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File: 1738978832667.jpg (169.73 KB, 732x539, sc007b4f96.jpg)

No. 2387447

>Physiognomy (from Greek φύσις (physis) 'nature' and γνώμων (gnomon) 'judge, interpreter') or face reading is the practice of assessing a person's character or personality from their outer appearance—especially the face. The term can also refer to the general appearance of a person, object, or terrain without reference to its implied characteristics—as in the physiognomy of an individual plant (see plant life-form) or of a plant community (see vegetation).



No. 2387454

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No. 2387457

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No. 2387459

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No. 2387460


No. 2387462

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No. 2387463

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No. 2387465

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No. 2387467

jfc what is this thread even meant for? keep it in the incel thread.

No. 2387468

Im worried this thread is gonna attract a lot of retarded infighting for some reason but I can’t explain why.

No. 2387470

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No. 2387471

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No. 2387472

probably because it's a shit thread

No. 2387477

Wouldn’t this belong on /m/?

No. 2387480

Oh sweet, an incel thread

No. 2387484

Is this how people figured out their fursonas in the past?

No. 2387486

physiognomy is absolute pqeudoscientific nonsense. retarded thread

No. 2387487

It’s a breeding ground for incels to cry about the “Chad skull” stuff like >>2387467 said. Could have potential though because you can tell a lot about someone based on the look in their eyes, I remember there was a school bus driver exposed as a pedo and they had the most stereotypical pedo looking face you could imagine

No. 2387490

tbh it's kind of great for character design inspiration but only if used responsibly.

No. 2387494

No. 2387496

Physiognomy is astrology for men.

No. 2387500

I like how the masc guy is fat, ugly, and mean looking while the effeminate guy is thin and kind looking.

No. 2387507

Its a hotbed for racebait

No. 2387508

/pol/-ass thread. The OP image might as well be the Happy Merchant.

No. 2387525

This is a retarded idea for a thread I see the kiwi refugee moids are making themselves at home but my one contribution is that my dad did a lot of time in prison and he would always say that he didn't believe in physiognomy but that he noticed that all of the men who were in there for child sex crimes had beady little eyes.

No. 2387526


No. 2387537

Because its literally phrenology

No. 2387541

This belongs better in /m/, though as other anons said this will just attract baiters and infighting

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