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File: 1739553260368.jpg (119.89 KB, 616x623, fgfdgr.jpg)

No. 2399166

Thread for picker wheel quizes.

You are the subject of an youtube video of unfortunate and horrible fates series. What were you doing?


No. 2399175

I'm not sure why the link doesn't seem to work in the op but here's another try


No. 2399203

No. 2399213

File: 1739554302050.jpg (39.28 KB, 623x503, 65rutryt.jpg)

This one works

No. 2399216

taking a daring selfie at the grand canyon. could never be me im too afraid of heights but the mental image was sickening

No. 2399221

"Wingsuiting." What the fuck even is that?

No. 2399223

File: 1739554567466.jpg (117.99 KB, 960x720, wingsuit.jpg)

No. 2399233

That looks stupid as fuck. So yeah, I'd prolly do it

No. 2399237

We’re going to make it in a Nick Crowley video nonnas

No. 2399251

File: 1739555129068.png (48.66 KB, 646x518, resultByPickerWheel.png)

Limnic? Idk that word
Let's see, wiki article on limnic erup- OH HELL NO

No. 2399268

>working in a Chinese factory
I at least hope it's a fun one, like washi tape making or pottery painting

No. 2399278

>working in a mexican mine
But I can't speak spanish…

No. 2399284

>urbex at abandoned hospital
eh not so scary since i belong to a family of doctors, ive seen real cadavers already. will try to find some beds i can steal and sell off

No. 2399297

File: 1739556167661.jpg (30.09 KB, 597x481, oohoohahhahh.JPG)

Oh. Dear.

No. 2399305

>stepping out of the car on an African safari tour
Not gonna lie, I'm a retard with no sense of danger so I'd actually love that kek

No. 2399308

File: 1739556380577.jpg (9.03 KB, 200x300, OIP (4).jpg)

heres something you should buy in advance!

No. 2399311

goddam i feel bad for laughing

No. 2399315

kek oh no I have a hat similar to that one (longer brim and same net veil, mine doesn't have those cute puffballs though)

No. 2399320

No. 2399331

parkour in high rise building. I'm afraid of heights.

No. 2399334

taking a ride in a faulty elevator

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