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No. 2266168

A thread were we talk about all the times we were proven right despite everyone else telling us we were wrong or making things up.

Women in our society are often told to shut up and don't say what we're actually thinking, all in the name of keeping peace between our peers. However, we're often right about situations that could had been prevented if only someone listened to us.

"I told you so". "That man was creepy". "I was right about that group of friends". "That looked dangerous". "This person is up to no good". "Should had listened when you had the chance". Etc, etc. This threads aims to discuss all the times we definitely were definitely correct when no one else believed us. The situation doesn't need to be grave, everyday "proven right" things are also allowed.

On the other hand, if you want to discuss a time in your life when someone else was correct about something but you didn't listen, feel free to do so. Please refrain from making on-site references to other lolcow anons you know or have infighted with, thanks.

No. 2266172

Remade with the rule that anons suggested!

No. 2266174

I was right about having uncaring, shitty friends. I was right because one of them is a narcissistic woman that prioritizes guys and hates feminism, a genderqueer guy who creeps me out (wasn't that when I met him), and some girl who got married and realized she doesn't reach out as much as she could then acts annoying about it. Holy shit. I just want new, better friends. I thought it was just me making ideas in my head but no, other people are capable of being shitty too.

No. 2266175

I was right about my brother being abusive and a bad person, every girlfriend he has had, has suffered because of him. He treats all women the same. I wonder when my family will catch up, I don't think they will.

No. 2266177

cool, thanks for taking my suggestion op!

my contribution is whenever somebody tells me i'm wrong about something it aggravates me to no end because i'm certain i have undiagnosed adhd. i will seethe about it, nay i will hold a GRUDGE about it even if it's a meaningless thing. it's probably not very healthy but i just hate when people unironically treat their opinions like facts. it's even worse when they think because their opinion ethically sounds better than mine, i must be wrong.

No. 2266178

I genuinely have an insane predator/shit person radar. If I don’t like someone that has a certain nice front there’s usually always an actual reason. I’ve called several YouTubers being weird/predators YEARS before it officially came out because I literally didn’t like their vibes. Has happened with irl people too.

No. 2266184

I have this too. I can smell diddler, irl and through the way people present themselves online. It's kind of shitty because even with zero concrete evidence I've been correct but I can't point fingers until they finally fuck up

No. 2266205

i was right about my rapist not prospering because of karma. he even got a dishonorable discharge and it wasn’t over me. i was right about the woman who threatened to jump me when i came forward not ending up in a relationship with the rapist who friendzoned her and that she would ruin her reputation for no reason. i was right that no one who wasn’t a sketchy misogynist would associate with them. i was right about the meek inheriting the earth.

No. 2266270

I have this too. I don't think it makes me "special" or psychic or anything, but I have an exceptional visual perception and for whatever reason, it makes me notice things instantly even if I have no desire to. I can tell quickly when people hate eacother, if they're lying, etc. I don't like brag or talk about it because it feels so pompous, but I have genuinely never been wrong. I don't believe it's anything except related to having a heightened sense of… something, but my intuition depresses me more than anything because I see what monsters men are pretty quickly. I don't see it as a gift or talent. I think it's just something I randomly got as a fluke. I know a lot of people who think they're like this when they really aren't though, and it's frustrating when people protect abusers and predators but call out innocent people or pretend they're master pattern recognizers when they're full of shit. I honestly wish I didn't have this.

No. 2266274

Sorry for bringing up retarded therapy speak but do any of you by chance have significant childhood trauma of any kind and/or grew up in a toxic family? I have a similar ability to sniff out bullshit and see through people who are shit (but nobody believes me at first). I think it's because I grew up around family members that were fake as fuck to the outside world and total assholes at home so I kind of know what to look for. That plus being extremely vigilant/aware of my surroundings so I notice things that others dont because they're too busy not paying attention and assuming people always have good intentions kek

No. 2266277

>I honestly wish I didn't have this.
I think it's great you have it, I'm often too trusting and give more than second chances. There's currently a moid I'm wary of (lolcow taught me a few things, however, he has never been bad to me or in my presence) but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt because he's been nice to me and it's killing me to know the truth if there's any, but I can't know for sure.

No. 2266279

How do you know if someone is fake nice? Or how do you smell bullshit coming from a person?

No. 2266290

Yeah, abuse both physical and sexual. Some unusually nasty stuff. I don't talk about it so it's hard to even type (lol how sad and pathetic) but I was hurt, lied to, and manipulated from a very young age. I'm actually not hypervigilant at all now, but I was always a naturally super visual person which I think is why mine is especially heightened. Again, I don't think it's special and I have very little bias as well so I think it's sharp due to those variety of factors. I am not automatically suspicious of people or anything, I'll just think "oh my friends husband is cheating on her" for example and I can't say anything but then she found out two years later (no I couldn't tell her, she would've ended the friendship). Or I do always notice a predator or pervert, someone who is attracted to kids, etc. Maybe its how I pick up microexpressions, but its not efforted or intentional. I can even watch people interact like twitch or youtubers and predict things theyre lying about/faking/being a sexpest with little context and nobody believes me until im proven right later lol. It sucks actually, pointless.

Yeah for sure try not to be a skeptic because you deserve to be happy and experience love, but at the same time understand that humans lie, especially men when they want something from you. You can be suspicious of a man without making it obvious and also respect yourself enough not to let it twist you up inside or anything. I hope you don't covet something like this, it can make the pursuit of happiness difficult, especially when it comes to men.

No. 2266299

I have to count myself too as someone with a hightened intuition. But it’s also scrambled sometimes with fear and doubt or in the past I was going actively against my senses thinking it’s a me problem. So I’m kind of careful with judging as I have been wrong before.

What however was very accurate, were psychic premonitions. Being laughed at was stupid. No one laughed afterwards. And I felt bad for making them feel like that.

No. 2266311

I've had a few uncanny ones when I was younger, to me it wasn't psychic but maybe something about time and human senses being super limited but randomly unlocked like a glitch or bug sometimes

No. 2266316

I dont know exactly nona I'm sorry. I used to be naive and trusting( especially of moids) in my early adulthood but I learned the hard way that I need to be selective of who I trust. So getting older has a role in it. I also admit that I can veer on the side of being paranoid about people because I have been subject to being manipulated by close loved ones. I am skeptical of people who are overly nice/sweet/want to be everyone's bff and people who are generally adored by everyone around them. Those types weird me out instantly. Also, most people kind of tell you who they are if you speak to them at length just by how they talk and the things they talk about.

No. 2266319

I was right about imane khelif being a scrote but my handmaiden facebook friends still sporadically post copium about him and call women who say imane is a scrote misogynistic

No. 2266320

That isn't sad and pathetic at all, nonna. It's a perfectly reasonable response and I'm sad you think of yourself in this way. I hope you feel better soon and the people who hurt you rot.
I'm also sorry about the situation with your friend. Unfortunately I was not wise enough to keep my mouth shut at the time, and it went poorly for me kek

No. 2266333

Yes a glitch, feels like flipping in a book or a film negative, each movement a frame layed out.
I like to dream that in 100 years ppl will know why and not make it weird. It would be like a law of nature, like gravity or light.
It’s not my society, not my rules and set-up and I don’t intend to change ppls mind and feelings.
I’m merely trying to make sense of it and live with what I have.

No. 2266335

Keks given, one glance and you know who is gay and who is pp

No. 2266337

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Me during all school projects/group projects but everyone would side against me for literally no reason and then still side against me even when I am right three times in a row on answers. This happened years ago but it still pisses me off. Makes me not want to go back to college cuz that shit followed me there as well.

No. 2266340

this post moved me. god bless you nonnie, stand tall and stand true.

No. 2266350

every time i had a bad feeling about someone, like my intuition was telling me someone wasn't a good person but i had nothing to base it on, and i would confide in someone about it they would wave me off. every single time, later on, it turned out to be true and my intuition was proven correct.
of course the person i confided in never gave me credit for it and pretended like they weren't constantly denying my suspicions

No. 2266357

In undergrad, I had a group project for an upper division class and ended up in a group of girls that were in sororities. They didn't care about the class as much as I did since for me it was a degree-specific class. One girl never showed up to our group project library meetings and would never respond to our group chats. One of them didn't even contribute at all. idk what was going on with me mentally/emotionally but I was acting unhinged towards them for slacking so much so they hated me. I was acting like an autistic weirdo getting pissed and sending them pissed messages because they weren't doing shit kek. I knew the class material well so I'd provide corrections to our report and presentation but they disagreed. We got points docked off and a whole letter grade down because of those mistakes. The prof had a peer evaluation at the end and I mentioned all of it, throwing them all under the bus bc they didn't do anything and I had the receipts from google docs. But I guess they all ganged up and submitted evals that I was unhinged/an asshole and the professor sent me an email telling me they all sent in feedback about me and learning to work with people in the workplace kek never mind I was in my late 20s and had been working my entire adult life. I was like "thanks for the feedback professor" and wanted to kms for being an autist but those fucking assholes didn't do shit on that project.

No. 2266367

Yeah it really sucks watching someone get walked all over by a man but if you say anything at all to them the man will immediately paint you as a villain, manipulate them, and then you're the one left in the dust. Then when they apologize months or years later, the damage is already done like you treated me like shit for telling you the truth. You have to pretend to not notice or else you're the one who ends up punished for it. Men are psychopaths.

No. 2266421

That sucks, it shouldn't matter if you expressed trouble working in groups, the professor should have realized the group was retarded and didn't do any work, it shouldn't affect your grade if you literally knew the material. I hate how the ability to work with retards is something you have to master in college.

No. 2266431

Hasan Piker

No. 2266475

No. Buying prostitutes in amsterdam doesn't make him a predator. He doesn't even talk to underage women. Will Neff is the iffy on but not in a peterfile way, in a sex pest way.(integrate)

No. 2266520

If this happens I’d be actually surprised. He’s just cringe but he doesn’t put up some “uwu nice silly guy!” front. Just another run of the mill cringe gymbro but call me out on this if it ever happens.

No. 2266575

Kek thanks nona. I always cringe at myself thinking about that project because my texts were typical autist meltdown type of shit so I know I was in the wrong too but god, it was so ass. I gave up on my grad school aspirations after that class and just went straight to work in my field.

No. 2266727

Nta but buying prostitutes still seems bordering on sex pest to me, not pedo level or anything but still shows he has no morals

No. 2268150

men who buy sex are statistically more violent and like rapists (because they are)

No. 2268376

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Have this ex boy-crazy friend from highschool, all her exes were shitty but she'd put up with it until they just confessed to her that she's a shoe-in for another woman they actually liked.
I made it very clear to her that I hated all of them when she was with them and that she should stop being a doormat for men and to get some self-respect (in a nice way) but I'm pretty she likes victimizing herself and loves attention more than anything in this entire world.
She doesn't have any other thing/hobby/interest to obsess over other than k-pop, anime and consumer things like above.
She's now with this guy she met on Omegle who pressured her into sex before marriage which was the one thing that she kept as a principle and excommunicated the rest of my friends and has a yes-man tif friend to go and buy bdsm gear in public and play Valorant with and she still isn't happy about the fact that her boyfriend doesn't listen to her (because she makes it her selling point that she is a doormat). I hope I never talk to her again but I will bring up kinks just to hear her talk and laugh at her.
if a lot of their niceness feels transactional/like peer-pressure (I'll do this so you should do this)/if they do things infront of others to look good.
If you feel (uncomfortable, ignored, shamed) and you can't place why, don't ignore it and keep a tally on your phone so you don't doubt yourself.

No. 2268839

>and has a yes-man tif friend to go and buy bdsm gear in public
I honestly hate TIFs like these, the ones that go their way to make themselves as crazy and kinky as possible on purpose.

No. 2268863

I hate this argument that "you have to work with people you don't like in the workplace" when it comes to school group projects.
Professors just sit on their asses all day writing papers, what do they know about the working world. At least lazy retards in the workplace eventually end up getting fired or reprimanded by their bosses. In school, they can just get away with their lazy behavior.

No. 2270546

Whenever I see someone finally detransition kek

I never tell it to their face though, I'm happy they left the cult and it's only a matter of time before they rage about all the insane troon things they had to experience so I just wait with my popcorn ready

No. 2391923

Same here, it feels like I've been cursed or something with a Cassandra Complex because nobody ever believes me when I have a weird/creepy/"off" feeling about a scrote. Because "b-but he's such a NICE guy! He's always smiling," etc.

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