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File: 1739123752518.png (270.99 KB, 963x1126, Squirreljak raid.png)

No. 2390434

In light of Ovarit being raided for the first time by squirreljak posters and Ovarettes blaming it on trannies, I figured that now was the appropriate time for an Ovarit cringe thread.

Post cringe-inducing shit from Ovarit ITT.(shit thread made by ban evading retard)

No. 2390444

File: 1739124236690.png (140.38 KB, 1004x655, Screenshot 2025-02-09 000754.p…)

No. 2390447

File: 1739124273781.png (8.32 KB, 357x127, 1739076098551.png)

No. 2390450

File: 1739124340950.png (322.89 KB, 1862x1224, Squirrel Party Ovarit Raid.png)

No. 2390455

idk why but this reminds me of when someone from soyjak.party started spamming here and newfags couldn't stop complaining about it on meta

No. 2390471

The only thing cringe is the creation of this dumb thread

No. 2390477

True it could've been created highlighting the criticism or cow like behaviors of some users but instead OP brings up some retard unfunny malefail raid that no1currs about

No. 2390478

How is any of this cringe? No shit a bunch of middle aged women don't know anything about terminally online soyjak nonsense and assume it's about the group they piss off the most.

No. 2390481

File: 1739125315621.png (12.67 KB, 746x127, Screenshot 2025-02-09 000904.p…)

No. 2390483

She is right and this thread is cringe.

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