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No. 2215587

>>Hey everyone!

I’m starting this thread because, like a lot of us, I’ve been feeling a bit lonely while studying and could really use a space to share, vent, and support each other. Whether you’re studying for exams, certifications, or just trying to stay on top of things, this is a place to connect with others who get it!

Feel free to:

>>Share your study tips and challenges

>>Vent about whatever’s stressing you out

>>Discuss your favorite stationery and study tools

>>Post study photos or setups that keep us all motivated! They do not have to be your own

We can also discuss study creators like Justin Sung or studyquill

We’ve got this! Let’s push through together

No. 2215602

File: 1729463900979.png (131.15 KB, 1200x1200, Anki.png)

I finally got back with Anki. I hate how tedious flashcards feel but every successful premed has used Anki and I don't feel like reinventing the wheel. Also my professor sucks ass so I'm just learning from the textbook.

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