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No. 2455647

From wikipedia:
>Avoidant personality disorder (AvPD), or anxious personality disorder, is a cluster C personality disorder characterized by excessive social anxiety and inhibition, fear of intimacy (despite an intense desire for it), severe feelings of inadequacy and inferiority, and an overreliance on avoidance of feared stimuli (e.g., self-imposed social isolation) as a maladaptive coping method. Those affected typically display a pattern of extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation and rejection, a belief that one is socially inept or personally unappealing to others, and avoidance of social interaction despite a strong desire for it.
Do you have avpd? You can talk about your struggles here.

No. 2455655

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No. 2455660>>2455765

I have avoidant tendencies but I also hate male avoidants

No. 2455672>>2455707>>2456157

I wish i was a cluster b, fuckers get all the attention from mental health services, and they manage to have pretty cool lives. Normies deal better with cluster b because they actually interact with the world/people around them, and its easier to relate to them than to an avoidant.

No. 2455688

I'm interested in getting tested for AVPD since most of it fits me to a T. I'm not sure if I'm simply anxious or have an avoidant attachment style, I tend to isolate a lot.

No. 2455690>>2455832

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posting this for other nonnas that may be curious

No. 2455703>>2455736

We already have a PD thread.

No. 2455707

Same. Nobody likes the weird autist who doesn't talk. It's not even because they hate you, even if they want to give you a chance they become depressed seeing such a depressing creature and become emotionally exhausted.

No. 2455729>>2455836

Do you think its a nature thing or a nurture thing? For me, it was the latter. I had issues as far back as 2nd/3rd grade, but I think it started to really hit me emotionally in middle school.

No. 2455736

If we have a BPD thread and an OCD thread we can have an AVPD thread.

No. 2455765

Every self proclaimed avoidant I've met basically just seems to use it as an excuse to be an asshole to others especially if they're male

No. 2455832

Biggest I'm on this photo and I don't like it. I have been refusing to accept I'm very likely to be ND and gaslighting myself with "It's because I couldn't be around people when I was lityle due to [ABC], I just need to be socialized like a dog :)", but it probably goes much deeper than that, even a part of that reasoning is because how fucking autistic I am and was.
I really wish I could go to a psychologist, but I can't pay those $70-100 per visit and social security only gives you therapy if you try to kill yourself and a family member snatches and tells your doc.
AVPD and autism are running my life. Family members think I hate them, I only have a single irl friend, when I try or want to talk to others it ALWAYS goes badly because I fucked up some unspoken rule I'm unaware of, I can't get a job because I don't know how to do anything and interviews always go wrong anyways. Even on the internet I can't talk to others. Some people were kind enough to ask for my Discord because I seem nice (I scream to the void a lot) but I keep refusing their invitations and it makes me want to die every time right after I hit send and realize I keep avoiding everything because I don't know how to hold conversations and I'm scared of 1-1 talk, specially written (which is much harder than simply speaking imo)
I have no money, no friends and everyone thinks I'm failure (this isn't made-up, I have overheard how my parents talk about me to others). I honestly don't want to live anymore.(emoji)

No. 2455836

Nature for me. I never had any problems with my family or bullying or anything, but as long as I can remember I've always been completely unable to deal with people. It's gotten a lot worse as I've gotten older though, I fucked my entire life up by isolating from everyone and turning down every opportunity I was given.

No. 2455840

God why can’t we have a suicidal ideation thread at this point, where the fuck are my fellow suicidal homies

No. 2455845>>2455868>>2455898>>2455904>>2455975

Is there a difference between AvPD and covert narcissism? They seem to share a lot of major features, especially with the extreme sensitivity, need to be liked, thinking of oneself as exceptionally broken, being easily embarrassed, being most concerned with how they appear to others (as if everyone is constantly watching them), etc.

No. 2455868>>2455897

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Here's an answer I got from google.

No. 2455878>>2455893

I mostly avoid making friends because I’m scared of people saving screenshots of things I say

No. 2455893

I hate how common this shit is nowadays

No. 2455897

>creating distance to control and punish you
Ah so this is why every woman becomes t. narc when they set a boundary or leave

No. 2455898

I think with AVPD they want to be liked but their anxiety prevents them from truly connecting. For NPD, they want to be admired and fawned over, it's hard to explain but as someone who has had both very avoidant and anxious friendships vs a true and real NPD person who was my "friend" but treated me like shit after I was no longer useful, yes there's a difference.

No. 2455904>>2455910>>2455953

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Most content about covert narcissism online is extremely clickbaity which makes me skeptical of how legitimate it is, it's not even an official classification or anything. But looking at one proposed measurement scale of covert narcissism, I can definitely relate to many aspects of it (idk if that makes me a narcissist or just an asshole kek). I guess one difference seems to be the assumption that a narcissist feels they deserve and are entitled to better while someone with AVPD is convinced of their inferiority.

No. 2455910>>2455941

A person without any narcissistic qualities would probably be a huge pushover and not achieve very much in life

No. 2455941

You can have a healthy "narcissistic" personality style, e.g. liking accomplishing goals, wanting success, take good care of yourself, like materialistic things, but to a healthy degree. It's disordered when it gets well, out of hand

No. 2455953

That scale is bs. Most people would identify with most of things on there. Who isn't going to "resent others who have what I lack". If you acknowledge that you have trouble forming relationships because of your anxiety, self-esteem, lack of social skills, congrats, probably not a narcissist. If you think you can't maintain relationships because everyone else is a selfish asshole who refuses to acknowledge your greatness, congrats you are a narcissist.

No. 2455975

>Is there a difference between AvPD & covert narcissism?
Yeah. AvPD is an actual real mental illness with clinical support and decades of research. Covert narcissism is a concept introduced by self-help gurus with no psychological background to sell self-help books and courses.

No. 2456001>>2456110

What is the difference between AVPD and severe anxiety/agoraphobia? Is the former more deep or ingrained or something

No. 2456110>>2456116>>2456141

>Is the former more deep or ingrained or something?
Yes. The major difference is that people with AvPD think they are garbage people and no one will ever like them and avoid the vast majority of social situations. People with anxiety disorders can recognize that the situations that trigger their anxiety will not actually result in derision and mockery from everyone there and that their anxiety is an overreaction and not rational. And they only avoid the few specific situations that trigger their anxiety.

AVPD and social anxiety disorder share many symptoms and characteristics. However, there are some subtle differences.

AVPD is a personality disorder, and social anxiety disorder is an anxiety disorder. People with social anxiety disorder are aware they have amplified and irrational fears of social situations, but people with AVPD rationalize their fears of criticism and rejection.

AVPD and social anxiety disorder have different driving factors. Negative self-evaluation drives AVPD, and high anxiety levels drive social anxiety disorder. People with AVPD are more likely to avoid all aspects of social interaction, whereas people with social anxiety disorder typically avoid specific activities.

No. 2456116>>2456138>>2456183

Nta but do people with avpd use social media? If someone online claims to have avpd are they telling the truth?

No. 2456123

I probably have this RIP, not going to the shrink again though we will raw dog.

No. 2456138>>2456149

If they do, expect an empty or abandoned profile, maybe even a fake name or constantly erasing and remaking so nobody can contact them. They probably use it, but not to interact with others (Pinterest, Tumblr, Tiktok, places where you don't necessarily need to share your life with real people but can still interact with your hobbies come to mind)

No. 2456141

>AVPD and social anxiety disorder share many symptoms and characteristics. However, there are some subtle differences.
Could you maybe explain more of it?

No. 2456149>>2457088

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>i do this
uh oh i thought that was normal..

No. 2456157

If it makes you feel any better I wish I could blow up cluster Bs with my mind

No. 2456173

Having avpd and autism is a match made in hell. I avoid talking to random people because i am paranoid that i can't talking freely and that i constantly have to censor myself and my thoughts to avoid accidentally offending someone or making them question wtf is wrong with me. I'd rather people hate me for being standoffish rather than they hate me for the person that i am. However, i always hide who i am in front of people, i feel like i don't have a true identity. I don't and have never had friends as an adult or a teenager i could be myself and open with. I also don't think i could ever be intimate with anyone in my whole life time either since i refuse to let my guard down around anyone.

No. 2456183

>If someone online claims to have avpd are they telling the truth?
I think they may be telling the truth but it depends on how frequently they use it and for what reason. Least severe cases may just use it for work or school out of necessity. It also depends on how normie the person's life is, how much support they get, and if they have some comorbidity.

No. 2456187

I feel so pathetic when it hurts. It shouldn't hurt, I'm a grown woman, who the fuck cares, its not even really the case, I don't think anybody really gives a fuck and if they do then does it matter? Aren't I being paranoid? But it still hurts so bad.

No. 2456201>>2456221

Does anyone else have psychosomatic reactions to strong emotions? When im upset my jaw tends to lock itself and I can’t speak, i also had an episode where my mom was screaming at me and I momentarily lost my hearing and nearly fainted. Could this possibly be related?

No. 2456221

Those can all be connected. I knew a girl in college who was so stressed from schoolwork that she temporarily went blind.

No. 2456277

Years of being avoidant have made me totally incapable of having conversation with another human. Even if I wanted to speak to someone else, I can't. I can force myself past the anxiety and shaking and whatever comes with it more or less all right, but when I open my mouth to make noise what comes out is almost incomprehensible. Even just talking to my mom I'm always faced with her misunderstanding what I'm trying to say and I don't blame her because when I translate my thoughts into speech it comes out like a dyslexic reading out loud. And that's the rare moments where I can actually say something, most of the time I literally cannot find a single word to speak.
I've had two job interviews since september and I succeeded in bombing them both like this. I've been told to bullshit my way through them, act confident, etc but that all falls through when the interviewer asks you a question and your brain draws a full blank again and again and if there by some miracle does happen to be a question you can answer, it comes out sounding like nervous sleep talk between "uhh"s and "um"s. Because of my inability to speak the only jobs I've ever been able to do are grunt work farming and manual labor jobs, only one of which wasn't short-term but of course I quit it after a couple months.
This is a social society and you're screwed if you can't into the social part. It's all right if you're a child and the avoidancy is just ghosting friends and skipping school and running away from appointments but if you're an adult and have graduated to being incapable of basic speech everything is basically off limits to you. I have vague desires to work at an old hotel or be an airplane stewardess but I know that's not possible if you have the social abilities of a brick. I wish I had any other mental problem/thing, literally ANY other would have been maneageable because I'd at least be able to talk to someone for help. People can understand something like bpd but if you're avoidant and can barely speak because of it on top of that, people don't know what to do with you.

No. 2456996

I didn't know this mental condition existed, but I did know about avoidant attachment theory, curious to learn more.

No. 2457088>>2457170>>2457380>>2457645

This is normal online privacy practice and nothing to do with a personality disorder in my opinion.

No. 2457170

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No. 2457363

I had a tooth break about a year or two ago and I still haven't been able to get myself to a dentist.
I also haven't gone to a doctor since 2017 and have been using online sites for my glasses prescription.
As long as I don't know, I'm basically healthy. If I get a tumor I'm just going to let Jesus take the wheel.

No. 2457380>>2457405>>2457485

Tayrt I do this with my irl accounts too though like with line or Instagram, tbh Ive always struggled with making social media accounts despite being on it since 13,I've a work account but that's separate but in my personal I dont even allow my family or friends to follow me or talk to me because I feel uncomfortable I prefer imageboards so much more because I dont need to keep socialising(?) And keep a persona ,I can say what I want and move on sometimes check for reply but I feel more happy and interested when theres limited social customization no Pfs no banners no reposts I don't even comment on things I want to because I dont want attention ,i hope i dont have avpd and it's just my adhd doing it

No. 2457405

Nta for me it's not "normal" as in normies would never do that even if they're private and care about their online security. For me it's more of a "I'm scared of people and their intentions" thing and that's my anxiety and paranoia speaking. I hate socializing with new people, I hate the social part of social media, I hate being available.

No. 2457442>>2457643

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I don’t have AVPD but I used to read up on it as a kid since I struggled socially with maintaining relationships. Mainly because I thought the advice that worked for those individuals would help me. It didn’t but I found it interesting especially when so many of the people I knew with PDs seemed to exactly fit the criteria, but they were just diagnosed with depression or anxiety.

No. 2457485

I wouldn't worry about it anon. People convincing themselves that keeping their online activity private means they have a personality disorder just shows overly deeply social media is rooted in peoples lives.

No. 2457493

I passed on another great opportunity for my career again because I'm terrified of people

No. 2457643>>2458431

where is this text from?

No. 2457645

Well yes, but it's more common in avoidants

No. 2458431>>2459363

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Here’s the link nona, luckily even if you search up the name it’s easy to find a PDF of it.

No. 2458512

I have BPD but I have a LOT of AvPD symptoms too. Currently dating someone with similar tendencies and it sucks balls kek.

No. 2458540

Honestly Ill just have to live with it, but its good to have a label.
I like labels. Not because they become part of my identity, but because they let me know how many others go through the same thing.

No. 2458560>>2458589

How is this different from agoraphobia

No. 2458589>>2458596

I can leave the house. Agoraphobics cant.

No. 2458596>>2458614

Nta but is there any overlap in symptoms? Sometimes when I go out alone I get extremely self-conscious about exiting my vehicle and having people see me and me acting in "strange" ways (I guess basically appearing retarded). It gets so bad sometimes I'll sit in a parking lot for a few hours until cars start to leave and new ones come in.

No. 2458614>>2458622>>2458623>>2458629>>2458634>>2458639

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yes it can overlap and often does with something else, some agoraphobics are paranoid schizophrenics, others have severe anxiety (social, or even hypochondriacs), and others simply avoid social situations to the point of being hermits or nocturnal, less of a stress response and more of a society/conflict/being percieved avoidance. personally as a mostly "recovered" avpd I find that agoraphobia is the end manifestation of totally losing yourself in this sickness.

The fear of perception and judgement is ALWAYS there, like a constantly shrinking bubble, so you have to keep pushing your own boundaries out so it never shrinks onto you that tightly.

I've done my best to try and help others with this issue but the avpd subreddit posters have been extremely un-receptive and self-disqualify themselves from any of my ideas or recovery plans. I'll post more in this thread if anyone wants to hear it.

No. 2458622>>2459363

Sometimes I feel scared I could end up agoraphobic, if you have suggestions please share. I'm tired of this gay shit I want to be normal and I don't want to be scared of walking past people to go to the restroom or interrupting cashiers having a conversation.

No. 2458623>>2459363

I absolutely want to hear it nona!

No. 2458629>>2459363

>I'll post more in this thread if anyone wants to hear it.
I want to hear it. I am interested in hearing anyone who has made a recovery. My background is I've been suffering from avpd (and other anxiety issues) my entire life. I'm an oldfag so that's been some decades. I tried therapy a few times but it never worked. I went back to therapy recently and I think this new guy is helping somewhat and I am making slow progress.

No. 2458634>>2459365

Anon pls share. How can I stop being scared of texting back and maintaining relationships? It's my hardest hurdle and it genuinely zaps my energy and is of course incredibly anxiety inducing. If there is any kind of thought hack to circumvent my gay behavior pls share.

No. 2458639>>2458640

What about people who have no fear whatsoever about going outside and simply don't care about it? I was priced out of living in the city and there's fuck all to do here, except get stalked by loser scrotes. If I didn't live in bumfuck nowhere without a car, I wouldn't care about going outside. It's legitimately unsafe for me and at least if there are lots of people around (witnesses), the loser coward who follows me around everywhere will feel threatened. It assumes the area the woman lives is safe and most of the time (in 2025) that is not true

No. 2458640>>2458646

I think a stalker situation is an entirely different can of worms anon

No. 2458646

That's just my retarded situation, I'm talking about women who live in low income areas or places that aren't walkable and can't drive. I wanted to move to a village inside a city that is safe and higher income but rents doubled after covid. It's just a weird time right now and I think a lot of anons are experiencing situational agoraphobia as a biproduct of maladjusted scrotes, who are dating in fewer numbers but stalking/preying on women instead as their brains are eroding over time from porn addiction

No. 2458726>>2459086>>2459538

Wtf I didn't know AvPD was this. I'm sure I have it lmao. Anybody taking pills for this? Does it help at all? It would be nice to be able to have normal relationships with people.

No. 2459086

I got put on anxiety meds but they didn't work. Xanax just made me sleepy. I was on Paxil, Effexor and Venflasomething, (I think two of those are the same drug) but I didn't notice any difference in my anxiety levels so I stopped taking them. But I think they lack of affect is just due to my body being weird. They work for other people.

No. 2459363>>2459398

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AVPD is hard to find good advice for, as documented in this pdf as well, >>2458431, because it often flies under the radar because we fly under the radar. These issues seem benign and are dismissed by psychologists and family alike. We don't really hurt others, we just quietly collapse into ourselves. So it is crucial for us to save ourselves, every single day. We are not like addicts—who cause enough chaos to get an intervention—only we can recognize our pain. Otherwise, we can drown in our own isolation. We have the potential to be very contemplative, introspective, creative people if we don’t fall into the abyss of hiding from life, running from stimulation. And trying to change can even be painful because recovering from this means confronting your unconscious mind’s deepest fears and vulnerabilities.

The first thing I had to do with AVPD was recognize that the traits may always be there in some capacity, buzzing in the background—there is no final forever-cure. But it is not me, and it is not you. If anything, AVPD is something that dulls our spirit. It is something that shouldn’t be accepted as a final part of an actualized personality. It is not the Self. Don’t relax into it and call it your personality. The urge to stay quiet when you really have something to say in a relevant conversation, the urge to stay inside even though you picked a great outfit and want to exist outside, the urge to hide because others are nearby, self-rejecting from promotions, conversations, etc. This isn't you, but something hindering you. Indulging in identifying with the sickness like a faction, like many do online, causes a sort of walling-in defensiveness regarding the symptoms and the habits we have. We have to divorce ourselves from the habits we want to stop.

Polytheistic ancients who believed in many temperamental gods often didn’t think of themselves as “angry,” but rather “overcome with the spirit of anger,” some deity’s rage, etc. This is an interesting perspective to me, because I adopt this as well. I have anxiety-based avoidance. I don’t consider myself as being scared to enter the crowd, but rather possessed by the Avoidant Gremlin. My inner desire to be part of society is there, like a dim ember. The Avoidant Gremlin is a personification of the thing that grabbed a hold of me for so many years and stifled me. So I started to use the opposite emotion to fear to stifle it back: anger.

I’m in my 30s now, and after enough years of opportunities passing me by, I started to get pissed. So much fear, so many of my nervous system’s biological alerts being sent over the smallest little challenges made me contemplate what this would be like when I’m 50, 60 years old. My mother was the same way, and she ended up a lonely hoarder. I wanted to throw glimpses of that future straight into the fire. I really began to visualize the Avoidant Gremlin every time I had a dose of adrenaline hit me from something as stupid as walking past a group of people. I imagined that creature like the rat in Ratatouille trying to freak me out and pull me away by the hair. I wanted to smash it, defy it, and finally do what I want. This perspective was a bit unhealthy at first, but it got me out of the rut.

Exposure therapy is not a meme. You do something scary enough times, you will inevitably become bored of it. Your comfort zone is like a giant plastic ball around you, and if you are not constantly exerting pressure onto it, it will collapse and cling to you until every movement you make is irritating your comfort zone. I made a weekly routine of normie shit to do. First I just forced myself to exist near people—at the gym, bookstore, etc. I never stopped being afraid to take up space, but I did it in defiance of the Avoidant Gremlin in my hat. I sat at a restaurant bar table and ate by myself a few times (hard mode was when some girl commented on it, “aww, all alone?” but I just smiled). I challenged myself to start one random conversation a week with coworkers (I never spoke unless spoken to). Then it was one conversation a week with a stranger, even if it was three sentences. I did things that would intentionally give the Avoidant Gremlin a heart attack. I did it out of revenge for the way the Gremlin was giving me adrenaline dumps all my life over nothing.

This approach—naming it, seeing it, confronting it—is called “withdrawing the projection.” This is something within me, but not the totality of me.

Use of anger as the opposing force to fear was a way of tapping into a raw, assertive energy that is often locked away in people with AVPD for fear of disrupting others or being judged. If fear and anxiety were on a color wheel, anger would be the opposing color to cancel it out. It’s not advice my peers think is “fluffy” enough—but I think we are precisely the subset of the population that could use more fire.

However: I eventually had to change perspective once again. I had to return to balance to really reform myself. There’s wisdom in compassion—not just for others, but for the frightened parts of yourself. You are frightened for a reason. The Avoidant Gremlin, after all, was likely born in your psyche out of a need to protect you once. Mine wants to protect me from pain I felt so often as a child. Once you are done fighting the Avoidance—integrate it. Listen to what it fears. Redeem it, if possible. Dialogue with it: What does it want? What does it fear? You may be surprised by what you will uncover.

I still falter and fall into anxious despair once in a while, despite my long stretches of recovery. For those instances, where no amount of inner work will help, I really focus on getting out of “head” space and into “meat” space: I am whole, I am not hurt, I am not sick, I am alive. Over-contemplation and navel-gazing at some point just cause a feedback loop.

I like Jungian psychology, so I view AVPD as part of the Shadow—the disowned or unconscious aspects of ourselves. So the goal is not to annihilate it, but to reclaim it. Avoidant traits hide sensitivity, depth, or insight that society doesn’t value—but which can be channeled into art, empathy, or healing.

This journey is the individuation process, becoming who you truly are-beyond neurosis, beyond persona, beyond conditioning. It’s about reclaiming life. And I mean it when I say no one will intervene for you. Save the part of you that wants to live fully. (Recommended reading: The Highly Sensitive Person & The Undervalued Self, both by Elaine Aron).

No. 2459365>>2459487>>2459496

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You energy is zapped because texting back is not just typing and sending, you have an entire process to do in your head before you can even fathom that a response or initiation is good enough to send. I often did this too, put off replying to people, because I thought they were better than me anyway, and I was exhausted by the effort of thinking about it, until it was too late to reply so I'd feel worse. Eventually they'd drop me. All I can recommend is to think of yourself as you were as a child and to care for your little self: another kid approaches you in the playground and wants to play. You're worth interacting with. You don't have to agonize over what to do with them- anything you do is fine as long as you return positive energy. Leave it to them to decide where to take the conversation/play, don't focus on the substance, just hit the ball back in their court. Just don't mistake the exhaustion as your real desire, as you'll likely end up disappointing the part of yourself that wants to maintain relationships.

No. 2459398

Thank you nonna.

No. 2459487

I used to agonize about playground kids nona.
As a toddler Id just beat them up.

No. 2459496

I only struggle with this in business emails bc I say unprofessional things and then regret them later, bc they could get me in trouble. The value of real friends vs acquaintances is not having to struggle with this or play a role. Do you have any friends you've achieved that with, guru-anon?

No. 2459538

I have AVPD and recurring depression and I've been taking venlafaxine 75mg for about half a year now. My life has greatly improved and the anxious part of my brain is kind of switched off that was always preoccupied with obsessively thinking about how people might perceive me. I love it. If I could just eject that part of my brain I would 100% do it because it held me back for so many years. I can now verbalize my thoughts that I always held back and I don't give a shit. Coworkers like me more because I am more open. Idgaf anymore and it's glorious

No. 2459548

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I've struggled with a lot of avoidant behaviours because of serious childhood trauma that borders on AvPD. I've done the entire merry-go-round, incapable of maintaining relationship, incapable of texting, ghosting people for months without explanation, avoiding social gatherings and avoiding doing my hobbies or things I love. What helps me the most is having a trauma-informed therapist and dropping all of my failed relationships. Being alone and bored with nothing "to avoid" while doing intensive therapy was the only way I managed to do progress. A lot of my avoidant behaviour comes from being overstimulated and overstressed, feeling like I'm drowning in responsibilities. Now when I meet someone I tell them honestly that I don't have or use social media and that I prefer calling to text. What I found is that I was stuck between being so scared of being alone but being so anxious around people and that was completely blocking my life. Fixing the being alone part and is essential if you are avoidant because you will be with yourself a lot.

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