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No. 29317

I know it's basically considered Tumblr: The Cartoon, but I ended up binge watching this up til the latest episode and it's actually pretty good.
Post about your favorite episodes, best characters, how you think the plot will go, whether it's gotten worse/better ever since relationshit and darker elements got introduced, etc.
No dumblr bullshit allowed.

No. 29318

Gotta admit I really like this show. I honestly like the characters so much it'd be hard to choose a favourite, I am however looking forward to new fusions. I do hope we get to see more Rose fusions and maybe steven fusing with the gems. Man the music in this show is great too.

No. 29327

I don't get how they're non binary rock people but also lesbians.

No. 29363

They all choose to look like girls even though they're totally capable of shapeshifting into whatever form they want. So lesbians.
I don't get it much, either, but whatever.

No. 29451


And it just keeps getting deeper.

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