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No. 2440566
>>2440491Soren not being mentioned is shameful. Any how, considering the lifestyles most cows have, most of them won't make it past 40.
Not a dead cow, but i remember binging the Raven threads on /pt/, i haven't checked up on her since she divorced her boy husband and moved to a rusty container somewhere in the US. I miss reading about her shenanigans.
No. 2440664

>>2440495I miss web 1.0 and 2.0 cows so much; the kinds with dusty Encyclopedia Dramatica articles, lj gossip entries, and website 'usenet kooks' pages dedicated to them. Not necessarily because they were extremely entertaining, but because they existed during a time of greater sincerity, before social media and associated subcultures incentivized and normalized performance of extreme behaviours. Older cows and the communities they were a part of were simultaneously more authentic in letting their freak flags fly and largely more well-adjusted compared to their counterparts.
Lori is a good example of this; she became infamous for being a mean girl, and as a cow today she's fucking psychotic and shooping herself beyond recognition, but it doesn't hit the same because psychotic behavior and insane shooping is normalised online.
Also, I'm nostalgic for my youth and it hurts to remember what's been lost.>>2440652I think you're confusing Kelly with the fat ''''non-verbal''''' autist, Amanda Baggs
No. 2440690
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>>2440664Oops, posted the wrong image
No. 2441125
>>2440910No no no
nonny, Lucinda is still alive. I don’t even wanna imagine Luci dying kek she’s the only cow I know I’d cry over
No. 2441838
>>2440491There was an old, short lived cow that had a thread on snow whose name I can't remember. She was a fat woman with a unibrow and a mustache who went nuts after taking LSD weekly for an extended amount of time, became a munchie with a stoma or something like that (it was definitely something attached to her stomach), and pretended to be nonverbal but could write long tumblr posts. Does anyone remember her?
Another dead cow was a munchie who didn't have a thread here, only on KF, and pretended to have stiff person syndrome.
No. 2441840
>>2440664>>2441838SA excuse my retardation, the first one I mentioned was Amanda Baggs.
>>2440979Kek is she off limits because of her fandom here?
No. 2443211
>>2441891Daintyaly I think was (one of) her usernames. or Daintyalybun? I've been going through the old proana threads out of boredom. I'm not surprised she died.
I was pretty sad when lilboweep died. surprised but not at the same time. I guess I never expect cows to actually die. I actually did like some of her music and I feel bad for her dad, it seems like he tried to look out for her. I can't imagine losing your child so early in life.
No. 2443414
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My queen…
I was at my rock bottom when I found Julie. Not on here – the other site, but doesn't matter, she's the most important cow to me. I had no idea what happened to her while I was reading it, and there was genuine shock when I finally found out by reading the thread chronologically. Honorable mention for Lil bo Weep. Two sides of the same beautiful coin.
No. 2443447
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oh and hey, while I'm here, I have to profess how much I miss Unkle Adams.
He basically quit the internet as soon as his feature with Dorian Electra was cancelled after he posted digital blackface to his Twitter page, and his army of haters called him racist for what was just an edited playful video of Unk as a black guy. i think of the people who called Unk out all the time and ask, was it worth it? Our glorious cow has been locked up for years now refusing to rap or post any videos and I've been lost without him, just waiting for him to finally make a comeback and get his one mil
No. 2445774
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If we're talking literal dead cows then Kadee was such a wild ride