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No. 2432034

for all your stoney baloney needs

previous thread https://original.lolcow.farm/ot/res/1366720.html
smoker salt goes here https://original.lolcow.farm/ot/res/1307162.html#1307162

No. 2432037

Love how kitties are slowly taking over all the threadpics

No. 2432044

Well they rule the world and us. We must pay tribute to our leaders

No. 2432054

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edibles and wine tonight. A fitting end to getting my hair, hands and feet done.

No. 2432465

the fact that this thread was doubleposted is very in keeping with theme.

No. 2432853

love the thread pic, thanks for the new thread

No. 2432855

sounds like a perfect day, love this for you. Inspiring

No. 2432879

Triple posted actually kek

No. 2432882

Does drinking wine while high do anything, or is this to flex on us kek

No. 2432884

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Crossfaded, baby. Cowabunga.

No. 2433297

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Sorry about the shit thread nonnies I was indeed high as fuck.

No. 2435782

Does anyone have any good tips for quitting weed? I'm applying for a job and they drug test for marijuana, but I think it's a saliva test. I'm having a hard time stopping for the test.

No. 2435788

I think those are the easiest to pass. My job does pee test. It sucks.

No. 2435798

I don’t think OP was a newfag, I just think she was high and that’s why the description is fucked kek

No. 2435808

Agreed. Give her a break kek

No. 2438222

I've somehow lost my tolerance for weed after like 10 years of smoking daily, multiple times a day. The past couple weeks I can't take more than 2 tokes in a day, spaced out by at least 4-5 hours. Last night I took my third toke of the day just after dinner and immediately felt dizzy and nauseous. I ended up throwing up literally everything I had eaten that day, like, I haven't thrown up that much in idk how long.
I was googling CHS but I don't think it's that, because it only happens if I smoke more than a little bit in a day and it doesn't just happen out of nowhere. It's like weed just hits me a lot harder now and I feel like I green out a lot easier.

No. 2438360

sounds like a break is in order

No. 2438551

The difficulty of quitting depends on a lot of different things. How often you smoke, how long you've been smoking, the strength of the stuff you smoke, etc.. I was a daily smoker for years, and it took me 3 tries to successfully quit. It took a lot of self-reflection to do. I realized that maybe pot was what I needed back then, but it's not what I need for the future. I still smoke occasionally, but now it's a social thing for me. If you want to quit for a while, smoke up for two days and get super super baked to give yourself a final hurrah. After that, all you have to do is quit smoking. Keep your goals in mind if you feel like faltering.

No. 2439999

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It's over stonnas, I'm baked right now and impulsively sprayed perfume over my whole stash. I'm gonna throw it away and quit for good.

Will definitely miss chilling in bed, completely absorbed by a game/movie/song, eating junk food that tastes 100x better than usual. But these days are behind me I guess, now it's a gamble if I'll end up on the verge of a panic attack wishing to be sober as soon as the high hits. Don't even know why it happens, I have been trying really hard to work on it but it seems that my time is over.

Luckily I've already lowered my consumption by a lot (1-2x/week), so it won't be too hard to quit. But I'm still a little scared, I've always had a stash hidden somewhere as a back-up option.

No. 2440000

What drove you to quit, anon?

No. 2440024

I can't enjoy the high anymore because I get anxious. I already had many month long breaks, but it never helped. Always the same cycle with the first 1-2 sessions being fun and after that the anxiety starts to dominate the high

No. 2440118

Awh, I'm sorry, anon. Have you tried switching strains or using a different delivery system? You could always smoke once or twice every couple of months.
If you are committed to quitting, I wish you all the best!

No. 2440141

I tried it all, it's definitely a mental thing. I used to be really dependent on weed (and other drugs) so I have a complicated relationship with consumption. It's probably the fear of falling back into bad habits. I just want to completely leave it behind me for good. Thank you a lot! Take a hit for me next time you light up

No. 2440144

I havn't bought weed since mid december. I was a heavy smoker, I'd smoke an ounce in two weeks. I have been smoking weed for 15 years. I smoked a few times with friends since then. I am having a very stressful time and I want to buy some so bad but I know that I am just gonna fall into my bad habits again. I have been smoking more cigarettes which is not positive. I wish I had healthy ways to cope with life.

No. 2440288

Buzzkill alert

No. 2440608

You made a routine of using weed to cope, it's time to build a new routinee. What I do is get myself some junk food and watch a tv show I like. It didn't hit the same at first, but with enough repetition your brain will associate it with winding down the same as it did with weed.

No. 2440691

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I couldn't get high for a cuple of months now because i was sick with something mysterious. I'm still sick but i can drink coffee now without getting dizzy to the point i could't walk… which is fuicking awesome. Weed did me the same as coffee so i thik i can get high again! Can't wait to try it out tomorrow, i belive it will be fine.

Why didn't you sell it to somebody? Seems like a waste.

No. 2443628

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edible and movies tonight as a nice start to my spring break. cheers, nonnies

No. 2443629

Is weed legal where you live

No. 2443633

Yep! I live in a state where weed is legal both recreationally and medically, and I think legalizing recreational marijuana was a big mistake. I say that as someone who used to love to smoke. If someone is suffering from an illness like cancer and somehow the cannabidiol is killing the caner cells I have no idea if thats how that works or if thats why its legalized then I completely understand administering marijuana fo their medication routine, but a patient being given weed for their depression feels like bullshit. You don’t work through depressive feelings by choking down prozac or lighting up a blunt. Sorry for the rant nona kek

No. 2443644

Medicinally which I am prescribed for. Finally being abused as a child had a silver lining for me. Although imagine not being mentally ill.

No. 2443647

technically no but theres plenty of places that sell edibles and weed, i dont really get it

No. 2443653

No, I feel like it will be one of the last places that legalizes.

No. 2443848

I have to quit for a week this is so annoying but I'm kind of excited to be sober for a little bit.
Yes. I'm lucky, it's been legal here for decades.

No. 2444674

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About to have an edible. See y’all back here after it kicks in

No. 2444955

why would you post that gif

No. 2445565

Don't listen to her anon it made me chuckle

No. 2448320

I've had 2 forced tolerance breaks the past 2 months and it's actually been really nice. I love weed but without it I'm so much more clear-headed and less anxious. I should take this as a sign.

No. 2449837

How long are your breaks?

No. 2450690

One week, it's not much but I do feel much better than when I was smoking daily for the in between period. I haven't been a daily smoker for about a year but I still smoke 2-3 times a week so it's been a nice change of pace.

No. 2453547

If I bring a pen with me to the Netherlands how fucked would I be?

No. 2454151

Check out greenmeister to see the ratings and what they have, hope you have a fun trip nonnie.

No. 2454596

and nonnie never returned…..

No. 2454624

Do anons also have their edibles kick in at a different rate every time? On average it takes about 2 hours for me. But a few weeks ago it took FOUR. I thought it was a dud but got distracted and forgot to do anything about it, until it kicked in wayyy later. I would have been so fucked if I took a second dose. And then that high lasted for EIGHT HOURS. Two days ago I took an edible and it kicked in at 40 minutes while I was in the shower.
This happens across different brands of edibles, and within the same packs of gummies. Am I getting really janky products (doubtful), or is something else I'm doing influencing this? I've heard taking an edible on an empty stomach will make it kick in faster, but I haven't found any correlation between my eating habits and when it hits.
I am sensitive to medications in general, but I don't see how that could be doing this.

No. 2454638


can anyone tell me wtf is going on? First time I tried it I got SUPER paranoid and I felt like my movements were delayed for an entire week. It SLOWLY died off.

Second time I was less paranoid but it still took a week for the delay feeling to wear off. Is this shit normal nonnies

No. 2454746

I hate edibles because they're never consistent

No. 2454791

I have this weird thing where sometimes when I'm high, I just find my whole existence unbearably cringy and can't stop thinking about all the embarrassing things I've done in my life. I don't know why my brain does this during an otherwise chill experience. Usually I'm able to distract myself enough to get past it but sometimes I end up just stressing until I'm tired enough to fall asleep.

For me the edibles usually kick in around 1.5 hours so I can plan around it (working on projects until I start feeling it), but sometimes it happens earlier or later. It usually takes longer if I ate before taking the edible, especially if I also had alcohol. I just had an edible about an hour and 15 minutes ago on an empty stomach and I can feel it kicking in now, so not eating beforehand does make a tiny bit of a difference.

No. 2454822

Do you ever get stoned and get the urge to post your funny/schizo thoughts here? I once in a span of 2 hours discovered a random tiktoker and deemed her instantly worthy of her own thread here. I started keeping note of all her milky tendencies and I was cackling to myself the entire time because she was so ridiculous and I could picture all the funny things the farmers would comment. When I was nearly through I had a moment of clarity and realized someone would probably comment “this isn’t milk…” and it lowkey ruined my high and I deleted everything I typed up.

No. 2454909

Doesn't really sound too normal, no. Kind of reminds me of when I had a tiny bout of mild psychosis after smoking a bunch of weed on acid. I felt like the world wasn't "real" for about three weeks.
I'd advise that you stay away from marijuana, psychedelics, and high-dose stimulants. It's also possible that you'd just get used to it with time. If you're committed to enjoying smoking weed for some reason, just smoke much less and smoke much more slowly until you understand how different doses and different kinds of weed affect you.

I haven't been smoking lately but I used to post a ton of borderline schizo essays when I was high. Good times.
Don't worry too much about negative comments or even getting banned. I've posted a ton of stupid shit when high, and I've never been banned for more than 6 hours because I'm obviously not trying to shit up the site. We need more posters that are just trying to have fun.

No. 2454996

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Been smoking way too much. Some of my friends have started to joke about how much I smoke, but I feel like there's been a concerned tone to those jokes. I told my friend I'm struggling and he offered to take all my weed paraphenalia and hold it for me until I get my shit back together. I'm grateful. Light it up for me nonas!

No. 2455239

I’ve also been smoking way too much lately, but I’m still trying to get over a breakup so it’s my best coping mechanism. I’ve never smoked this much before, but lately I’ve been smoking or taking an edible pretty much everyday. It’s the only thing that can take my mind off my ex. Even alcohol just makes me feel more depressed and physically unwell. I’m going to try to take a t break this week. My tolerance is fucked and I can barely even get high anymore. I can’t really enjoy anything unless I’m high. I just feel depressed.

No. 2455416

Thankfully. I'm also near D.C, where the good stuff is. I got a dealer who gets me a discount

No. 2455451

Hello stoner nonners. Is the Pax still a good vaporizer for bud? I need something small, portable and convenient.

No. 2456533

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I've always wanted to have a strain preference but until legalization, that was not possible since dealers would just lie to make their skank weed sound better than it is. If you are a leaf, use a bong and prefer sativa, the following strains are best: 1) sour chem 2) biscotti squeeze 3) crab cakes (budget: sweet island skunk) worst: 1) white widow (too harsh in ounces) 2) ultra sour (sometimes great, sometimes stale) 3) strawberry amnesia (too dense for bong but probably okay for blunts)

No. 2456544

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Nonnies, I am taking my first break from everyday smoking in over a year. I am smoking all day ATM and whilst I look for a new job I am going to just chill on the sesh maybe until I get paid, looking at 2 weeks away. Anyone got any tips or ways I can make better choices later when I start smoking again?!

No. 2456548

What kind of better choices anon?

No. 2456559

Ways to only treat myself to a joint. Not smoking 5-6 a day, not feeling like I have to smoke before everything I do. (Even little tasks like popping down to the shops). I just want to be more present and aware of my usage.

No. 2456561

Gourmet candy or chocolate instead of blunt time. Or some kind of elaborate or tasty non-alcoholic beverage that will entertain your hands and brain to create

No. 2456568

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I've always wanted to make boba from scratch, maybe I could make yummy drinks.
Thanks for the inspiration.
I'm hoping at the end of these weeks, I will have made new routines and self care rituals which aren't just being zoinked.

No. 2456574

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Spring is always a really good time to do that stuff anyways nona. Best of luck with your endeavors

No. 2461476

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Dad's funeral boring as fuck. I'm gonna get high, ride my bicycle and sit in a pool

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