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No. 2440489

A thread to announce, mourn, gossip about, laugh at, and reminisce on the lives of the cows we’ve lost.

>How did you first discover them?

>Why did you keep up with them?
>What are some of your favorite antics of theirs?
>How did you react when you found out about their death?
>Where do you think they went?
>What do you think they’d be doing now, had they lived?

Adhere to /ot/ and general rules, report and ignore bait

No. 2440490

I hate when you upload a new thread but then it doesn’t add to the catalog immediately

No. 2440491

What cows have actually died?

No. 2440493

If i remember correctly some anachans and druggies have died but I can’t remember their individual names right now

No. 2440495

lil bo weep died, lilith levisis, definitely other cows who killed themselves too i think

No. 2440545

well brotherchu just died if you count him

No. 2440557

pretty pastel please died last year

No. 2440566

Soren not being mentioned is shameful. Any how, considering the lifestyles most cows have, most of them won't make it past 40.

Not a dead cow, but i remember binging the Raven threads on /pt/, i haven't checked up on her since she divorced her boy husband and moved to a rusty container somewhere in the US. I miss reading about her shenanigans.

No. 2440583

Soren is the first one I thought about when I saw the thread. I'm having a brain fart, I can't remember her name but there's also the obese autistic woman with a feeding tube. It's been so long that I don't even remember what made her a cow so I have to look her up. There's also the munchie who died after she infected her legs on purpose and she needed to be amputated, and then I thought about the Hartley hooligans but the real cow was their insane mother so they don't really count. I have a hard time following fat activist cows on lc but from what I've seen from other sources more and more of them either die, have horrible health issues caused by their obesity or go on a diet and change their ways (like Lizzo). I've seen that Tess Holiday's career as a model is now dead and she moved on from that to posting on OF, and with how she's still ruining her health on purpose I wonder how much time she has left.

No. 2440622

Wait–lilith levisis is dead?!

No. 2440648

>There's also the munchie who died after she infected her legs on purpose and she needed to be amputated
Unfortunately not dead, at least not yet

No. 2440652

No she did die a few years ago… unless there are more than one like that or she faked her death, in that case what the fuck. I think her first name was Kelly or something like that, are we talking about the same woman?

No. 2440653

Her thread has no mention of death wtf is wrong with you guys

No. 2440664

I miss web 1.0 and 2.0 cows so much; the kinds with dusty Encyclopedia Dramatica articles, lj gossip entries, and website 'usenet kooks' pages dedicated to them. Not necessarily because they were extremely entertaining, but because they existed during a time of greater sincerity, before social media and associated subcultures incentivized and normalized performance of extreme behaviours. Older cows and the communities they were a part of were simultaneously more authentic in letting their freak flags fly and largely more well-adjusted compared to their counterparts.
Lori is a good example of this; she became infamous for being a mean girl, and as a cow today she's fucking psychotic and shooping herself beyond recognition, but it doesn't hit the same because psychotic behavior and insane shooping is normalised online.
Also, I'm nostalgic for my youth and it hurts to remember what's been lost.
I think you're confusing Kelly with the fat ''''non-verbal''''' autist, Amanda Baggs

No. 2440665

>I think you're confusing Kelly with the fat ''''non-verbal''''' autist, Amanda Baggs
Wait no I was talking about of them separately but thought both of them died. If that's not the case then I stand corrected.

No. 2440672

Nta but kelly is alive just no legs and no teeth and maybe no hair

No. 2440673

I still don't think Soren is dead.

No. 2440675

Well, damn. If she likes it that way then whatever I guess.

No. 2440688

I think anon got it mixed up by mistake. Pretty sure she is still alive and it was her father who passed away.

No. 2440690

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Oops, posted the wrong image

No. 2440771

Wishful thinking.

No. 2440778

I miss Julie Terryberry but at least she killed herself before her boyfriend fully trooned.

No. 2440871

rachelrising from pro-ana threads is probably dead

No. 2440905

this is how I found out brotherchu died

No. 2440906

If it weren't for the fact that she went through with bottom surgery and had complications, I would be a Soren truther.

No. 2440910

Is Lucinda dead?

No. 2440911

I mean, Soren is likely not dead given the only evidence of such is an obit she wrote and someone who claims to have “known her irl” saying her parents didn’t get her a tombstone because they didn’t want to remember her. I think she disappeared from the internet for fear of arrest or something.

No. 2440979

Anons were talking about this in the thread about what we really think about cows. So far it seems not, but everyone's too afraid to post an "update" for fear of inciting farmhand wrath kek. So as of a few weeks ago: no, she is not dead.

No. 2441062

There was that time a couple years ago (?) when her Pinterest had recent activity.

No. 2441125

No no no nonny, Lucinda is still alive. I don’t even wanna imagine Luci dying kek she’s the only cow I know I’d cry over

No. 2441307

I'm actually familiar with this one and honestly if she died she'd probably do her parents/caregivers a favor. she seems like a nightmare and has completely fucked up her digestive system.

No. 2441342

Nta but I dont even know shes alive but I know it has to be severely painful for her and I dont think theres any coming back from her level of anorexia

No. 2441349

>because they existed during a time of greater sincerity, before social media and associated subcultures incentivized and normalized performance of extreme behaviours
>it doesn't hit the same because psychotic behavior and insane shooping is normalised online
fellow web 1.0 nona… i hear you

No. 2441690

And for the hundred thousandth time, pinterest updates boards when something you've pinned was deleted, edited, or moved.

No. 2441732

Rachel rising and Jonezie from the scumbags thread

No. 2441830

Woah I forgot about Rachels death, damn

No. 2441838

There was an old, short lived cow that had a thread on snow whose name I can't remember. She was a fat woman with a unibrow and a mustache who went nuts after taking LSD weekly for an extended amount of time, became a munchie with a stoma or something like that (it was definitely something attached to her stomach), and pretended to be nonverbal but could write long tumblr posts. Does anyone remember her?
Another dead cow was a munchie who didn't have a thread here, only on KF, and pretended to have stiff person syndrome.

No. 2441840

SA excuse my retardation, the first one I mentioned was Amanda Baggs.
Kek is she off limits because of her fandom here?

No. 2441847

No, farmhands will just smack you on the hand for not having good enough milk, and her thread got locked once that I can remember. I'm not a Lucindafag, unfortunately, I just read her most recent threads at the time my threads were slow. Hopefully the other anons who follow her can chime in.

No. 2441891

it was like an end of an era for me when my "personal cow" died. it was just this particular anorexic chick i think was my same age or something. she ironically died of an overdose instead of her proana shenanigans. i dont remember any of the various usernames she went by but her legal first name was allegra like the allergy medicine lmao

No. 2443211

Daintyaly I think was (one of) her usernames. or Daintyalybun? I've been going through the old proana threads out of boredom. I'm not surprised she died.
I was pretty sad when lilboweep died. surprised but not at the same time. I guess I never expect cows to actually die. I actually did like some of her music and I feel bad for her dad, it seems like he tried to look out for her. I can't imagine losing your child so early in life.

No. 2443414

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My queen…

I was at my rock bottom when I found Julie. Not on here – the other site, but doesn't matter, she's the most important cow to me. I had no idea what happened to her while I was reading it, and there was genuine shock when I finally found out by reading the thread chronologically. Honorable mention for Lil bo Weep. Two sides of the same beautiful coin.

No. 2443447

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oh and hey, while I'm here, I have to profess how much I miss Unkle Adams.

He basically quit the internet as soon as his feature with Dorian Electra was cancelled after he posted digital blackface to his Twitter page, and his army of haters called him racist for what was just an edited playful video of Unk as a black guy. i think of the people who called Unk out all the time and ask, was it worth it? Our glorious cow has been locked up for years now refusing to rap or post any videos and I've been lost without him, just waiting for him to finally make a comeback and get his one mil

No. 2443808

Samefag, I forgot kelsey from that thread died too

No. 2444194

I choose to believe Soren is still alive

No. 2444214

? No it doesn't, pins I've saved get banned and baleeted all the time and the boards they were on don't get updated. The pin is just replaced with something saying "This pin was deleted or removed" but the board itself only changes its activity when the author actually modifies it

No. 2444858

Is this guy dead or just in jail?

No. 2445774

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If we're talking literal dead cows then Kadee was such a wild ride

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