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No. 240185

We have a bad art thread, so how about a good one? What artists inspire you? Any whose style you really enjoy? Which pieces make you feel joy or pain or empty? Who do you wish would get more views? Spread the art!
(Haven’t started a thread before, hope this is ok)

No. 240224

File (hide): 1523002810679.jpg (795.48 KB, 1920x1000, greg-rutkowski-battle-1920.jpg)

do pros count? i really like greg rutkowski, his gumroad is affordable and informative af

No. 240226>>240252


We already have a good art thread


No. 240247

File (hide): 1523007984365.jpg (231.4 KB, 601x454, cafe-kiss.jpg)

Ron Hicks is amazing

No. 240252


Ah I didn’t see it cause it hasn’t been posted in for nearly a month. My bad!

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