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No. 222096
Any anons living in Japan here? I've been wanting to discuss タレント for a while because, for me, they're an enigma. Language can be English and Japanese. If you can't read/write moonspeak please don't nag for translations…
Why is Rola ads so friggen popular on the trains? Why is her voice so annoying? Is she like the Japanese Kim Kardashian?
How the heck did Ryucheru become so popular? Do Japanese girls tap him? To me he deserves a top spot at /r/punchablefaces…
Rola Deluxe No. 222097
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Like how can he be so popular when he dresses this obnoxiously?
No. 222098
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>>222097also he's married right? Is he really straight….?
Video from one of their lives: No. 222101
Rola gained a lot of fame after this right? She can't even lip-synch correctly…
>>222100He's not ugly but his red face and weird poses is too much for me to take seriously
No. 222102
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I studied abroad in Tokyo for a year and I never understood their Rola obsession either.
One of the Japanese guys I knew said that she is like 10/10 by their standards.
I don't see it.
No. 222103
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>>222102glad I'm not the only one.
I guess half of the obsession is that she's hafu so she's has an eccentric Japanese-y look to her? And I guess even Japanese guys have a thing for dumb blondes…
No. 222112
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I personally love Ryuchell! Although I don't think he's straight at all (peco and his marriage is probably just a gimmick).
Rola is super cute tbh I don't see why you anons here dislike her? She's bubbly, kind and exotic looking
No. 222114
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>>222112i think she's really stylish and actually pretty funny. that tongue thing she always does (or at least used to do a lot) is super cute too.
No. 222118
>>222117Idk, the japanese stereotype of gay man is a guy that works out a lot at the gym (according to the people I got to know at least).
But I 100% agree, probably fucks guys on the side in secret. Not that uncommon for gay men to just get married as a beard there.
No. 222121
>>222105 another Japan anon, Rola is annoying as all hell and I am so tired of seeing her face in every window, magazine, and ad that I walk by. Last year I watched her (on TV) go on a fishing excursion with one of the members of Arashi (I think it was Sakurai Sho) and her voice+laugh are not very kind on the ears imo.
I'm Tokyo based btw
sage for contributing nothing but my opinion on Rola
No. 222132
>>222130Korea really likes her too.
I think they just really like her face shape and features.
No. 222134
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I think she's stunning!!
Perfect blend of features-she's also the cute/sexy/beautiful mix so she fit pretty much any category.
No. 222135
>>222134What I dont get with Rola is that Japan goes ape shit over white skin
Rola is the same colour as say mulatto or light black
So why are they so accepting of her despite being obsessed with pale skin?
No. 222136
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>>222135You can't keep telling yourself that you're not a model in Japan because of you skin girl…
No. 222140
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Rola is being overshadowed by Kiko lately, which I don't understand because she's so average looking.
No. 222141
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>>222139is her family friendly or?
>>222140geez Japan has a bad taste lol I prefer Rola's look to Kiko. The pic you chose kinda gives her the neanderthal-vibe; uneven and expressionless eyes, mouth outlines and
big lips.
>>222136Not the person you're replying to but Japanese people generally love Japanese people and white people. Black, hispanics, other asians (except for koreans maybe?) are not as popular. Japanese people looove to say "肌がきれい!!!" etc if you're white.
No. 222143
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>>222141samefag but at least she has the self-confidence to post no make-up pics… No. 222146
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>>222117Kazu Laser is openly bi and has spoken about it a couple times.
Also, I honestly think Matsuko Deluxe is a pretty positive representation.
No. 222147
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>>222146Miwa Akihiro is also pretty good representation, in my opinion - nowadays appears mainly on shows catering to middle aged and elderly women.
No. 222148
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>>222145yeah the pic referenced happens to be at a very unflattering close up angle that makes her look plain. if you look through her instagram it's pretty clear that she fits in as a model even if her look isn't your personal favorite.
No. 222149
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>>222148I agree that she has something modelesque to her. Her body seems long and skinny (she's only 168 cm though??) but I still don't find her face attractive at all. Average at best.
No. 222150
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>>222148her eyes also seem kinda unsymmetrical in this pic. She has a pretty big upper-lip - is that part of her charm?
No. 222151
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>>222148omg her body is a skeleton :(
Guess that explains why her limbs look so long.
Sorry for samefagging No. 222154
This girl is talented but the rest is such a cringefest..
Amina also participated some while ago? No. 222155
>>222152is this an act people find appealing because this just seems hella autistic to me. also that ugly fucking hairstyle + face just makes her look like a tiny man omg
>>222154she's so cute and her voice is lovely - a nice break from the fake pitches japan loves
No. 222157
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>>222155I personally thinks she kinda looks like yumi haha
>>222156it's some yearly competition to find some sort of indescribable talent, hence the weird combo of people. Lots of big Japanese industry names are organizing it in the back so it's a good chance to make an impression. But honestly, I don't see how anyone with any amount of brain cells would want to appear next to these weirdos…
pic semirelated (it's amina)
No. 222158
>>222152why is she dressed and speaking like a 5yo? not trying to be a dick but she looks and sounds legit retarded.
>>222153what the hell is happening? why is she crying? why is she speaking and dressed like a little girl too? i like cutesy jfash but this is a whole new level of creepy. Reminds me of how yukapon used to dress to do her "loli" act.
No. 222159
>>222152from the website:
20 posts
Miss iD is a girls' audition project hosted by Kodansha, to enact a search for "girls that have never been seen before, who deserve to be seen in this new day and age."
iD has a double meaning of identity, and idol.
If you can bring happiness to someone's future.
Then you are already somebody's idol.
Whether you have tattoos or dyed your hair blonde, or are withdrawn, it's okay. This is for all you girls out there who have ever hesitated to apply for typical auditions and casting calls for models, actresses, and idols.
If you've ever wanted to make this boring a world a more fun place, we want to meet the true "you."
so basically some kind of "next aidoru" contest?
Is >>1066's crying part of her idol act or does she really have no shame at all?
No. 222160
>>222154 is the only seemingly talented one so far, she's cute and not in a fake "uguu" way it's refreshing.
No. 222161
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I recently came across a model in a Shiseido add, and I dont know why but I really like her look. Her name is Hikari Mori, and when I checked her instagram I was surprised to see that she has less than 1/4 the amount of followers of Kiko. One thing I like about her is that she atleast seems to prpmote a active lifestyle, as she has some photos of herself at the gym on her insta. I dont really get Japan's infatuation with Kiko tbough. Is it because she has a natural Jomon look to her?
Mori's Instagram: No. 222162
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Japan expat anon now living back in the states here.
I really didn't understand the obsession with Rola either. She can be cute, but half the time she played stupid with
everything and she just oozed 建前. The thing I hated most about Rola whenever she was on television was this face she made after every other sentence. She'd say words, make this face and うんうん or some other acknowledging sound.
Also this: No. 222167
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>>222166it's been touched upon earlier in this thread I think but basically her 1/4th whiteness (media usually says haafu though) and her strange (==cute) nihongo is appealing. Like dakota, she talks in the same manner to anyone, no matter their status. But her nihongo isn't rough and rude like dakota tried to be, but rather.. innocent and inexperienced? And you know how the Japanese society likes young girls…
No. 222168
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>>222167I don't think Rola is ugly though. She is very easy to identify and notice whenever I ride the subway so she's got that part going for her. (I honestly don't notice any of the other models lol)
Her voice and personality is just grating to me.
No. 222170
>>222169I'd imagine if some normie talked to their seniors like that, they would get yelled at. It's different if you're a TV PERSONALITY. Imagine a similar situation with Ryucheru or Matsuko Deluxe.
I have noticed that comedians as a whole follow typical Japanese formality, though.
Another thing to keep in mind is that if someone is too cheeky, you don't really see the repercussions, unless it's really bad, as it occurs backstage.