No. 283443
I'm more into tech so I'll post some channels that I follow. I know that there probably aren't that many farmers here that are into that, but in case you are, feel free to recommend something new or criticize.
If you like programming in Python he has bunch of tutorials for beginners to advanced level. What I like about him is that he's honest and not a sellout. His video on Udemy's scummy tactics were eye-opening.
Traversy Media
Good for beginners. I find the quality of his tutorials vary. He's alright though, dealing mostly with front dev. He used to do more PHP, now it's mostly html/css/js and js frameworks.
ExplainingComputers is a great channel if you're into electronics and learning more about the nitty gritty stuff. The guy really knows a lot and goes into detail about a certain topic, like computer components, servers, robotics etc.
The Coding Train
It's a really comfy channel dealing with programming. He primarily uses Javascript for explaining some concepts and doing projects. He can be over-the-top sometimes, but I don't care. It gives me a childish joy to work on some of his projects.
Coding Tech is an awesome aggregate on all things in web development. There are lots of great talks, inspirational talks, sometimes follow-along tutorials etc. I 100% recommend.
Luke Smith is my guilty pleasure. I hate his usage of memes in the thumbnails but I did learn a thing or two from some of his videos.
N-O-D-E is an underrated channel. It highlights important news from the cyber and sec field in a stylish and bite sized chunks. I like his delivery overall.
And these are the YT channels that I follow for cinema interpretations, analysis and movie recommendations:
ScreenPrism two women that make decent interpretations of characters and movies.
FoundFlix It's good. I use it mostly to get a movie recommendation.
Nerdwriter1 - a channel that is great for random movie interpretations & analysis, philosophical topics, art etc.
Game related channels:
Jerks Sans Frontiers, Lance McDonald, Aegon of Astora, videogamedunkey
Music related channels: Voices of Music, Paul Barton, Mercuzio Pianist.
ASMR channels: Art of Sound, Gaucha ASMR, Sweet Carol, ASMRMagic, Zeitgeist.
I've also started to learn drawing so if you have any channels that you'd recommend to a newbie, that'd be great.
Sorry for the long post.
No. 283558
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I watch everything under the sun but because this is a favorite YouTubers thread…
REDLETTERMEDIA - movie reviewers and hack frauds. They have several series that involve comedy skits, pitting three bad movies together to determine which is the "best of the worst", and a more straightforward review format. (They also have a gaming series that they've recently ended. I never watched it myself so ymmv.)
TWO BEST FRIENDS PLAY - gaming channel between three best friends. One of the rare few that doesn't include face cam (which I don't care for personally). There was a fourth member who went off to do his own thing a while back. The only caveat is that they talk over everything so if you're watching them for the games themselves, you might want to find another channel.
HARSHLYCRITICAL / JOHN WOLFE - another gaming YouTuber. Mainly horror games, but he plays others on his second channel John Twolfe. A breath of fresh air because he doesn't shout and ham up his reactions, and he tends to lend genuine critique to developers on how they can improve their games.
DASHIEGAMES - yet another gaming YouTuber. I haven't been watching him as much lately because it feels he doesn't put as much effort into his content anymore, but he's loud and funny. Mostly Nintendo and really bad indie horror games.
KATIE CARNEY - a van-life vlog of sorts. She travels across the country while working online and sleeps in her car. Super informative and interesting for those with nomadic/wanderlust-y tendencies.
EMILIA FART - I… really don't know how to describe her channel, honestly. A combination of vlogs and skits, I would say? She's super funny and weird.
NERDECRAFTER - craft videos with reviews. Informative and honest – if you want to know if a product works, she'll tell you upfront. A lot of her projects have such a goofy charm to them.
OTHER GAMING CHANNELS: retsupurae, JayzTwoCents Slippy Slides, Shesez. JayZ builds computers. The latter two explore secrets hidden within games by utilizing flycam and investigating files for textures, audio, etc.
ASMR CHANNELS: ASMR PPOMO, ASMRMagic, Hatomugi ASMR, ASMR Bakery… I tend to prefer sounds only with little whispering/no-talking videos and these channels are great for that.
BEAUTY RELATED CHANNELS: Safiya Nygaard, Nail Career Education, AlexandrasGirlyTalk, SimplyNailogical. I really suggest checking out AlexandrasGirlyTalk.
Sorry for the long post. I'm always searching for new channels to watch and I like giving others stuff to watch, too.
No. 283579
I really like emmymadeinjapan's videos, she's cute and has a very soothing voice. Also just discovered Miss Yeah whose cooking stuff is batshit insane, but I like her a lot.
>>283505>>283408Definitely agree with Cayleigh Elise, Ask A Mortician, and Dan Bell!! I love their channels.
No. 283800
>>283350Primitive Technology
Can't recommend enough Primitive Technology, basically the dude creates stuff by himself and without using any man made tool, only creating them with what he has on hand.
It's silent but you should definitely turn on the subtitles, to understand the process of what he's doing.
Joueur du Grenier
Otherwise my other favorite, all of his videos have english subtitles, and some are very well translated. I find him hilarious and while he started by copying the Angry Video Game Nerd, he definitely branched to his own kind of content and puts a lot of effort into his channel. Plus he seems very genuine and funny.
No. 284415
For anyone who likes male asmrtists, can I recommend Phoenician Sailor.
He puts crazy amount of effort into his videos and his roleplays are always inventive and great. He honestly deserves much more subs.
I also quite enjoy Ephemeral Rift, because male voices tend to be more soothing to me.
Some other great channels are This Exists (mainly music-related videos), thebrainscoop (museum and science-related), ashens (random tat reviews), Kati Morton (psychiatric help), Ask a Mortician (death culture), Brutalmoose (video game and random reviews), Nature's Temper (creepypasta)
I just watch channels all over the spectrum as you can see.
And if I may ask for a recommendation, what are some good let's play channels? I used to watch Game Grumps, but their personalities started grating on me after several years, they just don't do anymore but stupid yelling and dick jokes and that gets old.
I watch Weeby Newz for her Persona playthrough and I quite enjoy it, but are there any more letsplayers that are more subdued and put a lot of time into discussing their theories about plot and stuff? Maybe female letsplayers that are not twitch thots?
No. 284456
>>284415Chuggaaconroy's let's plays are nice, the ACNL one was my favorite. His gf(?) Masae is alright too.
If monster factory counts, I'd highly recommend watching it. Not active anymore, but w/e what we have is pure gold. Car Boys was good too on Polygon.
No. 284464
>>284456Oh, I ADORE Monster Factory. Seen every episode, love me some of that McElroy goodness.
Car Boys was nice too, a shame about Nick though really.
No. 284478
>>284456MBMBAM got me to monster factory, its honestly been a dream show and I wish it would go on forever tbh.
Like you said though, we have gold.
No. 285120
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>>284456kek, I know Chugga IRL through friends but I've never really watched his videos. He's very friendly but def comes off as autistic. As far as I know he and Masae have been dating for years and are now engaged iirc. I don't understand why they're so weird about it?
But anyways. I feel like this is maybe cheating but I've been really into JennaMarbles lately. I just like her so much more than other popular youtubers. She just now bought a house and she made point to talk about how many years she saved up and how this is such a big important dream to her, and you really never see her buy unnecessary expensive designer shit just to front like other youtubers. She just feels like when it comes down to it she knows when to turn it off and be an actual grownup. Also she has a Masters degree so I just feel like she's always taken her career seriously and doesn't take what she has lightly. She doesn't do clickbait and 100% commits to whatever weird shit she says she's gonna do in her titles. Also her dogs are just so ridiculous and I can't get enough of them.
Ok, asskissing over.
No. 285149
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>>285129It's so weird that someone is saying something nice about Peter and Ashleigh Coffin on lolcow.
No. 285379
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The report of the week: He review fast food products,i dont know why but his wording and mannerisms create such a charm and irresistible presence that i cant keep my eyes of him
Miss Coco Peru: Shes been inactive for a while now,but i love her Boston? accent and overall personality,even though her videos are mostly about her adventures from store to store just to get some panetonne
李子柒: Does videos about her rural life and how she prepares traditional Chinese food,pretty ASMR-ish
Smohxd:A diy youtuber,i found his design a little tumblr inspired but still far more tasteful and unique than others
Mommytang:A mukbang channel,she cook homemade meals and talk about her everyday life
No. 285431
>>285379omg anon I just checked 李子柒's channel and I'm absolutely in love. I must have told the three only friends I still have awake at this hour about here already.
do you, or any other farmers know the same kind of channels (rural life, relaxing, traditional lifestyle) with Japanese or Korean hosts? I'm so enamored.
No. 285437
Fredrik Knudsen and Cayleigh Elise have already been suggested but are good enough to be mentioned again.
Top 5s - the only top# channel I genuinely like. He covers spooky stuff and true crime, I like his narration style a lot and occasionally he makes longer, documentary style videos too.
Trey the Explainer - cool videos about extinct animals, cryptids and evolution.
NativLang - Videos about languages. Way cooler than it sounds.
Blue Lavasix - Another spooky channel but with a lot of fresh content. Doesn't upload as frequently anymore but has tons of interesting videos that are worth watching.
ADV China - A kind of talkshow by two vlogger guys in China (serpentza from South Africa and laowhy86 from the US) where they ride their motorcycles and talk about China-related topics. The GoPro and drone shots are a nice extra.
>>285379His charm keeps being brought up on here but all I see is a creepy talking corpse.
No. 285535
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>>285534years. i personally remember bc in 2015 he commented on the whole eggman debacle where he was finally gonna kill himself (then didn't deliver). he had to've been an avid /r9k/ poster/lurker to even know what was going on. he's always had an incel-friendly channel.
pretty sure the nickname "reviewbrah" was given to him by /r9k/ or /pol/ too. could be wrong tho.
No. 285539
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>>285431I dont really know about the korean ones because my interest isnt really korean-based,but if you like the japanese one,ill go look for it.In the mean time,enjoy this movie instead,its a japanese film called ''Little forest" its quite similar to the rural vibe
No. 285675
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>>285577I already put them in a playlist,heres another japanese movie,its called Shinya Shokudo enjoy!
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT--M9_uUQwk0BZYhR12wfs3FiHzXZdUX No. 285685
>>285675I'm that anon and I can't express with words how much I am thankful that you made an entire playlist… thank you so, so much. This is incredible. I can't wait to check everything out.
You're the real MVP anon!
No. 290464

CaptainDisillusion has been producing content of incredible quality for YEARS and it blows my mind that he still hasn't reached 1mill subscribers yet.
Fact Fiend as anon>>290452 explained. their "semi related tangents" on the subject are often funny and very entertaining.
Abroad in Japan , interesting and funny videos. Also, stays away from dramas and shit, he's one of the few unproblematic ones
Andrew Huang , makes music out of everything, he's insanely talented (he made a video called "Leonardo DiCaprio is a tuba" and everyone should see it tbh (vid embedded)
Ask a Mortician , makes really nice and interesting videos on the mostly taboo subject of death (found her through Ted Talks, you should also watch it)
bill wurtz , hard to explain, weird ass jingle-like videos, it'sgenius tbh
CompanyMan , makes videos about companies, how they work, why they go bankrupt or have success, etc. It's very interesting for such a seemingly "bland" topic.
CrashCourse Courses on anything, hosted by some of the same people from SciShow (both created by Hank Green)
SciShow has Space and Psych spin offs, short videos answering questions or detailing stuff
Criminally Listed finds very obscure cases. only downside is his monotone voice with zero intonations sometimes
David Bruce Composer makes videos about how music is built, why some things don't work etc
SpectreSoundStudios is pretty damn entertaining, he's a music producer and gives advice
Davie504 , the bass king, makes memes and cool covers
Kmac2021 guitar memes overload
Seth Everman piano memes overload
Defunctland , documentaries about dead theme parks, hotels etc.
Drew Gooden ex viner, one of the fews who's actually entertaining. (makes critic videos ? )
EroldStory , animated videos on random stuff, quite funny
Exploring with Josh urbex videos. Wide variety of places
Dan Bell urbex, and other things. My fav videos by him are the dead mall series.
exurb1a, hard to explain, watch the one about introverts it's great
GeographyNow pretty self explanatory
Half as Interesting, videos of the same kind as Today I Found Out, both are trivia information etc channels
Hot Dad makes memey music, pls watch the "I Can't Get Google" one
Various mini documentary channels are Kurzgesagt , Its okay to be smart , Life Noggin , minutephysics and RealLifeLore
Video essay channels : TheCloserLook , Nerwriter1 , Lessons From The Screenplay
aaaand of course, more science , Vsauce , Veritasium I guess Tom Scott qualifies in this category sometimes
this is probably a wall of text , sorry ! I can make a list of French Speaking Ytbers if anyone wants, I have a lot too.
No. 292285
>>292271Thanks, anon!
I really like his channel. Do you have any other artist's YT channel you'd recommend?
So far I only follow Proko.
No. 293092
>>290453bingo's adorable, i found him through ma ko's channel and subscribed to every otter channel i could find afterwards
as for other youtubers i watch i'm subscribed to a lot of crafting and cooking channels, vtubers, and a few lesser known gaming accounts, i don't have any specific favorites since i mass subscribe to a ton of channels every so often but i'll probably check out a lot of the ones mentioned in this thread
No. 293309
>>292563>>292554Thank you!
There's a bunch of good videos on those channels that will surely help me.
Hopefully, I will not end up in the bad/hideous art threads one day.
No. 294823
>>294816Really? I hate both of them. Two boring libfems who are friends with hontra, one of which used to fuck doug walker. Sick of seeing their videos in my recommends.
Not sick of useless info about vidya though. Pikasprey yellow, stryder7x, false swipe gaming, summoning salt, and ceave gaming are pretty interesting.
No. 294886
>>294823>>294877nta. I find that the libfem shit tends not to come up in their videos that often. If I only watched youtubers I agreed with politically on everything, I'd only watch like 3 radfem channels with low production values who don't upload that often.
>>294816I like that Jenny talks about a lot of the nerd shit I'm into from a female specific perspective and I appreciate that. Her comment section seems to skew male though, which makes me think a lot of those dudes just want to fantasize about her being their kooky nerd girlfriend. That's kind of a bummer.
No. 294892
>>294886lindsay's videos are 100% 2quirky4u 90s girl sjw. they suck because she actually
is the nostalgia girl character irl. no one is saying to only watch people who align with your views, but there's a point where not aligning turns into preaching the exact opposite views.
No. 294917
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>>294892I think she does really good and in-depth film analysis (especially compared to Doug, her previous employer) from a professional viewpoint but she lets her political views get into the way too often. I'm watching her getting into some really good destructuring of a story and suddenly she starts blabbering about some woke libfem bullshit on a 15-minute rant and the video is ruined. It's such a shame because she's coherent and clearly knows something about media critique but jesus christ give the social justice stuff a break. It's worth mentioning that she's extra insufferable on Twitter.
No. 362146
>>283579I love Emmy! I recently started binging her videos.
She sounds like she used to be a teacher. Some of the recipes she makes are so out of left field. Makes me want to try a prison burrito.
I also like watching gaming channels like LGR, Spawn Wave, Beta64, and Shesez (mainly the Boundary Break videos).
From time to time I'll watch a ChickasaurusGL video. It's amazing how Pokemon R/B/Y still has things you can do to it.
No. 362151
>>362146>LGRLove his vids too, his thrifting vids are really comfy.
The unraveled videos from Polygon are surprisingly entertaining. Also love Ceave, Brutalmoose's cooking videos and Arlo's BoTW review series because I love a good, long botw circlejerk.
No. 364190
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everyone here has fantastic taste and i'm glad to see some of my faves such as dan bell and lgr are getting some love.
surprised no one's mentioned internet comment etiquette yet, considering his subscriber count. some people might find his sense of humor kind of juvenile but i enjoy his videos very much.
some others i enjoy are whang, wavywebsurf, internet historian and fredrik knudsen. i think i couple of them have been mentioned already but i highly recommend you check them out if you haven't already, especially if you're interested in or nostalgic for internet history.
also friendlyjordies is a must watch for any fellow australians, see his 'laughing at drunks on rbt' video. even though he's primarily a political channel he still keeps it funny and lighthearted and isn't up his own ass like a lot of other political channels are.
No. 364193
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>>363559I think they are all lunatics, but if you like their videos you do you.
No. 370063
>>370038They do look stupid
however Soy is incel rhetoric and it's pseudoscience.