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No. 2448501

Hey nonnas, I love lolcow and I'm working in the car sales right now to stack some money up. I'm learning lots of ins and outs of buying a car and want to help my NEET sisters since graduating NEETdom and getting a "real job." The car industry is crazy and I got this job to help my mom and sister buy cars in the future, too. I'm at my 3 month anniversary and I feel like I've aged 2 years, so I thought this could be fun and help some women.

Any nonnas buying a car soon? Anyone with a high APR loan wanting to lower the interest? Questions about re-financing or trading in a vehicle? How to get the best trade-in price? Current state of the car industry?

>car industry circa 1980s and 1990s is booming

>starts to decline with rise of internet
>2008 recession
>2020 computer chip shortage
>used car shortage
>people need cars
>fuck yeah
>jack up price 100% to make 100% profit and double price of car
>people have huge loans on cars not worth that much
>me, having to tell them they actually owe $20,000 worth nothing now
>them, realizing the only way out of a $30,000 loan on a car worth $10,000 is to crash the thing in a blazing fire(recreating thread multiple times)

No. 2448506

This is going to be deleted like last time, but I wanted to let you know that I think it could be a good thread. I bought a car from a police officer three months ago, the check engine light came on so I take it to the mechanic and he said that there's a ton of things wrong and that the last owner knew it, which is why he dumped it.
So now I'm going to dump it on someone unsuspecting because I'm not eating ten thousand dollars.

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