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No. 24729

who LINE PLAY here??

No. 24743

Everyone, since the queen is on it.

No. 24805>>24987

I do, but I stopped after a few months so I could switch the app to my tablet since it took up too much space. And now I rarely go on it because I'm too lazy to switch devices.

No. 24987>>25016

what is it for anyway? is it just for dressups or like gaiaonline

No. 25016>>25713

It's like if a dress up game, jfash, gaiatowns had a baby.
And then the baby was sold to LINE for whatever reason.
But on a serious note, you start off with character (boy, girl, animal), and you basically decorate your room however you want, and you can also dress up your character.
The social aspects is that it has journals people can read what you said/updated, chat rooms with different topics, world's you can meet different people, and you can PM your friends.
Probably someone else can explain better.

No. 25681

I do for our queen. But I also don't want to be found by fellow farmers so I can continue to sperg anonymously.

No. 25713

Sounds kinda fun

No. 25716

I do. Its basically just mobile ameba pigg tho

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