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No. 293131

I’ve seen this before on kiwifarms and other sites like 4chan before. What characters in pop culture do you think would use lolcow?

I feel like Annalynne McCord’s character from the horror movie Excision would def browse here. Probably in /g/‘s shameful fetishes thread.

No. 293139

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Victoria from Life is Strange.

No. 293140

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Tomoko from the anime Watamote would probably come here.

God, i related to her so much.

No. 293145

that goth girl from mean girls

No. 293147

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Dee from Always Sunny.

No. 293148

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Xan from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

No. 293149


really? i think regina george would be a more likely bet

No. 293155

The whole point of that movie is that Janis and Regina were almost as bad as each other. I think Regina would be too focused on messing with people in her own life to be concerned with bitching about internet losers.

No. 293156

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I think Pansy Parkinso and Cho Chang from Harry Potter would definitely browse lolcow. And Marie Schrader from Breaking Bad

No. 293157

I think Marie would be more of a GOMI type.

No. 293163

never heard of this website tbh so you might be more on point

No. 293165

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>Dee uses lolwcow
>posts about the gang as her own personal cows
>Dennis goes insane and spergs out, spamming the site and defending himself

No. 293167

It's similar to PULL but has an older userbase and more of a focus on mommy bloggers.

No. 293169

thanks, that's what I got from googling it right after you mentioned it
so agreed, she'd be more into it than lolcow

No. 293172

the evil green and black villain bitch from kim possible.

No. 293177

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No. 293181

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Oh I forgot, but I think a lot of Aggretsuko characters would browse lolcow or similar sites, Yabae (pic related) would browse it, and maybe Fenneko too, while Tsunoda would be more into PULL.

No. 293182

Didn't some anons in the celebricows thread say that Azealia Banks sounds or types like a farmer? She's not a character though but you get the idea.

No. 293200

I was going to say azealia too lmao but yeah not a character so didn't.

No. 293203

Nah, if anything I feel like Gretchen Wieners would be more likely to browse lolcow in her free time, maybe mostly /snow/ and /g/. She's debately the biggest gossip in the movie, and she comes off really insecure in some scenes like a lot of farmers here.

No. 293229

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never forget

No. 293232


nah, jane would. but she wouldn't post. daria would listen to jane talk about cows and make deadpan snarky comments about everyone including her.

No. 293296

top lul

No. 293321

Tenko Chabashira would be glued to the man hate thread.

No. 293351

Nice idea OP. My vote goes for Rorschach from Watchmen, and even though I see him way more into 4chan he'd post stuff sometimes.

No. 293386

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you're spot on. daria would never seek it out and stay on her own. it's too shallow and unproductive.
what i think would happen is that quinn would come freaking out to daria and jane about some thread on /snow/ about one of her friends, then jane would look into it and get hooked. daria would be all "are you STILL on that stupid forum?" and jane would be like "yeah but you gotta see this!" etc

my vote is definitely jen from IT crowd. she would browse all day during work and try to explain cows to the boys

No. 293504

Lestat would be a 100% certified lolcow. I know Anne Rice has been outed as a cow on the authorcow thread, but I feel like Lestat would 100%, without a doubt, be a lolcow if he a were an actual person with any kind of social media access.

He would selfpost so much.

No. 293505

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I could see Lacie from Black Mirror lurking on lolcow. But she would never admit it, and tell everyone she ~hates gossip~

I could totally see Fenneko being that anon who finds milk through relentless creeping of social media.

No. 293556

jen is a normie, she would browse that GOMI someone mentioned here.

also daria likes to watch people getting fucked without being involved so that's why I picked her.

No. 293557

>hurrr aggressive character probably a misandrist xDD

the man hate thread is very well justified

No. 293563


rorschach is the epitome of a robot, lbr. i feel like he'd get banned for calling us all shameful hussies or something.

>dead doggo pics on /b/ this morning.

>tire tread on burst stomach.
>this board's afraid of me.
>i've seen its true face.
>the catalogs are extended gutters, and the gutters are full of period blood, and when the drains finally scab over all the farmers will drown.
>the accumulated filth of all their gossip and bitchiness will foam up about their waists and all the camgirls and weebs will look up and shout "save us!" and i'll whisper


anyways, if we're talking watchmen characters, janey (dr. manhattan's ex) would def be on here calling silk spectre II a fat pig with nasiolabal folds yadda yadda. everyone from watchmen is an asshole lmao.

No. 293566

Rorschach would definitely post on /pol/ though

No. 293567

>probably a misandrist
…the character literally IS openly a misandrist. You're being too defensive. I never said if it was a bad thing or not.

No. 293575

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I feel like Madison Montgomery from American Horror Story: Coven (and the new season) seems like a farmer. But she might be too much of a Stacy and is shown to have an active social life, unlike most people on here. She at least has farmer like qualities though.

Either way, the thought of her bitching about her fellow Coven members in /ot/ is hilarious.

No. 293600

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Kelly from The Office. I imagine she'd receive many bans for blog posting.

No. 293608

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also OP here again, you can also list characters that you think would be potential lolcows on here. gen 1 starscream (or really all iterations) would be gerg material with his powertrips.

not related but historical figures/people from the past too. i could see the columbine shooters getting a thread on kiwifarms. also a lot of famous painters and film directors getting posted in celebcows.

No. 293613

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historical cows?! OP that's so juicy.
Can you imagine the threads on Napoleon?
>jealous males and robots calling him a diseased manlet
>girls admitting that they want to fuck him and they've heard he's an amazing lover
>sjws calling him the scum of the earth
>/pol/fags trying to justify his political moves

No. 293623

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Mabel Pines strikes me as a potential cow. Not at age 12/13, but at like 16+

No. 293625

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Not a fictional character but I definitely feel like Lindsay Ellis browses /snow/

No. 293632

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anon this is beautiful

No. 293643

She's good friends with Hontra (I think he officiated her wedding) so she's probably at least aware of the site. However, I think she's quite earnest in her SJW/libfem-ness and that would put her off being a regular lurker or poster.

No. 293657

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Sansa fits the farmer profile I think. Young woman who is damaged, petty and kind of a bitch but not a bad person.

No. 293673

Historical cow stuff would be so juicy. I can see some presidents getting a thread on here and others lurking.

No. 293868

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>famous painters
Imagine Van Gogh would got his own thread because of his particular style,Dali would have one and Duchamp too.But i think Duchamp would be more of an avid farmer than the others tho

No. 293902

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What about Utena?
Nanami would both be posted on lolcow and post on it or at least get her henchwoman to whiteknight her on it and Touga, as well as shit on all girls that Touga is interested in.
Anthy would mercillesly troll her all the time. Utena would be completely uninterested in watching trainwrecks without actually interacting with them. Naive as she is, she would not notice Anthy being the mastertroll and would not think much about Anthy browsing some weird website.
Akio would own the side and be the admin. He would use it to manipulate the students and push them to do his bidding.

I suppose Wakaba would also use it secretly to shit on all the popular girls and vent her frustration and low self-esteem. Same with Shiori but with focus on Juri.
The shadow girls can be considered an in-universe lolcow, but that's a different thing I guess. lol

No. 294101

Duchamp was really fucking pompous while he was shitposting. (I like some of his stuff but the man himself was so full of himself he would have his thread) so idk about him being more of a lurker or a cow tbh

Napoleon would 100% end up on /pt/ lmao

No. 294400

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He's my historical husbando, but I agree, lol

Also imagine how huge of a cow lord Byron would be:
>marriage drama
>gay crush on Napoleon (notice me senpai, pls)
>illegitimate children, including one born from incest
>constant attentionwhoring and mental breakdowns
>animal hoarding
>financial trouble
>islamaboo phase
>trying to stay relevant and going to Greece

There would be a separate thread for his calves, like Mary Shelley and her husband, Polidori, Hobhouse and others.

No. 294442

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lolcow in the past would be nuts.
- i feel like ayn rand would have a /snow/ thread like redpillchick, but also browse /g/ to blog post her hybristophilia for william hickman.
- valerie solanas would of course post in the man hating and gender critical threads
-we’d have an anti-beatlemania thread, where we ridicule beatles fanfictions and groupies
-instahoe thread but for pinup models
-ed gein and jeffrey dahmer would have the male equivalent of luna slater threads

No. 294448

I think Nanami would self post just to see what people think about her and then get all defensive and pissy about it.
Nanami's friends would also post about her in personal lolcows thread or the vent one…

No. 294457

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There is so much salt among classical composers I could see them being a load of shitposters

No. 294459

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Wagner and Tchaikovsky in particular. Or Brahms vs pretty much anyone

No. 294463

Most of the Founding Fathers would have a thread but Hamilton and Jefferson's would be the most active ones. Andrew Jackson, Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, JFK, Nixon and the Bushes would have ones too.

No. 294475

Morrissey would've been the onision of the 80s/90s

No. 294495

I would love a thread about old music/art/writers, there's so much funny shit about them.

No. 294501

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Am I the only one who would think that a lot of these 'mastermind' archetypes would browse here totally ironically, maybe hanging around on /g and pretending to be ~qt femme girl uwu~ while being massively bitchy and toxic on the other boards "just for the kicks"
or is that just me…?
>pic related

No. 294586

victoria would 100% be a nasolabial fold sperg anon

No. 542836

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reviving this thread because it’s funny

for celebs back in the past, i think notorious divas like joan crawford and faye dunaway would post here…….especially faye as in character for mommy dearest

male example would be probably 1970s chevy chase posting about bill murray and john belushi. but instead of sperging about nasolabial folds he’s an acne-scar anon. also marilyn manson-esque threads for all the rockstars

No. 542905

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How did no one ever post her? Bitter, petty, socially awkward young woman with a grudge against multiple women in her life.

She'd have posted Ann in personal cows in /snow and asked for advice about getting Andy to fall for her in /g, been active in some threads in both /m and /ot.

No. 542910

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I died at both of these omg. Thank you whoever brought this thread back

No. 542913

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lin from spirited away. idk why i just feel it

No. 542937

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Bayo for sure

No. 542939

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Maeve and Olivia from Sex Education

No. 542940

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Donna (Twin Peaks) in her rebellious phase

No. 542942

No. 542946

The celebricows thread would get a lot of mileage out of alexis rose's social media posts.

No. 542949

I don't think April'd be posting about people in her life. This bitch would be shitposting inane stories and giving terrible advice for lul.

No. 542952

Maybe in earlier seasons. I don’t see later seasons Sansa being a farmer.

Margery would constantly bitch about Cersei in the vent thread though.

I can almost see Cersei posting on here but I think she would believe she’s “above” farmers

No. 542954

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No. 542959

Margery would be a classic farmer. I don't think Cersei would be posting here, she'd definitely be viewed as a cow (I'd be the WK lol).
I'd actually see dark!Sansa here more than early Sansa. She'd probably be a stern PP anon with heart of gold.

No. 542973

what authorcow thread? asking for a friend

No. 543007

christ i'm just imagining people in the jeffery dahmer thread posting about how "if he just did xyz then he could get his life together!!!"

anyway i think lorena bobbitt would have a thread here but it would probably get hijacked by scrotes a lot

No. 543101

They'd be on Guru Gossip
Jenny would self-post on Lolcow a lot and not know how to sage

No. 543111

Momose and maybe Matsui from Fujoshi Rumi. I feel like Asai would be sperging enthusiastically on twitter and tumblr, Matsui is kinda bitchy and she does bully Asai for being a fujo because she was jealous of her before becoming her bff so I can see it. Momose canonically shit talks them on 2ch and sends trolls to spam insults on their blog out of jealousy so that one is easy. She would shit up the fakeboi thread and the artist threads for sure. This manga is kinda old now but it's still WAY too relevant in terms of fandoms and fandom dramas, read it.

No. 543127

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The site would probably constantly crash during the late 18th century due to half of france lurking here and ultimately leaking out of their containment thread with aggressive nitpicking and a-logging.

No. 543130

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amy from gone girl would be a prolific poster in the pp thread but one of the ones who don't consider themselves feminists.

No. 543176

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Jackie would sperg about how much better she is than other cows and humblebrag constantly in /g/ while crying about how all her boyfriends treat her like shit in /ot/.

No. 543480

> one of the ones who don't consider themselves feminists
Why do you think that?

No. 543497

Oh God. Can you imagine an entire thread about the Lannisters? It would mostly be about Cersei but there would be plenty discussion about Jaime, Tyrion, Tywin, and Lancel. Shit would be wild.

No. 543498

she seems to also hate women, just not to the extent that she hates men.

the speculation about whether or not jamie and cersei are fucking would be amazing. The progression from joke to tinfoil to confirmation would be the milkiest thing to ever happen.

No. 543575

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She's a pretty iconic character among sadgirls and femcels.

No. 543659

>romanticizing drama this much
Why are farmers exactly like the people they document?

No. 543682

What are you even talking about?

No. 543683

Birds of a feather, anon.

No. 543689

No. 543695

Compelling arguments you got there.

No. 543698

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She definitely lurked here before she got arrested.

No. 543704

wonder if she's celebrating Columbine anniversary in her prison cell kek

No. 543707

No. 543716

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I would not be the least bit shocked if it turns out that Jenny Nicholson lurks here

No. 543738

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Enid would cowtip constantly

No. 543748

this bitch is so annoying

No. 543751

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Kurisu goes here for female companionship after big brain posting on 2ch/4chan all day.

How is that “romanticizing” anything? It’s just accurate headcanon. Sweet dee is exactly the type of lolcow who posts about her lolcow friends, not like we don’t have this type around here.
Na she’s too stacy to bother. Sad gorls and femcels gtfo.

No. 543762

She has such an annoying face

No. 543775

>>Dennis goes insane and spergs out, spamming the site and defending himself
kek absolutely, my only question is whether he'd a-log and openly admit to being himself, or pull a Vicky and pretend to be a bunch of people who just randomly dropped by to defend how skinny he is.

No. 543859

>Souvannarath, Shepherd, and Gamble all met on the website Tumblr, where they shared an obsession with death, true crime, heavy metal music, and Nazi imagery. Gamble's blog included imagery of Nazis and the Columbine High School massacre,[8] along with pictures of guns from World War II, and Shepherd's contained death metal audio tracks and gore, whereas on Souvannarath's blog, headlined with, "School Shooter Chic; violence is the aesthetic," she made many allusions to events of mass murder and mayhem in the month of February and as early as several months beforehand, interspersed with anti-Semitic comments in juxtaposition with posts of photo sets of Japanese fashion on her pastel-pink background. On February 5, 2015, Gamble reblogged a photo Souvannarath posted on Tumblr saying "Valentine's Day, it's going down", hinting to the would-be shooting.[9][10]

No. 543861

definitely both, impersonating other people first on the assumption he can pull it off because people are so easy to manipulate and deceive, then when caught he would reveal himself in a rage

good one. i think she would feel sorry for cows and want to befriend them but not without kind of subconsciously fetishizing and belittling them as misunderstood freaks.

No. 543874

I was just about to post her!

Seymour wasn’t much of a cow tho.

No. 543896

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No. 543925

I mean she’s iconic among most weebs and horror normies at best. She wouldn’t post here because she’d believe she’s too good for any of it. Plus her deal works better in person.

No. 543931

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lol no, i mean i hope she peaks soon, cause I recall her and i think lindsay ellis got put on an internet shitlist for saying something about "yall are way way too judgemental about what people ship can you please calm down", but they are both 100% still hyperliberal messes who can't even browse the onion threads without feeling guilty cause someone said the t-word

Anyway, to properly contribute I'm going to make someone absolutely miserable by posting this, but i must

No. 543934

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Can’t believe nobody has mentioned CJ from regular show. She has somewhat nerdy interests and feels threatened by Margaret

No. 543946

This thread surfaced just as i was rereading The Bell Jar so yeah… The main character, Esther. Her friend Doreen would also be a poster. She'd be one of the sex workers shading other SW's on /snow/

No. 543947

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Jill Stingray literally does browse her in universe lolcow. I really love when she goes back home and read it, it's always hilarious to me how much it reminds me of it here. Makes me wonder if one of the devs is a farmer

No. 544005

yesss! definitely just lurk though, never write. hi jill(emoji)

No. 544013

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oh my god thank you for reviving this so i could read it, I love all of you so much lmao but this one especially
>>294475 takes the cake

I'm imagining moz pretending to be too cool to even know what lolcow is but he's actually contributed to 90% of his own thread and spends the rest of his free time threatening admin/ authors of moz x marr slash fanfics with bullshit lawsuits if they don't delete everything. he also regularly contributes to posting fake milk in the robert smith thread

also fiona apple cowtipped bjork and told her there's a thread about how batshit she is but thankfully she is unphased as she has no idea how to work the internet

No. 544183

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Ugly tsundere, ignored by her family, can't even get a short guy to notice her, basically the average farmer

No. 544243

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Been binge watching 30 Rock lately. Jenna would be such a cow if she were real.

No. 544253

Bruh I'm not even mad

No. 544523

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Jessica from Twilight would absolutely post about the Cullens and their weird cult in personal cows.

No. 544534

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She'd probably shit post too

No. 544547

If you've seen a simple favour movie, she's quite natural as a rosanna pansino turned to bitchy storytime youtuber

No. 544549

called out

No. 544810

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You can't convince me otherwise.

No. 545075

if you wanted me to die you could've just said so

No. 545084

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-tradthot that derails constantly with mild homophobia
-that one doomer in the corona thread that has to let everyone know that she's older than everyone else
-sperged about the anti-cat thread
-constantly racebaits but never gets banned for it
-only posts on /ot/ and /meta/ and calls /g/ degenerate

No. 545087

she starts the discussion by saying some off-handed comment about culture but doesn't elaborate. then 2 anons argue back and forth about it for the next 2 days and both get red-texted

No. 545093

spot on anon, spot on

No. 545108

Wow accurate.
>made those posts about how gay men are more pedophilic than straight men
>NAMALT just because her husband hasn’t beat her
>hates sluts but only for unironic tradthot reasons

No. 545168

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Amanda and Mark from Ugly Betty esp for any ana-chan cows.

No. 545231

yeah you're right nvm lol

No. 545237

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Bangle from Animal Crossing definitely browses lolcow. She's awkward, obsessed with fame, a loudmouth, hasn't bathed in weeks, and tries to make herself seem like she's got it all together. When you get to really talk to her, the degeneracy comes out.

No. 545248

she's definitely spammed a thread or two after a 3am coffee binge

No. 545858

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sorry for weeb shit but all her dialogue is exactly what farmers actually say

No. 546179

She'd probably have her own thread in /snow/ and start samefagging with vicki/kiki tier samefagging and sperging
I definitely was not anticipating an AC villager to be listed on here lol. Is every peppy villager like this?

No. 546180

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I could see Shizuru from Yuyu browsing the vent and man-hate threads

No. 546183

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Dixie Kong. I swear to God. She probably posts in the vent threads about her annoying little brother and her boyfriend Diddy and gets anons to tell her to dump him every couple months. I can definitely see her sitting on her phone or PC, chewing some gum or drinking a glass of OJ, scrolling through /snow/ and /pt/ and reporting some milk.

No. 546203

File: 1587903106008.jpg (29.37 KB, 400x400, ThqP-F0Z_400x400.jpg)

Ritsuko akagi from eva

No. 546239

why? I don't think she was into gossip (unless job required lmfao)

No. 546258

Not that anon but i bet she would be here talking about mommy trauma and on the career thread, sometimes on /g/ asking why she likes Ugly Men

No. 546271

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This bitch.

No. 546278

File: 1587914920281.png (291.23 KB, 495x474, pleasants.png)

i don't know if it would be angela or lilith but at least one of the pleasant twins from the sims 2 would be posting. if it was angela she would probably post about lilith in the egirl thread

No. 546303

Probably just somewhere to vent or post opinions she didnt want attached to her name.

No. 546329

File: 1587922475381.png (235.09 KB, 457x640, DF49A445-2F6D-4FEB-853F-F60168…)

Those two

No. 546398

File: 1587931701229.jpg (12.56 KB, 300x300, p-South-Park-Wendy-Testaburger…)

you can't watch the stupid spoiled whore or the photoshop episode of south park and convince me that wendy isn't a farmer

No. 546402

I both love this thread and yet feel so personally attacked lmao.

No. 546405

Yes and let's not forget when she fucked Cartman's fat ass up for making fun of breast cancer. Wendy is the hero we need, but don't deserve.

No. 546420

- And then she continued to join the bandwagon and photoshop herself anyways at the end. And that's current-arc, the episode where she beat up Cartman was quite a few seasons back. Not a good role model in hindsight.

No. 546422

it's just a cartoon shhh

No. 546424

You gonna argue that lessons can't be learned from fiction? Step it up, femcel.

No. 546425

i feel like she's too stuck-up to be gossiping about other people online

No. 546427

Who the fuck is looking to a toilet humor cartoon for moral guidance? If you have to, you're already spiritually bankrupt. Back to 4chan with you, dumbass incel.

No. 546476


right, like it's a little TOO accurate. then again how are you gonna roast a cow if you can't roast yourself

No. 548126

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I can see Kim Kelly venting about her shitty home life in the vent threads, and talking shit about Daniel in /g/ in the loser ex-boyfriend stories. Plus, she has a knack for bullying, she probably has a favorite cow in /snow/
As for Lindsay, eh, I see her more as a radfem with a bad case of virtue-signalling.

They'd both fit right in.

No. 548256

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You just know

No. 548289

File: 1588360840042.gif (414.69 KB, 540x540, giphy.gif)

I'm surprised she hasn't been posted yet.

No. 548299

No. 548300

Hi, Fenneko

No. 548322

She'd post her findings about tsunoda's instagram patterns and everyone would call her a sperg.

No. 548330

Fenneko is a total sperg and that's why I love her so much.

No. 549190

File: 1588492432006.jpeg (50.85 KB, 1000x600, fa68362cdfebf51a8f55ade0a87e57…)

Honestly both of them

No. 549485


No. 549503

can you stop

No. 549507

who is this and why does it feel like you posted a random classmate's photo.

No. 549508

it's that person who keeps posting random generated face's of nonexistent people in random threads

No. 549517

sounds like necessaryspeed autism

No. 549535

bitch we can see it's AI generated, go flick your bean somewhere else.

No. 549539

File: 1588542771416.jpg (30.69 KB, 250x250, tumblr_owy5q41d251vy2tgqo4_250…)

I feel like she's the type to reply to an anon who's ranting about her boyfriend to break up with him and then also pulling things out of nowhere to make him look like the worst person ever and then goes on this rant about why all men are trash and you don't need a man to be happy

Also probably spends most of her time on /w/ and /g/

No. 549548

Bruh she's the bitch who puts blood in people's food
I don't think Toga hates men though

No. 549734

File: 1588567584662.jpeg (72.45 KB, 500x600, 35116F02-6021-43D1-8CFA-586AC9…)

90’s Rei would be talking shit about Usagi in the personal cows thread lol

No. 549737

fucking disagree. hotaru on the other hand…

No. 549780

Honestly, Michiru would definitely be the salty two-faced bitch posting shit about everyone in the inner senshi group and then going to /g/ to tell straight girls to fuck off with their nigels. There's no questioning about it.

No. 549789

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She would lurk for sure, not sure if she would post.

No. 549815

File: 1588589025667.jpg (214.19 KB, 937x1024, anita.jpg)

tbh i think the libfem types go two ways. theyre dyed in the wool in their beliefs or that theyre legit terfs that do the whole libfem shit for clout and money and probably throw around slurs and shit when theyre anonymous online or with close friends.

No. 549820

File: 1588589994272.png (913.79 KB, 1218x892, drlc.png)

i've been playing danganronpa lately, so here's this.

junko: super active user, uses lolcow all day while she's controlling monokuma or whatever, replies to herself to start drama in threads. makes social media accounts to cowtip and send people their lolcow threads while also being 50% of the posts in the same threads. she has like 500 ip addresses to cause farmers, admins, and cows maximum despair.

hiyoko: she loves to talk shit all the time, nitpicks everyone's appearance, zooms in on their physical imperfections and posts them. would post in the personal lolcow thread about mikan. >>545858 is accurate, everything she says would fit in with the things said on here.

sayaka: not a frequent user, but would post about the girls in her idol group with their deepest darkest secrets and then post in the same thread with "but sayaka is the best dancer and singer, the other members are totally holding her back!"

miu: she loves the drama. she would make really inflammatory/a-loggy posts, and then cry when people reply accordingly or when she gets banned.

kokichi: makes wild speculations about cow's personal life (usually cows that are really big e-celebs), gets banned for tinfoiling, cow makes an apology video a week later for the thing kokichi speculated about in the thread. in reality he did deep research and made anonymous social media accounts to post the screenshots and pressure the cow into talking about it.

mikan: not that much into the site itself, but eventually would post about herself and leak her own nudes for attention after hiyoko posts about her. makes her own thread about herself.

celestia: mostly posts in /snow/, but would probably be more active on 4chan's /cgl/. she lurks more than she posts.

tenko: only reads or posts in the gender critical/pink pill threads.

toko/genocide jack: both would shitpost in different threads. they both have low self esteem and spend the whole game insulting the other girls. toko gets sad when she gets on lolcow and sees she's banned for the second time this month because genocide jack was thirstposting again.

No. 549839

She is mostly an act. I am sure some part of her is genuine but all of the ideology and actual views were for clicks.

No. 549843

File: 1588596253622.png (103.93 KB, 400x302, mariko.png)

YES i was just going to say michiru

also I know Dear Brother is kind of a lesser known anime but I love this crazy bitch and she would absolutely pink pill sperg constantly about how men are worthless, and maybe vent in the confession thread about all the unhinged shit she did this semester and other anons would armchair that she's BPD and they would not be far off

No. 549872

kek that's not a fictional character. I wish she was a secret terf though. I hope a lot of pc libfems terf out 2020.

No. 549915

oh my god anon thank you, I remember ages ago in one random thread someone posted a gif of this anime and I was immediately intrigued by the art style and contents of that gif…and then of course I forgot to ask about it and thought it was lost to time. Dear Brother. Now I know what I'll be watching this weekend awww yesss

No. 549953

yes yes yes
I'm surprised I haven't posted this bpd bitch myself

No. 550036

File: 1588629898134.png (546.83 KB, 355x410, Muffy.png)

Muffy from Arthur

No. 550161

Yes and I feel like DW would sperg out in ot a lot too

No. 550166

omg enjoy!!! it's one of my all-time favorites. if you're into utena/ rose of versailles/ 90's shoujo with yuri undertones you'll love it

No. 550243

File: 1588657325147.jpg (43.42 KB, 471x357, 8ce2cb9f9eb7b2c939ec30d1e1ad1d…)

These stuck up brats

No. 550245

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These two,especially Veronica

No. 550257

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Phyllis Summers fron the soap opera, The Young and the Restless. Posts about Sharon in the personal lolcows thread.

No. 550262

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Clover and Mandy
they'd be talking trash about each other for sure

No. 550341

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Gina from Brooklyn 99.
she'd be a farmhand lol

No. 550353

File: 1588684443684.jpeg (51.88 KB, 400x300, 3948ACC1-D3CC-4B7B-B83C-E5DA8A…)

>those cute girls
>on lolcow
LMFAO. No one understands that those kinda girls rather talk shit about irl people or celebrities.

Pic related however def would post heavily here. Including the gay dude in middle.

No. 550355

File: 1588684506582.jpeg (38.32 KB, 640x480, 015109B4-A9DD-4271-88D5-5FB3A2…)

And this bitch because despite not being fat she actually has an internet boyfriend (but that’s mostly thanks to her autistic family).

No. 550369

God, this cartoon terrified me as a kid. Wtf were they thinking, making the characters look like that

No. 550377

Showing raw the way most ugly ass kids look like instead of those mary sue snowflake characters. Not that the wild thornberries or that as told by Ginger shit didn’t look disturbing.

No. 550380

File: 1588687926409.jpeg (26.7 KB, 320x240, 6DCF79AC-3899-4DCF-BD84-72E253…)

Also wait I totally forgot about Reggie and Sam from rocket power.The ginger from mike luc and og would definitely post on lolcow a lot. And then the girl Dodie from as told by ginger would post here for the rest of her life even when she’s a mother.

No. 550541

has Kai Anderson from AHS: Cult beehn posted? bc honestly he 100% would, his character in his backstory is basically a woman hating incel. i'm not saying yall are woman hating incels, but i feel like he'd stumble upon here one day and just stay, i feel like he'd lurk in the Lilith Levisis or even PNP thread(s). lol.

No. 550559

pretty sure this bitch was posting in the unpopular opinion thread yesterday.

he'd run a robot discord server and try get them to raid us.

No. 550646

File: 1588717177774.gif (1.82 MB, 500x200, god-reynolds.gif)

I've never been in this thread before, but I started rewatching Always Sunny and came here just to post Dee because she embodies the particularly unhinged farmers so much. I am not surprised she was one of the first people posted. She would be vendetta posting The Waitress, nitpicking all the attractive cows, and derailing threads sperging about stupid shit. Charlie would be whiteknighting The Waitress in these vendetta threads, and Dennis would be one of the weird /r9k/ guys who feel the need to invade lolcow and sperg in demand of our attention.

No. 550680

File: 1588721740065.png (1.4 MB, 1440x1926, screenshot_2016-03-11-13-17-54…)

No. 550709

dennis would selfpost his pictures in /g/ regarding anything related to attractive men. he'd then brag to the gang how some website was full of females who wanted to bang him, then he and mac would get into a competition to see who was the most attractive.
mac would also hang out in /g/ on the sex advice to ask virginal(?) questions about being unsure if he's ready to get involved with a penis. he'd never learn to sage and fill out the name, email, and subject line.

No. 550714

File: 1588730190605.png (158.27 KB, 400x300, tumblr_mri02oIMhS1qd87w4o1_400…)

while we're on the sunny gang, artemis would browse this site as a regular. actually, she'd probably be one of the best mods possible.

No. 550726

Oh HELL yes

No. 558096

File: 1590368830573.jpg (181.58 KB, 446x528, BvHBgZp.jpg)


I feel like if Koizumi would be a farmer too.

>Complains about father on the vent and bad parenting threads.

>Rants about her classmates on the personal cows thread.
>Post photographies she took by her own on any nice-stuff pictures threads.
>Stays mostly on /g/ /ot/ /m/.
>Active on the Pink pill thread.
>Mini mods in most threads, reports all the infighting and pictures without spoiler.
>Never get banned.

No. 558176

I can see all the 4th grade girls in SP, minus Heidi possibly, posting on lolcow honestly.
Now I’m imagining Artemis posting in any sex related threads…

No. 558282

File: 1590406458343.png (218.72 KB, 480x326, 1528692180305.png)

spider man is a bitch

No. 558286

File: 1590408289857.png (207.97 KB, 360x450, Dodie_Bishop.png)

dodie would definitely be a vendetta-chan lol

No. 558313

He's more of a /pol/ kind of guy, in the show he was actually posting on 4chan lmao

No. 558318

I can absolutely see this.

No. 558374

imo they wrote his character so poorly and as if they googled the stereotypical image of an incel and were like "yup. that's it. evan peters come here, this is your role now."

i cringed so hard when they showed the scene of him going on red pill forums kek.

No. 558598

File: 1590469179250.png (327.73 KB, 639x480, F916C561-D180-43B2-BD6B-D2F85D…)

I can picture Ashley constantly complaining about her life and manic boyfriend in /ot/.

No. 558614

File: 1590473299274.gif (656.37 KB, 500x200, Naruto-Couples-image-naruto-co…)

These bitches
Yes, sasuke included, he would bitch about naruto in a very gay way

No. 558615

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No. 558616

I can see sasuke bitching on /r9k/ about how everything is awful and unfair even when roasties like you

No. 558622

Who are they

No. 558625

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No. 558661

File: 1590487662860.png (691.16 KB, 631x631, 2A3F7C4E-2B06-4581-8952-483E31…)

This one is too obvious

No. 558684

File: 1590494362152.png (230.71 KB, 500x376, zxcf.png)

Crust Cousins Tiff and Brit from My life as a teenage robot.

No. 558685

File: 1590494430903.png (281.73 KB, 762x927, mimi from paper mario.png)

No. 558686

File: 1590494591967.png (1.79 MB, 2000x1089, koenokatachi.png)

No. 558690

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forgot her name

No. 558715

File: 1590499593475.gif (556.84 KB, 480x270, source.gif)

Lmao I was thinking about posting her.

No. 558795

File: 1590509338793.jpg (112.51 KB, 1024x898, 2a4.jpg)

basically this

No. 558816

which lindsay lohan character is that? none of the characters she played at that age are edgy or tortured enough for this meme.

No. 558835

isn’t it from mean girls? probably fits the bill, even though the plot is humorous

No. 558926

This literal femcel would sooner be on /r9k/ posting her flat tits for attention. Tomoko is a cow.

No. 558927

we've all been there anon

No. 558929

None of these characters would be on here… Daria is a hard maybe

No. 558965

lol no we haven't

No. 558973

We should make a thread called "Characters who would be labeled cows and be posted on lolcow"

No. 558975

make it anon!

No. 558998

Here you go anon

No. 559007

nah some of us don't hate ourselves

No. 559042

you have to hate yourself at least a little bit to regularly spend time here or on 4chan. sorry but them's the rules.

No. 559066

Daria definitely would. He favorite TV show is "Sick Sad World" which from what I can tell just showcases weird people and gross things.

Do you guys not know what sarcasm is?

No. 559067

Vying for robot attention is a HUGE leap from "a little bit" of healthy self hate. You realize 4ch isn't just for crying and whoring right?

No. 560107

File: 1590670459768.png (372.45 KB, 640x640, 017b3351708bc593012ff3a82c74d4…)

Maddy Perez.

She browses lolcow while getting her nails and hair done, spergs about men in /g/

No. 560109

Agreed, I never even used /r9k/ or /b/ when I used halfchan. Is it supposed to seriously be relatable to go through a tripfag phase or something?

No. 560413

I think she's too successful to bother coming here. Maybe she would sperg in pinkpill during the period when Vegeta fucked off to space.

Manga version would be coming here too to bitch about her shit dad and complain about dumb thots like Minako.

No. 560436

File: 1590704620670.jpeg (6.73 KB, 277x182, kat.jpeg)

No way anon. Maddy is busy being hot and popular.

Kat would definitely be a farmer though.

No. 560454

File: 1590707183666.gif (1.17 MB, 480x270, Scream-Queens-GIf-Chanels.gif)

Chanel #5 would be on a Chanel Oberlin thread and crying about boys on /g/

Chanel O would lurk her own thread. She'd probably make a personal cows post on Chanel #5 too

No. 565783

File: 1591340100971.jpg (116.66 KB, 600x898, Sabrina Pemberton.jpg)

i think she shares a similar vibe

No. 565880

She def would selfpost

No. 566269

File: 1591435718039.jpeg (68.98 KB, 498x750, 52DEA531-E8BC-4D0E-951A-426DB0…)

Both of them.

I can see it.
Definitely. She would be in the vent thread all of the time.

No. 566322

File: 1591444175177.jpg (124.33 KB, 1538x869, def3e139894b686d212ffb231442be…)

I posted Jackie a while ago but forgot about Donna.

Laurie would be a good fit as well since I can imagine her having her own thread, being the type to have an onlyfans or some other hustle and eventually getting cancelled for being abusive and "problematic" behind closed doors.

No. 566337

Lol she wouldn’t last a year, but her wks would still be there.. supporting her.

Despite her being terrible, I actually somehow liked Laurie. I was really bummed she got replaced. The other woman could never.

No. 568934

The actress died from a drug overdose.

No. 571881

File: 1592493164029.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1242x2040, 4138F642-D8B5-4C47-9A65-F4E3AD…)

Do you think they would write about Hyde?

No. 571922

nah i have a feeling shes too smart

No. 571943

File: 1592504968382.jpg (18.43 KB, 360x450, Y_f987fddd.jpg)

I think she would bitch here about Ginger and her friends a lot.

No. 571946

Definitely. She was so nasty, love this bitch.

No. 572160

she probably lurks tbh. i bet she posted in the GC threads lol.

No. 579671

Annalynne would definitely post here, but I imagine she’d probably get roasted a lot. Even in the shameful fetish thread kek.

No. 583803

File: 1594666654332.png (249.93 KB, 508x1000, IMG_9196.PNG)

This may be a bit of a stretch but I could see him being a male lurker on /snow/ and maybe posting about his classmates as his personal lolcows, though he'd probably not use lolcow that much

No. 583849

File: 1594673018472.png (1.44 MB, 1085x929, Profile_-_The_Bimbettes.png)

Inversely, Belle would post all the time in the vent thread about how much she hates Gaston and her shitty hick town

No. 583854

File: 1594673479910.jpg (26.4 KB, 497x529, 2dd5d3e19844b0a0aba07352f8be75…)

Kek. The triplets seem too Stacy to be posting on lolcow but I could also imagine them shittalking about Belle constantly on here and accusing her of being "not like other girls"

Megara from Hercules is another Disney character I could see posting on lolcow a lot. I feel like she would be active in the Man Hate threads (due to what her ex did to her) before she met Hercules.

No. 583862

Really? I feel like Angela is too uptight for lolcow. I can maybe see her on GOMI. Kelly is a total farmer though, as >>293600 points out.

No. 583876

File: 1594675037825.jpg (94.32 KB, 700x380, girls-season-6.jpg)

All of them

No. 583879

Holy shit anon lmfao

No. 583918

esp lena dunham

No. 583921

i feel like the average farmer looks like lena dunham so it definitely fits

No. 583934


No. 583950

honestly I feel like each of them fits into a different farmer archetype
>hannah would be the one who makes every reply about herself somehow and posts fucked up shit in the confessions thread which ends up in the whole board being derailed for 6 hours
>shoshanna would mainly post in /g/ and give beauty/fashion advice, is very into the kibbe body type system
>jessa would troll in every thread, like talking about how women should date young guys, just to provoke everyone else
>marnie would post about how she's annoyed by everyone in the vent thread, and post hannah in the personal cows thread. they would end up doxxing each other and become cows in their own right with a dedicated thread

No. 588233

File: 1595438055809.jpeg (233.91 KB, 1122x1578, C469CD66-788A-45FA-9DE5-70DA39…)

this isn’t a character but she’s become more prominent lately (seen her vids posted on the farms before) and I’ve been watching her forever so I gotta ask

does anyone else think amandabb is a low key farmer? she talks mostly abt ppl popping off on twitter so I think that’s where she gets a lot of her info but idk something abt the way she talks and how some anons post makes it a lil too real for me

my guess is probably not but I love her vids and how she pops off

No. 588237

No one knows who tf this is. The thread is specifically for characters, not randos you think lurk.

No. 588296

you’re right anon, sorry for clogging up the thread. didnt see any other thread relevant to randos who lurk but I’ve seen a few ppl post her videos in the Shane Dawson/Jeffree star thread. you’re right tho, I’m sorry, won’t post irrelevant stuff again.

No. 588313

File: 1595445002681.jpg (58.97 KB, 644x378, walking-dead-enid-main.jpg)


Probably Enid from TWD.

Shy on the show but she's probably be a real bitch on the lolcow.

She'd probably start by posting newds on 4chan but then quickly get run off for being a wannabe Boxxy. Then she'll get a hatred for men and come here.

No. 588376

sage because this is not the thread for it, but I've been thinking the same about her !

No. 625099

File: 1599548753481.png (196.18 KB, 350x249, derry_erin.png)

Can we revive this thread? It's funny as fuck

Anyway, I nominate Erin Quinn from Derry Girls.

No. 625113

File: 1599551168950.jpg (33.76 KB, 800x445, DG2-Ep-2-5030.jpg)

I think Clare would be the farmer. She's gay.

No. 625122

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No. 625123

File: 1599552946697.png (91.2 KB, 650x400, Naomi-Campbell.png)

Naomi from Skins UK

No. 625199

File: 1599567089020.jpeg (56.81 KB, 655x368, 1691021C-F422-4B23-831B-2EFEC0…)

You would never even be able to tell that he’s male from his posts

No. 625205

Who is that?

No. 625211

Eliot from the Magicians

No. 625238

File: 1599573511149.png (596.79 KB, 600x470, 934854958.png)

Chronic baiter/shitposter. Calls anyone who disagrees with her a scrote. Tinfoils that every celebrity is closeted.

I considered Leliana also for a bit but I think she might just lurk.

No. 625246

KEK, I can see her sperging about some cow's nasolabial folds

No. 625258

File: 1599574548918.jpeg (14.98 KB, 259x195, 8B0C23A0-63CE-419D-BD04-72E99D…)

>Hello, fellow farmers. Don’t you hate it when your cunt is quivering for a big fat 4.5er? But anything above 5” is too big, amirite ladies, kek! Ugh the thought is soaking my pink lace kawaii pusheen panties. Btw what’s your fetish?

No. 625289

Kek oh my god

No. 625386

File: 1599584446569.gif (4.29 MB, 600x337, 16549879797.gif)

Nice I love Eliot
Alice Quinn too, that bitch is repressed as hell

No. 625437

Alice most definitely would be going on the most autistic tirades and wouldn’t stop replying no matter how many times they’ve been shut down

No. 629954

File: 1600061698135.jpg (55.05 KB, 512x384, unnamed.jpg)

Chloe from My Mad Fat Diary god she would be such a farmer. I can see her frequenting the proana thread

No. 629962

File: 1600062694668.jpg (45.78 KB, 740x416, rebecca.jpg)

It's between rebecca and paula tbh

No. 629988

Man that show was so funny, especially the first two seasons.

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