File: 1499638513790.jpg (868.04 KB, 2269x2295, jew.jpg)

No. 222828
>>222821I'm biracial so I hardly look anything like the stereotypical white Jew. I do have fairly thick brows though.
I'm hoping I never get my dad's insane brow hairs that get so long they curl over.
No. 222833
>>222831קהילת היוטוב אולי?
>>222829אז אנחנו שלוש
No. 225772
File: 1516827260118.jpg (71.7 KB, 744x752, 1516157438798.jpg)

>>222820You deny being white but many different races perform Judaism with a significant portion being native European whites or Middle Easterners. Both of which fall under the broad "Caucasian" tree. You are white. You may not identify with American WASP culture but if you're Jewish, you're probably white. With that said, in your opinion, what is Jewish identity?