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No. 255053

> Have you ever tried going to a club?
> What is your go to outfit for clubbing/parties?
>what type of clubs do you go to?
>going to a club by yourself Y/N?

Horror stories appreciated.

I checked the catalog but couldn’t find a thread on normie parties / socialising in public.

No. 255055>>255075

> Have you ever tried going to a club?

No. 255063

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>Have you ever tried going to a club?
Yes, several times. I had a huge falling out with a friend so I haven't been going to them recently. And tbh clubs and the whole experience can get old pretty quick too.

>What is your go to outfit for clubbing/parties?

Something like pic related but less revealing. I always bring a blouse to wrap around my waist too.

>what type of clubs do you go to?

I love EDM so dance clubs for me.

>going to a club by yourself Y/N?

Never. Too many creeps in those places, it's safer to go with friends and have a better experience in general. Sometimes even friends won't be enough to keep the agressive ones away, it sucks. It's nice to have friends to take care of you if you drink to much too so definitely go with someone. I've already thought about going alone and spending time with cute guys without my friends being judgmental about it but it's not worth the risk of getting grabbed by pushy neanderthals.

No. 255067

I never went to one. I don't know anyone who wants to go clubbing and I feel like it's weird going alone, without friends. I know people who are shocked when I tell them I never went to a club in my entire life so I don't know if it's weird or not.

No. 255068

I went to a club twice, I kinda liked it but only because I enjoy dancing with a lot of other people, if I never go clubbing ever again I'd be okay.

No. 255071

Underground outdoor festivals all the way!

We hold some events in clubs but the behavior of the normie crowd that attends is sometimes barely tolerable.

No. 255075

No. 255076

God, clubbing is so awful. I love drinking at bars and pubs but I just cannot enjoy myself at clubs, you can't hear each other talk, it's crowded, it's theoretically good for hooking up but it's always the last thing I wanna do when I get there. The only fun part is dancing with your friends but it's an expensive and tedious night out for something I could do in a more productive dance class.

I tend to dress pretty conservatively when I go out. I have very consistent comfort levels - meaning I dress up in daily life when everyone else is dressed down, and dress down when I go out and everyone is dressed up. My style is the same level of dressy at all times, shit I've worn clubbing I could legit wear to my office job.

No. 255081

I'm pretty antisocial and also incredibly boring, so clubbing definitely isn't my scene. Idk. If I wanna hang out with friends or whatever, I think I prefer doing more intimate things where it's just us doing goofy shit that we find legitimately enjoyable like playing dnd or watching movies.

No. 255084

I'm not a party animal but I sometimes do clubbing, even though I'm an introvert and a generally awkward person. I would go more often but it consumes too much money for my poor ass. But I do enjoy myself, I love dancing like there's no tomorrow in a crowd and I almost physically need it from time to time. There's something liberating in it. I don't get like super wasted and certainly not looking for hookups, I just have fun with my girlfriends, occasionally I let some cute boy dance with me. Never been groped or bothered etc, the only bad thing that happened to me was when they released the smoke right into me and it suffocated me badly, had to run out of the club.
But I wouldn't recommend going alone. Especially if you're a ball of awkwardness like me. A good friend will rescue you from any uncomfortable situations and won't let you wander off with some dude when you had a drink too much. Will keep an eye for you drink, you can split taxi/beer money, be more safe in general.

No. 255116

I went to a club once like 6 years ago. There was a paint and foam party. It quickly got very crazy and i got crushed up against the stage on the dance floor. Some greaseball started grabbing my tits and trying to rip my shirt off and I was freaking the fuck out. Luckily my friend managed to get between us and pull me out but I was crying like a bitch. We left pretty quickly after that.

Definitely not my cup of tea and I’ve never wanted to go to a club since. I still feel dirty when I think back to that night.

No. 255117

> Have you ever tried going to a club?
I went around 10-15 times. Being German means that thanks to our loose laws I was pressured to "dress up, go out and have fun!" since I was just 16.
> What is your go to outfit for clubbing/parties?
I'm a bit prudish and a fromer ana-chan, so I always just wore black skinny jeans with a blouse or nice top, sometimes a skirt. My friends usually wore a cute dress and heels though. Makeupwise I'm shit, I once even went without any at all.
> What type of clubs do you go to?
Just regular ones, but once we went to some type of reggae club and everybody was stoned which was hell…
> Going to a club by yourself Y/N?

Horror stories:
I don't really have any, besides (always) feeling extremely uncomfortable, since I can't dance and therefore just stand there awkwardly. I much prefer bars, some of them are super comfy, but sadly I haven't been to one in forever, because I lost contact with most of my friends.

No. 255130

Can't say I've ever enjoyed a club without being on drugs or drunk, ditto for bars.

They're objectively not fun places if you're sober. the drugs and drinking make the shit conditions tolerable (crowded, hot, noisy, filthy, judgey). If I want to listen to EDM I could just listen at home or get a concert ticket.

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