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File: 1738508259756.png (23.7 KB, 335x323, kiwi.png)

No. 2377766

again(shit thread, the site has only been down for 8 hours and kiwifarms refugees aren't welcome here)

No. 2377770


No. 2377773

fatboy will be awake soon hes getting a neovagina installed or something

No. 2377777

File: 1738508660324.png (953.82 KB, 1024x1024, hce2025.png)

No. 2377779


No. 2377788

I hope they don't start flocking here.

No. 2377789

fatass twink better wake up and fix it soon, i haven't read the man hate thread since friday and i need it now

No. 2377790

It's about time kek

No. 2377800

File: 1738509456076.png (336.77 KB, 828x718, liz fong.png)

kf has been in containment i think since the eo(closed registrations) they went down like 8 hours ago as of posting and the onion links and mirror sites are all dead too. could be dong as this was the most recent pin.
null has a ‘medical emergency’ atm and also is probably still asleep, so its a bad time for it to go down

No. 2377801

You retards have really tried to substitute the word twink for fag when you have no idea what it means. Low IQ.

No. 2377805

fucking kek

No. 2377807

died with fallenchungus…

No. 2377812

oh, thanks for the information, i thought my browser was broken or glitching

No. 2377814

File: 1738509826509.png (290.16 KB, 538x442, sanic.png)

it was him

No. 2377816

son of a bitch

No. 2377817

Great, now we can count on a whole bunch of Trump supporters and bait moid posters with nothing better to do other than derailing threads.

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