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No. 2446694

Hi nonnas, I love lolcow and am working a car sales job to stack cash and to learn how car sales work so I can go with my friends and help them not get ripped off. I wanted to celebrate my 3 month anniversary in the biz by sharing advice as far and wide as it can get. Do any nonas have car-buying questions? I'm in the US

Anyone upside-down in a car? Anyone need help lowering the APR of a loan and saving money? Anyone looking at a dream car but unsure if the dealership is ripping you off? I want to help!

>1980's and 1990's the heyday of American car dealerships

>oldtimers constantly say to me "the fun days are gone"
>days of making crazy money off people because people trusted dealerships
>time goes by…
>2020 dealerships couldn't get any used cars
>car industry crashing and burning
>computer chip shortage
>start selling cars at super high prices because people need cars and can't get them
>crazy profits, like 100% profits and charging twice the price of the car
>people get a bad taste and are in huge loans
>bring their car with huge loan in 5 years later to trade in at my dealership
>me, telling them their $30,000 loan is on a car worth $10,000 now
>them, realizing they have gap and the only way out is to crash their car(shit thread)

No. 2446703

>I love lolcow
yet you make shit threads. cognitive dissonance to the highest order. go back to cc.

No. 2446774

Cash for clunkers really fucked the market

No. 2446908

Can you change the threadpic to a car or something related instead of a surprised pokemon?

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