarrassing, and they have shame or denial. I know it's a no-true-scotsman thing, but whatever.

No. 312905


I'm not ashamed of my mental health condition but I don't bring it up unless it's relevant, which it rarely is. Random strangers don't need to hear me sperg about it, it's boring.

No. 312915

Nearly everyone in the world now claims "anxiety" when they don't even have it. I have anxiety that has bound me to isolation for the past 2 years, can't leave my house and all that, drink every day to deal and I see idiots crying about muh anxiety cos they have to write something for Uni. Cool.

No. 312918

I'm past the age group of people who would lie about mental disorders but it makes me kek. Like if you need to lie about having a mental disorder for attenshuns your obviously not going anywhere in life. The psychopath thing tho is esp funny. I lived with a career criminal who showed all signs of antisocial personality disorder/psychopathy and it didn't make him like some successful wall trader drowning in pussy. It made him a career parasite who couldn't achieve anything in life because he fundamentally lacked the ability to genuinely relate to people

No. 312930

i feel that anon. ive had pretty awful agoraphobia for some years now and it sucks the will out of you.

there is healthy anxiety that people feel normally, but not every event of anxiety is an attack. thats a whole different ball park.

No. 312957

Similar boat, anon. It bugs me so much to see people whine about “muh anxiety” just because they’re jittery about getting on a plane, don’t want to speak in front of a crowd, or they have a job to do and boohoo I’m so tired though. That’s not fucking anxiety.

I don’t bring mine up because there’s always the questions “but what are you scared of/anxious about” “but why” “I don’t see any reason why” yeah NO SHIT that’s the whole thing. It’s not reasonable.

No. 312992

lmfao I relate so hard anon it hurts to see people on twitter and shit making tweets about "muh anxiety makes presenting in front of classes hard uwu uh ban presentations its ableist" like thats a common stress most people have but everyone wants to see ~speshul~ for brownie points

No. 313013

Yeah, it's gotten to the point where I don't know if I even believe you (no offense). It's not like I'm inclined to deny people's mental disorders, but when soooo many people suddenly have anxiety I start finding it very hard to believe that they have anything more but completely normal moments of feeling anxious. They act like anything but confidence and happiness all the time = anxiety.

No. 313015

my old bosses girlfriend is like that. she would say all the time that she had social anxiety but magically she was able to go out to movies, cons, concerts you name it. i liken that her 'anxiety' was more of her just being annoyed or bored and she just wanted to get her way. she was p bossy and used anxiety to get her way with a lot of stuff. it was serious cringe

No. 313020

Anxiety and depression and PTSD are the biggest pet peeves of mine. Majority of the people I've seen claim they have PTSD only get occasional bouts of "ugh I was uncomfortable!" Like… please come back to me with your claims after you've basically locked yourself in a room for over a year because you have a constant irrational fear of somehow ending back at the moment when you were first traumatized.

No. 313051

I lie about not having mental disorders even though I've been diagnosed with quite a few. Denial is the best thing you can do, or that's how I see it.
But regarding your point, I hate people who lie about having them or flaunt them as if they were a badge of uniqueness. I also hate it when people joke about suicide so much, or use depression/anxiety as an adjective.

No. 313087

Yeah, but that's not what OP said.

No. 313101

Much easier to lie and say you don’t have them. It’s like wanting herpes.

No. 313103

How is your osfed relevant to anorexia having a diagnostic criteria?

No. 313114

I thought anyone could be anorexic as long as theyre starving them self?

No. 313125

Anorexia nervosa is not just starving oneself.

There’s a required weight criteria, as well as behavioural factors and thought processes.
Atypical anorexia is not the same as anorexia because being underweight has very specific effects on the body and brain.

There’s just a weird obsession with anorexia being treated like an award or goalpost that osfeds get weirdly offended over not ‘achieving’

No. 313128

All right miss misery, this isn’t a pissing contest.
Just because you have problems doesn’t mean you should belittle others problems.

No. 313140

oh, thanks for the explanation! makes sense

No. 313147

i've had waaay too many people try to relate to me (irl) and claim to have "depreshun" "anxiety" "eating problems" too. it's so fucking infuriating. those people are always the ones who have never been forced to see a therapist or hospitalization, will never know the shame of having them and lying to a doctor, feeling isolated from your family because of it, etc. they will tell me shit like "i've dealt with anxiety/depression. you need to (insert simple solution that i have tried a thousand times)! then you won't be anxious/depressed anymore!"

like, you fucking twit, it's much more complex than that and your cutesy words or mom-isms are patronizing as fuck. these fucks are always the ones who tell me how irrational it is to feel anxious/depressed too. like, no shit! really!? that's why it's a MENTAL DISORDER. ugh.

No. 313153

OP didn't specify anorexia nervosa, they just said these girls claim anorexia in general, which could mean atypical anorexia. OP said they couldn't be anorexic like they claim if they're not underweight, so I mentioned the other thing that has anorexia in its name that doesn't have being underweight as part of the diagnostic criteria.

No. 313158

eh, hard disagree here. it's easier to talk about mental health issues online than irl especially since you can connect with other sufferers. after keeping your mouth shut it's nice to type away in spaces that exist for the very reason. being mostly anonymous helps as well.

No. 313160

Anorexia always refers to anorexia nervosa lol. Atypical anorexia falls under osfed/ednos which is a different disease. Why so mad about anorexia having criteria you don’t fit? It’s a good thing you don’t.

No. 313161

Nta, but it comes across as if you're heavily downplaying it, like it's nothing serious or bad.

No. 313167

Downplaying what?
Anon should be glad they aren’t any sicker than they already are with an ED, not saying it’s wrong or unfair or whatever for anorexia to have particular diagnostic criteria.
Atypical anorexia is bad enough.

No. 313191

I never said or even implied that I was mad. I just offered a reason that these girls might be saying they're anorexic, since I've known atypical anorexics to just say they're anorexic (since not everyone knows about OSFED, and "anorexia" without the "nervosa" just means not eating).

I'm personally very pleased with myself for not being underweight right now, and I never said otherwise.

I never said anything was wrong or unfair, so you're just inventing things at this point. I'm assuming you're mad at people with OSFED for some reason, and have decided to take it out on me for daring to say that atypical anorexia still has anorexia in its name. This is really circular and stupid, though, and I've said what I wanted to say, so I'll leave it at that and hope you can't use this to make up even more lies about how you've decided I think.

No. 313199

OP sounds like an anorexic who is doing a lot of gatekeeping.

No. 313205

Never meant to sound damning is osfed, just had too much experience with other women who invaded recovery oriented spaces for anorexia whilst simultaneously bemoaning the unfairness of not being “granted” the diagnosis they wanted. I doubt anon wants anorexia at all, just pointing out that anorexia has nearly always referred to anorexia nervosa since atypical anorexia is a relatively new diagnosis.
There’s been too many people who treat the term as a prize or goal and get offended because they see ednos/osfed as a lesser disease somehow.

No. 313233

I've seen people online saying the same things as the OP. In my teens I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa and shipped off to an inpatient for a while (against my will since I was under 18) but I guess I don't "really count" because my BMI was 18.5 when it happened instead of 16, like I had a say in the matter or diagnosis.

No. 313235

Of you can’t see the difference between being a half bmi point off underweight and someone like the late Kadeelyn Konstantinos claiming anorexia nervosa for skipping breakfast you’re being deliberately obtuse.

No. 313243

Because being ordinary is boring nowadays, apparently.

No. 313307

tfw no cute skinny husbando with red tired eyes :(
sorry for being super ot

No. 313545

I know a few muh anxiety or muh depression people who refuse to take medicine because they don't want or dislike it or even using it as an excuse to not take the lightest criticism, only ass-kissing but are always ready to engage into sexual activity with their partners or going out to crowded places kek.

I've been avoiding bringing my problems to the table because I don't want to look like I'm one of them and also a lot of people are unable to understand or put themselves on other's shoes and are always ready to yell at us to stop being special snowflakes or attention whores - that's one of the reasons I absolutely despise people who fake illnesses or use them as an excuse to be an asshole to others. Thanks to them, people who already couldn't care less about others' mental problems or even worse, think it's just BS and lack of dick and now they feel in the right to diminish and call us special snowflakes or attention seekers.

No. 313687

In college I see a lot of people claiming to have ADHD, when they've never been diagnosed or were incorrectly diagnosed as kids and haven't been in treatment of any kind for a decade or more. Really pisses me off, especially when they have the nerve to voice opinions about medication or how it's their 'superpower'. Everyone gets distracted and preoccupied sometimes, that's not all ADHD is. Untreated ADHD fucked my life up and led to a suicide attempt, and I can't talk about it because people like them fuel the stigma. Not to mention, placing myself at risk of being robbed by my roommates or having my bag stolen for my medications. They're doing serious damage too, since the less seriously ADHD is taken, the harder it is for people to get treatment. I get treated like shit by my insurance company and my pharmacy because they don't take it seriously at all. I hope the shits that lie to get stimulants choke on them or overdose.

No. 313700

lol they have to keep up the lie to get more addy.

No. 313706

A lot of the really vocal ones don't even take meds at all though. They talk about how stims are making creative, ~spechul~ kids into zombies and how evil neurotypicals want to take away their free spirits or some shit. Ask them what type of ADHD they have, and the facade crumbles since they don't even know that a type is a required part of diagnosis. Bonus points if they call it ADD. Funny thing is a couple of them I've met bitch about feeling invalidated because of mental health stigma around depression and anxiety lol

No. 313709

ADHD sorta feels like it’s the new savantism. People think you will get some creative or intellectual benefit not just really really struggle to not fidget and manage time.
Semi related, I’ll die if another person says they think that my pddnos is awesome. It didn’t make me smart, studying did. It didn’t make me eccentric, Im just very mildly odd. It isn’t a great excuse to not socialise, it’s a crippling fear and embarrassment over stimming during dinner. It’s like they choose to ignore the deficits in favour of pretending my entire personality is the disorder.

No. 313712

I realise this isn't exactly what op was getting at, but does anybody ever get paranoid that they themselves are one of these people lying about an illness? Not to other people but to yourself, as in subconsciously exacerbating symptoms. Like, maybe try as you might this moment we're in where the role of "the afflicted" is somehow blurred with virtue can seep into your own views and lead you to contort something trivial into a "disease".

The thing that fucks with me is that with something that's all in your head anyways there's no way of proving either case. Even with multiple diagnoses from professionals you wouldn't know, they're only diagnosing you based on what you tell them. And then even after years of being on or off medication, if it's not working does that mean nothing was wrong? What if you DO notice some effect, it could easily just be the all powerful placebo.

Fuck, sorry for this mess of a post.

No. 313792

Besides the usual "depression"/"anxiety" claims, I had one girl tell me her goal was to "become anorexic". I was like 12 and it really freaked me out.

I have noticed that people who pretend to have some kind of disorder lowkey try to make me feel bad for being happy that I don't have anything like that.

No. 313809

I know a girl who posts at least 5 memes a day on FACEBOOK (ffs) about ~muh anxiety~ ~i hate myself uwu~ ~i’m gonna kill myself~ etc. Like stfu bitch, I see u posting out and about every single day, posting 7 selfies a week, commenting on everyone’s god damn posts & starting random fights with strangers…

I mean she did cut for a while, but like…. idk just feels weird and off and straight up annoying. Sorry if i seem spergy or gatekeeping she is just tiresome and seems to make mental illness a key point of her personality.

No. 313814

I honestly do hold the belief that the more you (publicly) talk about your "mental health" and need of "self care", the less issues you actually have. It's not a funny casual thing. I have several facebook friends who do this, while instagram is far worse and EVERYONE is soooo suicidal but not rly

blogposting: I wasn't ever anorexic/underweight long-term, just in "spurts", but when I was at bmi 16 nobody noticed (except my overweight friend), my therapist did not comment, my mother thought I looked prettier … but I very much needed to recieve help then. I "recovered" completely on my own while fucking hating every moment and people probably just think I started eating more sweets and got fatter

No. 313821

That doesn’t necessarily invalidate people talking about real experiences. The ones going on and on about their laundry list of illnesses suck, but discussion is good for recovery and eliminating stigma.
You deserved help too anon.

No. 313867

What, so your therapist didn't weigh you, or just weighed you and dismissed it? Because when I was ill, my sessions would start with my therapist taking my weight and working out my BMI/physical progress. I'm not doubting you, just curious as to what was going on?

No. 313880

i met a few girls through the years who cut themselves and then rolled up their sleeves with pride knowingly like it was some fucking achievement. now i understand that self harm is a coping mechanism for a lot of people out there. but if you leave tiny ass scratches on your inner arm or wrist and then go out about seeking attention from every random ass person you meet, then im sorry, i really dont have any sympathy left for you.

No. 313886

Well, it doesn't have to be extreme to be real. I thought I didn't have it because I could do basic things everyday, albeit very scripted and controlled (ie going shopping because I knew I had to say Hello, here's the card, thank you, good bye).
But I never diagnosed myself, though I had a feeling I had depression, and a professional diagnosed me later confirmed it. Sorry for blog.

No. 313890

exactly for the ptsd thing. please come back to me when you're on medication to kill your nightmares because they keep you up at night and you can barely function as a normal person in society. its the fucking worst.

also hate people that are like HURR I CANT GET A REAL BECAUSE POOR URGH YOURE BEING CLASSIST bitch shut the fuck up, they're the doctors, they know whether or not you have what you say you have and they're there to treat and help you. stop making people who have real diagnosable problems look like idiots

No. 313896

all the time, i've noticed it tends to be the mental illness talking, for me at least. I was diagnosed with depression, general anxiety, and dependent personality disorder and one of the main parts (of dpd) is having little to zero self worth outside of someone else. i try to tell myself that i'm not being a big baby when i'm freaking out about doing something myself, its the personality disorder but i CAN do the thing on my own so my brain says "well its not the disorder then is it? you just fucking suck and you're being a baby" and its a vicious cycle of back and forth between me and my sick brain. you're not alone anon.

No. 314027

>The new savantism
I hadn't thought about it that way, but I think you're right. I've seen it get clumped together with ASDs a lot more recently too, which makes some sense since they are both neurodevelopmental disorders rather than mental illnesses. Seems like people are mixing the stereotypes and misconceptions together there. I can't speak too much for ASDs, but from they little I know it seems like most people don't understand them at all and can project what they want onto it, since they've seen the savant genius or the quirky, absentminded creative in movies. I guess the horrifyingly high rates of substance abuse, fatal accidents, divorces, suicide, unstable employment, and serious debt aren't fun things to think about when you could just have a quirky "ADD" artist.
Just shocking that something first described in 1775 is still so misunderstood, even by so-called mental health advocates and professionals.
Sorry for the bit of a rant, just frustrated that mental health awareness seems to have backfired in many ways.

No. 314040

the throwing around of PTSD really pisses me off. I have a family member who was in a war zone with such bad ptsd to the point where he's attempted suicide multiple times and i snap when people throw that shit around.

No. 314056

OP here. To clarify- the girls I've known who do this didn't even have any significant weight loss, so they're not even atypical anorexics. Also, after spending lots of time around them, it becomes clear they eat a lot, which they either make a big deal about how they never eat besides when they're around me or they change their ED to bulimia to explain the eating (note they never go to the bathroom to purge after when they do this). I should have clarified the extent of how bullshit it is to not sound like I was downplaying it simply because they're not skeletal.

Also, I'm not a gate keeping anorexic. The blind speculation that happens on this website is mindboggling sometimes.

No. 314138

>please come back to me when you're _____

Put your hands up for The Gatekeeper Anthem everyone!

Your post is fine but you should really consider dropping this phrase from your vocab.>>313890

No. 314370

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I remember losing a dramatic amount of weight in summer break and when i got back to class I became the center of attention, I guess some girls were jealous of that and started competing with me to lose weight and sometimes will say some uncalled for shit like "yeah I eat this and that and I do so much excercise.. perhaps i'm anorexic!!" besides they always made unappropriate comments about my weight, calling me out for being "too anorexic" while trying to emulate me, like damn, I think it's just jealousy that makes the whole anorexic thing so popular.

Also when I was growing up this "bipolar so quirkyxd" became a thing and everyone was into that… but not me since my dad always called me bipolar when he was angry, saying I was acting just like my mom and grandfather, which was devastating to me because those two people were shit and destroyed my dad's life. Two years ago he sent me to get treatment against my will after doing some fucked up shit and turns out I'm actually bipolar lmao. Life is really unfair

No. 314500

>tfw was diagnosed as anorexic when i was still underweight, started binging and gained 10kg

what OP posted is the exact reason i don't talk to anyone about it. i'm so fucking scared of someone scoffing at the thought of me being anything but a fat greedy whale

No. 314506

uh, so what? you can still have PTSD without being a warzone.

No. 314507

PTSD gatekeepers are the worst, especially when they do t have it themselves, they gatekeeper for someone else’s ptsd like some sort of trauma guardian.

No. 314512

I think it's kind of like how a meth addict will always crave meth even after they're sober but they are no longer a meth head. You will always have those body image thoughts etc but since you are who longer underweight you can't really call yourself anorexic.

No. 314513

that's stupid. both addiction and anorexia still exist while someone is in recovery from them. do you think a psychiatrist would retract her diagnosis because she put on weight, despite still having disordered eating symptoms? that makes no sense.
your example is especially stupid because someone doesn't stop being an addict once they get sober. it's the same with being in recovery from any mental illness, and anon clearly isn't even in recovery. you're just gatekeeping someone who is clearly already in a vulnerable place and filled with self loathing and invalidating her struggles with disordered eating because she has gained weight.
don't speak about things you don't understand.

No. 314594

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everytime i see this thread's pic, i just get reminded of Tomura Shigaraki

No. 314746

Same Anon lol

No. 315314

I remember calling out very lightly someone on deviantart who's known of faking or at least making their mental problems way bigger than they really are, I got a bunch of whiny kids shouting at me and even wishing harm upon me because how you dare to call them on their bs KEK

No. 316742

tumblr has pretty much normalized this in certain groups.

No. 317225

there is someone i know who makes everything about their ~depreshun or ~anxiety using as an excuse to not get any form of criticism or running away from important decisions, yet they are into things like gossiping or spreading rumours about others or sharing secrets and it's so fucking cringeworthy when they start talking about m-m-mental helff!!! playing the victim

it's like they only strive for sympathy and having their ego caressed. i'm a very honest person and have to resist the urge to tell them in the most polite way that we should overcome our problems because i'm 1000% sure i'll make the little snowflake ~anxious uwu~

No. 318741

I had someone initiate a conversation with me on this website, and then promptly block me after a couple days of talking when I admitted to being fine with drugs/alcohol, and drank some alcohol on occasion.
Lol this guy has been on at least two backpacking trips in Europe and is planning another, all while saying he has “severe anxiety”, and uses these trips as a method to cope with his “anxiety”.
I really doubt anyone with anxiety would first of all go on backpacking trips alone, and second start a convo with someone and then promptly cut off all contact when they admit to doing something you don’t like.

No. 326416

nuanced agree. I think on some platforms its basically a given that someone droning on about their "mental illness challenges uwu" is lying or vastly over exaggerating (i.e. Instagram) but like here and other forums I generally believe people cause there's no social capital to be gained from talking about your mental illness as an anonymous or pseudonymous poster. though theres nuance there too- see Tumblr, people are pseudonymous a lot but lie out their asses about mental illness. I think in the end it comes down to -is someone bringing it up for sympathy or is someone bringing it up as personal experience to add to a discussion.

No. 326422

… yes? a psych would retract the diagnosis of anorexia once you no longer fit the criteria? this has literally happened to me, they changed it to EDNOS, then back to anorexia once I fell underweight again. anorexia nervosa has significant physical effects too.
words having definitions shouldn't "fill you with self loathing" and "invalidate your struggle"

No. 326429

you have to be underweight to get AN dx but not to actually have it. Some people start at 300+ pounds but have lost a lot of weight so they are normal or overweight BMI despite barely eating anything. I used to be active on MPA and about half of the users were normal BMI, a quarter overweight and a small portion obese

No. 326430

No. 326536

My sister has RAD (reactive attachment disorder). My mom adopted her from a orphanage when she was 6? years old from a Bulgarian "caretaker" that abused her by sticking her in a 3 times too small crib. They did that to a lot of the biracial children as gypsies and black people are still racially discriminated there.

It was Hell living with her and my other siblings. She, in particular, wouldn't take a bath. My mom would have to carry her into the bathroom because she would go weeks or months without one if she had her way. She would scream for hours and cry for no reason. She had a hard time accepting that one meal is enough (for example, she didn't want just what was on her plate. She would go through the fridge, cabinets, whatever to get MORE food after a hefty meal. We had to keep a lock on our fridge and stop buying snacks for school lunches). She would go to school and throw away new clothing items just to say my mom left her without a coat or boots. My siblings would find her clothing items on the side of the road and bring it home. She stole items and say she didn't. This went on for years.

She's stupid smart, with sociopathic tendencies, and caught us by surprise by saying she was going into the Navy. My mom didn't care too much as she was "straightening out" and could possibly grow up with other people aside from us. However, towards her graduating high school, she started to tell her ~new friends~ that she was abused. That she had things stolen from her, by us, and we all abused her. She was apparently locked in a basement for years and only fed scraps by my mom because she was adopted (her reasoning for being ~skinny~, as someone told me). My extended family ate it up. I was pissed because she was concealing her fucking mental illness and bullshit shenanigans so she could be a charity case. The extended family would never babysit us or even stay over so they knew nothing. She continues to conceal herself in the Navy while secretly visiting my grandma etc. while she's in town. My grandma flat out called her "crazy" one time and she didn't like it. She was trying to say she calls me "all the time". When I confronted her, I was blocked. Last time I heard she was trying to get pregnant but she never had a boyfriend?

No. 326540

No. 326560

What is the point in posting stuff like this? My medication works wonders and it causes no one none harm for me to have a diagnosis that explains why I have trouble with this and that.

No. 326566

>when the dumb article keeps calling it a disease

It's a disorder, dumbfuck (this is directed at the women who wrote the article).

No. 326738

Oh.. my god. I have read a few books and shit About kids with RAD and this is so horrifying to me. A lot of kids and up fucked too because of the weird ass treatment some people made for it, where they rebirth you or whatever. I have so many questions anon Jesus I can't even imagine how stressful that would be on your entire family

No. 327876

It's kind of a fucked situation. You risk it with adoption getting a child born with mood disorders due to their mother doing drugs in utero. Shes not the only sibling to act like this, as my mom adopted more born like this. We tried every avenue of help but therapists would use "normie child logic" to bandaid the situation. They would assume it was a tantrum or something minor. My childhood was hard and my mom deals with alot of shit I wish she could erase but honestly without it I feel like I couldve gotten hurt by someone who is as manipulative as my sister.

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