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No. 26837

what do you all think about feminism?

I consider myself a feminist and I like reading about the topic and consider it a hobby. I think there are a lot of double standards in our society.

And there are incredibly patriarchal societies that still exist in present day. FGM, arranged marriages, laws that deem a rape victim "worthless" for something she could not help. etc

I wish we didnt have such a bad reputation. It's a big movement with a lot of different opinions and there is a lot of infighting in the community so it's inevitable. I wish it wasnt so heavily associated with tumbler too.

So what are your thoughts on feminism? I just want a plesant discussion and I'm open to all opinions.

No. 26838>>26853

Why do you consider it a hobby?

No. 26840

I guess I'm by definition a feminist, but I prefer to avoid that label in favor of gender equality activist.

No. 26853>>26871


i consider it a hobby because I buy and read books. It's like people who get really into philosophy. Plus i dont consider myself to be an expert or someone could teach it. As far as anyones concerned I'm just reading and learning about it.

I got into it because when i was younger I was really into magic and like mythology so that led me to read about goddesses which led to me learned about dianic wicca which led to me lurking feminist forums online.

No. 26860>>26861>>26863>>26866>>26871>>26954

I don't think genders should be equal. Although I do support feminism in countries that actually need it,I think the whole "Oh em gee someone catcalled me.I NEED FEMINISM!"is fucking ridiculous.
On top of that, I wish it was the 50s and yes that includes the chance of my husband beating me if I do something bad and society thinking I'm stupid just because I'm a woman.

No. 26861

tradfem go home

No. 26863>>26871


>I think the whole "Oh em gee someone catcalled me.I NEED FEMINISM!"is fucking ridiculous

In my experience it's only ugly women that even attempt to defend verbal abuse in a public environment as acceptable because it's something that never happens to them so they don't understand just how horribly unpleasant and intimidating it is.

No. 26866>>26882

Those countries need Jesus and white people more than they need feminism lol

No. 26871

Oh that's fair. I assumed by reading you meant web articles.


Even ugly women get catcalled in certain places because they're thought of as easy game, so no I don't think that is the reason why. It's fucking annoying and intimidating.

No. 26875

I support liberal feminism but not radical or "intersectional."

No. 26882

Crusader allert!

No. 26886>>26888

I have no problem with feminism, but I wish people didn't change the meaning of the word to mean that means equality for everyone when it already have a word for that. Two or three for that matter. A Humanitarian and a Egalitarian, probably equalist would work too. Yes, femininism can be considered a subtype of one of those movement identities, but I like to focus on everybody's rights, if it coincides with my beliefs of course(which is do whatever the fuck you want, and don't let me me stop you. Its your life. Except when you kill for not a 'good' reason(This part is sorta complicated, as 'good' is subjective.) With the original femisnist movement, women we're trying to bring themselves up to where men already were/are, and that's why it has the FEM in there, because it focused on feminine rights.

Also, a movement where men trying to get up to most women in power or to be equal to women's rights would not become feminist, but be MRAs (no no, not the type to blame everything on women, but the men who just don't want to be seen as the 'strong' ones, and don't want a bias against them that women can do no wrong, and they are the bad ones).
I like to think as Feminism as women trying to fight to get the same statuses as men, and will be able to make their own choices without being told what to do, and not being killed when they don't follow orders.

I'll support feminism, but I'll keep identifying as something else.
Of course this could be being a little speech about words, but the fact that it already had another word, and I have a feeling some feminists(can't say if it started on Tumblr or not) who insist every activist must be a feminist just didn't know it had another word so they just said feminism is for everyone. I feel we should do away with the word in places that don't need it, but if problems arise that's when the fem country as a whole can say they need it. On the other hand, countries that do need it, need the word because need to focus on women's rights(some places in the Middle East/Asia)

Of course, this could be just me being a sperg about words. But it made me choose to identify as an egalitarian or a humanitarian more when my friend told me "words change" even after U gave her dictionary definitions of each of the words we were debating about. She then told me that she was too lazy to click the links, and so I told her that words don't change so quickly to fit an agenda.

No. 26888

Yeah you're sperging that's like a faggot saying he isnt a faggot because
>muh identity!!!!
even though he sucks cock everday.

(it's likely you hate women secretly like all people on /r9k/ though)

No. 26924

I support feminism, I agree with most other people about it. I just have an issue with misandry/misogyny more than anything tbh.

Tumblr feminists are the real issue here cos they're not feminists.

No. 26925>>26926>>26931

Has anyone noticed how many young women gang up on you over on tumblr when you say something about their type of feminism or if you don't care/support feminism?

Half the time they attack you. Lol I thought we were all sisters tho? What happened to the peachy sweet sisterhood?! I mean… girls are supposed to 'support' each other tho?

Ugh this is why I call bullshit on feminism on dumblr.

Btw I DO support feminism. I think everyone has their own opinions/reasons but tumblr's version of what happened 'is' is toxic and I left solely because it got on my nerves.

No. 26926>>27042

When Women say no you are meant to respect it, expect when they say they don't need feminism

No. 26931>>26954

SJWs are a cult, one of their most outspoken members, Suey Park, has been excommunicated by them and is confirming what we already know: the far left are on a perpetual witch hunt for whoever doesn't follow their beliefs to the letter.

No. 26936>>29191

I'm a feminist and if the topic comes up I make sure to explain what my views are and how feminism ideas can benefit both men and women.

I'm very anti gender roles (don't expect men or women to do anything)and very laid back (I don't have crazy weird expectations or anything of anyone), and I am into traditionally 'female things' (like makeup/skincare/cooking/home making) which is weird to some people who think that feminists are these grumpy/stuffy/annoying women

I would like to meet normal feminists like me to become friends

No. 26938

Yes, I support feminism.

It's done the most to bring us toward total societal collapse. Wiping the slate clean is the only option.

No. 26954

>and society thinking I'm stupid just because I'm a woman.

Don't worry, we here think you're stupid already, just for different reasons.

Suey Park is the "not your asian sidekick" girl or something like that? What did she do that SJW hate her now?

No. 26972>>26975>>26977>>27005

I honestly support the idea of feminism, and people are just making a fool out of it. A lot of people think feminism ends at Tumblr, when Malala would be considered a femnist and no one bats an eye.

Slightly on topic, I cannot stand people, girls especially, who support menist or whatever it's fucking called. Good, you hate feminism, but to call yourself a menist just because your foul about "feminism" is disgusting. People seriously do your research before anything. Feminism isn't just Bertha LoveJoy comments and because someone catcalled me.

No. 26975>>26977>>27005

Menist? do any women seriously use that term? Tbh 99% of that sounds like they haven't had much luck with relationships so they're trying a gimmick to appeal to men and look quirky.

"I hate women these days so I'm not like the other women! Women are all bad except me because I'm special!"

No. 26977>>26978>>29775

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These women are honestly some of the lowest hanging fruit jesus

also, I also consider myself a feminist but I dont relate myself to tumblr 'femenism' in any way, 0%..

No. 26978>>26979

this has to be a joke lol

No. 26979>>26980

No she is serious. It's the same with women who say things like 'feminism is anti men, man hating, men are the oppressed ones etc'

I think it's combination of being retarded and wanting men to worship you

No. 26980>>26983

#NotAllMen could just as well be #NotAllFeminists , the idea is the same

No. 26983>>26984


was that directed at me?

No. 26984>>27008

oh yeah I should've elaborated a bit, sorry, it's just that this bit

>feminism is anti men, man hating, men are the oppressed ones etc'

made me think. If men are saying they're not all sexist and want to be recognized as individuals, they (as well as some women) should probably also do the same for feminists and recognize they're not all represented by tumblr and there are many more viewpoints than the dumb "kill all men" shit.

sorry I guess this doesn't make that much sense after all

No. 27005>>27008>>27026>>27031>>27042>>28456

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>supports feminism which states that all women have a choice and freedom

>patronise women who don't support it and infer the're only doing it for male attention

you are literally as bad as misogyny at this point. and this is why i can't deal with today's feminism. because you'll gladly tell me that we need it to protect women and let them have their say and then turn around and call other women stupid for making their own choices in life which is the TENANT of feminism.

Stay classy, idiots.

Also, btw, menist is a fucking joke. how you don't get that is beyond me. It's just like this stupid radfem shirt. it's a JOKE. learn to humour and take the stick out of your vaginas and stop getting salty over other people. do these women impact you? no, then fuck off.

No. 27008>>27031


TBH I don't get when I say "oh so-so this man did this" some guy says "not all men!!!!". LIKE NO SHIT NOT ALL MEN. I'm talking about THIS ONE man. I don't say 'omg not all women!!!!" when some guy says "i was raped by a woman". I'm honestly not super about feels but it's just so inconsiderate/annoying. Like PLEASE could you listen to someone besides YOU YOU YOU.

also, I agree with you anon. I get what you said <3

You seem confused

these women/men are allowed to think whatever they want. I SUPPORT them thinking whatever they want. Does this mean I have to agree with it? NO

I do believe a lot of these women are deluded or are doing to to get attention whether that's from people in general, to feel 'different', from women, from men, idk.

No shit meninist is a JOKE. But a lot of people take is seriously.

Also I have no idea how that shirt is a radical feminist shirt, it's just a little autistic.

I don't get why some retards say omg ur not a feminists if u say this womanz r stupids!11!!

No. 27026

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y u mad tho

No. 27027>>27029>>27115>>46161>>46219

Feminism is ostensibly about giving women a greater range of options, but today I see a groupthink cult that pisses all over women who openly admit to valuing motherhood/their husband/family above anything else. There was a board about traditionalism for girls on 8chan that got posted to pt by the owners of the 8chan makeup board who raided it because they felt like women who feel that way shouldn't have a space to talk about it on the chans. That's just sad. Nice feminism, ladies.

No. 27029


honestly I wouldnt really consider anyone who isn't into equal rights/womens choices a feminist. that's the most basic definition of it

I'm a feminist into traditional women hobbies and lifestyle

No. 27031


and you have replied exactly what I would've told the other anon too haha, agreeing with you 100% here

Free speech for menists (meninists? memeists?) is cool. Gives me some easy immediate red-flags to spot.


I'm supporting their choice and freedom to express their opinions by taking their opinions seriously enough to respond to them

No. 27042>>27043

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I used to call myself a feminist, but the label has been shit on by people using it to justify the most inane, useless shit like "manspreading". I can't take it seriously anymore, at least not in first world countries. I think it's still very necessary in other parts of the world where women are legitimately being oppressed, though.

No. 27043

At the end of the day you're still a feminist bruh

No. 27115

I really don't get that. If you've made your choice to be a 'traditional' female then you've made your choice. it's the fact you have a choice to NOT be that is why we have feminism. if you want a career, go have it.

BUT it doesn't give you carte blanche to go and shit over women who don't do 'progressive' things or choose motherhood or being a housewife. i honestly don't get it.

No. 27336>>27355>>27360

I don't even understand the definition of feminism anymore.

No. 27355


Lmfao nor do i anon, nor do i.

No. 27360

At this point, I think some people have a different interpretation of who the movement should stand for, and what the word means.

No. 28417

I fucking hate the identity politics behind it. I also hate it when people say:


As if any social movement in the history of ever has meant one thing to everybody. Ppl who obsess about labels care more about appearing to be good than actually being good.

No. 28452

Feminists and anti-feminists dont want equality.
nobody want equality.
we all want some kind of special treatment.
double standards exist for a reason.
i dont want to have the same responsabilities as a guy.
im a woman and i love my woman privileges, thank you

No. 28456

i agree with you anon

No. 28457

Why would you want your women privileges to be gone? i dont fucking get it.
why want equality? Men and women are different. they will never be equal. simple as that

No. 29022>>29092

Coming from a Western perspective; I don't want it and don't need it.
I feel that the initial objective of feminism was to get more people contributing to the workforce, but now good secure jobs are scarce and it's nearly impossible to raise a child in a single income home without some kind of outside support, meaning a lot of mothers have to work, trusting their child to some daycare or nanny, missing out on proper bonding. Family units are broken, society's broken and it's only gonna get worse.
I'm sorely nostalgic for a time when I wasn't even alive.

No. 29064>>29074>>29075>>29079>>29085>>29086

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No. 29065>>29074>>29079>>29084>>29086

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No. 29074

>tumblr feminists are just a bunch of jealous and petty insecure retards
How is this surprising to anyone.

No. 29075

These whales are so butthurt, cry harder femishits.

No. 29079>>29091>>29223

Wow, this lady is awesome. What's her insta? I'm impressed..

No. 29082

oh boy.
Honest question: do any of you support anita sarkeesian or do you think her arguments (which she claims are a statement of fact, any debate about this would be denial of objective truth as she is clearly an expert in video game sexism and sexism can be scientifically proven and measured)are credible in any way?

No. 29084

Almost impossible to attain portrait of womanhood? Uhhh no.

An otherwise very confident person? I don't believe that. This person got 495 points for this?

No. 29085>>29091

Ok but what if she actually likes dressing and acting this way?

No. 29086

This is precisely why I'm not a feminist.

No. 29091

No idea. I found this on /pol/ long time ago and saved it for baiting SJWs purposes and because this indeed look beautiful.

The same point looking like guys you post in "who do you fap to" threads has. To look great for your partner. Do you think most males would wear those stylish clothes, care about their hair so much and workout for aesthetic purposes just for themselves? Plaid shirt and cargo pants are much more comfy, but if I had woman like in that pic doing so much for me, I'd feel like shit if I wasn't doing as much for her.

>tfw I call my friend "m'lady" and she calls me "m'lord" unironically, just because we like it and it feels special

I wish I could do this with future gf

No. 29092>>29093

I agree with you.
I just wish people could afford the housewife and working dad lifestyle. I mean parents nowadays are too busy working, they dont give any attention to their kids so they become stupid.
I dont think feminism is needed in america nor canada nor want it.

No. 29093>>29095>>29098>>29208

Being a house wife seems like a terrible existence imo . I think only a really lazy ass bitch with no goals would want that life.

No. 29094

Im not a feminist because they force women to be feminists. No is no. I decided to be anti-feminist. Im not "Lost in the patriarchy" or whatever. Im fine being a woman

No. 29095>>29097

No, it seems amazing. Housewives work much more than selfish working moms lol
Im sorry but women who are housewives are caring and educate their children and most of them have a college degree

No. 29097>>29100>>29109>>29208>>29210

Because you're lazy. I can't see how a non-lazy person would enjoy that. Doing the same thing every fucking day, can't go out and travel when you want, can't see friends often, sit inside being bored all day, because you have kids around you can only do kiddish activities. It seems pretty dreary unless the woman is super rich and has her Mexican nanny do all the work for her.

No. 29098


My brother's ex-wife was keen on having kids and being a housewife and it was pretty obvious she was under the impression that it was going to be cushy and super-easy.

There are good and bad reasons to do anything, and the people with bad reasons tend to be bad at doing them.

No. 29100>>29101>>29104

Housewives can see their friends. Yourr the reason why i hate feminists. Workibg moms are shit. They dont give any attention to their children nor anyone. They go to slutty parties and act like working is hard and bawwww about it and shit other women. Fuck off. Housewives are not lazy. Theyre amazing and i know tons of mwomen who are housewives. And it doesnt create brokem families.
Both parents working is disgusting and unhealthy

No. 29101

Im sorry for typos

No. 29104>>29110>>29111

What exactly are house wives useful for after a kid reaches the age of 13?at that point in your life you'd really almost be doing nothing. My friend has a typical set up like that his mom is a stay at home mom and the dad works, all the kids are teens now-young adults so she pretty much naps all day and the dad is working until he retires.

No. 29109>>29112

Not always. If you want to have beautiful house like in pic then you have to care about it. You don't have to do the same thing every day (besides it's not like you don't do the same thing every day in most jobs), you can take childreen somewhere (aka travel to close cities/lakes/forests, and on vacations or weekends somewhere farther with whole family, including working husband), you can have hobbies like painting, knitting, clothes making/mod/whatever, sculpture, gardening (and creative hobbies give much more satisfaction than passive-consuming ones like watching TV). We have dishwashers, laundry machines, cooking robots, microwaves for a reason - to make your housework easier so you could have more time for self development, or take better care about childreen, hourse or yourself. Because men love when you're beautiful.

No. 29110

That's the time when you can go make fucking career you crave for so much. Or take better care for house, find hobbies insetad of taking naps or something. Usually boring people are bored the most.

No. 29111>>29114>>29116

what the fuck? So you think kids age at 13 are mature and dont need help anymore?

No. 29112>>29113>>29115

Ya this is why I said it's a perfect life style for a lazy ass ho. She can have all the free time to do her own hobbies and its 2015 so she doesn't really have to clean anything and she can just buy some premade dinner.
But I couldn't live like that, I need my freedom. I guess if the guy is extremely rich being a stay at home mom would be fun.

No. 29113

She cleans, she educates her children, she has hobbies, she cooks.
Im sorry but no. Working mom is the lazy life. All you do is work on a shitty job lmao youre embarassing. And then feminists wonder why most people hate them

No. 29114>>29117

Not as much at that point. The only thing you'd need to do is make sure they have food. At 13 they can clean up their own rooms, they have their own friends and they won't want or need to be around you, they can make their own meals when they're hungry, entertain themselves. A kid needs a mom but as the teen years come a long they aren't going to need you 24/7.

No. 29115>>29118

Also, the guy works a lot.
Both parents do efforts. The guy is probably rich because HE WORKED FOR IT.

No. 29116>>29119

Don't fall into opposite extreme. Firstly, kids at that age are often rebelious anyway. Secondly, history proved that teenagers aren't as helpless as we think today. in medieval times age of adulthood was something around 15 iirc, in Europe in the countryside such 13-14yo teens help in harvest or cattlecare, working alongside adults, before child rights and other stuff they were working in factories and mines, in eastern Europe during world wars they were participating in uprisings and killing invaders. Letting them off the leash is healthy for their creativity and social development. You just have to have contact with your childreen like having dinners together, be supportive in case of real troubles (boys fighting every now and then isn't real problem), watching if they aren't getting into some thug culture shit etc.

No. 29117

They still need supervision lol you think its easy?

No. 29118>>29122

I'm sorry lazy ass but your husband will most likely be middle class. You can forget you dream of sitting on your ass all day, baking cakes and spending all your husbands money at the mall.

No. 29119>>29120>>29128

"Letting them off"
Thats what happened and look at all he retarded teens we have because of shitty parents that dont give a shit about their teens

No. 29120>>29124

At that point in their life they're not going to listen to anything you say anyway lol

Kids start distancing themselves from their mothers around middle school.

No. 29122>>29125

Youre hilarious. Keep working a shitty job thinking its hard work lmao at least i educate my child, clean and cook and have hobbies. Keep bawwing at men who worked for being rich because "men are so privileged aw"

No. 29124>>29125

They still need supervision. Parents who dont care about their teens have create broken families. Thats how tons of tumblrinas were created

No. 29125

they need supervision but what will be your use besides watching them and giving him/her and their friends a ride to the mall?that must be soooo hard.
Taking care of babies is hard work, probably even harder for single moms who are forced to work. While all you do all day is sit at home, play in makeup, bake and have brunches with your friends.

No. 29128>>29131

That's because in those homes there even are no things I mentioned in previous post. I come from divorced family wth one parent gone, and second working all day. Our contact is really bad, my mother told me many times that we're living under one roof, but she realized she doesn't know shit about me. After all those years my family completly broke. Families of my parents were the way I described and they were great. My father was just taking load of bread with him and disappearing with friends for a whole day/returning only for family dinner and bong withing his side of family as a teen is still strong. Basically when he was a child, grandparents cared for him they way you think, when he was teenager, he was going out for whole days, but still had contact with his parents in form of eating dinners and suppers together and doing harvest related work, then when the rebelious teenage period ended, he was supporting his old parents.

I and my brother on the other hand lost father due to divorce when we were small and our mother worked all day in 2 jobs to care about us. We had food, PCs and other shit, but there was no real bond, because she was only working and sleeping, and we were just heating dinner in the microwave and eating in front of PC or TV alone. Now brother fucked off somewhere and we don't even know where he is, and I'm still at home helping her, but I so often get annoyed at her and wonder if I even love her. I don't want my childreen to have such shit childhood, but I was teenager as well, I know the story of my parents families and I know that at certain age kids need just a bit of support. Of course they need it, but it's not that much. By protecting them from EVERYTHING you create losers, the kind of people you can find on /r9k/ - people who didn't have to work their lives, who never played with other kids so they can't even talk to girl.

No. 29131>>29141

>Of course they need it, but it's not that much. By protecting them from EVERYTHING you create losers, the kind of people you can find on /r9k/

I haven't seen any stats, but I would be INCREDIBLY surprised if the vast majority of /r9k/ posters were raised by anything other than single mothers.

No. 29141

Funny you mention it, there was poll on /r9k/ and like over a half or something were coming from single mother houses, the rest was scattered in other options, with single father homes being the smallest %.

I know such broken families create losers because I was one. I worked hard for 2 years to get out of this shit mentality, but bitterness and anti-social mentality remained. Now I'm attracted only to girls as hateful towards society, especially the partying YOLO part, as I am, which is hard because most try to fit in into this whole party and crazygurl lifestyle. And those sluts give me looks of interest because I stand my ground, don't fuck around and don't give attention to them. Actually, most of fucked up people I know come from either broken homes, or from rich as fuck homes when they never had childhood because of additional classes and overcare from parents which spoiled them.

No. 29191>>29202

>to do anything

You have it backwards which leads to dumblr theory.

It should be: man nor woman are entitled to anything

No. 29202>>29207

That's egalitarian m8

No. 29207

Which is the purpose of feminism.

Dumblr theory comes in when you think you have to be treated like X or people should talk to you like X or etc. Which is wrong. Which is nice, everybody likes a gentleman. But its an extra, not something you can cash in or demand.

No. 29208>>29212

I guess I am just a lazy good-for-nothing. Isn't caring for and raising a family a worthy goal? How about love? I have these terrible nurturing instincts that I wish I could have an outlet for, but alas, it isn't the right time for children.

No. 29210>>29211

Was your mom lazy? Have been responsible for a home? I don't mean just doing the dishes and laundry or whatever, but actually keeping it clean and maintaining it? How about in addition to taking care of and picking up after children and preparing a home-cooked meal for the hubby by time he gets home? I haven't, but I'm not under the illusion that its smooth sailing.

No. 29211>>29214

Nope my mom wasnt lazy supported a whole family on her own and I wouldn't want that life but I also wouldn't want to be a stay at home mom and I'm saying this as a man.

No. 29212>>29213

It is.

Having a family its one of my personal goals.
He's just a shallow consumerist. He probably have a shitty relationship with his family

No. 29213>>29216

You're biggest goal in life is popping out babies because it's probably the only thing you can do right. But people should do whatever they want in life, I'm just saying that kind of life seems boring as hell.

No. 29214>>29215

Oh. Well, I'd surprised if you did, lol

No. 29215>>29216>>29217>>29219

Many men would be stay at home dads if they could. if a woman is stupid and is a failure she can just latch on to a man but there is no safety net for men.

No. 29216

It's okay if you think it's boring. It's still my dream.
It's not the popping out babies that I want; it's the rest after that that's important. I don't know if anyone can really say how to raise a child 'right' or if I can.
I know all about female privilege and all that. I'm sorry.

No. 29217

You said stay-at-home mom, hence my surprise.

No. 29219

Actually, lot of men are conflicted. On one hand many jobs just require our male features and we know that this shit needs to be done and we have to do it, otherwise everything will go to shit + perception of women as some angelic creatures you don't want to throw into garbage jobs + some of us actually like being "hero" who provides for his family, is head of the "tribe" and lead family through the life.
On the other hand though it would sure be fun to play games with kids, teach your son how to repair stuff at home, cook with daughter or for jokes try to intimidate her new boyfriend she brings home and then play cards or goof around together later.

But do lot of women actually want men who don't work? Looking at all the "he must be ambitious" etc, I doubt.

No. 29223

No. 29522>>29528>>29615>>29634>>29637>>29657

lmao all the future stepford wives in this post, good luck trying to support your kids on a single income when he leaves you! with divorce rates being what they are i understand why women don't want to be stay at home moms.

No. 29528>>29554

That's not going to happen because I am a pure kawaii waifu and not a skanky ho.

No. 29554

>>am a pure kawaii waifu

And that might be the reason he leaves or cheats on you lol

No. 29615>>29657>>46225

I have a degree so if anything I will be able to get a job.

No. 29631

I seriously think there's something wrong with the 3rd wave feminism. Most of them actually support Islam and never criticize its chauvinistic features such as FGM, forced veiling, child marriages, woman's worth being always half of that of a man's etc. I've never met a modern feminist who didn't go apeshit over criticizing the sexist parts of the Islam faith, but they sure love to whine about Christianity and especially the ban on protected sex and abortions while in Islam those would never be allowed either.

No. 29634

r9k is invading, and wants pure stay-at-home waifus

No. 29637

You sound like a feminist. Feminists are the ones who look down at other women for being mothers, housewives or anything they consider to be 'lower', hell, I've even seen feminists look down at others for cooking their own meals.

Fuck off back to dumblr you useless fat lump. Not everyone is soulless and boring like you. Not everyone needs to dye their hair red to be relevant.

No. 29657>>46225

Not gonna happen because firstly, most divorces are initiated by women, not men, secondly, there're much more safety nets for women because whole civilization, not just other women, care about you (actually I think if shit hit the fan, men would actually care more, I rarely saw women helping each other in really hard times in a form other than saying some stuff like "don't cry, everything will be ok, he was dick and didn't deserve you anyway", regardless who was there to blame), thirdly this >>29615. At the expense of giving birth at best biological times you have even more security now. If you sacrificed such important thing in the first place, at least make use of thing you got instead, which is education and better job qualifications. It's really funny that those women who hate the other lifestyles most, usually hate dependant lifestyle, yet, they never want to get rid of safety benefits designed for their sex and rarely respond to women who can easily switch between career and housecare while not doing both or picking only "the evil choice". They are the most independant, not hateful corpo-rats.

No. 29732

I'm a feminist, and i personally love feminist litterature. Funny to see how some thinkgs called out by Beauvoir in the 40's haven't changed quite right now… Not saying that nothin good happened, thank god.

No. 29735>>29737

i work in a nursing home for the elderly and I know you guys think the 50s were a glory time but most of my patients(white females) seem bitter. All they did with their lives was graduate high school, maybe have a little job at a grocery store and then went off to get married. A lot of them never even left their own state or even visited another country. a lot of them seem empty with a lot of regrets.

No. 29737>>29747

And yet polls and researches state that women are less happy now (and at much younger age) than they were back then. Most women are just never fully satisfied no matter what, but back then they were more satisfied than now. Google "Women less happy than before" and you'll get lot of results. They are depressed after 60-70 years of life, women today are unhappy after just fucking 30-40. Also I also wouldn't be as happy being abandoned in fucking nursing home by my family, shitting under myself and knowing I'll die soon.

No. 29747>>29762

Whats most likely making women unhappy these days is men. Because I read regardless of demographic(except black women they have gotten happier, and who would be shocked by that?) they're all miserable.
" First, since 1972, women's overall level of happiness has dropped, both relative to where they were forty years ago, and relative to men. You find this drop in happiness in women regardless of whether they have kids, how many kids they have, how much money they make, how healthy they are, what job they hold, whether they are married, single or divorced, how old they are, or what race they are. (The one and only exception: African-American women are now slightly happier than they were back in 1972, although they remain less happy than African American men.) "

No. 29762>>29763

Or just higher expectations fueled by shitty TV series where people straight from uni get cozy job in the office, high salary, almost no problems and the ones people get are easily solved, then real life kicks in and they discover it's not true. And parents seem to not care much about teaching how real life looks, insetad they are coddling and spoiling their childreen. No wonder people are depressed when they have no basic skills needed in life. Men as well are fucked up by this and complain about lack of jobs and stuff. Jobs are, but not the ones they want to do. They don't want to work at assembly lines or collect trash. Immigrants flock to those jobs.

No. 29763>>29764>>46224

Studies show men are happier than women now but they were more unhappy than women before 1972. Maybe because they don't have that pressure to be a bread winner and have some leech woman suck the life out of him.

No. 29764

Maybe. Or just games and stuff give them happiness. I guess it would need further research.

No. 29775

The funny thing is that @MeninistTweet is a fake account set up by feminists to make fun of this bullshit.

No. 46152>>46160>>46226

well Im over tumblr feminism I know. I find it really isolating how all they talk about is sex, sex work and kinky shit. dont care for how tran trans and even gay men have taken over the topic of all serious feminist discussions either. I just hopped off all together. you have to be a very specific kind of woman (a thot) for this brand of feminism to mean anything to you.

No. 46160>>46226>>46246

tumblr's brand of feminism is liberal feminism and it's stupid, and worthless, and only appeals to actually retarded individuals. see: gender queer, teenage girls, etc

No. 46161>>46169>>46219

>There was a board about traditionalism for girls on 8chan
Oh, you mean /tradfem/? The board that was made by guys pretending to be women?

No. 46169

File (hide): 1447018248804.png (2.86 KB, 203x210, bow.png)

I went to /tradfem/ and saw videos of submissive guys eating their own shit. Never going there again.

No. 46219

>/pol/ still butthurt their roleplaying board was posted to /pt/
>when there are threads over on /tradfem/ openly discussing plans to raid/infiltrate tumblr


No. 46224

If that's the case it's because they've successfully secured an existence in which they have all the respect with now 0 responsibilities. Basically like being coddled by mommy except well into their 40s. And the more they're given, the more "oppressed" they feel.

No. 46225

>anyone hiring a mommy with no prior job experience
ebin kek
>because whole civilization, not just other women, care about you
apex kek

No. 46226>>46268>>46275

Are you radical feminists?

No. 46246>>46273

i'm not aware of any branch of liberal feminism that espouses white guilt

No. 46268

No. 46269

I recently watched a PBS documentary about the Mosuo, a Chinese ethnic minority that is apparently one of the last matriarchal/matrilineal societies in the world. They don't marry or celebrate birthdays.

No. 46273

radical feminism don't mean white guilt when they say intersectional, it's the intersection of racism and misogyny that black women especially suffer from. white guilt isn't required to recognize this?

No. 46275

See, I'd say no, I'm not, because to be a radical feminist you have to be an activist, and I'm not. Radical feminism doesn't believe every woman is inherently a feminist, and not all women's choices are inherently feminist, either.

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