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No. 252873

A thread for dance related videos and discussions. Post about any type of dancing and music you like, dancehall, classical, swing, whatever. Also kpop routines as long as there isn't any sperging on kpop artists (leave that for the kpop threads).

No. 252920>>252937>>252974

I like en pointe ballet, im pretty good at it too and taught ballet for a bit, I wish there were more ballet auditions i can try out for and I don't have the body for ballet :(

No. 252937

What about trying out for contemporary dancing? A lot of it use classical technics. Do you know if contemporary companies have the same strict body proportions requirements like in ballet?

No. 252974

I wish I could do pointe again, I did about a decade ago but there's just not enough class time for me to get strong enough since I'm an adult now.

No. 255515

I love this one

No. 255516

More Lindy Hop

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