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No. 2248574

For those of us that enjoy the bliss of grass touching.

>Favourite outdoor sport?

>What's your favourite thing about doing outdoor sports?
>Do you prefeer to be alone or go in a group?
>What motivated your to try outdoor sports?
>Do you like to indulge and but new equipment often?
>If you hunt or fish, do you eat what you catch?
>Favourite season to camp?
>Best hiking trails?

No. 2248608

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I love rowing, I am actually in love with it
I love that it engages the whole body, I love the rhythmic movement in unison, I love the twinkle of the sun reflected from the water into my eyes, and the sound of splashing and seagulls, I love passing pretty houseboats and looking at cute ducks
I prefer rowing in a quad most of all, I like the teamwork. My preferred position is the stroke, I like to lead and establish the rowing rhythm

I hate that people confuse it with kayaking. Kayaking: you use your arm strength to paddle and face forwards; Rowing: you use your legs to push off and give force to the oars and you face backwards
I also hate that nobody knows how to use the rowing machine in gyms, they all use it totally incorrectly and risk injuring themselves. I have to keep biting my tongue to not correct random people at the gym. If you're not a rower better not use the ergometer at all! Pick a different machine

No. 2248620>>2248840

Omg finally a thread for me. Does anyone go for trail walks/hikes every single weekend? What are your favorite brands for gear that lasts a long time? Hope everyone is having a happy autumn outside!

No. 2248840

i swear by my salomon hiking boots. one of the best investments i’ve ever made. i bought directly from them during a sale with the first time customer code and got them for like $100 off after picking them out in stores. i lucked out in the end that they didn’t carry my size near me and i had to buy them online.

No. 2249279>>2249312>>2270807

One of my dreams is to go on a multi-day hike. Any nonas here have done something like that before? I don't have any friends who like to go outdoors and the idea of going alone makes me nervous so it's still just a pipe dream for me.

No. 2249312

I'm in the same boat, I have a couple overnight hikes on my list but no one to go with me. I've been trying to do longer remote hikes on my own until I'm comfortable enough to be able to spend the night alone but I'm not there yet, especially if there's no cell service

No. 2249337

i live in Oregon which is basically heaven for people who love to hike and it’s amazing, you can walk less than 20 minutes in any direction and be in the forest

No. 2249359

I cut through an overgrown stretch of grass to reach my friends house the other day, the type that has a inconvenient path running along it but other people have created a better path of desire through with their feet anyway.
It was dusk so the colours were dim but after so long in the city the grass felt spongey and soft under my feet and I kept bending down to touch big tufts of grass, knowing it wouldn't actually feel soft. I laughed because I literally touched grass.
Nature is nice.

No. 2249370

Amazing threadpic nona, ILY.

No. 2249397

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I really like fishing. Cooking fish is surprisingly easy and very delicious too. Pic rel a fish i caught.

No. 2249940>>2249966

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I love fishing too! I'm a real amateur but I don't care about that much, I mostly do it to have an excuse to hang around bodies of water in peace. I also really just like fish as animals. Still eat them though, but I feel like fish would understand since they also eat other fish. Here's a barracuda I caught the last time I went fishing on the ocean.

No. 2249948>>2249967

I should give camping another shot. I know we did it once when I was a kid and I guess we didnt have all that good of a time because we never did it again.

No. 2249966>>2250164

Such a big barracuda, congrats nonny! I got a crappy kids fishing rod so i can only catch very small fish. I am saving to get a more sturdy rod and venture towards the ocean! right now i mostly stick to sweet water until i learn how to drive my dad's boat. Do you like to grill your fish or throw them in the over? never had barracuda so have no idea how they are eaten.

No. 2249967>>2250036

You should!! I would recommend going with friends that are experience campers if you have any, and write down everything they do. I’m not kidding, I brought a journal the first time friends brought me camping and recorded everything we ate, all the equipment they used etc. since then I’ve become a much more experienced camper with my less experienced friends on camping trips. One time I forgot my ENTIRE BAG and spent the entire weekend wearing my boyfriends socks with Birkenstocks in 40°F rainy weather lol, but so much of it is just mind over matter. Stuff that bothers you, like bugs and cold or rain or whatever in civilization just does not affect you in the woods. 10/10 would recommend

No. 2249980

I live in arguably the best state for outdoor anything (Alaska) but an really restricted by what I do since I have no one to do outdoorsy things with. It seems a cruel fate to live here yet constantly run into people that hate it and don't ever want to go outside kek. I do a handful of nature walks/hikes that I'm comfortable with, but I'm highly limited due to fear of moose and bears. I snowboard in the winter. I want to learn to fish, it's a great excuse to go certain places that are absolutely gorgeous but are usually only used as fishing spots. I've fished as a child but I didn't really appreciate or like it back then.
I don't know if it's considered a "sport" but four wheeling is so, so fun. There's really something so thrilling about driving into the woods and seeing things you otherwise wouldn't be able to see, like large swamplands filled with wildlife. Quiet pockets of the forest, hidden ponds or lakes that probably don't even have names and only those on the trail have ever seen. I love being outside so much I don't even care what I do I just want to be in the woods.

No. 2250036>>2250045

what are your favorite activities when camping?

No. 2250045>>2250055

Honestly, my friends and I drink a lot of beer & smoke a lot of weed lol camping is a party for us!! My friend cooks really elaborate meals while we’re camping and I find that a lot of fun to help with. I also like long hikes (like 10 miles) going swimming if you’re camping near a river, or if you’re close to a town you’ve never been to before, going into town and going to their town museum or historical society.

No. 2250055

Samefagging because I remembered more things I like to do. I always bring a book or two, if it’s raining I just stay in the tent and read for several hours and the sound of the rain is so calming. I also sleep for like 12 hrs every night when I’m camping lol so that takes up a lot of time. I also really enjoy when my friends bring acoustic instruments, if you or anyone you know plays guitar/ukulele/harmonica it’s fun to play music and sing

No. 2250164

Thank you!!! I didn't end up eating this cuda (scared of ciguatera) but I gave it to the captain of the boat I was on because he kept raving about how much he liked fried barracuda. I mostly fish from freshwater lakes, I've got a little Zebco pole that irks me a lot because the line tangles so much but it works well enough. I do love some grilled feesh. For the small bluegill (most common catch at the main lake I go to) they're just good fried. My burgerness coming out lol. Manifesting money for your fishing pole fund!

No. 2250959>>2264683

I'm thinking about taking horse riding lessons
I don't plan on it being a hobby since I live in a city and even though the hippodrome is not far away the logistics of it being a regular thing are not great. It's just a skill I want to learn for fun
I would love to hear the experiences of any horse riding anons

No. 2264295

I went fishing last week and i didnt fish shit i am still pissed. One big fish stared right at me and then fled. The disrespect.

No. 2264309>>2264312>>2264318

Do you need a fishing license in your country?

No. 2264312

Yes but it's a shithole so no one cares, i have never been asked for one.

No. 2264318

Yes, but significantly discounted for women, by more than 50%

No. 2264662

I used to think I hate running, but it turns out I just hate being around cars and on pavement. Running in the woods is amazing. I got a decent pair of trail shoes and just alternate walking/hiking on the steep parts and running on the flatter parts. It's my favorite exercise now.

No. 2264683>>2270776

i did that for as long as money could hold. one of my most favourite experiences so far. you will love it, so make sure you got somehow good finances to afford it.

No. 2264728>>2268751

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TFW you take up climbing, hiking, and fishing, but you can only do each once a year because you live in flatass prairie land and can't drive to the national parks.
I swore I'd never learn to drive, but it might be time to get my license. Making due with indoor climbing for the time being, but it's not the same.

No. 2268751

Do it, i wish we had national parks in my country

No. 2268890

I'm really into disc golf, hiking, camping, and geocaching. I mostly camp in the summer but I think it'd be fun to try winter camping. I am really into just bringing my hammock and a bag of supplies and making a day of exploring a new path or finding a secret part and fantasizing a stealth camp. I found a spot where coyotes live full of bones the other day. Also brought a portable grill and a pop up tent and day camped off the path the other day

No. 2270776>>2270819

I do have the resources, but do you think this is a good time of year to pick up horse riding?
I wrote the first post on a nice sunny day but it's cold and raining now
My main goal is to enjoy myself, is cold and snow and rain much more enjoyable on horseback?

No. 2270807

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I started a 120km 7 day hike in the mountains this summer but had to stop after 2 days cause my friend hurt his ankle. I'm still mad at him. Next year I will try it again but maybe alone. If you are well equipped and trained, it's not hard and just really fun. A good backpack is a must (don't cheap out on this) and boots that are comfortable. I bought a cheap pair at Decathlon for 60$ and I am surprised at how great they are. My feet never hurt and I have yet to get a blister. Also, hiking sticks make it all easier and helps to not get hurt.
I love hiking mountains, the landscape you see when on top is such a beautiful reward. I live in a place with a lot of national parks and mountains. I need to get a license so I can hike more often.

No. 2270819

NTA but as a certified horse girl since childhood (I hated competing, takes the joy out of it for me), rain or shine can be beautiful for riding. Trail rides in the snow or even rain can be really rewarding. Obviously it’s not for everyone and there’s nothing wrong with only wanting to ride in a more closed environment like an indoor practice ring. I ride English but do a lot of trail riding because I work at a stable and teach lessons so it’s free for me kek and some of my favorite rides have been cold days bundled up just me and whoever I’m riding that day.

No. 2439710

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So happy that it's now the part of winter in my area where it's still cold enough for no allergies and no bugs, but warm enough that I don't have to fully bundle up just to go outside. The best time of the year for doing casual trails at the local parks!

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