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File (hide): 1531034689920.jpg (102.22 KB, 736x895, decor.jpg)

No. 266502

Any other anons into home decor and have any tips/advice? Cheap brands with good quality for furniture or decor in general?

I've recently moved into a new place abruptly since my landlord wanted his house back and I've been feeling quite unmotivated and not in the best of mood when I'm in my own home. I think it may be due to the lack of decoration and matching furniture in my home - especially my room.

A navy blue wall, lavender bed sheets, dark brown shelves, light brown desk, orange/brown lamp, etc etc. It's so mismatched and I hate it.

I'm not made out of money sadly and I really do want to redecorate my room at least. I plan on heading to goodwill tomorrow and seeing if there's any decent furniture I can grab and maybe fix up. Places like IKEA, Bed, Bath and beyond, and other brands are places I would love to shop at but don't have the largest budget.

No. 266575

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i would recommend checking out some thrift stores or second hand furniture spots. obviously its gonna differ from place to place, but i've actually been able to get a decently matching set of furniture (not intentionally) from these types of places. and a lot of the furniture i have/have seen is older (circa 60s and 70s) and it actually holds up super well. if you find a table or a chair or something you like but there is one thing wrong with it, you can always paint it, sand it, etc. i dont know what sort of time frame you were looking at, because depending on whats in the stores it may take a little time to build up a cohesive set, but it is definitely doable!

No. 270483>>270502>>270513>>270531>>270546>>270551>>270558>>270568>>270593>>270608>>270609>>270619>>297171

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What do you guys think about my shitty ms paint unfinished room idea so far?

No. 270502

where are you going to store stuff?

No. 270513>>270677

This looks like your squatting somewhere carrying out your plan to assassinate the president

No. 270531

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You REALLY need to fire your architect >>270483

No. 270546

Unironically the room I want to have, right down to the poster of Frankenstein's monster.

No. 270551

I hope everyone who keeps their mattress on the floor like some uncivilised cretin knows that it needs to be aired out and flipped regularly. Shit gets moldy

No. 270558>>270560>>270604

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add succulents

No. 270560>>270580

it's cute but it needs to stay looking EXACTLY LIKE THIS because if just a little bit of clutter accumulates it's going to look like a hovel due to the lack of furniture which is why i'm concerned where anon is going to store all of her non-aesthetic stuff, assuming she doesn't have other rooms to store it in.

No. 270568>>270583>>270600

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what the fuck, anon? what are those pink things on the bed? and what are the things beside the bed? what is up with the computer chair? what is that green blob on the little sticking up desk thing? and why are the walls completely plain apart from a huge poster of frankenstein?

No. 270580>>270598

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besides storage, maybe it would be less hovel looking if she had a real bed with a nice minimalist frame? the mattress on the floor thing makes rooms look horribly messy imo, plus ouch your back

No. 270583

its called decor look it up (no im shitting myself too lol what is this iconic minimalist look my dudes)

for legits though maybe add the bride of frankenstein next to it, she's bangin & it'll add to the area. also maybe get a bedframe? a nice low wood one (even a cheap diy pallet bed could look sick) trust me, an un-airated/ventilated mattress is gonna cause you problems in the long run. as anon said defs invest in a better chair. some led lamps/strip lighting could add a nice effect and can be picked up cheap, even those battery operated copper lights could work nicely (stuff them in a mason jar/bottle and pop them on the windowsill next to the succulents, would look super pretty).
also stick to a colour scheme!! pull up a pantone/colour chart online and have a gander, stick to 3-4 not including white but dont go overboard, make sure they harmonise.
also if you can invest in some cheap screw-in ceiling hooks you can hang some glass succulent vases etc. above the desk and whatnot. i suggest a fair bit of greenery to enhance the space.
sorry if this is incoherent lol. also pinterest is a godsend for this shit (but never for tattoos fam you're better than that)

No. 270593

Get a bed.
The mattress on the floor thing is grotty and it will end up damp and mouldy. Don’t live like a squatter.

No. 270598>>270604

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Its supposed to be this bed, again shitty ms paint lol

No. 270600>>270604>>270668>>270677

File (hide): 1532257800630.jpeg (30.84 KB, 570x562, 203F87DA-2655-4AAF-ABB6-C46A79…)

>> unfinished
>> shitty
>> made on ms paint

Oh the green thing is a bulbasaur pot

No. 270604>>270605

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No. 270605>>270606

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No. 270606>>270607

That chair is not going to work as a computer chair at all. It's way too low and won't let you sit up straight

No. 270607

Can you rec something similar looking that does?
Not super expensive if possible

No. 270608

i lol'd so fucking hard. this is your ideal place? anon, i don't get any of this. i understand having a budget, but you can make shit happen with the same amount of money this would cost and not have it look like a drug den

No. 270609>>270610

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Heres some inspo for you anon

No. 270610>>270611

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No. 270611>>270612

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No. 270612

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No. 270613

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No. 270619>>270620>>270640

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No. 270620

>What are you waiting for anon? It ain't gonna suck itself.

No. 270640

This is a nice set up too i kekd at the cute funny rilakkuma.

Anyway will post when i have decorated my room then u guys can rate it

No. 270668

wow haha i never would have guessed that, its very adorable though

No. 270677>>270687

fucking kek

This is actually adorable. Where can you find them?

No. 270687

No. 297171

I came here 1 month later to laugh at you.

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