No. 241206
File: 1523402772621.png (76.83 KB, 585x531, FiDAlky.png)

This is some serious shit.
No. 241207
File: 1523402857307.png (165.59 KB, 720x1232, S5PyqZo.png)

Robots on Discord are conspiring to turn gay and 'sissy' boys, many of which are underage, into traps. They collect lewd pictures of them and blackmail them to force them to do their bidding.
No. 241208
File: 1523402891178.gif (638.52 KB, 2123x2734, TaSHDog.gif)

No. 241209
File: 1523402948338.png (72.35 KB, 1334x490, 8Vh3neZ.png)

No. 241210
>>241205Heh, saw that on r/gendercritical
You know what? Good riddance. Their misoginistic, revenge porn, insecure asses deserve that.
No. 241211
File: 1523402980148.jpg (112.41 KB, 900x741, k4Eckj8.jpg)

I can't believe this shit is real.
No. 241213
File: 1523403102042.png (279.13 KB, 615x582, kbrHmvB.png)

Connected to Shuaiby's suicide?
No. 241216
>>241209Again and again… Tripfags on /r9k/ are without a doubt the lowest of the low. These wannabe-psychopaths watched too much Death Note and like a thirteen-year-old decided being Light Yagami and trying to prey on people's mental issues sounded super cool.
They're just pathetic manchildren.
(And I bet Reiko is some fat fuck drinking Monster in his momma's basement.)
No. 241220
>>241216>Tripfags on /r9k/ are without a doubt the lowest of the low.They really are. Narcissistic enough to want to distinguish their ideas but unremarkable and pathetic enough to seek it in a place that's explicitly for losers. They're even worse than the IRC chatgirls of yore.
>And I bet Reiko is some fat fuck drinking Monster in his momma's basementApparently Reiko's a trust fund NEET, so you've got it at least somewhat right.
No. 241234
File: 1523407502279.jpeg (121.67 KB, 504x470, 29879EF6-4F8E-43CC-83CC-97E56E…)

Jfc these degenerates
No. 241253
>>241213Really hope metokur ends up making a video too, I'm fucking dying at all this shit
>tfw most of these robots are either going to become an hero or end up with cancer/severe heart problems because of HRTbeta male euthanasia is officially habbening. keep drinking the trap kool-aid, bois ⋆。°✩♡
No. 241279
>>241277Oh please, they're not actually children. I highly doubt there was more than a handfull of them below 17-18.
Pull your panties out of your ass, anon. We're talking about robots.
No. 241292
>>241279Robots still shouldn't be psychologically abused.
Interesting to see that guys don't know the first rule of sending potentially embarrassing pictures to people though: never fucking show your face.
No. 241293
>>241292Oh but don't you know, revenge porn happens only to women!
Nah, this is the wake-up call guys need to realize even they can be fucked up by sending nudes/pics.
No. 241303
>>241297>bragging about convincing guys who were unsure about it to transition, the idea being suggested, even people calling it out whenever there was a trapshit threadThis and also not surprised any of them got doxxed as well.
There were some bizarre motherfuckers on r9k and they loved collecting pics and information on tripfags and anons who began to frequent posts of themselves. Iirc one of the doxxers made a fucking website with all the info once.
I always assumed people never posted things they would care about these assholes having. Yet it seemed nudes and other embarrassing shit would always get leaked eventually.
No. 241324
>>241208>himasugiHAHAHAHHAHAHHAH sorry i cant take this shit seriously, most likely everything is a falseflag and theyre just baiting /r9k/
suprised none of you noticed this
No. 241333
>>241332Dressed up as girls and with shit written of their body like "I belong to
blackmailer username".
No. 241911
>>241287It happens on /k/ fairly frequently.
They should an hero.
No. 241917
>>241383even in developed countries, there's a huge amount of families that would literally kill their own child for this kind of thing
not 2 weeks ago, my gf's sister had a friend of hers almost die in the hospital after he came out to his family and his father beat the shit out of him
I suppose that anons that would get sucked into this would tend to be on the unstable side, and shitty families like that are a great base for this kind of fucked up personalities